It's good that you posted this, because for the life of me, I can't find the original one that used to be linked in "Useful Links". I thought Hypershatter or Sixsonatas wrote it, but eeeugh, can't find it. I'm sure this will help a lot of people!
tehAsian wrote:
Astrolia, where do you learn all this stuff about coding? :O
Mobafire BBCode documentation is buried in god knows where. I had to search for like a week to find it before this thread was made.
Yes! I love you guys.... I was just about to tear apart the internet and your zyra guide looking for this info! Bookmarked! :D

Please check out my [url=[/url] guide! :3
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Step 1: Put all of your guide contents in one chapter
Mobafire won't automatically generate chapters for you if there's only one chapter.
So, to make a custom table of contents, first put all of your guide content in one chapter.
You can make your own chapters then by setting anchors.
Note: This assumes you have a basic grasp of bbcode.
Step 2: Set anchors at places in your guide content
Let's say I have an Annie guide and it has 2 chapters named "Building Annie" and "Playing Annie". I want to make a custom table of contents, so I'll need 2 anchor tags: One at the "Building Annie" section, and one at the "Playing Annie" section.
Step 3: Set tags that jump to your anchors
So in my custom table of contents, I want to make 2 links, one that goes to the "building" chapter, and one that goes to the "playing" chapter.
You can do this with url:
Or goto:
I don't know about the differences between the two methods aside from the # being needed for the url version since I'm not really an authority on Mobafire's programming.
Optional: Customize your table of contents
You can leave it your table of contents as just those text links, or you can do something fancy.
This text has a lot of bbcode on it to make it look like this.
For this one, each chapter title image is coded like this:
Optional 2: Link back to your table of contents
Say I want to make a "go back to the table of contents" link beneath the chapters in my Annie guide. You can put an anchor in front of your table of contents, then make links that jump back to it.