
At this stage of the guide we will go over Ezreal's laning phase. This is the most important part of this champion and requires the most finessing, for if you play laning phase correctly on Ezreal you will come out of lane an absolute beast that destroys the enemy team, however, if you misplay lane and get behind you will be spamming "GG NEXT FF15" on copy paste like it's going out of style.
We will be going over lane control, harassing and zoning, trading and all-ins, ganks, and team fighting. |

As we have gone over many times in this guide Ezreal is a punishable champion in the early stages of the game. This is why controlling the outcome of your lane is vital to your wellbeing in the mid-game and your success in the late game. The number one thing to focus on, your wave management to make this a reality. This means controlling where your minion wave sits during laning phase. Generally, the safest spot is right in front of your tower, where you can farm safely, poke the enemy with your Mystic Shot, and most importantly get your jungle to come bot and gank your overextended enemies. Now, how might you accomplish said goal you may be asking?
In order to get the tower frozen in front of your tower, you want to first allow your enemies to get a slow push into your tower. You can very easily do this by not hard shoving early like most people try to do in order to hit level 2 first in the lane. Ezreal has a very weak level 2 so you don't even need to worry about this. Just sit pretty last hitting your minions, conceding the level 2 to your opponents, and staying safe by last hitting with Mystic Shot when they hit level 2 first.
Naturally, because the enemies smacked the minions harder than you and your support because they were rushing level 2 their minion wave will now also be pushing towards your tower, so your only goal is to wait for the third minion wave to arrive in the bot lane and try to have their minions and yours meet right outside of your tower range so you can freeze the wave and the enemies can no longer trade with you safely, for you yourself will be too close to your tower.
After achieving this you have essentially achieved a safe haven in the early game, where you're forcing your enemies in an undesirable position where they are gankable by your jungle. and Were 2, you are also safe to farm under your own tower and gather a cs lead.
Now inevitably all great things must come to an end, meaning yes. Your freeze will be unfrozen and you will be forced to return to the center of the lane once again where both you and your opponent are on equal footing. If this happens you can do one of two things, 1 simply shove the wave into their tower and back if it's safe to do so, or 2 allow your lane opponent to push into you and try your best to keep the wave in the same good old spot you did before. |

Harassing is where you aim to use your spells and auto-attacks to wear down the enemy's health bar in order to obtain kill pressure, deny them experience and/or gold, force them out of lane and ultimately set-up an all-in. The concept is to discourage the enemy ADC from last-hitting to deny them gold because they will be too afraid of walking up and taking damage from you.
Since Ezreal is classified as a poking ADC your priority should always be based around harassing and proding at your opponent whenever possible. Lucky for you, you have this amazing ability called Mystic Shot! Now if you are playing against an opponent who understands Ezreal they will hide behind their minions in order to negate getting poked from your Mystic Shot, so you can counter this in one of two ways.
One is to rely on your support to land some form of crowd control and then follow up on this, or 2 is to position yourself in a spot in lane where your opponent is forced to either farm or trade with you. If you stand to either side of your minion wave and are in Mystic Shot range this is the most effective way to do so. In winning matchups your goal should always be to push enemies out of lane. Some examples of champion you would be looking to do this vs is Draven, Lucian, Samira.
Now on the adverse if you are going against a heavy sustain lane, so a support such as Soraka, Senna, Nami, or Lulutry your best to avoid trading as much as possible instead focus on freezing the wave under your tower. The reason being is if the enemy support is good, you will have an extremely rough time landing any poke on them. They will simply shield their ADC and charge into you every time you throw a spell out, making for a real headache. The best counter to this is to look to outscale and out farm. | 
Trading is the exchange of health, mana, and cool-downs between two champions, in order to gain kill pressure on them, to either burn summoner spells, secure a kill or force them out of lane. When trading you aim to deal more damage to the enemy than you receive or otherwise, it's a poor trade as the enemy will gain kill pressure.
All-Ining is where you aim to kill the enemy as extended trading usually leads to all-ins. All-Ining usually happens when one of the following conditions is met; level advantage, enemy's crucial spells and/or summoner spells are unavailable, enemies are low after harassing and/or trading, etc.
Since Ezreal is a very strong poke champion and has high range, naturally his all-ins arent the strongest. You will see countless newer Ezreal players Arcane Shift in too early in lane and get absolutely smacked by the enemy carry. This is because Ezreal is extremely reliant on landing Mystic Shot for damage, and if you miss one in an all-in attempt you are at risk of getting out traded and dying. For this reason, you need to know your limits extremely well with Ezreal and you must always keep top of mind what abilities you need to hit to win the all-in, if you are planning on using arcane shift to go in for the kill.
Ezreal's all in's are extremely rewarding and also extremely risky. Only the best Ezreal's know when to arcane shift forward. But don't you worry, we will get you there!
When looking for a kill in lane as Ezreal it's easiest to try and catch your opponent off guard. When playing against Ezreal it's fairly easy to predict what he's going to look to do at any given time, and the counterplay is always fairly straightforward. So as a seasoned Ezreal player you will want to look to catch your opponent lacking. There are two ways to do this, one as nobody, as it sounds, is bush camping. Yes, camping a bush outside of enemy vision and waiting for them to overextend where you can land a free Essence Flux, Mystic Shot, Arcane Shift combo or you can use your Flash and Arcane Shift to close an incredibly high distance very quickly and give your enemy carry a good ole Arcane Shift to the face. | 
Ganking is where your jungler or the enemy's jungler comes into your lane to all-in usually to secure a kill to get their laners or themselves ahead. They normally come when the enemy is pushed very far up so the enemy has a lower chance of escaping. When being ganked, it's important to land crowd control to prevent the person ganking to do anything significant, this also applies when you are having a teammate gank since locking the enemy down can result in an easy kill. However, Ezreal lacks cc so his support will have to be the one to prevent ganks or set-up ganks.
Counterganking is when an ally/enemy ganks the lane that's already being ganked to make the odds even or prevent their team from falling behind. If ganked, it's important to have proper communication with your jungler to set up a counter gank so your lane can stay ahead/catch up. In order to prevent being counterganked, set-up vision in order to see it coming and zone off the enemy jungler if possible.
Luckily, Ezreal is great for escaping ganks due to his mobility from Arcane Shift. However, if the ability is used before he becomes immobile and unable to escape ganks without the use of Flash. Make sure to only use the ability aggressively if you have proper vision or know where the enemy jungler is. As for setting up ganks, Ezreal doesn't have CC so the best way to set-up ganks is to attempt to bait them into fighting you and force out important abilities like a Lux's Light Binding or Lucian's Relentless Pursuit. |

In team-fights, your primary goal is to provide as much DPS (damage per second) as possible. Now in order to do this as Ezreal you will need to be able to position aggressively knowing exactly when to kite back and kite forward. You must be constantly paying attention to the high threat carries of the enemy team, while trying to maximize your damage potential, this comes with practice. Knowing your limits is something that comes with experience and don't be discouraged if you slip and fall a couple times on your way to becoming a fantastic carry. Ensure you're auto-attacking whenever it is safe to do so, and of course, also spaming your Mystic Shot whenever its available. In team fights, try your best not to use Essence Flux as it actually lowers your overall DPS. Essence Flux is only needed if an enemy is out of range of your auto attack, and you can only hit them with an Essence Flux and Mystic Shot combo.
If you are positioning well in a team fight (in the backline) there will be multiple instances in the team fight where it will be tempting to jump forward to try and get onto one of the enemy's carries. My advice to you is to not do this unless your front line is still alive and theirs is on the retreat and is too low to continue fighting. Otherwise using Arcane Shift to blink forward is simply too risky. However, if you are in an extremely desperate spot it is ok to try for a play if the team fight is looking to be over anyway. Just don't go in and die if you being alive makes the difference between your team surviving the game or losing the game.
The most important thing to keep in mind is to constantly be hitting whoever is in range of you, and prioritize the higher damage targets if they are in range. Otherwise, it's fine for you to smack the enemy team's tanks with your Mystic Shot and Divine Sunderer. The reason you want to be constantly hitting your enemies, is to ensure you are stacking your Conqueror and you are maximizing your DPS. | 
Combos are an extremely important part of becoming a fantastic Ezreal player. Ezreal is a spell-reliant ADC so knowing how to weave your spells and auto attacks together is vital to your success on this champion.
We will start with some more simple combos and progressively get more and more complicated. If you are interested in becoming an amazing Ezreal player. I highly recommend you hop into a custom game and try your best to practice these combos. You will find these combos will up your damage and gameplay immensely! |
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