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[12.23] Rank 1 GrandMaster Fiora Matchups Comprehensive Guide
Updated on December 10, 2022

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Recommended Items
Runes: Melee
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Always
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Fiora Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
In the early game, Aatrox is a skill matchup since he has better wave control and sustain than you do and he can consistently E your parry. To beat him, either outscale him at one item, or Q-W into him when he uses his Q to CS to get a free stun. Or wait till he uses E then parry his next Q knockup or his W pull.
Akali is a boring matchup, especially if she takes Ignite and TP. To beat her, you have to take Doran Shield and Second Wind and CS until you reach your first item. Try to bait her Q’s by walking in and out of her Q range, and don’t be afraid to use your W on her passive auto attack prelevel 6 if she has already used her shroud. Only after you have enough HP from your first item, whether it’s Goredrinker or Stridebreaker, will you be able to survive her combo long enough to kill her.
Camille is a skill matchup. Always dodge into her W inner cone or out of her W entirely using your Q. An easy way to get some good poke damage is to use your parry on her after she auto attacks you then Q-ing away, since she gets an attack damage shield. As much as possible, avoid fighting near walls since her E gets harder to react to. The only consistent way to win this matchup, besides waiting for Camille is misplay, is by fighting her in the middle of the lane, having her E away, and then you flash Q-W to the section of the wall she grappled to, stunning her. Unless she misplays, this will be the most consistent way to secure a kill without your jungler. A huge interaction to be aware of is that Fiora W blocks Camille R. So, if you’re getting ganked, be ready to W Camille’s R so you can walk out of the gank.
Go Doran Shield and Second Wind. You have to dodge her Qs with your movement speed or your Qs or parry her R. This is a very annoying matchup since she has the potential to 100-0 you at every stage in the game even if you start the fight melee range.
Go the Unflinching rune versus Cho. The only way for Cho’gath to beat you in lane is to either kite you with his E auto attack slow in the middle of a minion wave or for him to silence you into a Q knockup then walk away. So, for this matchup, you’ll have to practice looking at his champion model to determine when he will Q and immediately side stepping or taking a step back. Also, you will have to get used to using your Q-W at the start of the fight so you can reach your vitals more easily. because if you don’t, he will just kite you easily with his E slow. Something important to note is that if you’re low HP and in range of cho’gath, you need to parry his Silence and not his Ultimate. Because if you don’t parry his Silence, you will just get Feasted without counterplay.
Darius is one of the few champions you lose to level 1, so be careful of that. You’ll want to wait for level 3 before taking any trades with him. To win any trade after level 3, you will have to W his E or the more consistent option, W his W. If the enemy Darius player is skilled enough in this matchup, they will hold both abilities and kite you with ghost. If you believe the enemy Darius player is that skilled in the matchup (Master+ OTP), then you’ll only beat Darius after your first item. You’ll always beat Darius in the sidelane 1v1. The main issue you have to be aware of is teamfights. Even if the Darius is behind, due to the high damage on his R after he gets 5 stacks, he is always a threat to you. So, try to avoid teamfighting when there’s a Darius in the game unless your team is ahead.
This matchup is, and I have talked to multiple GP OTPs about this, one where you have to flip it. You will need to play really aggressive at every chance before GP gets his Sheen and try to force a lead before he can back. After GP gets Sheen, you have to give all minions to not get Qed and just look for try to all-in GP. The reason why you have to give all minions is because if you take 2 GP Qs after he gets Sheen, he’ll just be able to dive you under turret after that. Pay close attention to GP’s passive. You always want to W him when he auto attacks you while having his passive auto available to get maximum value during a fight.
This is a pretty easy matchup for Fiora. Garen can at no point kill you if you’re both playing the matchup normally except for when he reaches level 5 and the wave is at his side of the lane. That is the only point in time when Garen is stronger than Fiora in the 1v1. Also, don’t try to force poke on Garen unless he’s stepping up too far. This is due to Garen’s passive sustain being much higher than yours. A big note is that Garen, when you’re half HP, can Q-Auto-R and oneshot you from almost half HP. So, try to W the Garen Q in that situation instead of waiting to W his R. Since you will be silenced when you try to parry his R in that situation.
Get Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. You want to Q-W into Gnar when he’s mini with no rage AND he has no minion/wave behind him for him to E onto. This is to make sure that he can’t double jump and gain too much distance away from you. Gnar will outscale you at 1-2 items because he can kite you decently at that point. So wait until your third item before trying to beat him in the sidelane. Until the late game, focus on CSing until you outscale him at your third item. This is only if the Gnar knows how to play the matchup. If the Gnar uses his Mega W on you, he does not know how to play the matchup and you can beat him in side.
Get Second Wind, Unlfinching and Doran Shield. This is a pretty annoying matchup early since you can never kill him unless you W his Body Slam, which is not a spell you can react to. Focus on scaling up to 2-3 items, and you’ll outscale him in side. Use your Qs to avoid his Q barrels since that’s half of his poke damage. Also, when you’re fighting Gragas after level 6, it’s much more consistent to W his R rather than trying to parry his E. Don’t bother getting executioner if Gragas is the only person with healing on the enemy team. Instead use that gold to get your core items sooner.
If Gwen is a high elo OTP (Master+) and is running ignite, it’s annoying to win this matchup early unless you also run ignite or she heavily misplays. I would recommend getting Ignite TP if you suspect the enemy Gwen will run Ignite TP. You’ll want to take short trades with Gwen where you save your Q-W to Q away then W behind you so Gwen can’t damage you with her Q as you’re leaving. You’ll need to do this twice to be able to consistently beat her in the all-in. If you don’t do this, you’ll need to make sure to dodge or predict her R Needles. A big thing to note is that much like Camille R, Gwen W can be used in a way where Gwen can stand on the edge of her W and you can’t auto attack any vitals on that side of the W. So, if you see her do that, just walk away since you can’t get that vital.
Get Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. You can’t leech in this matchup. You have to walk straight to lane and instantly kill Heimer’s turrets as soon as he spawns them or you will lose all wave control. When Heimer reaches level 3, you want to forget that he has his E (stun). It’s much more consistent to just try to damage Heimer and go on him than it is to try to predict his melee range E. After you get stunned, you can W the turret damage and mitigate some of the damage and that will be much more consistent. You will want to get an early Null-Magic Mantle. Something to note is that if you don’t get MR against Heimer, no matter how behind Heimer is, he will always have the ability to oneshot you after he gets level 6. He will just stun you into his empowered W and it will be a oneshot even if he’s 0/5. Trying to fight him after he gets Zhonya is pointless, so you will want to avoid side laning against him and instead look to get CS, enemy jungle camps and pressure the map.
You will want to instantly kill any tentacle that spawns. Killing tentacles always takes priority over trying to damage Illaoi, even in the middle of a trade. If Illaoi has even a single tentacle up and she hits E-R on you, you will lose the trade no matter what. Illaoi is a champion with an inherently frustrating game mechanic. If she hits E on you, she will win the trade. She doesn’t hit E on you, she loses the trade. It’s very hard to W her E melee range, so you’ll have to try walking up past your minons and back to bait the Illaoi E and just always killing her tentacles. A big thing to note is that if you get hit by her E, you can Q-W of the E range and you do not get slowed. So that is a big help to escaping her range. You will outscale Illaoi at 3 Items. Never try to teamfight versus Illaoi when behind.
This is a matchup, if the Irelia knows how to play it, that’s completely sided for the Irelia early. Due to Irelia’s high early damage, she can kill you without needing to hit you with her E stun. To win this matchup, you just have to let the Irelia outplay herself. If you see the Irelia has 5 stacks, she’s already made a mistake. Back away and the Irelia will keep Qing minions to maintain 5 stacks making the wave push into you very quickly and you won’t lose much. You outscale the Irelia at 1.5/2 items if you’re even, but you will need to be careful of her All-In before then. Something to note in the fights versus Irelia is that she can Q behind you when you W to dodge your W. So consistently hitting Irelia with your W is difficult. And pay very close attention to her E as soon as she casts E1. You either want to Q out of it if she does a very quick E or W it if she tries to hold her E to bait out your W. Practice just looking at her E and waiting for E2. You can react to E2 consistently because of how long it takes to activate. Irelia is much weaker outside of a minion wave, so if you ever find her in the jungle alone, you will always beat her even if you’re a little bit behind.
This matchup is unwinnable in a 1v1 if the Jax takes ignite and you don't have ignite unless he misplays extremely hard. You never want to Q into the Jax, you want to start with an auto attack into E. Once Jax casts his E, you Q away. If he Qs you, then you want to W him. The biggest way to consistently win this matchup is getting used to using parry on Jax when he jumps onto you with Q. It’s much more consistent to parry Jax during his jump rather than trying to predict when he’ll recast E to stun you. As long as you hit Jax with your W, you’ll be able to win the fight. A big thing to note is that after level 6, if you W-R Jax and he uses E, you can just walk out of his E range with your movement speed from your R passive. You don’t need to Q out of his E, letting you save your Q to run him down more easily.
Go Second Wind and Doran Shield. This matchup is all about letting Jayce hit you three times, proccing his phase rush, then trying to force an all-in onto Jayce when he has his phase rush down. You don’t want to take any unnecessary poke unless you’re trying to get Jayce to use his Phase Rush. When fighting against Jayce without phase rush, you want to Q-W into him then move below him or behind him so that he can’t push you away with his E. If you do that, he will always be forced to flash there or die.
This is one of your more annoying matchup. The only way you should be able to win this matchup, unless Kayle misplays her positioning extremely hard, is by using Q-W when Kayle uses her Q. There should be no other way without jungle pressure, to be able to get onto Kayle and win the matchup if she plays it normally. Pre 6, you need to be careful of giving Kayle free Es because they pack a punch. After 6, you have to force all-ins from full HP because if you don’t, you’ll just get poked under turret without being able to do anything. Teamfighting against Kayle is very difficult because her ultimate stops you from being able to proc your vitals. You want to either R a target far away from the Kayle or waiting until Kayle uses R before you use your own.
Go Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. Kennen needs to hit you with three different abilities to proc his stun. Unless he procs his stun with his empowered auto attack or auto attack, it’s usually hard to react to his stun. The most consistent timing would be to W Kennen when he R’s and get an easy stun off of that. You want to treat this as a normal ranged matchup, focus on CSing and not losing too much hp. Get early HP or MR, don’t get any attack damage before you get MR or HP. If Kennen ever steps up into your range once you’ve bought the MR or HP, you can force an all-in and W stun him using his R. Since Kennen is low range, you will be able to find opportunities where he walks close enough into your Q range to CS or to poke you. You outscale Kennen in the side lane but not in the team fights. Something to note is that you can use Kennen R in teamfights to get a free stun off on one of his teammates ant not necessarily him.
The biggest problem in this matchup is usually keeping yourself from inting. Because of how easy and straightforward this matchup is, you might force trades too hard, lose too much HP and not kill Kled before he gets back on Skaarl. You can always Q out of his Q’s tether range. You can W his Q to get a free stun off. The two main things with this matchup is that Kled can use his E to dodge your W but it’s a scripted movement, meaning if he uses it, he always has to show up behind you. And, Kled usually buys Sterak’s and Gargoyle which means that he has so many shields you need to get through that in the side lane it’s usually not worth it to force a kill on him, and you can’t dive him. But, you’ll be much more useful in teamfights consistently and you can use him to get free healing for your teammates in the middle of a team fight.
Lee Sin
This matchup is pretty decent. You can walk into and out of his E range to bait him to use it. You always win all-ins into Lee Sin. The only way Lee Sin has to beat you is by poking you with E, and if he tries to do that, you can trade with him and win the trade or to try to execute you. If you’re below 40% HP, Lee Sin has the potential to Q-R-Ironspike Whip-Q2 you without you being able to control your character before dying. So that’s the one thing you need to be aware of. You can react to Lee Sin R if you’re paying close attention to your character, since Lee Sin R initially does something similar to a mini stun where you’re rooted in place without being able to do anything, and then you get kicked. While mini-stunned, you can still parry Lee Sin’s Kick and get a stun off. You outscale Lee Sin but you’re worse than him in team fights so try to play versus him in the side lane.
Get Second Wind and Doran Shield. Play it as a normal ranged matchup. Give up CS for HP. Never use your W on Lucian before he uses his E. You can try to predict when he will Q and use your own Q dash to dodge it. After level 6, if you fail an engage, the enemy Lucian will just R you and kill you while you are walking out. So, make sure to time his flash so that he can’t escape from your engage.
Get Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. There’s very little counterplay to this matchup. I’d recommend banning it or Lulu. The only way for you to win is by W-ing Malphite E (his ground slam that slows your attack speed) or W-ing his R which is much harder if it’s melee range. Always Q out of his Arcane Comet after he Qs you if he’s running the Comet rune. Your entire job in this matchup is to try to scale as quickly as possible to 3 items so you can start damaging the Malphite. An alternative is giving up the lane completely and playing for your team. It depends on your playstyle, but Fiora being a splitpusher, the former option fits her kit better.
This is a relatively easy matchup for Fiora. You can Q to dodge Morderkaiser’s Q, and if he ever tries to E a minion to CS it, you can Q-W and stun him using his own pull. If you want to fight that Mordekaiser, stand in the same direction as your minion wave when he Qs so you take reduced damage. Never try to take short trades with Mordekaiser after level 5 because he has higher initial burst and a shield to win those short trades. Unless you have been poked out, or outsustained in lane, you will beat Mordekaiser in the all-in in lane at any point during the game if you’re even. When you get R’ed my Mordekaiser, you want to draw out the fight by Q-ing away from him in the direction of his vital, and kiting him out so he doesn’t get his passive. Do that twice, and you’ll always be able to win the fight even if you’re a bit behind. You can W Mordekaiser R pretty consistently if you’re focusing on the champion model.
You need to constantly fight Nasus for every single minion until he hits 6. Before that, try to freeze the wave as much as you can or ping your jungler for a dive if you have traded with him enough. At level 6, if you’re not careful, Nasus can potentially oneshot you with Sheen and R. Nasus will outscale you in the mid game, but fall-off in the late game. The best ability to try to W would be Nasus’ Wither but that’s very difficult to predict. So, instead just W Nasus’ Q or Q-W away from Nasus if he’s chasing you and you can’t win the fight.
This is a relatively easy matchup. Nocturne will outsustain you in lane because of his passive and push the wave quicker than you in the first few levels. However, once you get to level 5 and the wave is at your side of the lane, you will win any all-in into Nocturne. A big tip is, when the Nocturne fear is about to Proc, you want to Q-W into the Nocturne since he will anticipate you using your W to parry his fear and stun him. Because you Qed first, your Q will remove his spell shield and your W will stun him. You never want to small trade with Nocturne since he will just sustain it back up. Also, you can’t back away from a fight with Nocturne post 6 since he will just R you to chase you. So, keep that in mind.
This is a pretty easy matchup where you beat Olaf at all stages in the game. Olaf has high mana costs, and he can only kill you if you try to fight him in his wave or he has aggressive summoner spells instead of TP. Ideally, you want to stand away from your wave so Olaf has to choose whether to Q the wave to push or try to Q you for damage. If Olaf ever tries to Q long range and misses, you want to immediately force on him since his Q cooldown will be very long. After level 6, you want to R Olaf and spend most of your time kiting him instead of trying to fight him auto attack for auto attack. You should only use your W once his R ends or if you think he will use Q-E on you at the same time.
This matchup is a little bit difficult to punish early because of how much armor he can rush, and how much HP he gets over time during the lane. So, instead of trying to force kills on him, focus more on proper wave control and CSing. If you feel like the Ornn is not experienced in the matchup, you can try to go for kills, but in my experience, a good Ornn player in this matchup can hold his own and win the early game. A big tip for cheesing kills on Ornn is when he goes to Q minions to CS them, you can Q on his pillar as it’s erupting, and W the Ornn. Since the pillar displaces you momentarily, your parry will stun the Ornn. After an item, you should always be able to beat Ornn in the sidelane.
This is a little bit of an annoying matchup. Pre-6, you want to spend most of your time baiting out Pantheon Qs by walking in and out of their range, otherwise you’ll find it difficult to CS in the first place without dying. After 6, you can easily force all-ins on the Pantheon as long as the wave is on your side and he hasn’t chunked you too hard before it. However, you need to be aware that his E stops you from proccing vitals, so always be ready to move to the other side to keep damaging him if necessary. Something to note is that Pantheon can just R back to lane, so it’s difficult to get plates against him even if you’ve killed him. Also, if he has pushed the wave and left lane, ping your team since he might be roaming to try to get a kill.
Get Second Wind and Doran Shield. You want to play this like a normal ranged matchup, give any minions if it will cost you too much of your hp bar and play it slowly. Wait for your level 6, and then you can engage on Quinn whenever she walks a little too far up for a minion by using your Q-W and then Ring her. You will get knocked back, but you can easily follow her since she’ll still be slowed. This matchup is not favorable for you, I recommend a Steelcaps rush into Stridebreaker. A way to win this matchup, is to try to fight Quinn level 1 right after the minions spawn at 1:05. It doesn’t matter if you kill her or die as long as you force her flash and ignite early. A Quinn level 1 without flash and ignite that will now need to reset because she doesn’t have enough HP to lane, has already lost the game.
Don’t try to push the wave level 1 against Renekton. It will never work. This matchup is pretty much a stat check unless you manage to W his stun. I would recommend just CSing and just getting sustain runes overall. Wait to outscale him at 2 items and don’t bother getting an early Grievous Wound item since you shouldn’t normally be able to kill him. Just rush your core items.
This is a pretty decent matchup. You can contest level 1 Rengar in the bushes and you’ll win it as long as you go for the all-in and you haven’t given him the chance to stack his fury. Don’t get early Grievous Wounds versus Rengar. You will always be able to beat him at any stage in the game. At level 2, you can just Q-W into Rengar and run him down the lane. After level 3, hold your W for either Rengar’s empowered Q or for after Rengar uses empowered W. After level 6, you have to look for All-ins on Rengar, so make sure you have enough space to chase him, because if you don’t manage to kill him, he’ll use his R to run away then reengage once his cooldowns are back up.
You beat Riven level 1. Level 1, you’ll want to use your Qs and auto attacks to push the wave quicker than her. If she tries to trade with you, look to chase her and force a prolonged trade since you will win those. Crash wave 3, reset and look to get a cloth armor and refillable potion. When trading with Riven, you always want to W her as soon as she Qss into you, since a good Riven player will never get hit by a parry that you use on her W or third Q. As long as you hit her with your W, you’ll be able to win most trades into Riven. In this matchup, if both players are equally skilled, the person who engages first tends to lose. However, this matchup is a little sided for Fiora, and Fiora will be able to beat Riven in sides after 2 items if you’re even.
In my experience, this matchup is completely unplayable. Get Second Wind and Doran Shield, and just try to CS and wait for jungle gank. The only way Ryze can lose this matchup is if he uses E-W on you and you parry it. However, he can just use W for the slow and kite you with his movement speed. The only window you’ll have to kill Ryze is pre-6. If he tries to fight you when his Phase Rush is on cooldown, you can potentially kill him then. Post 6, even if you find a good engage, he will just R away.
Early on, Sett will get the push into you since he’s stronger level 1 instead of a wave due to the stun on his E. However, you will be able to beat him outside of a wave level 1. In this matchup, Pre-6, you’ll have to either bait Sett’s E, CS with your Q, or make sure you’re standing in such a way that there is no minion on the other side of Sett E so he can’t get a stun. You can always try to react to Sett’s E, however, if he holds it and you spend too much time trying to react to it, you could lose the trade. After level 6, you will be able to beat Sett. You either want to fight him outside of a wave or at your side of the lane. Proc the vital on the side facing his turret first, and then proceed to proc all the other vitals after. This way, if he Rs you, it will be to your side of the lane. You can either use your W at the start of the fight to proc your R as quickly as possible when he’s slowed, or save your W for his W. You outscale Sett after 2 items, but you can win all-ins before that. However, there is a lot of skill expression in those fights. Take them at your own risk.
If Shen is running Ignite, you will only be able to win fights early against him if he E’s into you when you have full HP. Otherwise, you won’t be able to win the all-in. If he’s not running ignite, you will be able to win most all-ins he does into you if it’s not in a big enemy wave or he hasn’t poked you with Qs and Grasp procs. The main problem of playing against Shen is that he setups for his jungler really easily, so you will want to always have vision of the river and Tri-bush or even deeper vision if possible. When After Shen hits level 6, you want to ping it to your time, and whenever a fight is about to happen on the other side of the map, push the wave as quicky as possible. If Shen Rs, most of the time, the correct play will be just to crash the wave and get as many turret plates before he or the person that will catch the wave comes. At 2 items, you will easily outscale the Shen in side regardless of whether he’s running ignite or not.
Shyvana’s weakest time is her laning, and that’s when you’ll have to abuse her. Otherwise, she’ll outscale you until about 3-4 items depending on the enemy Shyvana build and skill. You can block her E to deny her CS, if she walks up to CS, treat her as if she were a Nasus and contest her for every CS. She can only ever walk up to CS if she has her W up, and even then you can get an auto or two in. After she gets level 6, you won’t be able to kill her anymore unless you can react to her R transformation. If Shyvana hits you with your R, it displaces you. So, if you W it, you will be able to stun the Shyvana. This will be your only window post 6 to be able to kill Shyvana until you hit 3-4 items. This is because Shyvana with ignite tends to either outdamage you melee range or R away from you and spam poke you with her E.
This matchup is a little counter-intuitive. Even though Singed is weak early, you do not want to fight him because his passive gives him increased movement speed when near enemy champions so he can kite you. In the early levels, avoid his Q and never take damage from it. If he pushes the wave too quickly, he will run out of mana. If he pushes it too slow, you will be able to contest the push and gain priority. Against a good Singed, you will never be able to kill him unless you W his E or if he walks into your side of the lane in a ridiculous attempt to kite you. If Singed tries to proxy you, never try to contest his proxy without your jungler. Just CS the wave instead. To do this perfectly, you will need to auto every caster minion once while the turret is hitting the melee minions. That will let you CS the wave easily without any items. You outscale Singed pretty quickly but in most cases, the answer to Singed is don’t bother with him and look to play with your team for objectives instead.
: This matchup pre-first back is pretty favored for you, But as soon as Sion gets some levels in his Q and health from his W passive and items, you will be unable to win this matchup unless the Sion misplays it extremely hard. You should play very aggressively until around level 6 or first back depending on game state. After the Sion becomes stronger than you, you will want to maintain your HP and be very careful of ganks since Sion has really good setup for ganks, especially in lane ganks (where the jungler enters your lane bushes out of vision). Some tips are that if Sion is Qing the wave, you can Q-W into it to get a free stun. If Sion is charging his Q, never W it unless it’s almost completely charged since most Sions will either go for a Q without a knockup or a full charged Q. You will want to W around 1.25 seconds after Sion starts channeling his Q and never W earlier than that. That’s the most consistent way to play that trade. Either you take a little damage or get a stun off. You can of course change this up if you think he will mess up and try to go for a quick stun, but do that at your own risk. You will outscale Sion at 2-3 items depending on game state, and easily be able to beat him in side every single time. If you hear Sion trying to R your team at that point, you can always Q-W into him, stun him ,and almost oneshot him alone while he’s stunned.
This matchup can get a little annoying if you take too much free poke. The main things to take care of is that Sylas can W into you to heal and then E away and Q slow you. That trade pattern will always win him the fight in the early game, unless the wave is at your side of the lane. A big tip for this matchup is using your W when you think Sylas will use his W, since your parry denies his healing. Generally, it’s better to not buy executioner for this matchup and instead play the lane safer, since Fiora will not win the trades either way, Sylas can W before you auto and get the full healing and because most of your fights with Sylas should be all-ins or you’ll probably lose them either way. You beat Sylas at pretty much all stages in the game in all-ins if you both play the fight normally.
Get Second Wind and Doran Shield. Let him push the first 3 waves into you. Do not take damage to CS minions, it’s not worth it. Once you’re level 3 and the wave pushes back, you will want to Q into him then E auto. The reason you want to E auto is to slow him enough to guarantee that you will hit him with your parry. If you hit him with your parry when you’re both full hp, Teemo will either flash it or die no matter what. After Teemo gets level 6, you will want Oracle Lens to be able to kite his shrooms easily. You should get damage against Teemo since it’s very easy to oneshot him instead of opting to tank his damage. Ironspike whip has huge value versus him as it can proc a vital even while you are blinded. The most annoying thing about this matchup is that he can blind you in the middle of a team fight and you will instantly get blown up. So, always keep an eye out for Teemo’s positioning in a team fight or play mostly for the split.
You win the all-ins against Trundle if you both start from full hp in the early game. Trundle, however, will generally be able to win the lane since his Q slow and W lets him kite you easily and gives him more control over how the trades will go. The only short trade you should be able to win is if you W Trundle when he goes to Q you, and then you auto-E1-E2 and Q away so Trundle can’t chase you with his W and E slow. A small tip is that if you see Trundle E’s animation and you think he’s using his pillar directly on you, you can try to parry it since Trundle’s pillar displaces you if it’s directly on top of you. Level 6, if he has grievous wounds, he will win fights. However, you will outscale him at 2 items. Don’t go grievous wounds against Trundle. It’s better to use that gold for your core items.
Against a high elo Tryndamere OTP (Master+), you will want to run Second Wind and Doran Shield. Otherwise, you’ll want to go Bone Plating and Doran’s Blade. Generally, Tryndamere can sustain this matchup with his Q healing and his quick trade pattern which consists of him Autoing you while he’s right next to you, not at max auto range, then Eing away and damaging you with his spin. You will win any early all-in into Tryndamere if he does not have fury stacked. If he has his fury stacked, avoid fights with him. If you see Tryndamere walking up to a minion or you without fury, know that he will auto-E away. An easy way to counter this is by Q-W following his E and forcing onto him. In the early game, that’s a consistent way to win trades. If both of you don’t have to help the jungler with the buff, you want to heavy trade with Tryndamere level 1 and zone him off the minions before he can generate fury. If Tryndamere has to help his jungler, push the wave early so he can’t get the chance to stack fury. If you have to help your jungler, then wait for the wave to push back into you.
Fiora is one of the few champions that can beat Urgot level 1 if he Es into her. Some Urgots might not know this fact, so use that to your advantage. Against Urgot, you always want to dodge his Q with your Q, since if you don’t, you will get hit by a lot of poke from his W and PTA proc. While trading with Urgot, you either want to save your Q to dodge his E, which is very difficult since your Q is high CD early and you need it to win trades, or W the Urgot E which is not hard to do consistently. Steelcaps rush is very effective versus Urgot. When Reacting to Urgot E, all you need to do is just look at his health bar. As soon as you see the little white bar at the end of it pop up, use your W. A good Urgot will always E to the side of you to bait your stun out, but as long as you’re not forcing a bad fight (he has too many minions, he has poked you out before hand or he has a lead), you will be able to win the fight without needing to land your W on him. As soon as you hit 3 items, the skill expression of the matchup gets removed and you win it even if you get hit by his E. Before then, however, you need to play the lane and the fights well or Urgot can easily win it. You will want to sidelane vs Urgot rather than team fight against him unless your team comp is very high range. If your team comp has low range champions, try to side lane versus him. A few tips are that you want to pretend to dive him (if you feel like you’re ahead enough to do that), and bait out his E. After he wastes his E, go to dive him and focus completely on when he Rs. If you can W his R, you can consistently dive Urgot without problems, since his R slow is the biggest obstacle when it comes to diving him. Otherwise, you generally won’t be able to dive him even with a lead.
Run Second Wind and Doran Shield. Let her push into you early and give CS if it means you will avoid getting damaged. After she crashes the wave into you, you want to CS it as healthy as possible, get level 3 and when the wave pushes back, force a fight onto her when she walks up. Q into her and fight her melee range. Do not use your W until she uses Q. After she uses Q and goes for an auto, then W her. She will condemn you after that, but just flash on her and she will always die in that trade pattern. Steelcaps rush has huge value versus Vayne. As long as you hold W for after she uses her Q, you will always be able to win the fight against Vayne as long as she does not condemn you into a wall. Her condemning you into a wall is not enough to kill you unless you’ve been poked beforehand or she has an item advantage.
This matchup can be a little annoying since Viego Q has such high range. You will want to run Second Wind and Doran Shield versus a high elo OTP (Master+), but otherwise, most Viegos will fail to kite you with their E movement speed and Q range. While you can W Viego’s W to get a stun, normally, a Viego will never W into you and instead play with their higher range. You want to CS normally and avoid losing health as much as possible. You can only look for all-ins in your side of the lane or if Viego wastes a cooldown like W or E. You outscale him at 1 item, and while executioner has high value against Viego, you don’t want to get it until after your first item is completed, since finishing your core item gives you more value versus viego.
This matchup is sided very heavily for Fiora in the early game, and Vlad outscales you in the mid-game if you don’t get a lead. However, FIora outscales Vlad in the late game. Never use your W against Vlad if he has pool. Whenever Vlad walks up, Q into him and E into him if he doesn’t have his empowered Q ready. Using your Q-E on Vlad and forcing him to E or pool will win you the trade very heavily. After Vlad pools, then you can use your W for the slow. Don’t get grievous wounds versus Vlad before complteign your first item since completing your core item provides more value versus Vlad than getting an early Executioner’s Calling. The most consistent Ws you can do besides for after Vlad wastes pool, is on Vlad empowered Q and Vlad R proccing, although both of these will still heal Vlad. If Vlad beats you or you reach the mid game without getting a lead, don’t try to fight him anymore and instead CS until you outscale him at 3-4 items depending on both of your builds.
Against a decent Volibear, you should never win the early game. Just let Volibear perma push the wave into you with passive, and you will outscale him at 2 items in the side lane. The reason why you can’t beat Volibear is because he will always have a minion advantage, health advantage due to his E shield or general fight advantage since he can just Q whenever he wants. This makes the fight very difficult for you. Never try to fight him early and play to scale. The most consistent time to use your W is on a Volibear W, E or R since those have animations you can react to. Don’t bother getting Grievous Wounds against him since buying your core items as quick as possible will provide you with more value. As much as possible, until you get 3-4 items, never try to follow Volibear’s TP since he’s stronger than you. Instead, pre-14-minutes, if there are few enemy minions, push the wave and get plates, but if there are a lot of enemy minions, just hold the freeze since it will be very difficult to crash the wave in time.
Run Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. Never try to trade with Warwick and only go for CS you won’t get poked too much for. You don’t want early Grievous Wounds against Warwick, since you won’t win the fight regardless. You will only win the fight against Warwick, if he has Barrier, after 2 items and getting Grievous wounds. If he does not have Barrier, you will only need 1 item and Grievous Wounds. Warwick will completely dominate you in lane, and the fact that it’s difficult to W any of his abilities makes the lane even harder.
Xin Zhao
This is a really easy matchup. You can all-in Xin Zhao at any stage of the game. You want to either W Xin Zhao at the very start of the fight, or count the amount of Q-empowered autos that Xin Zhao has done, and W his 3rd Q empowered auto. Q-empowered autos have a different animation, and that’s how you will be able to tell that he has cast his Q. Good Xin Zhaos will try to bait your W by holding their third auto attack, so don’t use W until they have started the auto attack animation. Even better Xin Zhaos will cancel their auto attack to bait out your W, and that’s why I prefer using W at the start of the fight, to avoid that mind game skill check. You will be more useful than Xin Zhao in the side lane and the team fights. A small tip is that if Xin Zhao Rs without autoing you first, you can W it and use it to get a free stun either on Xin Zhao or a nearby enemy champion.
Wukong is a skill matchup that’s favored for the Wukong. Level 1, if Wukong does not kite your passive well, you will be able to win the fight. However, if he kites your vitals well, you will lose the all-in level 1. If Wukong has E-Q when he’s level 2, you will easily be able to win trades versus him. However, if he managed to get the shove, judge the lane state since it will differ depending on how much of a minion and health advantage the enemy has. After level 3, you won’t be able to engage onto Wukong without losing the trade unless they heavily misplay. You want to be ready for when Wukong presses E on you, and as soon as you see the start of the E animation, you have to immediately W him. That is the most consistent time to use your W in this matchup. If you hit Wukong with your W, then you want to force the all-in and you’ll win it if the enemy doesn’t have too much of a minion and/or a health advantage. Don’t bother getting Grievous Wounds against him since buying your core items as quick as possible will provide you with more value. A small tip is that if Wukong Rs and you’re not in the R initially, you can Q-W into the R or the Wukong clone’s R and get a free stun on the Wukong or any nearby enemy champions. This matchup is a little bit of a stat check, the person with the more gold tends to always wins the fight, unless someone heavily misplays. However, after 4 items, Wukong can longer beat Fiora in the side lane. As much as possible, you want to split versus Wukong since Wukong is much more useful than you in team fights.
This is a very skill-based matchup if you fight inside of a wave. However, if you fight outside of a wave, Fiora will always beat Yasuo if there is no significant gold gap. Steelcaps has huge value in this matchup. Yasuo W can block Fiora W. If you see Yasuo E into you using a minion, or he just Es on you, then you can Q into the Yasuo and you will dodge his E-Q (This is especially useful for dodging knockup when he has empowered 3rd Q). You always want to proc Yasuo shield before the fight starts, and you want to avoid fighting yasuo when your minions are alive. The fights are winnable, but you want to, as much as possible, only take the fights that are sided for you or are very consistent. You outscale Yasuo, but inside of a wave, if you misplay or he plays the fights extremely well, he always has the potential to win the fight, so take fights inside of a wave at your own risk. Don’t bother getting Grievous Wounds against him since buying your core items as quick as possible will provide you with more value. Only get a Grievous Wound item after completing your first item.
This is a Fiora sided matchup. You can W Yone third Q and yone R very consistently. If Yone uses his third Q on a wave, you can Q-W into his knock up and get a free stun. If you ever stun Yone, you will almost oneshot him or oneshot him depending on what point of the game you are at. Steelcaps has huge value verus Yone. When Yone Rs you, always W behind yourself, never W at the Yone, since Yone R will always place him behind you if he hits you with it. Don’t bother getting Grievous Wounds against him since buying your core items as quick as possible will provide you with more value. Only get a Grievous Wound item after completing your first item. In most cases when Yone is chasing you after using E and you’re in a winning position, you want to place yourself between him and his E so that you can easily chase him regardless of if he doesn’t use his E or if he uses his E early. You pretty much are capable of beating Yone at every stage of the game if he is your lane opponent. However, if you fight versus a Yone mid that has 2 items, you will need to get three items to be able to beat him or land a stun on him. But, if he has 2 items before you do, he can kill you without using his knock up or R on you. Also, something to note, Yone cannot chain his Q knockup into his R unless he lands the knockup at the last possible moment of the animation. This is since if he lands the knock up early, he will be in the animation for too long and you will recover from the knockup earlier than he can cast his R.
A good Akshan will always be able to dodge your W since the most obvious time for you to use your W is when he attempts to proc his passive + pta on you. The only way you can win this early is to wait for him to walk close enough to the point where when you Q him, you will be able to stop him from E-ing. If you're 70% hp and are that close, then you will be able to oneshot him. You will have to give a lot of cs in this matchup though. Playing Ghost makes this lane a bit better.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Fiora since you can very quickly proc your R while the enemy is still CCed
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Fiora since you can very quickly proc your R while the enemy is still CCed
Insane CC duration + engage + side lane pressure
Movement Speed + R lets you dive easily and his E can create a catch opportunity by slowing enemy.
If your jungle is playing engage, Lulu helps you survive and gives you so much free stats that you can just win fights for free.
It's the cat.
Very easy catches with her E-R
Twisted Fate
Very easy catch with his R + stun card
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Fiora since you can very quickly proc your R while the enemy is still CCed
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Fiora since you can very quickly proc your R while the enemy is still CCed
You can always force a late invade with sejunai, and you can instant proc her E with your auto + q + e. Good early skirmish + good invade + good hovering in the side lane + good team fighting.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Fiora since you can very quickly proc your R while the enemy is still CCed
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Fiora since you can very quickly proc your R while the enemy is still CCed
Insane CC duration + engage + side lane pressure
Movement Speed + R lets you dive easily and his E can create a catch opportunity by slowing enemy.
If your jungle is playing engage, Lulu helps you survive and gives you so much free stats that you can just win fights for free.
It's the cat.
Very easy catches with her E-R
Twisted Fate
Very easy catch with his R + stun card
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Fiora since you can very quickly proc your R while the enemy is still CCed
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Fiora since you can very quickly proc your R while the enemy is still CCed
You can always force a late invade with sejunai, and you can instant proc her E with your auto + q + e. Good early skirmish + good invade + good hovering in the side lane + good team fighting.
Champion Build Guide
[12.23] Rank 1 GrandMaster Fiora Matchups Comprehensive Guide
By JustSad42If you have any questions, come over to the Discord or Stream and ask. I'm always more than happy to help someone improve and become a better version of themselves.

And a Fresh MMR account.

I've played a lot of different styles of top lane, the weakside low economy tank top lanes, the resource blackholes selfish solo-carry top laners and eveything in between. I've also played a lot of Fiora's best and worst matchups from both sides and found ways for counterplay from both sides, giving me a unique insight into some matchups you might find to be unlosable or unwinnable.
This is my LolPros if you ever want to see how I'm doing in Soloq
1. Heavy outplay potential against multiple enemies
2. Kiting your enemies with your movement, essentially dancing around them, and getting rewarded for playing your dance mini-game
3. An insanely strong late-game champion that can beat anyone 1v1
4. A side laner that forces the enemy team to respond to her or she'll just solo end the game
5. An early skirmisher that can easily snowball if played well
High skill ceiling
1. No matchup is ever truly unwinnable or unplayable
2. You can cheese a lot of kills early even though you're a scaling champion
3. You're good in skirmishes
4. You're good in splitpush
5. You have a very high skill ceiling
6. You're always useful even when behind compared to other champions
7. You're a tankbuster that can always shred frontline.
8. You have insane healing
9. You have insane outplay potential
1. You're very weak into most forms of disengage (slows and non commital CC)
2. You're very weak into poke
3. You can never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever teamfight pre 3-4 items
4. Due to your outplay potential, it's hard to consistently judge the outcome of a fight
5. You need to constantly relearn matchups since the higher you climb and the better your opponent becomes, the more differently you're forced to play the matchup to win it.
2. Look at the matchup notes for each champion so you can easily get the quick rundown on how to play the matchup.
3. Play the correct runeset/items according to the matchup.
4. Come ask me questions on stream about how you can improve your gameplay/play better around various different matchups/ lane rotations/ macro, etc... I'm more than happy to answer your questions whenever and however many questions you have.
Hop onto Discord and ask me whatever you want.
At the end of the day, nothing can beat watching and asking questions of someone who plays the champion at a high level.
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