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Renekton Build Guide by chubra

Jungle [12.23] The Butcher Of The Jungles

Jungle [12.23] The Butcher Of The Jungles

Updated on December 25, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chubra Build Guide By chubra 42 4 112,603 Views 2 Comments
42 4 112,603 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author chubra Renekton Build Guide By chubra Updated on December 25, 2022
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Runes: PTA aggression

1 2 3 4
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Choose your destiny! (READ NOTES)

Champion Build Guide

[12.23] The Butcher Of The Jungles

By chubra

Welcome to the jungle!

Using my awesome paint skills, I was able to depict an average and most common way to move through the jungle when playing this build. This includes you starting at RED BUFF for the Blue Team and BLUE BUFF for the Red Team (switch locations if need be). We can also assume that the enemy jungler is starting at the opposite buff, and is mirroring your clear. Obviously, everything goes and no two games will be the same. You will have to adapt to various situations if you are to butcher your enemies and not get butchered yourself. Therefore, use your best judgement.

Clarifications regarding the drawn lines just in case, even though they look pretty clear:
(______) a continues, vomit-green line is a most common clearing route.
(- - - -) segmented, vomit-green lines are potential jungle routes.
(- - - -) segmented, red lines are potential ganking/invading routes.
(X) a red X is a potential fighting spot.



Grab your starting items and go to the RED buff. A good leash is always welcomed. Afterwards, head to WOLVES, BLUE and GROMP. If need be Smite Blue or Gromp, but you should be able to save your Smite for the SCUTTLER. Smite is more for safety reasons if/when you encounter the enemy jungler (in case he is mirroring your movements and happens to be there to contest the scuttler).
From here the path branches: look for ganking opportunities TOP and MID or INVADE. Otherwise check for the other scuttler and clear the rest of your jungle (RAPTORS and KRUGS) or gank BOT and delay the clear.



Grab your starting items and head to the BLUE buff. Again, get the most out of your teams leash. Clear GROMP, WOLVES and RED. Afterwards, go for the SCUTTLER and then decide your next move: INVADE or gank TOP or MID. Move from either back into the jungle and clear RAPTORS and KRUGS. If there is an opportunity BOT, then delay the clear and take it. Check the other scuttler along the way if you can. Recall and run from the base to finish the rest of your jungle.


What if nothing goes as planned and you are invaded right away, killed and forced to start somewhere else? What if you got a chance to invade? What if they got both of your buffs?
Whatever the case may be, the point to keep in mind is this: clear enough to hit level 3 and get all basic abilites. Renektons ganking potential is great and is reached early, with only improvements from there (check Secondery Mythic item choices).
You can already gank at level 2 with Ruthless Predator(W) and Slice and Dice(E), although you will want that Cull the Meek(Q) as well. More often then not, I ended up barely securing a takedown with Cull the Meek(Q) as a last hit. Also, Cull the Meek(Q) heals, which could come in handy and it could change the tide of skirmish. Depending on ally and enemy teams, you will either have more or less opportunites to gank, or you will mostly farm the jungle. Make the most out of any circumstances.


Renektons Slice and Dice(E) is a short range dash and can be used to move over certain walls and obsticles, providing more escape routes and opportunities for ganks, as well as faster jungling.
NOTE: While jungling (E) over terrain to reach the next camp faster, BUT make sure to either hit monsters on the way out or on the way into next camp. You will cut down some travel time, damage monsters with (E) and still get another usable (E) charge for whatever you might need. Here are some examples.

Example 1: You've cleared your wolf camp, head to Blue buff wall, (E) over so you hit the buff. Luckly, that got you at/over 50 fury and now you can empower your (E) to do even more damage and shred some armor of that big pile of rocks that contains the sweet buff.

Example 2: Same as Example 1, except you are invading the enemy buff, (E) in, Smite, (E) out. Laugh in all chat.

Example 3: Same as Example 2, but you kill the enemy jungler who was low on HP. Laugh even more in all chat.

Example 4: You are clearing raptors. Your mid ally is engaging a fight with the enemy mid. Get close to a wall and while you (E) over it, you will hit one of the raptors. Now you are at your allies side and you got another (E) charge to 2v1 enemy mid laner.

Example 5: You are at the red buff. Drag it to its maximum aggro range. As its about to die, (E) through to it towards Krugs wall. Use the other charge of (E) to get over the wall and damage the Krugs (or at least the big one). By the time you are done with them, Slice and Dice will be off CD and you can look for a potential gank (assist for the bot lane or, if you were invading, ganking enemy top laner).

These are some of the places that can be dashed through/over. Obviously, there are plenty more spots that can be dashed over, but you will need to be slicing and dicing to find out. Until you get used to this type of maneuvering, stick a bit to a rule of "if-it-looks-too-far-it-probably-is". Better safe than sorry. You don't wanna hit the wall with (E) and just stand there like some poorly programmed NPC, since this often results in a takedown on you.



If I were to generalize the playstyle and put it in a single word, that word would be: AGGRESSIVE. As mentioned before, no two games will be the same and based on circumstances you might be forced to back down a bit and take a less aggressive approach, biding time until you can overpower your opponents. In the end however, it always falls to just that: to overpower the enemy. Going against this playstyle is going against Renektons nature and design. His basic kit is built for early damage output and ganking potential: Reign of Anger quite leterally forces Rekenton into combat, providing substential bonuses to other basic abilities. Without early move speed items, namely Boots, most champions will only sport Flash as means of escape - while Rekenton has Flash and Slice and Dice, essentially a triple flash. Champions such as Ashe, Cassiopeia, Annie, Heimerdinger, Seraphine, Soraka etc. can easily fall prey to a well timed gank. Renekton can also be a powerful duelist, especially after leveling Dominus, allowing him to contest the enemy jungler. Making an enemy jungler obsolite will provide a massive boost to your team and yourself while rulling over the entire jungle region of the rift as a true Butcher of the Jungles. This is a creative expression for having more control over the jungle objectives and other lanes, as well as over much needed gold for items.
Itemization is key, especially when dealing with tough champions, such as Darius, Aatrox, Mordekaiser, Swain, Olaf, Garen, Volibear, Sett, and Renektons ancient nemesis - Nasus. Champions, such as those, that are brusier type with sustain and possess large health pools and/or shields, aren't the most favorable to deal with.
Additionally, champions that have escape mechanics - Ezreal, Akshan, Fizz, Shaco or Tristana for example - and/or hard CC - Veigar, Morgana, Nami, Alistar, etc. are another troublesome group (especailly early on).
Item-wise, for those tough encounters check build examples "TANK DESTROYER" or "FEEDING HP TO TITANIC HYDRA". For those runaways and CCers, select something similar to "INESCAPABLE MURDURER" and "TEAMFIGHT JUGGERNAUT".
Gameplay-wise: make sure to have Dominus ready for those tougher matchups and when engaging teamfights. Against squishy champions (but with a lot of damage - ADC) you won't have to rely on your ultimate in all cases - such as when you gank from the jungle and not rush head-on like a meat-shield. Time your ganks so you can catch those escape artists off guard. Skill, anticipation and expirience will come in handy when dealing with CCers - avoid their CC and they are an easy prey.


This was a champion guide for Renekton The Butcher of the Jungles, meant to provide some insight, tips and tricks to playing this OG champion.
A monster is loose and it lurkes amongst the shadows.
He wields a massive blade.
His heart filled with rage.
He hungers for carnage and destruction.
A reign of terror has begun...
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chubra
chubra Renekton Guide
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