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Choose Champion Build:
Crit Shaco
AP Shaco
Tank Shaco
Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Rune Page
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Skill Order every game
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This guy is your worst nightmare, she is able to spot you during your invisibility because of her passive when she is burrowed, when RekSai is in burrowed form she can see any moving targets, they are represented as little circles on the ground, this includes stealth targets. That allows her to see you coming in trying to kill the enemy squishies even though you are invisible. Try to either wait until the team fight already started to engage so the enemy team cant pay attention to the circle or try and pick the enemy carries off when RekSai is not in nearby
Orianna is able to shield you with her ball, which allows you to walk into the enemy team with stealth so she is able to use her ultimate allowing you to get a 5 man shockwave off which can turn around any game instantly
Orianna is able to shield you with her ball, which allows you to walk into the enemy team with stealth so she is able to use her ultimate allowing you to get a 5 man shockwave off which can turn around any game instantly
Champion Build Guide

This is the highest winrate i ever managed to get by only playing SoloQ:

If you are interested in Tips and Tricks, VOD Reviews, Full Game Commentary, or just Montages of my best plays, then I would highly recommend checking out my Youtube Channel and if you want to catch me during one of my live streams in which I play Ranked and just talk to the people in chat then Twitch it is! If you have any questions feel free to join my discord and ask away at https://discord.gg/ZpskUVm !
Here are a couple of reasons as to why i think Shaco is 100% worth picking up as a new champion or even OTP
Here are a couple of reasons as to why i think Shaco is 100% worth picking up as a new champion or even OTP
- A lot of fun to play
- Insane Outplay potential
- Challenging but not too hard to learn
- Regarded as the best SoloQ Jungler
- Annoying for the enemy team
- Most people don't know how to counter Shaco
Of course every Champion has his Pros and Cons, because if a Champion only had Pros he would be the best Champion in the game and no one would be able to touch him, here is a list for both the ups and downs playing Shaco has:
Of course every Champion has his Pros and Cons, because if a Champion only had Pros he would be the best Champion in the game and no one would be able to touch him, here is a list for both the ups and downs playing Shaco has:
- Best LVL 1 Clear in the game
- Doesn't need a Leash
- Fast Clear with 3 points in his Box
- Good Counter Jungler
- Very Strong LVL 3 and LVL 6 Power Spikes
- Having a low Cooldown Flash on your Q that also has invisibility and damage
- Able to play with Ignite for strong early Duels and Ganks
- Insanely Frustrating to play against
- Arguebly the best Assassin to 1v9 with
- Very snowbally
- Great Splitpush
- Easy to take Objectives with Ult
- Huge Outplay potential
- Very powerful when Mastered
- Takes time to Master him fully
- Invading and destroying his Boxes LVL 1 makes the first clear really tough
- Armor greatly reduces Shaco's damage
- Somewhat useless if behind
- A couple of Bugs that make it a tad frustrating to play Shaco at times
- Requires Items to be strong

Every Assassin has some kind of initiation tool, for

A big advantage over other Assassin Junglers it that

One of the coolest things about


This playstyle is rather hard and requires a lot of confidence and experience! AP

The main objective outside of the early game is to try and bait the enemy team into your

Lets start off with the

The red dots obviously mark the areas in which you want to place

When it comes to using your Clone properly, this is where it gets hard for most people, you have to be able to control your own and the clones movement at the same time which is hard. There are several tricks to you can do but I'll run you down on the 2 most used ones.
The first one simply requires you to

I would almost never recommend to play Tank

Your job as Tank

I guess overall this playstyle is somewhat similar to AD

I already went over the differences of each playstyle in the "Playstyle" chapter, so if you wanna know more about the playstyle, read that first. Now to actually answer this question, both are equally good... yeah...not what you expected.
The thing is that both playstyles just excell at different things, AD

So here is the actual answer to this question, yes both are equally good, that wasn't a lie, but because both excell at something different, there are scenarios where one is better than the other but that is really difficult to break down and is something you pick up after hundreds and hundreds of both AP and AD

Here is a video i made that tries to explain my decision making as simple as possible:

So lets start off with the keystone,

As for the 1st row, there is a debate in the


As for the 2nd tree you run


The rest of

As for the secondary tree, the best choice is by far

I personally really like to take

As for the second rune in


The primary rune page is the same as for the AD

The reason we don't go for the Resolve Tree or things like

Having your 4000HP Clone hit the backline with you, while having 1.5 attackspeed permanently seems pretty OP to me.
As for the secondary tree, things are a little different, we don't really care so much about having as much AD as possible, instead we want the extra attackspeed from

You can also run

The other things in this tree don't really make too much sense apart from

So thats why I recommend going

So first of all you want to start with

The Build i currently run is very straight forward actually. The first 2 Items are always gonna be the same, just like the order in which you build the components and such.
You wanna try and get a

Next you want to finish

This is where you can sneak in your


My reason behind all of this is the fact that sometimes

But even if you are going for the oneshots, then


Your first option is

If the enemy team is full of squishy champs and maybe your team comp is rather AP Damage heavy, then going

Once you are done choosing one of the two items mentioned above, you only really have 1 choice because it is now by far best item to build and that is

Now is where you can start "adapting" your build depending on what you like and what you feel like you need. I'll do a quick rundown on possible items, you can choose whatever you like or just take a look at the recommended build at the very top of the page.
Now the situational items:

As a starting item for AP

Your next goal is to finish

Here are some situational items:

For Tank

For your first back try to get a

Your next objective now is to rush

Now it's time to finish

If you haven't already, you should finish your Tier 1 Boots into either

Do they have lots of CC or do they have lots of Auto Attacking champions?
Usually they have one more than the other, but in the case of both, you can just choose whichever one you think you need more, either options is probably fine.
Now you can start adapting your Build based on what type of damage the enemy team has:
Usually go

A good Armor Item would be

Another good Armor option is

If the enemy team has lots of tanks then going


Make sure to pay attention to the enemies items at all times! I cant stress this enough, please always check for stuff

Don't neglegt farming your own Jungle though especially once you have 3 points in

Tracking the Enemy Jungler also makes the game a lot easier, there are some great Videos about that on Youtube, but its too complex to get into it here, but let me give you a couple of tips:
Pay attention to the Map as you are clearing your first camp, the enemy lane that arrives late to lane is the one that most likely leashed the Jungler. This allows you to plan ahead where he is going to be when he finishes clearing his Jungle.
As soon as you see the Enemy Jungler on the Map, make sure to open the Scoreboard and check his CS-Count, every Jungle Camp in LoL grants 4 CS which means you can at any time, if you keep track of his pathing, know, what camps he cleared.
Buffs take 5 minutes to spawn, and smaller Camps take 2 minutes to spawn, so a combination of all these 3 tricks allows you to always know which camps are up and where the Enemy Jungler is.

The way you achieve that is by finding 1 Lane that you play around now, this should be a Lane that is ahead of the Enemy and is able to help you. Whether that is Top, Mid or Bot doesn't really matter, you wanna try and take as many Objectives as possible like

You should also start looking for Squishies that are on their own, to farm kills. This gives your Team the number advantage and allows for things like Split Pushing or forcing Team Fights. The Goal here is to try and get into the Enemy Team's Base and take at least 1 Inhibitor, preferably already opening up the other lanes to siege later on.
!!! CAREFUL !!!
This is where most Squishies have their defensive Items, so be careful when trying to go for Oneshots as they might not work out.
Late Game is pretty much the same as the Mid Game, but everything is just a lot more important but also risky, every death matters a lot more so you have to be extra careful.
This is where looking for picks is really important, this allows you to either start splitpushing while your team threatens to force a 4v4 fight while you take their base, or you can then try to siege and end. Taking things like

The cheat sheet should bepretty easy to understand, different colors indicate easier/harder matchups and each matchup has a couple of tips and tricks on what to focus on or how you can win said matchup. it also shows you wheter AP or AD is the better choice, but usually you can play either and adapt more to the enemy team/your team instead of the jungle matchup.

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