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Fiddlesticks Build Guide by Skysolitox

Top [13.1] 🔥 The Tank Fiddlesticks Experience! 🔥

Top [13.1] 🔥 The Tank Fiddlesticks Experience! 🔥

Updated on January 14, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skysolitox Build Guide By Skysolitox 142 14 287,424 Views 10 Comments
142 14 287,424 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Skysolitox Fiddlesticks Build Guide By Skysolitox Updated on January 14, 2023
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Runes: Utility Tank/Support

1 2 3
Font of Life

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[13.1] 🔥 The Tank Fiddlesticks Experience! 🔥

By Skysolitox
Hello everyone! im Skysolito, Currently Known as Fiddle de Corsa ingame. I'm a Fiddlesticks OTP since his rework came out in 2020. Since then i've explored everything the champion has to offer. Strategies, Builds, and all of that. One thing that got me hooked was the Tank Build. and so, i decided to share it with you all! Hope you enjoy this guide :)
Ups and Downs
Tank Fiddlesticks Good parts:
- Good Poke with E
- Good in Team Fights
- Can be used in Support lane
- Safe lane with his Q and W

Tank Fiddlesticks is ofter looked down upon after the nerfs he receveid on laning in 2020. However, this does not mean at all that Fiddlesticks is a bad option for a toplaner tank! He still heals a lot, and with his latest buffs, he heals even more from Champions. He also has one of the best teamfights of the game, having tons of CC and Engage Potential.

Tanks Fiddlesticks Bad parts:
- Reduced heal from W from Minions
- Weak early game
- Uses a lot of Mana
- Slow AA can make you lose a lot of minions.

Of course, being made for being a burst mage, Fiddlesticks is VERY squishy early game, and thanks to his W nerfs on Minions, he's having a lot of trouble contesting lanes, often being pressured and killed. requires a lot of knowledge of the Champions limits, and accepting your Weak Laning Phase.
Ever since Jak'Sho came out, i've tested this item on Fiddlesticks. it is an EXCELLENT combo for him. With the itens passive, stealing health from nearby enemies after a few seconds in combat, makes you heal like nothing ever before seen, while also giving you an amazing amount of damage. an absolute core item.

Laner Fiddlesticks wastes a LOT of mana, specially on his W. thankfully, this itens now is a thing. Giving you HP and Mana. it is a very good option for our tank build, allowing us to not build Archangel's. Another Core item for our build.

Abyssal Mask:
This item has always been there. However, he was not a good item back then. However, after it's fixes, it became a way more better item. Giving you Damage and Resistance while you CC someone, has a VERY good combo with your kit.

Radiant Virtue:
This is a support item, and guess what? Support Fiddlesticks combos a LOT with this item.
Laning Phase
In Laning Phase/Early Game, you should stay safe. Fiddlesticks is not a champion made for trades, so just take advantage of your range to farm. if the enemy laner tries to get in range with you, just use your Q and get away. your jungler can help you with ganks. for that, i suggest picking Tank Fiddlesticks if you have a jungler like Xin Zhao, Viego or Nocturne, as all of then already have an CC and can benefit a lot from your CCs as well! but remember, dont engage early or you might get yourself killed, Early Fiddle is really squishy and easy to kill.
Mid Game
Mid game you should keep farming on side lanes and helping your team as much as possible. Remember, Fiddlesticks is a Team player and he benefits from good positioning and vision on team fights. make sure to see if there are any wards near your objectives and if possible help your support with it.
Late Game
Late game tank Fiddlesticks is an absolute monster. stay with your team and focus on getting objectives and setting up vision for any possible team fight that might errupt. i recomend doing a front line for the carries on your team such as the ADC or a fed Midlaner. make sure to always make a good ult before they can get to them. that should make for an easy win for you!
Support tank Fiddlesticks is a lot easier to play! your main purpouse is to poke the enemy laners and set up vision. you gain a lot more wards then the other jungler thanks to your passive so you can sbuse that! late game try to focus on getting vision for your team and a good positioning for team fights
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skysolitox
Skysolitox Fiddlesticks Guide
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[13.1] 🔥 The Tank Fiddlesticks Experience! 🔥

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