 Fiddlesticks - Hecarim - Amumu
PLAYING WITH HIM : Fiddlesticks’ kit is such a good match to Akali. As an assassin, all you need is a good CC-provider, and Fiddlesticks is exactly that. Plus, the lower elo you are in, the less people will be wary of a Fiddlesticks's
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Yea. Don’t be those people. Be careful once the enemy Fiddlesticks hits level 6. He will always look to flank
ult to join fights and hit the maximum number of people, or gank midlane from raptors. This is why warding that raptors area is very important. Before level 6, you should still be careful, in cases where your lane opponent has an easy-to-land CC skillshot or ability that will result in you being CC-chained with Fiddlesticks help, or has a gap-closing ability that will help them catch up to his engage. No other way to dodge his CC than not being in its range ._. Also, keep the area warded, so even if he
ults he won't fear the targets hit. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Great engage potential and CC. His ability to bring people your way and sort of like spoon feeding them to you is very satisfying and makes him synergize well with Akali. Post-6, you can look to help him gank other lanes and get advantages through the whole map.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : You can avoid his
ult CC by
ult'ing over him at the right time (before he reaches your character when he’s running at you with
E). Pre-level 6, you can just
E out of his
E, again, before he reaches your character. Otherwise, you might still be able to get the damage off and mark him, but you will get knocked back. Beware of side flanks, Hecarims will often come from behind you, rather than taking the normal route through the side bushes. For that reason, you should also ward further down the river or in the bushes covering the jungle exit routes, rather than in the side brushes to see him coming from farther away. He will also prioritize ganks with Ghost, so you should definitely keep track of its cooldown. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Again, it’s really just about being able to CC the opponent consistently. Especially his
ult due to its ability to stun multiple targets and amplify magic damage. Absolute beauty. Landing your combo is 10 times easier against a stunned target, rather than a moving one (duh).
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : When getting ganked in lane, dodge his
Q with your
E by throwing it sideways(not linear to him because his
Q range is higher) towards your turret. Good Amumus will hold on to their CC ability and not throw it as soon as they see you. Keep in mind that his
Q reveals you in your
shroud. |
 Elise - Graves - Ivern - Jarvan IV - KhaZix - Nocturne - Nunu & Willumps - Rammus - Rek Kayn - RekSai - Sejuani - Shaco - Skarner - Trundle - Vi - Volibear - Warwick - Zac
PLAYING WITH HER : Doesn’t have as much reliable CC as the others, as it's one-target only. Plus the enemy can counter your damage and her CC simply by buying Mercury's Treads, though that does have some downsides if the rest of your team is AD. Good diving potential, thanks to her Volatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy W that resets turret aggro, and flanking potential. You can both hide in a bush and wait for a prey to pass by.
PLAYING AGAINST HER : Elise is very active during the early game, looking to gank everytime she has a chance. If you get caught in her
cocoon, you're very likely dead. Steer clear of bushes !! You should generally never facecheck, but especially against a champion like Elise. Keep your distance, or a flying cocoon might find your way. If low on health, don't stay under your turret thinking you're safe, there might be a spider nearby.. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Being a control jungler, Graves benefits a lot from having an assassin such as Akali that can help him successfully invade the enemy jungle and make their life a living hell. He doesn't necessarily have CC other than his
Smoke, though that is often enough to destablize the enemy. With both of you having gap-closing abilities, you can easily collapse onto an enemy together and probably one-shot them before they could even react.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Ward your jungle !! Graves is all about counter-jungling. He will look to powerfarm and invade as much as possible. In a straight 1v1, when he dashes towards you, instantly
E him, and from that point he's very likely already dead. You can also get out of his smoke with
E, and therefore avoid any complications. Thanks to New Destiny, his auto-attacks cannot go through unit, which means that you can actually dodge his auto-attacks by hiding behind your minions or your allies. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Shields. Peel. CC. Free blue buffs at all times. Good dives with Daisy. I just like having an Ivern on my team tbh.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Who tf even plays ivern |
PLAYING WITH HIM : A level 2 gank by Jarvan IV when he has red buff is always welcome. He will just keep auto-attacking the enemy lane to death, while all you have to do is
Q or hit your
E (if you’re already level 2 aswell). His full combo with his
ult does benefit you a lot, paralyzing the enemy so you can inflict any damage you want upon them. Though it is quite annoying when you get stuck in his
ult yourself >:( (Pro tip : you can
ult off of someone to get out of it, or use Shuriken Flip).
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Beware of early ganks. You can dodge his whole
Q combo with Shuriken Flip, since it has longer range. However, keep in mind that his combo has a relatively long range, and can do it from bushes without you even being that close to it, especially if he has Flash |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Quite surprising to see a non-CC champion in this category, but somehow Akali x Kha'Zix do in fact synergize pretty well. Their ability to both apply such huge amounts of damage in a short span of time is unmatched, especially post 6 when Kha'Zix can lash out on the enemy laner out of nowhere.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : When he jumps onto you with Leap, throw your
E at him to guarantee hitting it. Additionally, you can mark him with
E before he goes invisible so when he's visible again, you can fly back to him and continue with the rest of your combo. One trick a lot of Kha'Zix players use is
ult'ing when still out of sight. Which means they would press R when still in the bush, then approach you without you knowing. Be mindful of his silhouette briefly appearing when he's invisible near you. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : He cannot do much pre-6, but past that point his utility level sky-rockets. The lower elo you are, the less likely people will keep track of his
ult. This means that you can pretend to be apprehensive of your opponent in lane and back off, which will give them the confidence to walk up and pressure you, and that's when Nocturne comes in play.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : When he has a lot of bonus movement - from his
Q or
E passive - you cannot
E out of his
tether as he will be able to catch up to you, unless it was casted at max range. I would also recommend buying Zhonya's Hourglass if necessary. While in stasis, you will still get feared, but at least will be immune to damage. He can also protect himself from your
E with Shroud of Darkness, so he will not get marked nor recieve damage. Beware of his
ult at all times after level 6. A good habit to have is pinging your teammates whenever affected by it to let them know your location. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Insane amounts of CC and peel. He's everything you could ask for in a jungler to duo with as Akali. He would 100% be in the "Ideal Synergy" category if his
ult wasn't so easily stopped. Plus Willump is cute.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Ward further down in the river bushes rather than in the side bushes. This will give you more time to react to him and Biggest Snowball Ever!. To dodge his
W, don't just go in a straight line ! It cannot turn very quickly, so use that to your advatange . Make abrupt quick turns and you should be able to dodge it pretty easily. Of course, don't forget to
Ignite him if necessary to reduce the healing. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Relatively tanky champion with great CC. Cannot peel as well as other champions but does the job. Thanks to Powerball, his speed makes him very unpredictable which allows him to take opponents by surprise and CC-chain them to death.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Just like the other high-speed champions, you want to be warding further down the river and jungle to see them coming from miles away and not be caught off-guard. The faster he is while rolling in a ball, the closer to the end of Powerball he is. So if he is nearing the end of Powerball, you can throw
E at him and very likely be able to dodge it. Otherwise, you can't dodge it with
E as he will just keep running at you with faster and faster speed. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Unlike his basic and blue form, Red Kayn has CC, extremely high sustain and tankiness, which makes him a perfect match to Akali. His ability to go through the whole map in seconds, thanks to Shadow Step, provides a lot of utility and overall good map control.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : When Kayn is going through walls with his
E, a mark appears around the exact spot he's in, indicating his movement. His
W range isn't long at all, making it very easy to dodge with Shuriken Flip. Before he
ults, you can
ignite him so he doesn't heal. Consider buying Zhonya's Hourglass if necessary for his
ult. |
PLAYING WITH HER : Rek'Sai, like any other champion on this list, has a good amount of CC, through her W Burrow and ultimate Void Rush. All you have to do is hope your Rek'Sai doesn't fall off early and doesn't become super useless for the rest of the game.
PLAYING AGAINST HER : The way the second part of her
W works is that when she comes out of the ground, she knocks back enemies within a small radius. So when's she close enough to you to land her CC, throw Shuriken Flip at her to dodge her CC and at the same time hit her. When it comes to her
ult, there's nothing you can really do to dodge it other than use Zhonya's Hourglass or have Faker-level reflexes to dodge it at the right timing (which is like a 0.01 sec window before she comes out of her
ult). One thing to note is that when she's navigating the map from the underground, her vision is limited. |
PLAYING WITH HER : Considering absolutely ALL of her abilities have some sort of CC, it's only natural for her to be on this list. Additionally, she can provide the tankiness and peel you need to properly do your job as an assassin.
PLAYING AGAINST HER : When she dashes towards you, use your
E. You've probably already noticed a pattern here. Usually, you should be able to dodge her whole combo with Shuriken Flip as most lower-elo Sejuanis will jump on you with
W combo as soon as they see you. However once she gets a point in her
ultimate, try to hit her with your
E without throwing it perfectly linearly to her. Otherwise, it will be very easy for her to land her
ult and CC you to death. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Not necessarily the most reliable CC-provider, but can be a lot of fun to play with as duos ; Being able to successfully lure your enemies into his
boxes, or simply see your opponent get tricked by Shaco's clone, leading them to getting CC-locked and jumped on by the rest of your team. Pretty fun, right ?.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Now the fun is over. Be VERY careful of level 2 ganks from Shaco. Those are very common, and I would also always recommend alerting your teammates in chat. For that exact reason, don't push the first wave. Always keep an eye on your lane, and keep in mind where Shaco puts his
boxes. You can usually tell by how your lane opponent is playing. Are they always gravitating towards one particular side of the lane ? Yep, that's where all the
boxes are. Before he clones himself, mark him with your
E so you can tell which is which. It's often very easy to tell because Shaco's clone takes a LOT more damage than him. Which means that if you have 2 Shacos in front of you, just throw your
Q at them and see which one takes more damage. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Not a very common pick, which in my opinion is very underrated. Being able to stun then suppress and drag people around, forcing them into uncomfortable positions, for as little as 1.75 sec is enough to get you a free kill. Play around his
ult cooldown.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : You will rarely encounter a Skarner in your games, and even if you did, you really have nothing to worry about in lane. You can always run to safety with Shuriken Flip. If you are the main fed member on your team, consider buying Quicksilver Sash to prevent him from suppressing you. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : His kit not only allows him to slow and CC enemies, but also instantly be able to get to them at lightning speed. He likes to get early leads to build off of in later stages of the game, which he can achieve easily with you by his side, helping in early skirmishes.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Your mobility with abilities such as Shuriken Flip and Perfect Execution, or even from your
passive allows you to get out of Frozen Domain pretty fast and therefore circumvent his territory. His
ult gives him insane amounts of healing, so you should always consider buying healing reduction and/or
igniting him. |
PLAYING WITH HER : Strong CC. Decent tankiness. Gap-closing abilities. What more to say. When possible, you can help her invade and get leads, especially post 6. However if she is far behind the enemy jungler, then that's a bad idea. Don't do that.
PLAYING AGAINST HER : She has very strong burst early game and will look to take detours to your lane from where you least expect it.
E her when she
dashes towards you, as soon as the animation kicks off. You can kinda counter her
ult with Zhonya's Hourglass, like many other champions. If low on health, be careful of Relentless Force being able to hit you through minion waves and finishing you off. Wait for Blast Shield to wear off before going all-in on her. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Not the best CC-provider, indeed. But he's a teamfighting beast and has great diving potential post 6 by virtue of Stormbringer.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Not much to say here other than dodging his
E with Shuriken Flip (or any other one of your dashes) and using any kind of healing reduction on him after level 6. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : I was pretty reluctant to add him to this list, but I feel like he deserves his place here. He's pretty useless pre-6, but after that he can provide a lot of utility with remarkable sustain.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : You can consider buying
QSS if you're the highest-priority target on your team, to cancel his
ult. When he's preparing his
E, you can dodge the fear by casting Shuriken Flip before it ends. Don't get fooled by his low HP bar ! He can easily heal everything back up with Jaws of the Beast.
Igniting him to reduce the healing is always a good idea. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Another teamfighting beast with insane combo potential. One trick you can use if you have TP is TP'ing on one of his boblets. That way, you can not only save him, but also potentially get a kill or two :D
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Zacs usually start ganking around the level 4. Think about warding behind the walls on the enemy's side, because that's where most Zacs will begin channeling their
E. Always be on the lookout for it, and when you do see its mark appearing on the ground, instantly
E away. When he decomposes into boblets with his resurrecting
passive, try hitting as many at the same time as you can with Five Point Strike. |
 Diana - Ekko - Evelynn - Gragas - Kayn - Blue Kayn - Kindred - Lee sin - Lillia - Malphite - Olaf - Udyr - Viego - Wukong - Xin Zhao
PLAYING WITH HER : Not the best synergy between Akali and Diana in my opinion. She lacks a lot of utility pre-6, and even when she gets her
ult, it's still not enough CC.
PLAYING AGAINST HER : Dianas usually prefer to farm up till level 6 before ganking. Before that, if she does visit your lane, you can basically dodge her whole dash-in combo with Shuriken Flip. Moonfall has a slight cast time before CC'ing and dealing damage. One way you could dodge it is
ult'ing her as soon as she starts channeling her
ult to get out of its range. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Very strong burst damage with great scaling. However, no reliable CC and pretty squishy early on.
W is very easily dodgeable, since he literally loudly calls it out whenever he uses it lol. "Step right up !". After his first dash with Phase Dive, be prepared to dodge the second part of it with your
E. Usually, he will toss his
Q along with his
E, which allows you to dodge both of those abilities with just one. His
W gives him a pretty prominent shield, if he enters the chronosphere. Wait it out before going all-in on him. |
PLAYING WITH HER : Extremely squishy champion, though she has insane burst damage. That's not really what you're looking for in a jungler. The lack of CC in your kit prevents you from properly setting up a gank for Evelynn, which limits the chances of her landing her
charm. Nevertheless, you can play around her invisibility once she hits level 6, and go hunt down some careless preys in the jungle or river together if none of you have fallen behind by then.
PLAYING AGAINST HER : Buy Control Wards !! That is the best and most effective way to counter her invisibility. One simple Control Ward can ruin all her plans ! If she gets way too fed, consider buying
Banshee's to negate part of her damage and CC. Don't overextend (in lane, or in the sidelanes) unless you know exactly where she is, and if you can duel her or not. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Gragas is painfully underrated when it comes to champion difficulty in my opinion. I don't think I've ever seen a Gragas land a clean combo, where he makes the best out of each of his abilities and correctly
knocks away an enemy to me, instead of catapulting him the other way. He has great CC output, but is too often misused.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Dodge his Body Slam with your
E. Keep in my mind that he can use it through walls, and take you by surprise. In teamfights, try not to stay clumped up, as that will make it easier for him to hit Explosive Cask on multiple targets. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Two strong assassins that work pretty well together. Doesn't provide as much utility as Rhaast, which is why he's on this list.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Basically the same as his Rhaast form, with a couple differences. When Kayn is going through walls with his
E, a mark appears around the exact spot he's in, indicating his movement. His most common mini-combo is the instantaneous
Q, which has very limited range. For that reason, you can easily dodge it Shuriken Flip. Consider buying Zhonya's Hourglass if necessary for his
ult. |
PLAYING WITH HER : A powerful skirmishing marksman with unique utility, thanks to her
ult. Her kiting abilities combined with Red Buff, in addition to her burst damage really make her stand out. But she's very squishy. Too squishy.
PLAYING AGAINST HER : Careful of her early ganks and jungle invades. Make sure to cooperate with your jungler to always know where she is and predict her movement. Before level 6 she is very easily killable if you hit your
E on her. The downside to her
ult is that it heals ennemies too. When she drops it, don't use your damaging abilities on her if she's below 10% hp as she will be immune to it. Instead, hide in your
smoke so she can't damage you (unless you too are -10% hp ) and wait for the heal. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Just hope your Lee Sin is mechanically skilled and can make plays happen. If he is in a delicate situation, you can get close enough to him to allow him to escape with his
W, with no intention to join the fight.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Probably your worst jungle matchup. He can reveal with you half of his kit, using
Q and
E. You cannot dodge his
Q with Shuriken Flip, as it has higher range. When you're very pushed up under your turret and getting pressured by the enemy laner, he can hop off the ally's raptors wall with Safeguard. If you know he's there, either call your jungler for help or just recall. |
ult can be good if it hits multiple targets in a teamfight, but in my opinion its CC isn't as reliable as some other AoE CC'ing abilities in the game.
PLAYING AGAINST HER : Be careful of her
E when low on HP ! Even if it doesn't directly hit you, it deals AoE damage when it detonates upon colliding with terrain. There's a slight gap between when she activates her
ult and when it actually makes you fall asleep. You can use that meantime to activate Zhonya's Hourglass, run to safety with your mobility or hide in Twilight Shroud. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Pretty much a minion before level 6, but with insane teamfighting potential later on. Wait for him to engage onto the enemy with Unstoppable Force and follow up with the rest of your combo.
ult can go through walls, so always be careful of that happening. Though there is a way to dodge it with Perfect Execution, it is quite hard to correctly time it. You have to press R right before Malphite's character reaches you. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Great at distracting the enemy by going full-on berserker mode on them while you deal damage. Very hard to ignore an angry Olaf running straight at you with Ragnarok. Before level 6, he's a bit too reliant on hitting his
Q to gank and lacks CC.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Be mindful of early game fights and skirmishes, especially for scuttle, as in my experience those always happen against an Olaf. Depending on your 2v2 potential with your jungler, you should know before-hand whether you should take those early fights or not. When he's going after you with Ragnarok, run towards your team for help and don't try to fight him unless you're ahead. You have no real way of countering it other than dealing more damage than him in a shorter amount of time, and maybe
igniting him. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : You can help him invade the enemy jungler and manage to run away as you both have great escaping tools and good synergy (CC+damage) to fight the enemy in their own territory. Plus it's funny seeing this little guy run around the whole map.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Ward your jungle. Help your jungler when he invades. Basic gameplan against any control jungler. He's not the squishiest champion but not the tankiest either. Don't get fooled by his low HP ! All of his abilities have very low cooldown (6 secs for all of them), so he will often have the tools to shield himself and turn the tables on you. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Not much experience with this champion, so I wasn't sure where to put him. For his
W to effectively stun for more than 0.25 secs, it needs longer channel time. But the longer it takes him to channel it, the easier it is to predict its path and dodge it. Not-so-reliable CC. OP champion, but not what you look for in a jungler as Akali.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Relatively short-ranged champion. Your
E can dodge his whole combo easily. His
E makes his ganks predictable, as it materializes on the walls signalling his arrival. However, if you allow him to ever get in melee range to you, he will stun and auto-attack you to death. Always keep your distance and don't fight him if he's too close. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Good gap-closing ability and CC with great burst potential, especially if he has
Electrocute. That's pretty much it.
E at him when he dashes your way. His clone will continuously auto-attack any champion in range (prioritizing the most recently damaged champion), so if Wukong just stops moving and stands still, then it's not a clone, they're just faking it. Don't stay clumped up and allow his
ult to hit multiple targets. Stay away from his clone, as it can also deal damage and copy the real Wukong. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Great early game duelist, with decent CC and engage, but not worthy enough to be on the "Good synergy" list, in my experience.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : Be mindful of his early ganks, starting from level 2. If he does come at you so early on in the game, just
E him when he dashes towards you to disengage and avoid any complications. While he's
ult'ing, you can R2 him and deal the damage as long as you're still in his
ult's range upon inflicting it. |
 Karthus - Master Yi - Nidalee - Rengar - Shyvana
PLAYING WITH HIM : Horrible early game. No real CC. Very squishy. This combo has almost nothing to offer ._. All you can hope for is for you to get targets low enough for him to kill with his
ult from a distance, and that's pretty much it.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : If you hit him with Shuriken Flip, he's dead. He's THAT squishy. Killing him is not the hardest part though, surviving after that is. You better be prepared to dodge all of his
Q's once he's dead. His
ult can do massive amounts of damage, the later the game goes on. One simple way to dodge it is building Zhonya's Hourglass . Or just don't get low enough for him to kill you 🥴 |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Again. No CC and very squishy. Master Yi is a hyperscaler champion, with a weak early game and limited play. If he can manage to get kills and reach level 16 quickly with a Kayle or a Lulu by his side, that's another story.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : In earlier stages of the game, when he
Qs you, as soon as he comes out of it, throw your
E at him and you could probably even kill him if he doesn't have any backup. Don't waste any of your abilities on him when he's
meditating. You can look to abuse him with your jungler (if ahead) by invading him in his own jungle. |
PLAYING WITH HER : Very reliant on hitting her spear, and you can't really help her achieve that due to your lack of CC. Not the best combo to invade the enemy either.
PLAYING AGAINST HER : Ward your jungle early on, as she will generally be looking to invade. Her spear has low travel speed, and its hitbox is extremely narrow, making it easy to dodge. She is very squishy and can rarely outdamage you in a fair 1v1 situation. If she falls behind early, it's quite difficult for her to recover. Use that to your advantage to invade her when possible. |
PLAYING WITH HIM : Probably the best on this list. But I somehow just don't believe in this combo. Akali needs a good CC-provider with great utility and tankiness, and Rengar just isn't that.
PLAYING AGAINST HIM : His only CC is when he has 4 stacks son his
passive. He can only effectively stack it through striking from bushes. Keep one of the two midlane bushes warded and hug that side of the lane. Be careful when low on health if his
ult is up. Recall in safe places and don't risk an aggressive cat one-shotting you from nowhere. |
PLAYING WITH HER : Totally useless pre-6, and even after that, I'm not sure what to think of it. Shyvana needs CC to be able to land her damage, and so does Akali, and neither of them can fulfill that requirement for the other !
PLAYING AGAINST HER : Kill a Shyvana in her own jungle and she will never be able to recover. Very easily invaded champion, with little to no escape tools pre-6. On top of that, she's extremely squishy and easy to one-shot. Use Shuriken Flip to avoid getting knocked back by her
ult. Her
E leaves a mark on the ground upon hitting an enemy, don't stand in it or you will take a lot of unnecessary damage. |
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