Build Guide by Larkana_
[13.14] | Bel'Veth Diversity Builds & Guide For Toplane, Season 13 (+Matchups)

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Recommended Items
Runes: Don't take conqueror (On-Hit & Bruiser)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ignite + Teleport
Threats & Synergies
Scroll down for a detailed matchup list
yuumi lol
yuumi lol
Champion Build Guide
After the item rework in 13.10 Conqueror completely fell into the abyss regarding viability. Lethal Tempo synergizes far better with Bel'Veth's kit (always used to) but now it synegizes even better with the new items. You might ask why not take conq with bruiser build? That's because bruiser already has a lot of ad while lacking attack speed making Lethal Tempo better overall. |
Pta scales worse than LT for obvious reasons but brings significantly more burst and early power. I'd recommend this if you're playing vs a ranged toplaner or a heavy ranged team as it will help you burst down the enemy squishies with ease. |
Great in tank builds and Bel'Veth easily procs it in lane with her mobility. On top of giving you permanent health it gives you amazing trading power and decent damage later in the game. Outside of tank it is pure trash so never take it outside the tank build. |
Together with your heal from eating a coral every takedown will replenish plenty of your health which can come in clutch during early to mid game skirmishes. | ||
5.25% lifesteal may seem like a small amount but together with other lifesteal items it makes a big difference especially because Bel'Veth makes more use out of lifesteal than other champions due to her E doubling her current lifesteal. If you're vs really really heavy CC comp you can take double tenacity runes. | ||
Especially on squishier builds and with Immortal Cringebow you will be able to clutch a lot easier with Last Stand and will help you with your generally backloaded damage (excluding bork). |
Demolish will help you with tower taking while splitpushing and that's really it. If you don't want it you can either take Conditioning against poke, Bone Plating against all in or conditioning in free lanes. | ||
Extra tenacity while low will help you a ton in all builds especially in squishier ones. This rune is extra impactful if you have no other sources of tenacity which you usually don't. | ||
In case you have Grasp of the Undying for tank builds take conditioning for extra resistances later on. | ||
NOTE: Items with a border are core items, others can be flexed but only if necessary. |
LIFESTEAL ON-HITThe build is rather similar to the old lifesteal build with a few exceptions but it is still an amazing and my personal favorite build so far. Like the old one it scales the hardest and is good at both dueling and teamfighting due to your sustain. Bork easily gets you through the squishy early game with its insane damage and then they'll have to kill your healthbar 4 times to actually kill you late game. You can replace shieldbow with something like PD for more AS but less survivability and put it in the place of wit's end. | ||
HYBRID ON-HITThis build deals insane mixed damage late game (all 3 Physical/Magic/True Damage) making it practically impossible to build against you unless they're a 6 item tank but even then you have a lot of true damage. Weaker than bork rush early but rageblade rush is not to be underestimated as its extended all ins can be far stronger than those with bork. The best build against hard armor stackers. (This is a little int but you can take nashor's instead of BT/Titanic for full magic onhit but I don't think it's that good) | ||
BURSTIf you're hard snowballing this can be your go to option althought I don't recommend it as you're way too squishy with minimal lifesteal. Rageblade here can be replaced with a bruiser or tank mythic for better survivability. | ||
BRUISER-VETHHighest tower damage dealing build currently due to the amount of AD and on-hit from titanic (which applies to towers). It is also really good in teamfights as you are way tankier with so much HP from items althought your damage will suffer you will bring a lot more utility as a disruptor and a threat to the enemy ADC. | ||
FULL TANKIt takes a while to get used to but tank Bel'Veth is actually amazing in the toplane. Titanic deals unexpected damage as a 1st item and later on you become a GOD of extended combat due to your true damage stacks. In teamfights nobody will expect your tankiness and your job is to dive the enemy backline and create chaos with your AOE knockup. | ||
Rageblade rush is HEAVILY underestimated on Bel'Veth currently, not just that it has a really broken component (Rageknife) once finished it gives 30 magic on-hit which is plenty for the early game on top of insane amounts of attack speed. It also scales really hard especially with some specific builds. |
Stride gives you a big AD boost which makes all of your abilities do more damage including the true damage stacks. It also gives a decent amount of HP making you more durable in teamfights and a lot harder to kite (once you Q on top of your target you can use stridebreaker before trying to land w to guarantee it most of the times). |
Stacking Armor and Magic resistance to crazy amounts from a single item is perfect. The more stacks on the item you have the higher efficiency of your healing will be as you will be healing more eHP. |
If you're against a kite or AD heavy team this item is perfect for both sticking onto them and making good use of your ![]() ![]() ![]() |
In most build bork will be your main damage source early game. It synergizes decently well with the rest of Bel'Veths' kit as you can use bork to get them low and then use E to finish them off. | ||
A massive magic damage boost when paired with stuff like rageblade will make you deal some insane hybrid damage which is near impossible to build against. Before hybrid builds weren't the best at scaling because they had trouble with armor/mr pen but now with rageblade they scale extremely well against everything. | ||
This item was buffed to give 10% lifesteal now which is really big and paired with Rageblade it gives decent on-hit damage trading minimal amounts of damage for a ton of survivability from the lifesteal and the shield. | ||
A huge lifesteal and AD boost will give you some insane sustain and damage to your true damage stacks. With such massive lifesteal and your E damage reduction it's easy to stay above 50% HP for its passive to work. | ||
Unfortunately Kraken Slayer doesn't work with Rageblade which makes it a lot less appealing but it is still a decent option if you just want more pure DPS. I would only take it in builds where you're snowballing or you're gonna go for strong early damage then transition to tankier items and mythics. | ||
Even in no health builds it is a pretty good pick up just for the health and some AD. During your form especially late game you will get a lot more AD and on-hit because ult's bonus HP scales with titanic's passives. | ||
Sometimes your true damage won't be enough and you need additional sources of damage.![]() | ||
Death's dance kinda fell out of favor after its significant nerfs to the takedown healing but it's still decent at delaying damage to allow you to either barely kill somebody or heal up. | ||
With hullbreaker you become such a deadly duelist theres basically no champion that can 1v1 you late game and together with bonus damage to towers you will push towers faster than yorick with a minion wave big enough. | ||
Many tank items can work when you need them. You can choose depending on their teamcomp, items like ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Why is Rageblade an amazing item on Bel'Veth? |
New Rageblade was reworked from an on-hit booster to a hybrid damage item together with on-hit boost. This makes some mixed damage builds work really well on bel'veth especially now when it gives dual penetrations. I'd argue that the "lifesteal" build where you paired Bork > Shieldbow > Rageblade > BT for insane damage with sustain however now not just that you still have the same amounts of lifesteal you unironically do more damage late game than with bork and late game is what the lifesteal rageblade build is about It may not seem like a drastic increase in damage but trust me it is a big difference because of the way the stacks work - the more you have the faster will the damage ramp up until at some point every 2nd/3rd auto attack will chunk tanks hard. |
Here's a list of reasons on why I believe Bel'Veth toplane is perfectly viable and you can make it work too: |
Overrated Passive |
As everyone knows ![]() ![]() | |
Mobility | Your Q gives you such valuable mobility in the toplane and you can use trading patterns most toplaners cannot match. You can dodge nearly any skillshot, move unpredictably, escape and engage easily and so on. | |
Herald and Splitpushing | As a toplaner herald is right next to your lane making it a lot easier to take. Together with it you have insane splitpushing potential and you can do it pretty much for as long as you like because guess what? You're not a jungler and you're not stuck with smite. Especially when ahead most toplaners cannot even contest your splitpush and you can use your insane duel potential instead of being a jungler having to contest objectives. | |
Countering | For majority of matchups you either win them or go even due to your safety. You can make a darius or aatrox rq the game and this applies to reason 3 if somebody ever freezes against you and their jungler isn't on their side you can sneak and take herald with ease. You're giving the enemy laner very little options and if they don't know how to play against you, you can snowball out of control. | |
Outscaling |
You have no real bad matchups and you outscale almost every toplaner out there. Squishy ranged champions lost in draft, bruisers get outscaled by 1 - 2 items if you're not ahead and you're a natural tank slayer. Out duelists like Jax and Fiora can be problematic but you can beat even them if you play correctly especially around your ![]() | |
I'm not saying that Bel top is better than jungle by any means, far from it actually but if you love the champ and just prefer top or simply wanna play her there you 100% can while not wasting her strengths. This list also isn't full, I don't wanna go fully in-depth with details but I'm pretty sure you got the point. |
+ High item and build diverstiy + Strong and safe laning + Strong scaling + Highly mobile + Great at dueling and splitpushing + Tank slayer + Fast Herald taker + Manaless + Monster lady |
- Low stacks compared to JG - Requires patience - Hard to pickup top - Takes a tank/CC bot slot - Not the best teamfighter - Porbably tilts teammates - Stats locked behind ult - Bad early level waveclear | |||
Matchups Detailed -NEW- (Incomplete)
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Is Bel'Veth a late game champion?
![]() Bel'Veth is champion who makes more use out of on-hit than any other champion because she has insane amounts of attack speed which she can also stack through her passive. This alone makes her really strong in the late game as she's a hypermobile damage dealing machine. However she is still melee and can be blown up by adcs if she cannot reach them and other real "late game" champions can be more dangerous than you. This however doesn't make you bad late game as you still scale really hard compared to most champions and when it comes to 6 item 1v1s you will 99% of the times come out on top as there is no champion that can deal with your insane true damage and on-hit late game. So practically yes bel'veth IS a late game champion (as a duelist) as she can easily win any 1v1 and even some 1v2 depending on the enemy champions. You can permanently stay in the sidelanes and threaten the enemy base. |

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