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Bel'Veth Build Guide by zLordSnake

Support [13.17] Bel Veth Support: Guide and Build to Master Lane Supremacy in Summoner's Rift

Support [13.17] Bel Veth Support: Guide and Build to Master Lane Supremacy in Summoner's Rift

Updated on September 3, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zLordSnake Build Guide By zLordSnake 8,201 Views 0 Comments
8,201 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zLordSnake Bel'Veth Build Guide By zLordSnake Updated on September 3, 2023
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Runes: Playing Aggressively

1 2 3
Press the Attack
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Font of Life
Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Flash and Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[13.17] Bel Veth Support: Guide and Build to Master Lane Supremacy in Summoner's Rift

By zLordSnake

-High Mobility
-High Outplay Potential
-Versatile Builds
-Great Split Push
-Good Wave Clear
-High Snowball
-Considerable Early Game Damage
-Excellent Teamfights
-No Mana Usage


-Requires Team Follow-Up
-Deals Low Damage in Mid and Late Game
-High Early Game Cooldowns
Primary Rune Tree:

Press the Attack: The Q and E abilities of Bel Veth trigger the stacks of this rune, causing damage and leaving the target vulnerable for 6 seconds, amplifying the damage dealt by your team to this target

Triumph: Excellent rune for staying alive after kills and accelerating gold gains after kills

Legend: Tenacity: Essential rune to minimize crowd control on you.

Coup de Grace: This rune is perfect for securing early-game kills and can also be swapped out for the 'Last Stand' rune, it's your choice.

Secondary Rune Tree:

Font of Life: The W of Bel Veth is a good crowd control ability; it triggers this rune, helping provide some sustain for your team.

Bone Plating: This rune will help you minimize burst damage received; you can swap it for the Second Wind rune if you're against heavy pokers or any other of your choice.
Primary Rune Tree:

Glacial Augment: This rune will cause enemies to be slowed, triggering the Font of Life rune on all targets hit, and it also reduces damage taken from enemies by 15% during the duration.

Hextech Flash: Great for creating plays with Hextech Flash, jumping walls, and devising strategies to catch the enemy by surprise.

Future's Market:It will serve to accelerate item purchases.

Cosmic Insight: Runes to reduce item and summoner spell cooldowns. Good for applying pressure on opponents.

Secondary Rune Tree:

Font of Life: The W of Bel Veth is a good crowd control ability; it triggers this rune, helping provide some sustain for your team.

Revitalize: This rune increases the healing you and your allies receive, and it also boosts the healing generated by the Font of Life or Second Wind rune.
The choice of Bel'Veth in the support position is highly viable and aggressive, rarely losing skirmishes in the bot lane. Furthermore, her gameplay is relatively straightforward. She enjoys remarkable mobility, with four dashes available in her Q ability, offers a robust crowd control with her W, and brings an effective damage mitigator with her E. Her R ability makes her resilient in teamfights, providing significant survival potential. Bel'Veth can impact the game in various ways, including the ability to secure Heralds and pressure side lanes, facilitating tower takedowns. Thus, she can fulfill the role of a support capable of split-pushing.
Bel Veth's support strategy revolves around aggressive engagement. She uses her Q ability to approach enemies, her W to apply crowd control, and her E to reduce incoming damage. In situations requiring retreat, she can use her Q again.

When Bel Veth chooses the Press the Attack rune, the strategy is to trigger the rune to amplify her allies' damage output. This approach aims to enhance the damage dealt to targets affected by the rune, combining it with the amplification build composed of items such as Even Shroud, Zeke's Convergence, Imperial Mandate, and Abyssal Mask. This combination allows her allies to inflict substantial damage. However, it's important to remember that this build won't make her as resilient, so caution is necessary. The use of her E ability is crucial for mitigating enemy combos, like those from Lux or Zed, serving as an ace up her sleeve for survival.

If you are playing with the Glacial Augment rune, try to land your W for successful trades. If you miss it, you have to retreat and wait until the W is available again. This rune can make a significant difference in teamfights as it inflicts substantial area slow. When combined with the Font of Life rune, it provides additional sustain to your team.

Try to rush level 6 as soon as possible by making efficient recalls to secure the Rift Herald early. If you manage to secure the first Rift Herald, apply pressure to a lane with your passive larvae. Look for opportunities to secure kills to extend their duration, and make the most of your time by pressuring lanes with this ultimate passive.

Try to reach level 6 as early as possible by making efficient recalls to secure the Rift Herald early. If you manage to secure the first Rift Herald, apply pressure to a lane with your passive larvae. Look for opportunities to secure kills to extend their duration, and make the most of your time by pressuring lanes with this ultimate passive.

Bel'Veth's E mitigates 70% of damage, so draw focus onto yourself, making them expend their skills, thus creating an opportunity for your team to fight with a spell advantage.

I hope that players find success when applying this strategy with Bel Veth as a support. Good luck in your matches and make the most of this support champion's potential! If you need more tips or information in the future, don't hesitate to come back. Enjoy your games!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zLordSnake
zLordSnake Bel'Veth Guide
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[13.17] Bel Veth Support: Guide and Build to Master Lane Supremacy in Summoner's Rift

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