Pretty much perma ban. Has incredible sticking power and auto dodge. If they can play their champ to the most minute degree, you lose. Go d-shield, second wind and pray.
Dr. Mundo
You don't win after 6, if you take any poke before all in, you lose. Basically just go d-shield and second wind.
A skill match up pre 6 but hard loss post. He is simply that guy. He can split better, 1v1 better and do more dmg. play for early and then play for team/damage control.
You lose. You can farm but there's no way to catch/kill and skilled singed. Be patient and macro outplay. D-Shield isnt mandatory but can be valuable.
A skill match up but it favors kled slightly because of his base griev. Dodge bear trap and you have a chance to kill. Once he gets bruiser items, its tough to kill. Beware.
Skill match up pre 6. Only way to kill post six is minor poke along with jg help. Any nasus that plays fleet into you, you never kill unless they misposition.
Similar to nasus. Tanky but not unkillable. Does not usually go runes to play vs poke. Kiting can be difficult with sion Q. CS and play for objs/team.
Pre 6 even match up. Simply dodge tentacles and all in. Ignite goes a long way and be sure to stack e to win. Play around her grab and ult and you win. If you eat her pokes on a daily just take d-shield.
CS, dont lose lane. This daddy always dominates you. You might be able to out play if his passive is low and he's recently used his shield. Other than that, this man stomps even under tower.
Shen is a tough match up but he does not have much escape. Potential to outplay but is minor. If you dodge dash you can kite him back to his tower. Don't get hit by his abilities and you win.
Pretty good match up. Don't dash into shotgun knees and you preserve a lot of hp. Hit w and can all in. Man is slow. Ignite goes a long way. Can save/reset e for urgot R and dash out of it's way. Don't get poked or you lose.
Difficult match up post 6, however pre 6 you can do a lot. DO NOT GET SILENCED or you will DIE!!! Beyond that just sustain and manage wave so he loses exp and gold. Or you can take rift or ward. Prioritize advantages and be sure to poke and all in if he greeds too much.
FF, this man beats you 24/7. almost as bad as jax, except this man doesn't care abt you autoing him. He just wrecks you anyway. play safe and dont die or you lose the game.
Another ooga booga champion. FF or play safe. Play for exp, and objs. DEFINITELY BUY DORANS SHIELD!!!
Can bully early but once she gets ranged auto attacks you can lose. Bully early so she loses exp and gold. Play safe once she's ranged until she messes up or creates an opening to punish. Do not greed as she can punish you while you disengage. No need to start dshield.
If they are good, you lose. If they greed you can outplay. Simply buy dshield and wait for an opening. If she roams PUNISH HER!!! Ping and make sure your team knows she's gone even when she resets. Make her lose exp and gold and take tower.
Skill Match up but once he's at iron spike whip/tabi's you start losing. play safe after.
No, ff.
If they are good, you dont win. However if they don't 1 trick her ther is potential. Just punish lvl 1 and play safe after lvl 2. Don't try to 1v1 after 6. She stomps at 6 and mid tier component items. Simply cs and damage control/ take tower.
You will not win unless he greeds. Play safe even @ lvl 1. 1 q and he dominates you. Don't need to take dorans shield but can if you want to be greedy.
Difficult to play into but can 1v1. Wait for passive shield to fall and then can 1v1. Ignite goes a long way vs her. E stacking is your best friend too. Punish early and don't die or she will ruin your life.
LITTLE DEVIL!!! It's a skill match up but it favors him so much. Pre 6 you can all in but you have to play near perfect to win consistantly. post 6 you can win unless you get hit with a shroom then you insta lose. DEFINITELY take dshield second wind if you are inexperienced with the match up and play safe. If you are confident take dsword and outplay him
He literally has more range. If they don't know how to play you can win, but if they have an ounce of knowledge you just get poked out of your misery.
pre 6 you win. Post 6 is a farming match up. If he is timid or you got a lead early you can win post 6. Otherwise farm after 6.
1v1 are actually favored to you as she will have to come to you for her q. Putting her in excellent range for your autos. Play around your w and stack your e. Ignite early and hit your q and you win. If she lands e and goes in it can be tough. But if she missplays and goes in after missing e you win.
Spinning ooga booga man. Can 1v1 but if they have decent knowledge of graves and his strength, they can outplay. Post 6 he can just tower dive you and farm you that way. Definitely just farm post 6.
is HIGHLY volatile for 1v1 but you can win if your micromovement is good enough. play around your w and his e and you can win. if you get hit by his ult you lose, its just too much dmg for you to 1v1. No d-shield required but can take if you struggle with yone.
Do not 1v1 renekton, he wrecks house. Can take dshield but just dont over extend and you're good.
tough 1v1, her e has some funky mechanics with your autos but be patient and try to bring her out of shroud/ punish her while she's in it. Ignite goes a long way. No dshield required but can take if you dont like akali
ff 15, vlad destroys you in everyway. Armor is worthless, he out sustains and becomes invulnerable. Just farm and play for objs/team
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