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Recommended Items
Runes: Zoom Zoomzir
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Shurima's Legacy (PASSIVE)
Azir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Jarvan IV
Jarvan perfectly locks down Targets for Azir in place. They can not Escape your Soldiers. 10/10. In turn if J4's ult is down, Azir can set up a gank into J4 which J4 can follow up beautifully with his knock up combo.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan perfectly locks down Targets for Azir in place. They can not Escape your Soldiers. 10/10. In turn if J4's ult is down, Azir can set up a gank into J4 which J4 can follow up beautifully with his knock up combo.
Champion Build Guide
I'm streaming since march as of this year daily and making content on all Socials from TikTok to Twitch.
Feel free to come along my journey of trying to reach the top of the ladder and trying to become the best Azir EUW.
I Played from S2 ~ S5 and failed my Master Promos back then and I'm now back again since the 2nd half of S12.
I've managed to peak so far at 484LP Masters in S13 S2.
This guide is here to provide you with my favorite build that helped me reach Masters in such a short period of time of playing the game again aswell as share some other favotire Builds of mine.
The Nashors Rush aka the Mythicless Azir.
I came up with this Build within 5 days of depression after Azirs initially dreaded mini-rework.
To keep things interesting I'll be updating this guide with other current Favorite Builds that I run, and other Builds that I've extensively tested and played.
You'll notice a tendency for

We are playing SoloQ and are not on the professional Stage.
At the end of the day the enemy team won't be able to accomplish much if the enemy carries are dead.
Due to the nature of SoloQ environment you've probably experienced yourself that you can't always rely on your frontliners and supports to properly and perfectly peel you during teamfights.
It's not even the Echo effect but more so the flat penetration

which outshines

And especially mathematically in the lategame

Ludens passive simply serves to have you equipped with the most amount of raw damage at all times in case you need to outmuscle the enemy apc, adc or assassin if they find an angle on you

That said, you should Obviously opt into

In my personal case however, I might end up swapping over to Liandry's Builds once I reach Grandmaster/Challenger as the flow of games might be different.
Just for me atm, and all the ranks below, my Builds should yield the best results for you. Hope you'll enjoy :)

This Build is a Hybrid of Burst and DPS.
It doesn't provide the 100-0 statchecky nature during it's first 2 items unlike the Nashors Build. It also doesn't Nuke as hard as fullpen builds at 2 items until we acquire

It's more of a zoom in and out type of fight-style similar to

Think of Ludens as your Fleetfootwork but with added free burst.
You want to be using

Gameplay Guide
Summoners of choice:

Early game:
Due to the lack of

I often end up basing, on 435 or or 800-ish gold to replenish mana and hp and and buy either just an

or an

As when you come back you should be level 4 which is where you're going to have 2 points in



2 flows come by depending on your next base:

If you grab both you're bing schilling but want to be more prone towards the original Hit and run playstyle. However the added AS of

Midgame: From here on out we adhere to the

With a couple of

The flow/goal should not be to go in and Burst, but more so going permanently into your opponents Face and out again in tandem Between the CD's of Luden's Poke and MS-Steroid, HoB poke and inherent abilty to quickly shave off 1.5~4.5s of

Our T2 boots also amplify the speed of Hob aswell as help reduce Luden's CD.
Literally everything synergizes in this build.


Meaning if 3 soldiers hit a target once Ludens' CD gets reduced by 1.5s. Luden's can't be reduced by more than 1.5s per stab, meaning we can't reduce Luden's by 2s with 4 Soldiers.
If we hit a target with 3 soldiers, 3 times, we reduce Ludens' CD by 4.5s in a short period fo time.
If we have 5 stacks of

If you manage to Proc

That already is quite juicy and sounds amazing.
Now we're going to add a little extra oomph and agility into our build and gameflow.
In order to not feel like a budget version of Syndra unlike most Burst Azir builds.
We are introducing

Also, unlike normal autoattacks you are unable to cancel the AA Animation of Azir's

however the speed of

By introducing a little extra attackspeed through

and recude

One of

Yes this item deals always a little less DMG compared to

The reveal effect of

It seems quite early game oriented but AH = Lategame.
Now we've equipped ourselves with so much AH, IH, DMG and MS burst through HoB and

added AP lategame scaling through

Now the math at full Build also checks out as we are looking at 26Flat MPen + 40%Mpen and another 10%DMG amplification through


It's probably due to this fact, why a 4 item Version of this Build without


Your max DMG 3 item spike:

Alternate Build(slower games):

Hope you enjoy

The main thing I like about this build is that it sets you up to be able to 1v1 virtually anyone very early on.
It gives that old 3-soldier-steroid-statcheck vibe.
Gameplay Guide
Summoners of Choice:

Already on

Yone-Style statcheck-fashion. They just cannot fight back. Abuse this power for early skirmishes or run over your laner and snowball off the face of Summoners Rift.
I'm really looking for blood and snowballing here.
For Goomba stomping go

you'll probably end up buying

Limittesting is the name of the game here.
The focal point when going this Build is to play your games with a focus on practicing your spacing, kiting and Cooldown-punishment Skills aka Knowledge of other champions cooldowns and their ranges of each of their abilites. In order to see the most success and improvement in your skill on

The mana-regen mid-fight

of 250 through

This sets you up to build literally anything you need in order to win and outplay your opponents.
Because of this, you can feel free to experiment with builds of your own style! The provided Buildpath for this Build is simply what I commit to on my main or on a smurf and doesn't need to be copied, just know this is how I do it and what I recommend to players who seek to level-up their skill on

The best Part about this Build is that it leaves you incredibly fexible compared to other Builds while leaving you still with the most amount of DPS due to

This runepage provides you the most flexibility in terms of Build-crafting your own style.
After 3 or 4 items you can swap out

Originally I've built Nash, Sorcs with Lethal tempo.

4 Item Core:

Have fun going crazy :)

Gameplay Guide
Summoners of Choice:

2ndary Rune Options:

We just want to scale.
Your buildpath and playstyle is going to be in a Fashion that you're probably already used to.
Farm for Lost chapter, get our Mythic Item, keep on farming Gold and XP untill our powerspike at 2 items.
My decision-making as I'm piloting this Build is heavily influenced by the underlying goal of acquiring

In order to maximize my scaling and powerspike at 2 Items im seeking to die as little as possible and only commit to low risk high rewards situations. You are going to 1v9 your game most of the time no matter the state of the game once you've gotten there in a smooth fashion.
Again the Mantra of the game is proper clean gameplay, Backline-Carry á la challenjour.
The more time you spend dead the less xp you're getting and making you fall behind.
Levels play indeed a big role when it comes to taking over a game.
My personal priority is to acquire

In more difficult games where there's

You don't need to necessarrily snowball in order to grab

As with this build you're intuitively not constantly seeking for trades and skirmishes you'll find yourself more often than not longing to just farm and scale up, kind of in old

Thus allowing you stay and farm for the 1250g for each

The enemy ADC can be 25 and 0, all they do is deal damage. Once they've gotten struck by 1 or 2 stabs of ours on this spike they'll start to reconsider their choices.
In a similar fashion however, depending on the tunnel-vision of your opponent and depending on how little you've interacted with your opponents by this time, your opponents might not realize how much DMG you're dealing with each stab and they might just die before they even realize it.
Acquiring the hat this early boosts you to a crazy amount of AP, and will massively increase the value of each AP you'll buy moving forward.
Each stab will feel slow but it's going to chonk.
This is going to make Itemization very pleasant aswell.
Now you can Grab literally any item you want from here on out as you're sitting on the 2 best AP items available to mages: Your Mythic Item and Rabadon's Deathcapp.

Another good reason to purchase

The reveal passive + AH is just way more valuable than the little bit of extra DMG provided by SF. Potentially alongside SF even, in games in which I don't need

Generally Banshee's is built to block/hinder pick-making champs from their Job. IMO this item serves it's best use in way higher ELO's.

Pro tip: Track your opponents components. You want to be building Void as they're building their MR items. You do not want to start building Vodstaff AFTER the enemy already finnished their MR item.


Especially when one is playing a bit more aggressive and spammy.
Manaflow alone, or Manamythic alone sometimes got me going oom.
If you can mana-manage well however you might want to try out


In earlier stages of the game the extra 10-30 dmg are very noticeable and happen instantly, comapared to scorch, and it acts as a mini-ludens. 10/10 Rune.

If I'm in the

Stackless it provides a 20s cd refund on Zhonyas for instance.
Reduces the CD of Trinkets aswell as of Items such as



Challenger 1200LP peak NA Azir OTP "Kendy XO" favors this rune a lot.
Mid: 2 Materialisers on melee, 1 on Cannon.
Top: 1 Mat on melee, 2 on Cannon.

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