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Azir Build Guide by liqulabouse

Middle [13.21] Azir Build and Guide

Middle [13.21] Azir Build and Guide

Updated on November 7, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author liqulabouse Build Guide By liqulabouse 5,764 Views 0 Comments
5,764 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author liqulabouse Azir Build Guide By liqulabouse Updated on November 7, 2023
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Runes: All matchup runes

1 2 3
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm


Win is starting here
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

[13.21] Azir Build and Guide

By liqulabouse
First Wave
There are 2 different way to manage it. First hard push it when you are against a free matchup. Let the ennemy push especially against Non-range champ and hard matchup like irelia or yasuo
How to manage DMG on lane
In this part i'll give an opinion, and i know that not every azir's main would agree ont this. There is for me 3 ways to deals some damages on lane. The first one is to cast a soldier near your ennemy and attack him directly with it. The second one, you cast a soldier then you use your Q to deal damages and attack him with an AA. And the third one is to cast the soldier, AA the ennemy, Q and apply an other AA. The third one is obviously the best one but it's also the one that you wont be able to do in every matchup, especially against poke champ like vel koz or xerath.

But, there is a crucial choice to do when you want to deal some damage. "Will you use one or two soldier". For me, the better option in lane is alwasy 1 soldier if you have the choice. The fact is that 1 soldier is always more precise. When you only have one soldier, the spike of the soldier will hit exactly on your cursor, but when you have two soldier your cursor will be the point between your two soldier. So to be accurate you will need to place your soldier beside the ennemy wich is absolutly unnatural and will lead you to tons of mistakes, atleast if you are a new azir player. Also, in early a second soldier do not worth the mana cost with the additional damages it will deal. To end with this, the soldier that you wont use to poke will be a soldier in more to push so for me, the best option is clearly the one soldier.
This is the most important thing to know. Nearby 70% of the time, if you go in to do the famous shuffle you will loose or not hard win the fight. The important thing is to start dpsing ennemy team and at the moment they will go back with half their HP, at this moment you go in and every fight are like this.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author liqulabouse
liqulabouse Azir Guide
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[13.21] Azir Build and Guide

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