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Aurelion Sol Build Guide by Body Those Fools

Middle [13.21] BodyThoseFools' Challenger Aurelion Sol Guide [In-depth]

Middle [13.21] BodyThoseFools' Challenger Aurelion Sol Guide [In-depth]

Updated on October 27, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Body Those Fools Build Guide By Body Those Fools 13 0 26,368 Views 3 Comments
13 0 26,368 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Body Those Fools Aurelion Sol Build Guide By Body Those Fools Updated on October 27, 2023
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3 4 5
First Strike
Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4 5
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

[13.21] BodyThoseFools' Challenger Aurelion Sol Guide [In-depth]

By Body Those Fools

About Me

I'm Austin or BodyThoseFools. I'm rank 1 Azir world and I've recently picked up Aurelion Sol and plan on playing him to Challenger. I've been playing him since he was released on the PBE.

Why Learn Aurelion Sol?

Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger

Aurelion Sol is incredibly fun to play. Riot did an AMAZING job with his rework. His damage is insane and his carry/1v9 potential is incredible.

Aurelion Sol is hard countered by CC and champs that outrange him. He needs frontline and reliable CC to DPS in teamfights. With the help of this guide, I will teach you everything you need to know about Aurelion Sol!
Pros and Cons

Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger


+ Insane solo carry potential
+ Incredibly fun to play
+ Strong mid and late game
+ Snowballs really hard
+ Amazing damage output
+ Excels in teamfights
+ Easy last hitting (E)
+ W reset = easy multikills

Aurelion Sol is easily the most fun champion in my opinion. He has an insane late game and is outstanding in teamfights. It's easy to farm with him and he can take over games insanely quick.

- Low damage early game
- Insanely mana hungry
- Countered by mobility, CC, range
- CC cancels Q and W
- Ult is easily dodgeable (until later)
- Gold/item dependent
- Requires good positioning and knowledge of W

The biggest issue with Aurelion Sol is that he is extremely mana hungry. He's hard countered by champions with a lot of CC, mobility, and those that outrange him. However, with the help of this guide, you will learn everything you possibly can about Aurelion Sol!

Cosmic Creator (P)
RANGE: N/A (innate)
COST: N/A (innate)
COOLDOWN: N/A (innate)
Aurelion Sol’s damaging abilities break down enemies into Stardust, which improves his abilities:

- Q: Bursts deal an additional (0.031% Stardust Stacks)% maximum health magic damage.
- W: Increased distance by a maximum of 62.5% traveled.
- E: Increased area by a maximum of 15% and execute threshold by a max of 2.6%.
- R: Increased area by a maximum of 15%.

Values are all dependant on your Stardust Stacks.

This ability enhances the rest of your abilites; the more Stardust you have, the stronger your abilities become.

Breath of Light (Q)
RANGE: 750-920 (based on level)
COST: 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 mana per .5 seconds
Aurelion Sol breathes starfire, dealing magic damage per second to the first enemy hit and 50% of the damage to surrounding enemies (depending on level). Each full second of breath on the same enemy deals a burst of magic damage plus max health magic damage and absorbs 1 Stardust if they are a champion. Percent damage deals a max of 300 magic damage against jungle monsters.

This ability is Aurelion Sol's main damage. It will only do the most damage to the first target, so try to hit the enemy champions instead of minions unless you're farming.

Astral Flight (W)
RANGE: 1200 + 7.5 per Stardust stack
COST: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 mana
COOLDOWN: 22 / 20.5 / 19 / 17.5 / 16
SPEED: 335 + 100% movement speed / 167.5 + 50% movement speed (while using Breath of Light
Aurelion Sol flies in a direction. While flying, Breath of Light has no cooldown, no maximum channel duration, and its flat damage is increased. Takedowns on champions within 3 seconds of damaging them refunds 90% of this ability’s cooldown. Casting Breath of Light while flying reduces flight speed by 50%.

Flight speed is 335 + 100% movement speed.

This is pretty much his reworked E, but a lot better. Its cooldown refreshes with takedowns, so try to use it before you kill someone and it will come back up. It's also unaffected by damage, however, hard cc will stop you. You can use this ability to roam or initiate fights.

Singularity (E)
RANGE: 750-920 (based on level)
COST: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana
COOLDOWN: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10
Aurelion Sol summons a black hole, dealing magic damage and dragging enemies towards the center for 5 seconds. Enemies in the center below a certain threshold die instantly. The black hole absorbs Stardust when enemies die within it and each second an enemy champion is inside it. Minions and jungle monsters inside will have 0 movement speed.

This ability absorbs 1 Stardust per second from Champions. Stardust absorbed from units that die in the black hole:

- Epic Monsters: 10 Stardust
- Champions and Large monsters: 5 Stardust
- Siege minions: 3 Stardust
- Minions and small monsters: 1 Stardust

This ability will earn you more stardust. Use it to last hit minions and kills.

Falling Star (R)
RANGE: 1250
COST: 100 mana
COOLDOWN: 120 / 110 / 100

Aurelion Sol plucks a star from the heavens and crashes it into the earth, dealing magic damage, stunning enemies, and absorbing Stardust for each champion hit.

Gathering 75 Stardust transforms the next Falling Star into The Skies Descend. Aurelion Sol drags a constellation’s worth of fury down from the cosmos, dealing magic damage in a larger area, knocking up enemies hit, and unleashing a massive shockwave that deals magic damage to champions and epic monsters, and slowing all enemies hit.

This ability is pretty insane, albeit hard to hit. When you get enough Stardust it will be even better.
Aurelion Sol has a few good rune choices. Refer to the example pages at the top of the guide for full example pages.



First Strike is one of the keystones I take on Aurelion Sol. In my opinion, it's the best run for him because he wants to scale as fast as possible. Glacial Augment and Unsealed Spellbook are bad on Aurelion Sol, so never use them.

Magical Footwear is good because it allows you to hit your item spikes faster without spending 300G on boots. Perfect Timing is something I'd take if I was playing against champs with point click Ults like Kayn, Rek'Sai, or Zed. Hextech Flashtraption is pointless so never take it.

All of these runes can be considered. Take Future's Market if you want to hit your spikes faster, Minion Dematerializer if you want easier Stardust, or [Biscuit Delivery]] if you think you'll struggle early game.

Cosmic Insight is the only rune I'd consider in the 4th row for Aurelion Sol. He does benefit from Approach Velocity, but the lower Flash cooldown is a lot better imo; you're always starting either Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess, so Time Warp Tonic is pointless.

Always take the double adaptive shards. The last shard just depends on your matchup. If the enemy laner is AD, you can take the Armor shard. If the enemy laner is AP, you can take the Magic Resist shard. If you're confident you can just take the HP shard.



Arcane Comet is one of the keystones I take on Aurelion Sol. It is better for poke and into mages / long range champs. Summon Aery and Phase Rush are bad on Aurelion Sol so never take either of them.

Manaflow Band is the best 2nd rune in Sorcery for Aurelion Sol. Aurelion Sol is very mana hungry, so Manaflow Band helps with that. Nullifying Orb and Nimbus Cloak aren't that good when compared to Manaflow Band, so just take Manaflow Band every game.

In my opinion, Absolute Focus is the best 3rd rune in Sorcery for Aurelion Sol. You have rather long range, so unless you're against someone with longer range, you should be above the HP threshold to keep Absolute Focus active. Celerity is pretty useless on Aurelion Sol when compared to Absolute Focus and Transcendence. Either are fine to use, so just use your preferred one.

Gathering Storm is the best 4th rune in Sorcery for Aurelion Sol. Waterwalking is pretty much useless, so never take it. Scorch isn't really relevant because of how weak Aurelion Sol's early game is. Gathering Storm is the best option here by far.

Always take the double adaptive shards. The last shard just depends on your matchup. If the enemy laner is AD, you can take the Armor shard. If the enemy laner is AP, you can take the Magic Resist shard. If you're confident you can just take the HP shard.



Conqueror is really only good on Aurelion Sol when you try my for fun build. With Muramana, you can spam Breath of Light to proc Conqueror quickly and reduce the cooldown of Luden's Tempest as well. All of the Breath of Light spam will benefit from Muramana's onhit ability damage. None of the other runes here synergize at all, so don't bother with them

Presence of Mind is the best 2nd rune in Precision for Aurelion Sol if you're trying my for fun build. Aurelion Sol can proc Presence of Mind rather easily because he's ranged. The extra mana regen will help him with his horrible mana consumption early game. The mana you get from takedowns can be insanely helpful in skirmishes and teamfights. Overheal is useless, but Triumph is okay. If I'm ever going Precision, however, I'm almost always going to take Presence of Mind just because of how well it synergizes with Aurelion Sol's kit.

Legend: Tenacity is the best 3rd rune in Precision for Aurelion Sol if you're trying my for fun build. Aurelion Sol doesn't benefit from the attack speed you get from Legend: Alacrity nor the lifesteal you get from Legend: Bloodline, so the choice here is obvious. The extra tenacity will help you not be CC'd forever during fights and/or ganks.

All of these runes are viable when trying my for fun build. However, in my opinion, Last Stand is the best. You can take Cut Down if you're playing against a lot of frontline.

Always take the double adaptive shards. The last shard just depends on your matchup. If the enemy laner is AD, you can take the Armor shard. If the enemy laner is AP, you can take the Magic Resist shard. If you're confident you can just take the HP shard.
Summoner Spells

Flash is a must-have on Aurelion Sol in my opinion. You can use it to escape, last hit kills, or set up a good Singularity. Take this every game.
Teleport is a solid choice to pair with Flash. If you have no kill pressure, or if you just prefer to play safer and with/for your team, Teleport is better.
Ignite is viable, too, but I think Teleport is just better.
Exhaust is very situational. I would only take Exhaust into assassins such as Qiyana, Talon, or Zed OR ADCs such as Akshan, Lucian, or Quinn.
Barrier is even more situational than Exhaust. You can swap Exhaust with Barrier into assassins/burst.
Cleanse is very situational. I would really only take it if the enemy team had a LOT of CC including my laner (think of champions such as Zoe, Fiddlesticks, or Morgana).

This section will only cover the most viable items on Aurelion Sol. If it's not here, I don't recommend building it.

Starting Items

Doran's Ring is the best starting item for Aurelion Sol. Its passive helps with last hitting AND it helps with mana regen early game pre- Lost Chapter since Aurelion Sol is very mana-hungry. Combined with Presence of Mind and/or Manaflow Band, Doran's Ring is the best starting item for Aurelion Sol. Pick up 2 Health Potion as well.
Tear of the Goddess is the other viable starting item for Aurelion Sol. You can stack it early and get an earlier Seraph's Embrace. It's a required item since Aurelion Sol is very mana-hungry.

First Back

Ideally, your first back every game is going to be Lost Chapter. Lost Chapter is Aurelion Sol's first powerspike. The extra mana and ability haste will help his laning phase immensely. If you don't have enough gold for Lost Chapter, build into it with Amplifying Tome first and Sapphire Crystal second.

Tear of the Goddess is a good first back option if you didn't choose it for your starting item.

Dark Seal is good if you have to reset early or if you get first blood. It will help you snowball your games. You can eventually build it into Mejai's Soulstealer to help you snowball even harder.

Refillable Potion is good if you have to reset early, but don't have enough gold for Boots or Dark Seal.


You can pick up Boots early if you're against a laner with skillshots or if they're higher mobility to match their movement speed.

Sorcerer's Shoes are the best boots on Aurelion Sol. More damage!! You should get these every game.


Every Mana mythic is viable on Aurelion Sol.

Liandry's Torment is one of the best mythics on Aurelion Sol. Build Liandry's Torment when the enemy team has a lot of frontline, champs that stack HP, bruisers, and/or tanks.

Luden's Tempest is one of the best mythics on Aurelion Sol. Build Luden's Tempest when the enemy team has a lot of squishy champions.

Rod of Ages is one of the viable mythics on Aurelion Sol. Build Rod of Ages when you prefer to scale OR if you feel you can survive laning phase without dying. Aurelion Sol scales incredibly well, so Rod of Ages with Seraph's Embrace will be incredibly strong.

Crown of the Shattered Queen is one of the viable mythics on Aurelion Sol. Build Crown of the Shattered Queen when the enemy team has a lot of short-ranged champs and/or champs that try to dive you. Its passive will help prevent you from getting bursted when dove or engaged on.

Everfrost is one of the viable mythics on Aurelion Sol. Build Everfrost when the enemy team has a lot of short-ranged champs and/or champs that try to dive you. You can also build it into teams with a lot of mobility; the slow and root will help you land your spells. Everfrost is also a good option when you feel you can pick the enemy team easily.

Core Build

Against heavy frontline, bruisers, etc.

If your laner and/or the enemy team stacks a lot of HP with their items such as Iceborn Gauntlet, Sterak's Gage, or Warmog's Armor, then Liandry's Torment is the best mythic for Aurelion Sol. Liandry's Torment's passive will deal more damage to champions with more bonus health, so it' s a must have into beefy comps.

In my opinion, Seraph's Embrace is the best 2nd item for Aurelion Sol. It provides an insane 2 item spike. Aurelion Sol is incredibly mana hungry and this item remedies that.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is the best 3rd item for Aurelion Sol. Rylai's Crystal Scepter will make it harder for the enemies to escape from Singularity and they'll get 100-0'd by Breath of Light.

Against squishies

If your laner and/or the enemy team is mostly squishy, with champions such as Gangplank, Janna, or Aphelios, then Luden's Tempest is the best mythic for Aurelion Sol. Luden's Tempest's passive will make your abilities hurt more, plus the mana and ability haste are both very beneficial for Aurelion Sol.

In my opinion, Seraph's Embrace is the best 2nd item for Aurelion Sol. It provides an insane 2 item spike. Aurelion Sol is incredibly mana hungry and this item remedies that.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is the best 3rd item for Aurelion Sol. Rylai's Crystal Scepter will make it harder for the enemies to escape from Singularity and they'll get 100-0'd by Breath of Light.

Best Scaling

If you prefer a more scaling-oriented build, then Rod of Ages is the best option. If you're able to survive laning phase (easy matchup), then this is also a good option.

In my opinion, Seraph's Embrace is the best 2nd item for Aurelion Sol. It provides an insane 2 item spike. Aurelion Sol is incredibly mana hungry and this item remedies that.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is the best 3rd item for Aurelion Sol. Rylai's Crystal Scepter will make it harder for the enemies to escape from Singularity and they'll get 100-0'd by Breath of Light.

Against Dive / All-in

There are 2 viable options against dive and all-in: Crown of the Shattered Queen and Everfrost.

If your laner has a lot of burst ( Zed, Fizz, etc.) then Crown of the Shattered Queen is a good option. The passive shield will prevent you from getting one shot and the extra AP is nice, too.


If the enemy team has a lot of mobile champions such as Akali, Vayne, or Akshan, then Everfrost is a good option. The slow and root will lock them down and allow you to land your abilities. However, Rylai's Crystal Scepter will be your third item every game; Everfrost will be kind of redundant but the option is there if you really want it.

In my opinion, Seraph's Embrace is the best 2nd item for Aurelion Sol. It provides an insane 2 item spike. Aurelion Sol is incredibly mana hungry and this item remedies that.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is the best 3rd item for Aurelion Sol. Rylai's Crystal Scepter will make it harder for the enemies to escape from Singularity and they'll get 100-0'd by Breath of Light.

Other items

Banshee's Veil is a very solid defensive item for Aurelion Sol. If the enemy team has lots of pick potential with champs such as Lux, Blitzcrank, or Morgana Q, Banshee's Veil is your get-out-of-jail-free card. Build Verdant Barrier first and then finish it. You can finish Banshee's Veil earlier in your build if the enemy team has a fed AP threat.

Morellonomicon is a staple item in a lot of games in this season because there's so much healing. If you're against a laner with a lot of built in sustain such as Aatrox, Sylas, or Vladimir, OR if you're against a team comp that has a support such as Soraka or Yuumi, it is very beneficial to purchase an early Oblivion Orb and sit on it until your core items are finished. Aurelion Sol can apply grevious wounds rather easily because of his range advantage, so this item is always a solid pick if your team needs anti-heal. Morellonomicon can replace your defensive item ( Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil).

Rabadon's Deathcap is really good on Aurelion Sol as well as other mages; it provides the biggest possible damage spike, but it is the most expensive mage item in the game. I usually build this item either 4th or last. Late game Aurelion Sol will always pack a punch, especially after you have this item.

Zhonya's Hourglass is a very solid defensive item for Aurelion Sol. If the enemy team has lots of dive threats such as Leona, Hecarim, or Renekton, then Zhonya's Hourglass can come in clutch. Build Seeker's Armguard first and then finish it. You can finish Zhonya's Hourglass earlier in your build if the enemy team has a fed AD threat.

Finally, we have Elixir of Sorcery. This item is usually only bought in late game, but it's the best potion for Aurelion Sol when that time comes. You'll take turrets faster and the bonus AP and mana regen will benefit you as well.

Shadowflame is an okay option Aurelion Sol. If you need magic penetration, Void Staff is better 99% of situations; the only time I would build Shadowflame is if they had like 5 ranged champs with a lot of shields. If they have more than 60 Magic Resist, just go Void Staff because Shadowflame's magic pen is countered by magic resist items.

Demonic Embrace is another decent option for Aurelion Sol. If they enemy team is full of HP stacking champions, then (in addition to Liandry's Torment) Demonic Embrace will give you that extra bit of damage.

Full Build Examples

Against heavy frontline, bruisers, etc.

This is the build I would go into teams with a lot of frontline and dive potential, or if they had a fed AD threat.

This is the build I would go into teams with a lot of frontline and pick potential, or if they had a fed AP threat.

Against squishies

This is the build I would go into teams with a lot of squishies and a fed AD threat.

This is the build I would go into teams with a lot of squishies and a fed AP threat.


This is the build I would go if I can scale easily and there's a fed AD threat.

This is the build I would go if I can scale easily and there's a fed AP threat.

Against Burst/All-In

This is the build I would go if I was against a lot of burst and/or all-in and there's a fed AD threat.

This is the build I would go if I was against a lot of burst and/or all-in and there's a fed AP threat.

Against All-in/Dive

This is the build I would go if I was against an all-in/dive team and there's a fed AD threat.

This is the build I would go if I was against an all-in/dive team and there's a fed AP threat.
Laning Phase and Early Game
Aurelion Sol is at his weakest in the early game.

You really need to farm for your Tear of the Goddess, unless you chose it as your starting item. After that, farm for Lost Chapter.

Once you have those two components, you can start shoving in waves and roaming with your jungler to spam gank bot lane (Bot lane is the win con most games).

Most of the matchups feel bad to play, especially those that have CC, are mobile, and/or out-range him.

Aurelion Sol's easiest matchups are those with shorter range and no CC such as Vladimir.
Mid Game
During mid-game, you want to push in side lanes and then group with your team.

Always try to last hit minions and kills with Singularity for Stardust to enhance your abilities; stack your Stardust for your bigger ult, The Skies Ascend.

After pushing in waves, you should look to group with your team for a pick or control vision around dragon/baron. You spike incredibly hard at 3 items, so the faster you can farm and buy those 3 items, the easier your games will be.
Late Game and Teamfighting
Late game is where Aurelion Sol shines.

You pretty much play the same way in late game as you do in mid game.

In team fights, try to position behind your frontline if needed and play front to back. Save Astral Flight to reset Breath of Light's cooldown if you cancel Q to reposition; you can also chase down kills and get resets.

Storm Dragon is my favorite skin.

If there's any mistakes or feedback, please do not hesitate to comment on the discussion page! I will try to resolve any issues as quickly as possible :)

If you want more content, I stream daily on my Twitch channel and I upload daily to my YouTube channel!

If my guide helps you, make sure you hit the upvote button and comment! Thank you for reading and for your time!
2/15/2023 - Guide finished.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Body Those Fools
Body Those Fools Aurelion Sol Guide
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[13.21] BodyThoseFools' Challenger Aurelion Sol Guide [In-depth]

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