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Recommended Items
Runes: jungle
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
jungle flash
Mosstomper Smite
Threats & Synergies
really strong dont fight him alone
heal you, now you are immortal
heal you, now you are immortal
Champion Build Guide
About me
Hi i'm Karmachou, today build is Amumu in the jungle, i play him since pre s13 and actually is one of the most popular champ in s13.3 and now I will tell you everything I know about this big boi !
my jungle account : Karmachou
my others guides :
my jungle account : Karmachou
my others guides :

Pros / Cons
- begginers friendly
- really strong early (in 1v1)
- big engage for team fights
- (with ignite) can 1v1 everyone, except feed bruiser like
Sett ect
- clear in 3.30 min with only 1 smite (keep the 2nd for the scuttle)
- cant 1v9, you need mates
- you're a punching ball
- dont have real burst
- begginers friendly
- really strong early (in 1v1)
- big engage for team fights
- (with ignite) can 1v1 everyone, except feed bruiser like

- clear in 3.30 min with only 1 smite (keep the 2nd for the scuttle)
- cant 1v9, you need mates
- you're a punching ball
- dont have real burst
Conqueror - stack easily with aoe, give him power and healing : make him strong in long fights
Triumph - 10% heal for each kill give him a lot of sustain
Legend: Tenacity - a lot of base tenacity (without boots)
Last Stand - extra dmg when you are low life
Cheap Shot - extra dmg for each stun you do
Ultimate Hunter - more ult mean more stun and more kill
Aftershock - lot of extra armor for engage
Font of Life - heal your mates
Conditioning - extra armor
Unflinching - base tenacity (like :
Legend: Tenacity)
Cheap Shot - extra dmg for each stun you do
Ultimate Hunter - more ult mean more stun and more kill
Glacial Augment - when you stun someone he get also slow
Hextech Flashtraption - a second flash
Biscuit Delivery - heal + mana
Cosmic Insight - sumonners and items haste
Conditioning - extra armor
Unflinching - base tenacity (like :
Legend: Tenacity)
Dark Harvest - deal more dmg to enemies bellow 50% health
Cheap Shot - extra dmg for each stun you do
Eyeball Collection - give you more dmg for each kill / assist you get
Ultimate Hunter - more ult mean more stun and more kill
Triumph - 10% heal for each kill give him a lot of sustain
Coup de Grace - deal more dmg to enemies bellow 40% health




Summoner Spells
Flash +
Mosstomper Smite
- the classic and safest combo : you can slow enemies, excape with your flash or flash + stun and the frog give you a shield
Ignite +
Mosstomper Smite
- my personnal combo : you can 1v1 everybody, the ignite is very strong against healing and your smite give you a slow and a shield
Flash +
- an escape plus an anti heal
Flash +
- an escape plus a slow to save your adc's life

- the classic and safest combo : you can slow enemies, excape with your flash or flash + stun and the frog give you a shield

- my personnal combo : you can 1v1 everybody, the ignite is very strong against healing and your smite give you a slow and a shield

- an escape plus an anti heal

- an escape plus a slow to save your adc's life
To play him in the jungle you need to understand how build him :
If after your 1st clear you have 1000 gold buy Bami's cinders, it will give you HP a better clear and a lot of damage overall.
After that you can go demonic with is the BEST item on amumu, demonic grant a massive amount of damage and a lot of hp, it will be usefull to kill 75% (since you're not a punching bag with legs) and help a lot for clearing and taking objectives.
If you dont have enough gold, take one ruby cristal and boots. After that you can take bami's or even rush demonic.
Jak'Sho, The Protean - give healing and defensive stats
Demonic Embrace - scale with hp, deal massive ap dmg
Sunfire Aegis - burn close enemies and minions
Abyssal Mask - MR reduction and a lot of magic resist
Gargoyle Stoneplate - lot of armor and MR grant also a big shield
Radiant Virtue - your R heal yourself and your friends
Plated Steelcaps - dmg reduct
Mercury's Treads - more tenacity
Ionian Boots of Lucidity - lower cooldown
Thornmail - anti heal, reflect dmg, armor
Frozen Heart - mana, armor, slow enemies atk speed
Force of Nature - magic resist, anti cc
Anathema's Chains - reduct dealt by one champ
Zhonya's Hourglass - armor, ap, invincible
Bulwark of the Mountain - ap item supp
Evenshroud - deal more dmg to stuned enemeies
Zeke's Convergence - boost dmg dealt by your mates
Thornmail - anti heal, reflect dmg, armor
Vigilant Wardstone - more ward and bonus stats
Bulwark of the Mountain - ap item supp
Locket of the Iron Solari - reduce the dmg taken by your mates
Knight's Vow - reduce dmg taken by your mates
Thornmail - anti heal, reflect dmg, armor
Vigilant Wardstone - more ward and bonus stats
Night Harvester - ap burst
Shadowflame - burst and magic pen
Zhonya's Hourglass - give armor and invulnerability
Rabadon's Deathcap - massive ap gain
Void Staff - magic pen
Liandry's Torment - ap burn and mana
Demonic Embrace - scale with hp, deal massive ap dmg
Zhonya's Hourglass - give armor and invulnerability
Rabadon's Deathcap - massive ap gain
Void Staff - magic pen
If after your 1st clear you have 1000 gold buy Bami's cinders, it will give you HP a better clear and a lot of damage overall.
After that you can go demonic with is the BEST item on amumu, demonic grant a massive amount of damage and a lot of hp, it will be usefull to kill 75% (since you're not a punching bag with legs) and help a lot for clearing and taking objectives.
If you dont have enough gold, take one ruby cristal and boots. After that you can take bami's or even rush demonic.







note: put your cursor on orange names for more info
passive -
Cursed Touch
- his passive make him tank melter and a very good synergie with AP champ, really usefull to fight tank with a lot of armor like tahm kech
Q spell -
Bandage Toss
- it's your principal way to gank but it dont really help you to clear, that's why you must up it in second. 14s is a very long cooldown but keep in your head that you have 2 bandages, with 3s cooldown between.
so isnt really important if you miss it or even you use it to being closer to your ennemy. moreover if you to someone 2 time with your Q spell you stun him for 2s dealing a lot of dmg and what guaranteed a kill if your mates follows you.
W spell -
- Despair is really great in late game because it deal max hp%. it mean without attacking you deal a tone of dammage specialy against tank with a lot of hp, wich allow a great synergy with the sunfire or the demonic embrace.
E spell -
- this spell is the best for farming in jungle, dealing Aoe dmg and with a short cooldown if a monster hit you. this comp give you a second passive give you a lot of extra armor especially in the early game allowing to win against a lot of jungler
R spell -
Curse of the Sad Mummy
- his R is a unfair for team fight, it dealing a massive amount of dmg with a stun of 1.5s. Ultimate Hunter make your R usable more time reducing his cooldown.
this spell can stun 5 person in the same time so use it when you're sure to be the most useful with.
passive -

- his passive make him tank melter and a very good synergie with AP champ, really usefull to fight tank with a lot of armor like tahm kech
Q spell -

- it's your principal way to gank but it dont really help you to clear, that's why you must up it in second. 14s is a very long cooldown but keep in your head that you have 2 bandages, with 3s cooldown between.
so isnt really important if you miss it or even you use it to being closer to your ennemy. moreover if you to someone 2 time with your Q spell you stun him for 2s dealing a lot of dmg and what guaranteed a kill if your mates follows you.
W spell -

- Despair is really great in late game because it deal max hp%. it mean without attacking you deal a tone of dammage specialy against tank with a lot of hp, wich allow a great synergy with the sunfire or the demonic embrace.
E spell -

- this spell is the best for farming in jungle, dealing Aoe dmg and with a short cooldown if a monster hit you. this comp give you a second passive give you a lot of extra armor especially in the early game allowing to win against a lot of jungler
R spell -

- his R is a unfair for team fight, it dealing a massive amount of dmg with a stun of 1.5s. Ultimate Hunter make your R usable more time reducing his cooldown.
this spell can stun 5 person in the same time so use it when you're sure to be the most useful with.
- amumu isnt a champ with a lot of combos or "cool move" like lee sin but there is 1-2 combo you have to know :
Bandage Toss >
Despair > auto >
Curse of the Sad Mummy >
Tantrum > auto >
Bandage Toss > auto
Despair >
Tantrum > spam auto &


Early/Mid/Late Game
- one camp -> gank
- 3 camps -> gank or invade
- full clear -> scuttle (and maybe kill the enemy jgl)
- powerfarm to make you pet grow and gank if an enemy hard pushing yours mates
- tips : with demonic you can solo kill squishy champs like adc
- now you are teamfighting.
- try to engage squishy champ to kill them quickly, dont be scared about your death you are supposed to tank all the dmg for yours teammates. try to stun all the enemies with one big R. keep in mind that you are a tank but also a win condition for your team, stuns and engages are game breaker so dont do somethings stupid.
- one camp -> gank
- 3 camps -> gank or invade
- full clear -> scuttle (and maybe kill the enemy jgl)
- powerfarm to make you pet grow and gank if an enemy hard pushing yours mates
- tips : with demonic you can solo kill squishy champs like adc
- now you are teamfighting.
- try to engage squishy champ to kill them quickly, dont be scared about your death you are supposed to tank all the dmg for yours teammates. try to stun all the enemies with one big R. keep in mind that you are a tank but also a win condition for your team, stuns and engages are game breaker so dont do somethings stupid.
amumu has a great early and mid game but in late he become a bit weak. he have easy gank and clear and not a lot of counters that make him really strong. i advise to play him for these reasons. i hope i was helpful, i wish you have fun with him now :)
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