Build Guide by Navn
[13.24] SUPPORT Veigar (14.3 WIP) + 14.3 Tier list + S14 WARDING VIDEO Part 1+2

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Recommended Items
Runes: Predator
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Kill pressure
Threats & Synergies
Blackshield whoever she wants and they just walk out of your cage for free.
Miss Fortune
Letting her be able to R anyone that's in your cage, she doesn't have to worry about anyone escaping unless they flash.
Miss Fortune
Letting her be able to R anyone that's in your cage, she doesn't have to worry about anyone escaping unless they flash.
Champion Build Guide
About Me and other Guides
Main account Profile: Navcan
Smurf: Navn
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Hi there! I've been playing Veigar and he's my very first champion I 1 trick-ed! This guide is just a very general guideline of how to play Veigar, with runes and itemization. If you'd like to ask more questions, drop a comment or drop by my stream! I stream almost everyday, and still play Veigar recreationally in platinum elo. Thank you for reading!
If you're interested in my other guides:
Lulu -> Support Lulu
Nami -> Support Nami
Karma -> Support Karma
Sona -> Support Sona
Yuumi -> Support Yuumi
Milio -> Support Milio
Soraka -> Support Soraka
Zyra -> Support Zyra
Ashe -> Support Ashe
Amumu -> Support Amumu
Heimerdinger -> Support Heimerdinger
Lissandra -> Support Lissandra
Off-Meta/Fun stuff
Miss Fortune -> Support Miss Fortune
Veigar -> Support Veigar
Trundle -> Support Trundle
Jarvan IV -> Support Jarvan
Pantheon -> Support Pantheon
Why Veigar? Pros/Cons
- You can become another carry threat
Event Horizon is an insane basic ability that can control the flow of team fights entirely on it's own.
- Good gank setup potential.
- Good build options.
- Immobile.
- Weak laning phase.
- Lack of synergies with lane partners.
- You can become another carry threat

- Good gank setup potential.
- Good build options.
- Immobile.
- Weak laning phase.
- Lack of synergies with lane partners.
TLDR: Build to either carry or an ambitious stun cage bot or control the flow of team fights with stun cage, or carry the game yourself
There's 3 main mythics to buy, and they all build out of
Kindlegem, so you can look to start with that, then decide which mythic you'll go with depending on the state of the game.
Reasons to get
- Looking to hold down your opponents if your team mates can't so you can land your
Dark Matter and
Baleful Strike
- Relatively safe purchase overall, as you can just
Everfrost them while you trap them with
Event Horizon
- A lot of desirable stats
Reasons to get
Crown of the Shattered Queen
- You still need to do damage, however, there's specific champs that instantly delete you like
Rengar or
Evelynn, and rather than getting
Zhonya's Hourglass you can get this so you can still cast your skills.
- Make sure your enemies don't have a relatively easy/free way to make this effect go away, so that its almost always up when you get into team fights.
- Stacks pretty well with
Banshee's Veil since the spellshield will protect the crown passive first if it's damage from an ability.
- Allows you to position a bit more forward to get better
Event Horizon casts.
Reasons to get
Locket of the Iron Solari
- You're looking to just use
Event Horizon as often as possible to control team fights
- Your team has more than enough damage
- You're not doing too well, and since you'll be missing damage, at least you can tank a bit more for your team and protect them.
Boots/Shoes Choice
Ionian Boots of Lucidity gives you all the stats you want and they're cheap! Can't go wrong with these.
Sorcerer's Shoes if you plan on being a carry threat, look to pair with
Mobility Boots if you're feeling a bit spicy and want to roam a ton because your lane partner is not useful.
Mejai's Soulstealer
- You're fed and snowballing. Snowball even harder.
Rabadon's Deathcap
- If you're one of the primary damage dealers, then this is just too synergystic with your kit. MORE AP.
Void Staff
- If you're one fo the primary damage dealers, and enemies start building magic resist, then get this. If entire enemy team has no magic resist, then
Sorcerer's Shoes is likely good enough with
Shadowflame for magic penetration.
Banshee's Veil
- Nice to pair with
Crown of the Shattered Queen to protect it's passive and have even more opportunities to just walk up and get a good
Event Horizon
- Long ranged abilities that may be hard to deal with, such as
Enchanted Crystal Arrow.
Zhonya's Hourglass
- If you find yourself a primary focus pretty often, then this will help stall a bit of time while enemies try to jump you, and hopefully your team can help you out.
- Overall just a good purchase for having a safety option with it's active stasis.
- Look to pair with
Sorcerer's Shoes, and that should be enough magic penetration to get through a bunch of squishies. If you end up buying
Void Staff you can probably skip this item.
Dead Man's Plate
- Since your auto-attack doesn't do much, having constant bonus movement speed will help with positioning for good
Event Horizon and movements around the map.
- You're not the primary damage dealer and just looking to trap people with
Event Horizon so your team can kill them.
- You can also sell your shoes after for this if you have
Void Staff
Vigilant Wardstone
- Very cheap legendary item and will likely give you more raw AP than any other item other than
Rabadon's Deathcap
- After you purchase this, you can look to sell your warding item, and build another Legendary, and also turning your
Oracle Lens to
Farsight Alteration and use
Control Ward for everything.
Lich Bane
- This is an extremely situational buy, and it's only meant to hit objectives and nothing else.
- Since you'll likely have a lot of ap, if you just cast an ability and hit a tower, you're gonna hit it for a LOT of damage, since you do damage to towers based on how much AP you have too, on top of the spellblade effect from
Lich Bane going off.
- If you find yourself needing to backdoor the enemy base, then this will do that nicely.
There's 3 main mythics to buy, and they all build out of

Reasons to get

- Looking to hold down your opponents if your team mates can't so you can land your

- Relatively safe purchase overall, as you can just

- A lot of desirable stats
Reasons to get

- You still need to do damage, however, there's specific champs that instantly delete you like

- Make sure your enemies don't have a relatively easy/free way to make this effect go away, so that its almost always up when you get into team fights.
- Stacks pretty well with

- Allows you to position a bit more forward to get better

Reasons to get

- You're looking to just use

- Your team has more than enough damage
- You're not doing too well, and since you'll be missing damage, at least you can tank a bit more for your team and protect them.
Boots/Shoes Choice


- You're fed and snowballing. Snowball even harder.

- If you're one of the primary damage dealers, then this is just too synergystic with your kit. MORE AP.

- If you're one fo the primary damage dealers, and enemies start building magic resist, then get this. If entire enemy team has no magic resist, then

- Nice to pair with

- Long ranged abilities that may be hard to deal with, such as

- If you find yourself a primary focus pretty often, then this will help stall a bit of time while enemies try to jump you, and hopefully your team can help you out.
- Overall just a good purchase for having a safety option with it's active stasis.

- Look to pair with

- Since your auto-attack doesn't do much, having constant bonus movement speed will help with positioning for good

- You're not the primary damage dealer and just looking to trap people with

- You can also sell your shoes after for this if you have

- Very cheap legendary item and will likely give you more raw AP than any other item other than

- After you purchase this, you can look to sell your warding item, and build another Legendary, and also turning your

- This is an extremely situational buy, and it's only meant to hit objectives and nothing else.
- Since you'll likely have a lot of ap, if you just cast an ability and hit a tower, you're gonna hit it for a LOT of damage, since you do damage to towers based on how much AP you have too, on top of the spellblade effect from

- If you find yourself needing to backdoor the enemy base, then this will do that nicely.
How to use your abilities
Event Horizon is insanely good. Stack AP. Be useful.
Phenomenal Evil Power
- Pretty straight forward, land your abilities to gain more AP.
- If you're going to play defensive, then stacking a lot of AP will not be as relevant. But if you play to carry, then you gotta stack this as often as possible.
Baleful Strike
- During laning phase, you'll want a couple of points into this so you can at least trade back if they try to force anything on you.
- You can look to take jungle camps and/or cannon/seige minions with this since the bonus AP granted is tripled.
- At some point in the game, you can start taking minions wherever you can, particularly ranged minions, or random camps such as
- This does pass-through the first target hit and onto another behind it, so very often you can hit champions with the pass-through effect in laning phase.
Dark Matter
- Use
Event Horizon to set this up to land, or
Everfrost active to keep them in place just to make sure.
- If they don't end up stunned by
Event Horizon then simply using it in the middle of the cage will likely hit too.
- Look at your team mate's CC, and if they have any, then you can try to follow-up with this, and it hits VERY hard when it lands.
Event Horizon
- This ability is the whole reason why support
Veigar is even viable. It is absolutely absurd the amount of power behind this skill, and using it effectively will decide team fights very often.
- Keep track of who has
Flash and keep those targets a priority so you can take them out of the fight. Those who have
Flash will be much more willing to walk forward at you.
- You may need to tell your team to play around your
Event Horizon cooldown.
- You can lock down entire choke points and narrow corridors, and even half of any lane just due to it's sheer size. If you've ever played ARAM, then you know
Veigar is an absolute pain to play against.
- At big objective fights such as
dragon or
baron nashor look to use
Event Horizon once the objective gets low, and your opponents may hesitate and run in recklessly to contest or steal.
- Sometimes, even just not using
Event Horizon is enough to intimidate your enemies to never trying to fight you.
Primordial Burst
- This is an execute. Using it on any targets above 50% HP is unlikely to kill them.
- The maximum damage increase (of 100% more damage), occurs when the enemy is at 1/3 hp, in which case, they are almost guaranteed to die.
- Unless you are obscenely fed, and you're using this on a full health target like a squishy support, you MIGHT be able to 2 shot them with this and
Baleful Strike.

- Pretty straight forward, land your abilities to gain more AP.
- If you're going to play defensive, then stacking a lot of AP will not be as relevant. But if you play to carry, then you gotta stack this as often as possible.

- During laning phase, you'll want a couple of points into this so you can at least trade back if they try to force anything on you.
- You can look to take jungle camps and/or cannon/seige minions with this since the bonus AP granted is tripled.
- At some point in the game, you can start taking minions wherever you can, particularly ranged minions, or random camps such as

- This does pass-through the first target hit and onto another behind it, so very often you can hit champions with the pass-through effect in laning phase.

- Use

- If they don't end up stunned by

- Look at your team mate's CC, and if they have any, then you can try to follow-up with this, and it hits VERY hard when it lands.

- This ability is the whole reason why support

- Keep track of who has

- You may need to tell your team to play around your

- You can lock down entire choke points and narrow corridors, and even half of any lane just due to it's sheer size. If you've ever played ARAM, then you know

- At big objective fights such as

- Sometimes, even just not using

- This is an execute. Using it on any targets above 50% HP is unlikely to kill them.
- The maximum damage increase (of 100% more damage), occurs when the enemy is at 1/3 hp, in which case, they are almost guaranteed to die.
- Unless you are obscenely fed, and you're using this on a full health target like a squishy support, you MIGHT be able to 2 shot them with this and

Arcane Comet if you can land
Baleful Strike in lane phase, otherwise
- This makes you even harder to run away from and gives you a lot of early roaming potential as well.
- Look to roam to lanes (or even your own) and trap enemies who have no
Flash with
Event Horizon and kill them.
Arcane Comet
- This is more of a laning keystone, and if you think you can land
Baleful Strike on your enemies often, then going with this will help give you a bit more power to do that.
Taste of Blood
- Nothing else good in this row to take since you can't really use any of it.
Eyeball Collection
- The other runes will be too slow to stack on, and this has the highest chance to snowball quickly.
Ingenious Hunter
- Only really to be taken when you have
Predator. But also works nicely with
Everfrost and
Crown of the Shattered Queen and even
Locket of the Iron Solari.
Relentless Hunter
- Can't really go wrong with just having more movement speed to get around the map or to walk up to people and
Event Horizon them.
Manaflow Band
- Just nice to have extra mana, you won't have too many issues after your first back if you have this stacked up decently.
- Try to time your
Baleful Strike cooldown on enemies with this so you can stack it as efficiently and quickly as possible.
- If you don't use
Baleful Strike on your enemies or you don't have many opportunities to, then go...
Gathering Storm
- If
Scorch isn't working out, then this is your go-to.
- Really the only good rune in this row for


- This makes you even harder to run away from and gives you a lot of early roaming potential as well.
- Look to roam to lanes (or even your own) and trap enemies who have no

- This is more of a laning keystone, and if you think you can land


- Nothing else good in this row to take since you can't really use any of it.

- The other runes will be too slow to stack on, and this has the highest chance to snowball quickly.

- Only really to be taken when you have

- Can't really go wrong with just having more movement speed to get around the map or to walk up to people and


- Just nice to have extra mana, you won't have too many issues after your first back if you have this stacked up decently.
- Try to time your

- If you don't use

- If

- Really the only good rune in this row for

Early/Mid/Late game
TLDR: Take keystones with intent and play to how you're doing each game
This will be divided, depending on which keystone you take.
If you take
Arcane Comet
- You'll want to trade fairly frequently, and likely to also take
Spellthief's Edge so that you have mana to keep using
Baleful Strike
- You're looking to stack as much AP as possible and become a carry threat.
If you take
- If you think you won't be able to find good opportunities to trade and use
Baleful Strike on your enemies, then take
Relic Shield and look to buy your
Boots as quickly as possible and look for roaming opportunities. Particularly lanes that do not have
Flash. Maybe even ask your jungler to come down if your lane opponents do not have
- This will all depend on how the game has progressed and which keystone you've taken.
Doing well with
Arcane Comet
- You're probably one of the main damage threats and you can just look to build all damage and kill everyone yourself. Sacrafice everyone to stay alive and kill everything.
Doing well with
- You're probably one of the main damage threats, but you'll have a bit less damage, but can still build it, and also you can look for good
Event Horizon and
Predator opportunities with
Everfrost as well
Doing bad with
Arcane Comet
- You're probably NOT one of the main damage threats, and you'll need to build a bit tankier (possibly
Dead Man's Plate since you'll lack movement speed) with some ability haste and just look for good
Event Horizon opportunities
Doing bad with
- You're probably NOT one of the main damage threats, but you'll always have the bonus movement speed from
Predator and you'll need to build a bit tankier with some ability haste and just look for good
Event Horizon opportunities
Laning Phase/Early Game
This will be divided, depending on which keystone you take.
If you take

- You'll want to trade fairly frequently, and likely to also take

- You're looking to stack as much AP as possible and become a carry threat.
If you take

- If you think you won't be able to find good opportunities to trade and use

Mid/Late game
- This will all depend on how the game has progressed and which keystone you've taken.
Doing well with

- You're probably one of the main damage threats and you can just look to build all damage and kill everyone yourself. Sacrafice everyone to stay alive and kill everything.
Doing well with

- You're probably one of the main damage threats, but you'll have a bit less damage, but can still build it, and also you can look for good

Doing bad with

- You're probably NOT one of the main damage threats, and you'll need to build a bit tankier (possibly

Doing bad with

- You're probably NOT one of the main damage threats, but you'll always have the bonus movement speed from

14.3 Tier List
Grading Explanation below the lists! Check the RANK too!
- Veigar can act as another carry from bot lane without having to rely on team mates as much.

Tier List Grading Points
- Winrates
- Champion Difficulty (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Counter-play (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Flex pick for draft (more relevant in diamond+)
- Early game (more relevant in diamond+)
- Late game/scaling (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Anything in the (_Letter_+) row, means it's better the higher in elo you go. Anything in (_Letter_-) row, means it's better the lower in elo you go.
Overall Points:
- Games last longer the lower in elo you go. Therefore, mage supports tend to do much better since you can buy your items, and you basically become another carry threat. This leads to enchanters/engage being weaker in lower level play since you would rely on your teammtes more often.
- Champions that are fundamentally easier to execute on will have higher win rates. Since it is more unlikely players are pilot-ing their champion runes/builds/kit efficiently, the easier the champion, the more likely to maximize their kits. This is especially apparent in Platinum and below.
- I would recommend playing any of the champs in S+, S, or A. However you can climb on almost anything, provided you always look to maximize your champion kit, mechanics, and impact on the game. Winning is the result of improving.
- Veigar can act as another carry from bot lane without having to rely on team mates as much.
14.3 Emerald and Below

14.3 Diamond+

Tier List Grading Points
- Winrates
- Champion Difficulty (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Counter-play (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Flex pick for draft (more relevant in diamond+)
- Early game (more relevant in diamond+)
- Late game/scaling (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Anything in the (_Letter_+) row, means it's better the higher in elo you go. Anything in (_Letter_-) row, means it's better the lower in elo you go.
Overall Points:
- Games last longer the lower in elo you go. Therefore, mage supports tend to do much better since you can buy your items, and you basically become another carry threat. This leads to enchanters/engage being weaker in lower level play since you would rely on your teammtes more often.
- Champions that are fundamentally easier to execute on will have higher win rates. Since it is more unlikely players are pilot-ing their champion runes/builds/kit efficiently, the easier the champion, the more likely to maximize their kits. This is especially apparent in Platinum and below.
- I would recommend playing any of the champs in S+, S, or A. However you can climb on almost anything, provided you always look to maximize your champion kit, mechanics, and impact on the game. Winning is the result of improving.
Want to know more?
If you have any questions, leave a comment below! I'll be editing this as I go and be sure to let you know once I have more updates. Or if you'd like to ask me a question directly, you can go to my twitch stream!
There's also my tiktok
And my youtube!
Cheers and thank you for reading! Good luck on the rift
There's also my tiktok
And my youtube!
Cheers and thank you for reading! Good luck on the rift
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