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Aphelios Build Guide by DreamOfValhalla

ADC [14.1] Complete Aphelios Guide

ADC [14.1] Complete Aphelios Guide

Updated on January 20, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DreamOfValhalla Build Guide By DreamOfValhalla 35 4 68,060 Views 2 Comments
35 4 68,060 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DreamOfValhalla Aphelios Build Guide By DreamOfValhalla Updated on January 20, 2024
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1 2 3 4
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Ability Order SKILL ORDER


Attack Damage

Attack Speed


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.1] Complete Aphelios Guide

By DreamOfValhalla
My name is Cmikez, I have been playing league since season 6, last season I peaked at Master and I am an adc main. Aphelios is my second best champion after Draven and I believe I have some knowledge to share.
Check Out this Video I made Explaining Some of the key Features and combos for Aphelios. Enjoy!
Very good late game
Great teamfight
Different kinds of playstyle due to his weapons
Great waveclear
Useful in almost every team comp
No mobility
Weak early
Needs support's attention
Very Hard mechanics
So level 1 Aphelios does not have any abilities.Fortunately you start with Green and Red.

1)If you leash your Jungle, use the RED to stack some extra shield before entering bot
lane, it can always block some extra damage.

2)When you come to lane try to poke your enemy with your GREEN weapon since it gives
you extra range. Avoid all in fights since you do not have any abilities.

3)If you lose health swap to your RED weapon to heal back the HP you lost

4) try to swap your weapons quite frequently so the enmy does not know if you are going to attack him or farm minions

5)I recommend always using the weapon you do not want the oponent to see. If for example you know your JG is coming for a gank and you need to root the enemy do not have the Purple weapon as a primary but as a secondary. When the time comes, swap and root enemy for a free unpredictable kill
In the Mid-Game, farming is very important.Try farming as much as possible even if you want to participate teamfights, try to clear the waves that are close to the upcoming fight.

If you are ahead try to rotate mid with your support to apply pressure on the map.It is very helpful to be on mid because you have acess to different lanes as well jungle and can make a pick or a play or take an objective with your team in a matter of seconds. Additionally, tier 1 mid is the safest place beside the base where you can be so it is an extra defence that helps you reach your full potential.

If you are behind probably your Tier 1 has been destroyed then you have two choices, either stay on bot solo ( Since the enemy bot will probably want to put pressure on map) and then your suppoort will aid the team. You will still be the winning condition but you want to earn fast gold and scale to win late. I recommend this tactic if enemy bot is fed and if you have one player of your team who is ahead and can extinguish them.If you are quite even, you can rotate as the enemy bot does and let your laners solo fight each other.

Generally opt to be in a place that is protected and warded in Mid-Game it is easy to throw your game by unnecessary deaths. Remember do not waste your best weapons if a fight is coming. The best ones are (BLUE + WHITE ) Combo
The late game strongest ADC, all of your weapons deal tons of damage.
In teamfights try to have good positioning since Aphelios lacks mobility it is very crucial to his playstyle. Stay behind your teammates, they will peel for you and you can just carry the teamfights with your damage. Opt for R with your BLUE. Generally if you are safe and play behind your teamates, you should be fine.
RED- Try to bait enemy in fighting you the Ultimate abilities heal is very large and you can outplay enemies
BLUE- Strongest ultimate, try to use your Q with many enemies (Champions and minions) if you have white as secondary you will stack many shurikens very fast
GREEN-Poke enemies and keep your range Ultimate yopu can use when enemies are low and under tower very useful(avoid using GREEN+BLUE)
PURPLE- your auto's do slow and you can root enemies great for ganking goes well with GREEN if you do not have the range to catch them
WHITE- main source of damage. TRy to stay as close as possible to enemies when using it since you can attack as soon as the shuriken reaches your hand
Very strong late game, fun to play and gives an amazing experience. It is the most mechanically dependant adc out there and it has an amazing outcome.Definately worth to play
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DreamOfValhalla
DreamOfValhalla Aphelios Guide
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[14.1] Complete Aphelios Guide

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