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Diana Build Guide by Nightfair

Jungle [14.1] Versatile Diana JG | Scorn of the Moon

Jungle [14.1] Versatile Diana JG | Scorn of the Moon

Updated on January 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nightfair Build Guide By Nightfair 7,942 Views 0 Comments
7,942 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nightfair Diana Build Guide By Nightfair Updated on January 18, 2024
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1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite

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Champion Build Guide

[14.1] Versatile Diana JG | Scorn of the Moon

By Nightfair
P - Diana's basic attacks generate a stack of Moonsilver Blade for 3.5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks and stacking up to 2 times. At 2 stacks, Diana empowers her next basic attack to consume the stacks on-hit to additionally cleave nearby enemies, dealing magic damage.
    Tip! Stack your passive before going into a fight for extra damage.

Q - Diana unleashes a bolt of lunar energy that travels in a counter-clockwise arc before exploding at the target location, granting sight of the area for 0.5 seconds and dealing magic damage to enemies hit and afflicting them with Moonlight for 3 seconds, during which they are revealed.
    Tip! Know that this ability travels counter-clockwise. If you fire it up it'll curve to your right, down and it'll curve to your left, right and it'll curve below you, left and it'll curve above you.

W - Diana grants herself a shield for up to 5 seconds and creates three spheres that orbit her for the same duration, detonating upon contact with an enemy to deal magic damage to nearby enemies. If all three spheres detonate, Pale Cascade's shield is reapplied, stacking with its original shield and refreshing the duration.
    Tip! Always try to pop the three spheres that orbit you for an extra shield.

E - Diana dashes to the target enemy's location, and upon completion, she deals them magic damage and consumes Moonlight from all enemies. If the target is within 400 range, Diana will dash through their location
    Tip! Using this ability on a target not affected by Moonlight will leave you with a hefty cooldown on your only form of mobility... Use it sparingly!

R - Diana pulls in all nearby enemies, during which they are revealed, then slows them for 2 seconds. If an enemy champion is pulled in, she calls down a beam of moonlight to strike upon the area around her after 1 second, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies, increased for each champion pulled in beyond the first.
    Tip! Save this for when you're trying to kill more than one opponent. Only use this for a solokill when you absolutely must.
Whether you're on red or blue side, head over to your blue buff and place a ward in your spot of choice. Any spot is fine as long as the ward will notify you of an enemy invasion on your blue buff. Then place yourself in a bush and wait for raptors to spawn.



1. raptors
2. red buff
3. krugs (smite)

3.5 back and purchase dark seal + oracle lens

4. wolves
5. blue buff
6. gromp (smite)
7. scuttle


Use your Q and P to quickly clear raptors, then move onto red buff while taking W second to help negate damage and to help clear multi-monster camps even quicker. Finally, move to krugs, smite the big one, and clear the camp.

Back after clearing krugs to purchase dark seal + oracle lens. Your dark seal is your best friend for easy AP so make sure to protect those stacks. Don't play risky and don't sacrifice yourself for a kill or an assist without weighing your options.

Upgrade your E and head over to wolves. Here's a quick tip: you can Q wolves through the wall that separates your base and wolves, and then E to them to speed up your clear by a minuscule amount! Use the same tactic to hop over the wall to blue buff, clear it, and then clear gromp.

If the opposing jungler has not backed or deviated from their full clear, THEY WILL HAVE COMPLETED THEIR CLEAR BEFORE YOU. Nevertheless head on over to the nearest scuttle in the hopes that the enemy jungler will not be there. Contest at your own discretion after taking into account nearby lane prio and strength of opposing jungler.
After grabbing scuttle, look for a gank on the two nearest lanes (if you're on blue side then that's top and mid, if you're on red side that's mid and bot). Personally, if both of the waves are pushed up or if neither look like a guaranteed kill, then I'd rather not gank. If you happen to be close to where your opponent began their pathing, it's nearing that time that those camps will begin coming up again, so invade if you feel that it's safe. But don't spend too long invading because void grubs will soon be spawning.
Now that you've got the ball rolling, it's important to keep your eyes (and control wards) on objectives. I suggestive grabbing grubs before first dragon, as Diana can solo them incredibly quick and easily with her P, Q, and W. (WIP)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nightfair
Nightfair Diana Guide
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[14.1] Versatile Diana JG | Scorn of the Moon

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