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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
Runes: Print money on 'em
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Jungle standard
Threats & Synergies
Cringe to play against. I usually ban her. 'Cause she oneshots me even if I Ult. She can still catch up with you.
Champion Build Guide
Heeeeey, what's up? You are in lobby, picked Ekko and searching up builds and runes? Maybe not, but this guide can fulfil all your desires. Here we discuss:
P.S. I don't play support and this role is not mentioned here.
- All builds for Mid and Jungle
- All runes possible
- Champion guide
- Matchups
P.S. I don't play support and this role is not mentioned here.
Weeeel, you are looking up for Ekko? Good. This champ may not be the most picked in the game, but be sure, time investment from your side is gonna make a carry machine.
Alright, now about pros:
And of course, as all champs, there are some cons:
Champ is simple mechanicswise, just read abilities, there's no "magic".
Some tips:
Consider subscribing to my socials and commenting the guide, as it'll be continued by me.
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Alright, now about pros:
- Ap assassin, so Zhonyas doesn't make sense
- Strong mid and late game
- 100-0 any ADC or Mage if power spikes are reached
- Snowball champ
- If executed well, basically unkillable thanks to ult
And of course, as all champs, there are some cons:
- Very weak early game, both in the jungle and Mid
- Invades and ganks are extremely effective against Ekko
- Useless unless ahead
Champ is simple mechanicswise, just read abilities, there's no "magic".
Some tips:
- Try to enter your W close to its disappear. This is extremely surprising
- Best Ekko players don't take ult at lvl 6 but if you can't use ult like them, don't do what they're doing. I failed many times in ranked
- Hiting W and Ult is what makes the difference between beginner and Xia Lao Ban (google). So play more and focus on hitting your abilities
- The champ wants kills and EXP lead over enemies. Consider roaming, ganking whenever it's possible.
- AND MOST IMPORTANTLY don't forget that game is winnable when you're good in macro and micro. I will make a guide about makro and micro on my YouTube
Consider subscribing to my socials and commenting the guide, as it'll be continued by me.
My YouTube
My twitch
YEAH, CONTROVERSIAL. But not now, the answer if LICHBANE FIRST
Now why:
Now you know why.
By the way, this build was inspired by Chinese streamer Xiao Lao Ban, Ekko mid main
Now why:
- Nashor's nerfed and has less ap than Lich
- For Mid Lich allows to oneshot the wave by Q + auto each melee minion
- Even for jngl Lich is better just because of flat ap, movement speed and passive for single camps
Now you know why.
By the way, this build was inspired by Chinese streamer Xiao Lao Ban, Ekko mid main
Jungle Clear
OK, that's not hard. There are some options for the first clearĐ–
1) Blue side: Raptors -> Red -> Krugs -> gank bot lvl 3
- Pros:
2) Standard pathing: Either Buff -> full clear
Not much to say, most of the time this is the path
1) Blue side: Raptors -> Red -> Krugs -> gank bot lvl 3
- Pros:
- Can recall for the dark seal (exactly 350 gold of camps)
- Can gank lane if you have engage support (Leona, Nautilus)
2) Standard pathing: Either Buff -> full clear
Not much to say, most of the time this is the path
Abilities tricks
Some tricks with abilities:
- You ALL THE TIME should use Q+E instantly, it's faster than E+Q
- Entering W: W visual is a bit broken so you can enter it slightly after visual effects end, that's surprising as hell
- If you W behind and your ult's path crosses W, then W will stun. You can W than Ult and stun multiple enemies because enemies never expect that but there's 1 to 10000 chance you can execute
The second part of E makes you untargetable like Fizz E, so you can surpass Veigar's wall and other abilities
- You ALL THE TIME should use Q+E instantly, it's faster than E+Q
- Entering W: W visual is a bit broken so you can enter it slightly after visual effects end, that's surprising as hell
- If you W behind and your ult's path crosses W, then W will stun. You can W than Ult and stun multiple enemies because enemies never expect that but there's 1 to 10000 chance you can execute
The second part of E makes you untargetable like Fizz E, so you can surpass Veigar's wall and other abilities
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