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Recommended Items
Runes: Unleaded
+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order The Exhaust
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This guy isn't a regular cop, he's the top dog who can apply a 95% move speed slow making it impossible to outrun him, especially when he then proceeds to Ghost. ONTOP OF THIS he slows your attack speed by 71% making it impossible to gain speed as he practically turns off your engine for 5 seconds, and then he runs at you at Mach 10 speed so he can Q you. This sends you to straight jail without passing go.
Zilean is a perfect support as he can install a nitrous boost onto Jhin Diesel, allowing for an insane acceleration bonus and increasing max speed of lamborjhini
Zilean is a perfect support as he can install a nitrous boost onto Jhin Diesel, allowing for an insane acceleration bonus and increasing max speed of lamborjhini
Champion Build Guide
1 - https://youtu.be/seH6y6qvWhU (From Early-mid S13)
[14.10 Talk]
With 14.10 looming over the horizon with yet more item changes and item removals Jhin Diesel may struggle to gain traction this patch. From the information I have some of Jhin diesels core items are getting removed sadly, however there is hope with the amount of AS buffs items are getting and on top of this Berserkers Greaves is getting an upgrade path into Zephyr which is huge as we can get 6 items now with boots instead of 5, Crit items now give 25% instead of 20% meaning we get that passive proc sooner and more constistently earlier in the game and we only built 80% crit (4 crit items) anyway which is a huge buff. Ill keep my engineers theory crafting and my mechanics cooking. Ill see you drifting on the rift.
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