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Viego Build Guide by Foxirion

Jungle [14.10] Viego, The Ruined King [Full Guide]

Jungle [14.10] Viego, The Ruined King [Full Guide]

Updated on May 22, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Foxirion Build Guide By Foxirion 7 6 23,263 Views 0 Comments
7 6 23,263 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Foxirion Viego Build Guide By Foxirion Updated on May 22, 2024
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Runes: Conqueror Burst (Recommended)

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Sudden Impact
Treasure Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
Basic Jungle spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.10] Viego, The Ruined King [Full Guide]

By Foxirion
Coming Soon

After the buff when he got bonus healing from minions he can be played again on mid and top. So I will upgrade asap the build, adding the builds for mid and top.

    Hello Summoners, I am Foxirion, your guide to mastering Viego in the jungle. Join me as we delve into the shadow Isles and uncover the power of the Ruined King in the heart of the jungle.
    Viego's unique kit and playstyle make him a formidable force in the jungle, capable of outplaying his opponents and turning the tide of battles. Whether you're looking to assassinate key targets, control objectives, or lead your team to victory, Viego's versatility in the jungle makes him a fearsome opponent.
    In this guide, I will share valuable insights on Viego's jungle pathing, itemization, ganking strategies, and how to maximize his potential in every game. From early game dominance to late-game teamfighting, you will learn how to harness the power of the Ruined King and carry your team to triumph.
    Embark on this journey with me as we explore the depths of the jungle with Viego by our side. Together, we will conquer the jungle, claim victory in teamfights, and establish our dominance as the Ruined King reigns supreme on the Rift.

Passive: Sovereign’s Domination

Viego’s passive is what makes him unique. When an enemy champion dies near Viego, he can possess their body for a short duration.
During this possession, Viego gains access to the slain champion’s basic abilities (Q, W, and E). His ultimate R remains the same regardless of possession.
The possession duration increases as Viego levels up.

Q - Blade of the Ruined King

Viego’s Q is a versatile ability that serves as both a poke tool and a gap-closer.
Active (Harvest): Viego thrusts his blade forward, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit. If the target is a champion, Viego heals for a portion of the damage dealt.
Passive (Spectral Maw): Viego’s basic attacks deal bonus magic damage based on the target’s maximum health. This effect is enhanced against enemies below a certain health threshold.

W - Spectral Maw

Viego’s W is a mobility and survivability tool.
Active: Viego dashes a short distance in the target direction, becoming untargetable during the dash.
If he collides with an enemy champion, he stabs them, dealing physical damage and stunning them briefly.
The cooldown of Spectral Waltz is reduced if it hits an enemy champion.

E - Harrowed Path

Viego’s E provides crowd control and area control.
Active: Viego sends out a wave of Black Mist in a line, damaging and slowing all enemies hit.
After a brief delay, a second wave of mist erupts from the ground, stunning enemies caught in it. The stun duration increases based on the distance traveled by the first wave.

R - Heartbreaker

Viego’s ultimate is a game-changer.
Active: Viego dashes to a target enemy champion, dealing physical damage and applying a mark.
If the target dies within a few seconds, Viego can recast Heartbreaker to dash again, dealing additional damage to nearby enemies.
The recast can be used on multiple targets if they die in succession.
Passive (Sovereign’s Wrath): Viego’s basic attacks deal bonus damage based on the target’s missing health. This effect is enhanced against enemies below a certain health threshold.



Conqueror is a great choice for Viego. Here’s why:
Bonus AD: Conqueror provides bonus Attack Damage (AD) based on the damage you deal.
Healing: As Viego, you’ll engage in extended fights. Conqueror’s healing effect helps you sustain and stay alive during prolonged battles.
Overall, Conqueror enhances your damage output and survivability, making it a solid pick for the Ruined King.


Triumph is essential for surviving close fights. Here’s what it offers:
Takedown Healing: When you secure a takedown (kill or assist), Triumph grants you a chunk of health back.
This healing can turn the tide of battle, allowing you to survive clutch moments and continue fighting.

Legend: Alacrity

Legend: Viego benefits from attack speed due to his passive ability, Spectral Maw. Here’s why Legend: Alacrity is a good choice:
Attack Speed: Legend: Alacrity grants bonus attack speed as you stack it.
Faster attack speed means more basic attacks, which synergize with Viego’s overall DPS (damage per second).

Last Stand

Last Stand complements Viego’s all-in playstyle. Here’s how:
Damage Amplification: When you’re low on health, Last Stand increases the damage you deal.
This effect can potentially secure kills even when you’re about to fall, making it a powerful rune for aggressive engagements.


Sudden Impact

Sudden Impact is a minor rune from the Domination tree.
Here’s what it provides:
Lethality and Magic Penetration: After using a dash or blink ability (such as Viego’s W - Spectral Maw), your next damaging attack or ability deals bonus Lethality and Magic Penetration.
This rune enhances Viego’s burst damage when he engages with his mobility abilities.

Treasure Hunter

Treasure Hunter is a minor rune from the Inspiration tree.
Here’s its benefit:
Bonus Gold from Takedowns: When you participate in a takedown (kill or assist), you receive bonus gold.
Viego can use this extra gold to accelerate his item build, especially since he relies heavily on items to maximize his effectiveness.


Magical Footwear

Magical Footwear is a minor rune from the Inspiration tree.
Here’s why it’s a good choice for Viego:
Free Boots: After a certain amount of time, you receive free boots (upgraded to Tier 2 boots) without spending gold.
This allows Viego to allocate gold elsewhere (such as buying core items) and get a mobility boost once the boots are available.

Cosmic Insight

Cosmic Insight is a minor rune from the Inspiration tree.
Here’s what it offers:
Cooldown Reduction (CDR): Cosmic Insight grants bonus CDR on your summoner spells, item actives, and trinkets.
Viego benefits from reduced cooldowns, especially for his ultimate (R - Heartbreaker) and summoner spells (such as Flash).


Flash is a must-have summoner spell for Viego. Here’s why:
Instant Mobility: Flash allows you to instantly reposition yourself, engage, escape, or surprise enemies.
Use it to dodge skillshots, secure kills, or create unexpected plays.
Mastering Flash is crucial for maximizing Viego’s impact in fights.


Smite is essential for jungle Viego. Here’s what it provides:
Objective Control: Smite helps you secure neutral objectives (such as Dragon and Baron).
Jungle Clear: It deals bonus damage to jungle monsters, allowing you to clear camps faster.
Gold Generation: Jungle items grant bonus gold when you use Smite on large monsters.

Mosstomper Smite

Mosstomper Smite is a variant of Smite. Here’s its advantage:
Sustain: Using Smite on a large monster grants bonus health and mana.
Consider it if you want extra sustain during jungle clears.

Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite is another Smite variant. Here’s why it’s useful:
Movement Speed Boost: After using Smite on a large monster, you gain bonus movement speed for a short duration.
Helps you move around the map faster and control objectives efficiently.

Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite is the final Smite variant. Here’s its benefit:
Bonus Damage: It deals bonus true damage to large monsters and champions.
Use it for extra damage during fights or when securing objectives.

Scorchclaw Pup

This item provides Attack Damage (AD) and its passive ability deals bonus damage to monsters. It’s a good jungle item for clearing camps faster.

Gustwalker Hatchling

This item provides Attack Speed (AS) and its passive ability grants bonus movement speed when attacking champions. It can help Viego stick to enemies during fights.

Mosstomper Seedling

This item provides Health and its passive ability grants bonus health when you kill large monsters. It’s another good jungle item for sustain and tankiness.

Trinity Force

This item provides AD, Attack Speed, Health, and other stats. Its passive ability enhances your next basic attack after using an ability. It’s a versatile item for Viego, providing damage, health, and utility.

Kraken Slayer

This item provides AD and Attack Speed, and its passive ability deals bonus true damage on every third attack. It’s great for increasing Viego’s damage output.

Sundered Sky

This item provides AD and Ability Haste, and its passive ability deals bonus magic damage on every third attack. It’s another strong option for Viego’s auto-attack-based playstyle.

Death’s Dance

This item provides AD, Armor, and its passive ability converts a portion of damage taken into a bleed effect. It can increase Viego’s survivability in fights.

Titanic Hydra

This item provides AD, Health, and its passive ability deals bonus damage based on your maximum health. It’s a good item for Viego’s auto-attack-based playstyle. The active ability of Titanic Hydra can indeed be used as an autoattack reset. When activated, it allows you to quickly follow up with another basic attack, enhancing your burst damage output or helping you secure a kill. This mechanic is particularly useful for champions who rely on autoattacks and want to maximize their damage in a short window of time. Keep in mind that mastering autoattack resets can significantly improve your efficiency in fights.

Guardian Angel

This item provides AD and its passive ability revives you after death. It can be a lifesaver in team fights.

Sterak’s Gage

This item provides AD and its passive ability grants a shield when you take a large amount of damage. It can help Viego survive burst damage.

Maw of Malmortius

This item provides AD, Magic Resist, and its passive ability grants a shield when you take magic damage. It’s useful against magic damage threats.


This item provides AD, Lethality, and its passive ability deals bonus damage and grants a shield when you hit an enemy champion. It’s great for dueling and surviving burst damage.

Black Cleaver

This item provides AD, Health, and its passive ability reduces the enemy’s armor. It’s useful for shredding armor and increasing your damage output.

Frozen Heart

This item provides Armor, Mana, and its passive ability reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies. It’s great against physical damage threats.

Blade of the Ruined King

This item provides AD, Attack Speed, and its passive ability deals bonus damage based on the enemy’s current health. It’s good for sustained damage.

Wit’s End

This item provides Attack Speed, Magic Resist, and its passive ability deals bonus magic damage on-hit. It’s useful against magic damage threats.

The Collector

This item provides AD and its passive ability executes low-health enemies. It’s great for finishing off enemies.

Infinity Edge

This item provides AD and increases your critical strike damage. It’s a core item for crit-based builds.

Mortal Reminder

This item provides AD and its passive ability applies Grievous Wounds to enemies, reducing their healing. It’s useful against healing champions.

Berserker’s Greaves

These boots provide Attack Speed, which can increase your damage output.

Plated Steelcaps

These boots provide Armor and reduce the damage of enemy basic attacks. They’re great against physical damage threats.

Mercury's Treads

These boots provide Magic Resist and Tenacity, which can be useful against magic damage or crowd control.

Elixir of Wrath

This elixir provides AD and bonus healing from damage dealt. It’s great for sustaining in fights.

Elixir of Iron

This elixir provides Health and increases your size. It’s useful for tankiness and crowd control resistance.
See my other builds
My other builds:
Kog'Maw: Updating from 14.9 to 14.10 (click here)
Nautilus: Updating from 14.9 to 14.10 (click here)
Rakan: Updated for 14.10 (click here)
Swain: Updated for 14.10 (click here)
Viego: Updated for 14.10 (click here)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Foxirion
Foxirion Viego Guide
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[14.10] Viego, The Ruined King [Full Guide]

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