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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Tips: W his Passive-AA. Dodge inwards when he Q's. Early Bramble Vest can be good. Either insta E or don't E at all if he hits W, if you wait and E at the wrong time, you will get pulled back and die. He can also interrupt your E with his Qs.
I've abused the Shen + Kha'Zix combo for multiple years with my friend Tanu, who's a Challenger Jungler from Finland. Kha ults, Shen ults, you appear together in the enemy backline, Shen taunts everyone and Kha'Zix oneshots the highest priority target. I'm convinced this is one of the best top and jungle DuoQ combinations.
I've abused the Shen + Kha'Zix combo for multiple years with my friend Tanu, who's a Challenger Jungler from Finland. Kha ults, Shen ults, you appear together in the enemy backline, Shen taunts everyone and Kha'Zix oneshots the highest priority target. I'm convinced this is one of the best top and jungle DuoQ combinations.
Champion Build Guide
x Why Should I Play Shen? x Overview of Shen's Abilities
x Split-pushing x Stand United |
x Itemization x Trading Pattern
x Conclusions x Update Log |
The community translations are not updated as frequently as the main guide.
French: xPetu's Shen Guide FR
All thanks to Sinaloeb for the translation.
Portuguese: xPetu's Shen Guide PT
Special thanks to Igris_Woo for the translation.
German: xPetu's Shen Guide DE
Vielen Dank an Gizmo für die Übersetzung.
Turkish: xPetu's Shen Guide TR
Special thanks to Tutku for the translation!
Spanish: xPetu's Shen Guide ES
Huge thanks to Prosze for the translation!
Russian: xPetu's Shen Guide RU
Thanks to KrumpRizer for the translation!

Tasked with enforcing the equilibrium between the spirit realm and the physical world, Shen wields blades of steel and arcane energy against any who would threaten it.
“The Eye is blind to fear, to hate, to love – to all things that would sway equilibrium.”
- Shen
Why Should I Play Shen?

Shen has the option of choosing between Teleport and Ignite as his secondary summoner spell. I prefer Ignite and I suggest you play with Ignite as well, unless you have a clear reason to take Teleport, e.g. when facing Neeko or Vayne.
The Standard Shen Runes
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Summoner Spells
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Flash is simply the best and most versatile Summoner Spell in League of Legends. It should be taken every time you play Shen, with no exceptions. Flash can be combined together with your E to perform a "Taunt-Flash", which is discussed in the Mechanics section of the guide. | ||||
Pick One
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Ignite is the primary option for your second Summoner Spell slot. Shen can use Stand United to join his team, which allows him to go for a combat Summoner Spell instead of Teleport. It synergizes well with your strong early game, thus allowing you to play more aggressively. | ||||
Teleport is seen as the standard secondary Summoner Spell for top laners. It allows you to play the map in a versatile manner and acts as Get Out of Jail Free card if you screw up your wave management in the laning phase. Teleport is the safer option in comparison to Ignite. |
Some of you have voiced your concerns on how to choose what to build and I have listened. However, I will never recommend a cookie-cutter build that should be used in every game. The motivation for this is quite simple: I do not want to take the fun of experimenting with different item combinations from you. Inventing new off-meta builds is one of the reasons why I fell in love with League of Legends and I will not take that away from anyone. So be curious and have fun with your item choices, but always try to justify your choices because that's how you will improve. The following item tier list reflects my understanding of the strength of all viable items on Shen.
Early Game
Doran's Shield Start every game with this item and a ![]() |
Plated Steelcaps Buy these when facing multiple attack-based physical damage threats. |
Mercury's Treads Buy these when facing lots of crowd control and magic damage threats. |
Boots of Swiftness Buy these when facing potent slows (e.g. ![]() |
Ionian Boots of Lucidity Buy these if the none of the conditions above are met. These are my favorite boots. |



The Extended Trade

To perform the Extended trade, start off by simply using Q to pull the Spirit Blade through your opponent. Now you want to wait for a couple of seconds to let your Q cool down. The 3 empowered Q stacks last for 8 seconds, so you're in no hurry. If the enemy does not respect you, you can simply walk up and start attacking him. After 3 basic attacks, you should position yourself inside of the enemy champion's model to guarantee a second drag-through with your Q. You are almost guaranteed to win the trade if you manage to get all 6 empowered basic attacks off. You can use your E to close the initial gap, to chase for a kill or to disengage after your Qs, depending on the matchup and how the enemy plays it. You should use your W to block the enemy's retaliation attempts during the trade. This trading tool is at its best during the early stages of the laning phase (levels 2-5). Naturally, there is room for variation, i.e. the Extended Trade can be performed from a defensive Spirit Blade position or with any number of initial Q stacks. Always try to adapt the tools to fit the situation presented to you.
The Grasp Chop

The Towercrash Taunt



Triple-Q Leash

Q-W Protecting

Current Objective

Mirroring Pressure


Map Awareness

Wave Management

Cast Timing

This is the first guide I've written on MobaFire (excluding when I was 14 years old and tried to make a Silver Lee Sin Guide) and that's why it took me a day or two to get the hang of BBCode formatting. I probably would've struggled even longer, if it were not for the excellent code examples in jhoijhoi's Making a Guide. Additional thanks go to the MobaFire discord server for answering my questions and my Twitch moderator, TrueVenm, for giving out BBCode tips. All in all, I think the guide turned out even better than I originally hoped for and I will definitely keep it updated for the foreseeable future.
If you have read this far, I commend you for your diligence and wish you good luck in Solo Queue. I also highly recommend you to check out my Season 11 Shen Climbing Guide. It's a two-hour-long video where I explain top lane concepts ranging from basic to advanced and also show you directly how to apply those concepts in practice. If you enjoyed this guide or learned something new, I would appreciate a subscription on YouTube or a follow on Twitch. If you have any questions, you can leave them in Discussion section or ask them directly through my Discord Server.
- 22.2.2024 Patch 14.4 Update: Season 14 Update! Primarily focused on reworking the rune and item sections of the guide. I will continue to evaluate items and update the guide according to my understanding.
- 29.6.2023 Patch 13.13 Update: Updated to match new item changes.
- 8.1.2023 Patch 13.1 Update: Complete overhaul of the Itemization section to account for my understanding of Season 13 builds. Finally reworked the Skin Tier list and added Shockblade Shen to the top.
- 11.8.2022 Patch 12.15 Update: Slight Energy Buff for Shen, but it is effectively useless.
- 8.6.2022 Patch 12.11 Update: Post-Durability Patch reduced the cost of Bami's to 1000g, which is a nice buff for Shen. Immolate Mythics also gained +100 Health. I think Shen is in a fine spot right now.
- 15.2.2022 Patch 12.4 Update: Checked patch notes and added Russian translation.
- 1.2.2022 Patch 12.3 Update: Lots of bruiser item changes in this patch. Changed the descriptions of Divine Sunderer, Goredrinker and Sterak's Gage to reflect my predictions on the impact of the changes. Keeping an eye on Trinity Force.
- 18.1.2022 Patch 12.2 Update: Shen became OP because of the Teleport changes in 12.1, thus he was nerfed this patch. Unfortunately, Riot decided to nerf the skill expressive part of Shen's kit (Empowered Q), instead of nerfing the problem (his R). The guide is updated accordingly.
- 20.12.2021 Patch 11.24 Update: Removed Fleet Footwork from the suggested runes because it is no longer viable on Shen. Made changes to the Itemization section due to the Pre-Season Updates.
- 03.11.2021 Patch 11.22 Update: Goredrinker added to the Itemization section under Mythics. The recent changes have made it attractive for Shen, as explained in my recent YouTube video.
- 06.10.2021 Patch 11.20 Update: Shen's passive shield was nerfed in this patch. It's not the end of the world but you can definitely feel the nerf.
- 11.08.2021 Patch 11.16 Update: Redemption buffed, and it is looking MIGHTY JUICY for Shen right now. Put on your seat belts and enjoy the ELO ride.
- 21.07.2021 Patch 11.15 Update: Adjusted for the new patch. Hullbreaker does not seem to be good on Shen from my testing. I'm still feeling ambivalent about Anathema's Chains.
- 23.06.2021 Patch 11.13 Update: I need to test out Anathema's Chains and Hullbreaker before adding them to the guide, but they seem promising.
- 25.05.2021 Patch 11.11 Update: Added Redemption and Warmog's Armor to the Itemization section. Added Gwen and Lee Sin to the Threats section.
- 12.05.2021 Patch 11.10 Update: Checked Patch notes. RedempShen build is still very strong and Abyssal Mask is a very good 3rd item now.
- 04.05.2021 Spanish Translation: Added yet another translation!
- 28.04.2021 Patch 11.9 Update: Shen buffs! Checked Patch notes and added a link to my RedempShen build in the itemization section.
- 14.04.2021 Patch 11.8 Update: Titanic Hydra nerfed in the early game, it's still ok as first item because the on-hit damage is unchanged. Sunfire Aegis first is viable and probably better in some games.
- 26.03.2021 Turkish Translation: Added another translation!
- 17.03.2021 Patch 11.5 Update: Itemization updated! I now recommend building Titanic Hydra first and then choosing your Mythic item. This allows for more flexibility (and more fun mythic items like Riftmaker). Added a couple of champions to the Synergies section and read the patch notes.
- 03.03.2021 Patch 11.5 Update: Read patch notes. Thinking about including a couple of more Mythic Items (Riftmaker, Immortal Shieldbow).
- 18.02.2021 Patch 11.4 Update: Added German translation, checked patch notes.
- 06.02.2021 Patch 11.3 Update: Checked patch notes and updated accordingly. No direct changes to Shen, but bruiser top laners are weaker (indirect buff).
- 28.01.2021 Portuguese Translation: Special thanks to Igris_Woo for this translation!
- 28.01.2021 S11 Guide Contest: My guide was awarded first place in the category "New Top Guides" in the S11 MOBAFire Guide Contest. Hard work pays off.
- 21.01.2021 French translation: I have added a link to a French translation of the guide as a Google Docs file. Thanks to Sinaloeb for the translation!
- 21.01.2021 Patch 11.2 Update: Added Force of Nature to the itemization section. Updated Frostfire and Sunfire explanations according to patch changes. Reworded miscellaneous parts of the guide.
- 06.01.2021 Initial Release: The guide is finally ready to be published. Worked on this non-stop for the past two days. Very happy with the content and the form. Season 11 starts in 2 days.
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