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Ornn Build Guide by Makkro

Top [ 14.11] Makkro's 1200 LP EUW/Korean Challenger Ornn OTP Guide✅

Top [ 14.11] Makkro's 1200 LP EUW/Korean Challenger Ornn OTP Guide✅

Updated on June 5, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Makkro Build Guide By Makkro 1256 45 1,370,964 Views 31 Comments
1256 45 1,370,964 Views 31 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Makkro Ornn Build Guide By Makkro Updated on June 5, 2024
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Runes: Vs Most champs

1 2 3 4 5 6
Grasp of the Undying
Second Wind

Biscuit Delivery
Magical Footwear

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


ALWYAS Flash Teleport
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[ 14.11] Makkro's 1200 LP EUW/Korean Challenger Ornn OTP Guide✅

By Makkro
Table of Contents
Guide Details
x Introduction & Credentials
x Why Should I Play Ornn?
x Overview of Ornn's Abilities
x Runes And Summoner Spells
x Itemization
x Trading Patterns
x Mechanics
x Combos
x Skin Tierlist
x Conclusions
x Update Log

Matchup Sheet For More Info
My Stream
Introduction & Credentials

Introduction & Credentials

Im Makkro. I have peaked at 1057 LP on EUW and Challenger in the Korean Server by playing only Ornn with about 3 Milion Mastery Points and have achieved Challenger Rank and am propably the best Tank Player in the Server.I have mastered and know everything there is to know about Ornn. I also stream Exteremly High Elo Ornn gameplay on my Twitch consistenly where you can learn more about laning and mid game macro on the champion. I've been playing League since Season 3 so I know all about this game since Im a veteran at this. I've focus on improving on Ornn on every aspect I could and am sharing everything I've learned from trial and error with a LOT of error in this guide from basic things like items all the way to the tiniest details of micro trade, spacing, and tricks that this champion has.
I have won vs the best top laners that EUW has to offer in challenger by playing an off-meta champion that isn't known as a solo-killer so this guide will help you do just that. Kill and win lane and stomp teamfights and gain that sweet +20 LP.
Why Should I Play Ornn?
x Solid Chad Laner
x Hardest Scaling Tank In The Game
x Really easy to pick up and learn
x B O N K
x One of the best teamfighters
Overview of Ornn's Abilities

Ornn can create masterwork items for himself and for his allies. Ornn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere. Additionally, Ornn gains an additional bonus HP, armor and magic resistance from all sources and with each masterwork upgrade. You can use Living Forge to bait your opponent into trading with you. Always use Living Forge when youre higher hp because it gives more stats the higher hp you are so use a Health Potion to the fullest and THEN craft a Ruby Crystal in laning phase. Ornn's Passive refresh mythic item cooldowns like Galeforce Immortal Shieldbow, Turbo Chemtank, Crown of the Shattered Queen, Shurelya's Requiem.

| Range: 800 | Cooldown: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 | Cost: 45 |
Ornn slams the ground, sending out a fissure dealing damage and slowing enemies hit. After a small delay, a magma pillar forms at the end location. Scales with your attack damage and deals physical damage. This ability is your main poking device and It's also a great zoning tool make sure to use this like an Anivia wall in chokepoints like this in baron nashor and dragon fights.

Examples of Ornn Q being used as anivia wall in chokepoints

| Range: 500 | Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 | Cost: 45/50/55/60/65 |
Ornn advances, breathing fire. Enemies hit by the final gout of flame become Brittle. Fire and Brittle deal %HP of target's as magic damage. Ornn's basic attacks against Brittle enemies briefly knocks them back. This is your biggest damage ability and it interrupts a lot of cc like Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab, Thresh's Death Sentence and knockups like Unstoppable Force, Rupture, Apprehend and so on. You can also use Bellows Breath to avoid knockups from baron nashor and Dragon.

| Range: 800 | Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 | Cost: 35/40/45/50/55 |
Ornn charges, dealing damage to enemies he passes through. If Ornn collides with terrain while charging, the impact creates a shockwave around him which deals damage and knocks up enemies. Scales with your armor, magic resistance and deals physical damage. This is your main cc tool for peeling and combos. In laning phase you can use it as a dash onto your opponent and just run them down. It can be interrupted so be careful how you use it and when you use it. Make sure no random hooks or cc is thrown at you so the ability actually goes through. Same goes for his ultimate Call of the Forge God.


| Range: 2500 | Cooldown: 140/120/100 | Cost: 100 |
Ornn summons a massive elemental at a location which travels toward him with increasing speed. Enemies run over by the elemental take damage, are slowed and are made Brittle. Ornn can recast the ability to charge into the elemental, redirecting it in the direction he hits it, causing the elemental to affect any enemies it runs over to be knocked up, dealing the same damage and re-applying Brittle. Scales with your ability power and deals magic damage. This is your big engage but be careful for Braum, Samira, Yasuo as they all can make your ult dissappear and when against those champions your main engage tool is Searing Charge. Your ult should only be used in a defensive manner into those champions.
Runes And Summoner Spells
Flash is one of the best summoner spells on Ornn due to the amount of plays and engages and disenage and gank safety it can get you out of it also allows for cool combos on Ornn and it just is the best summoner in the game.
Teleport is the best secondary summoner spell on Ornn because it offers gank safety since you will always be weakside as a tank.
Ignite is a very strong laning summoner spell and it can be very strong versus lanes like Illaoi, Aatrox, Dr.Mundo, Rengar, Vladimir, Swain and you take it in place of Flash.
Exhaust is a very strong laning summoner spell and it can be very strong versus lanes like Riven, Irelia, Jax, Tryndamere, Zed, Warwick and you take it in place of Flash for lane safety and denial of all ins.


Resolve Is one of the trees that synergizes with Ornn the best and Grasp of the Undying allows for very nice trades and damage while also providing sustain into melee matchups and 5 HP scaling for each proc. Grasp of the Undyingis the rune to take into 90% of melee matchup Grasp of the Undying.

There is no debate or question over which one is the best here. The other runes don’t work and Demolish is honestly the most powerful rune in the game if you don’t count keystones for tanks to gain gold and tempo and pressure in league. Tip: If a tower is low and youre about to demolish it dont just let the minions do it and use Demolish on the next tower.
For the most part you go Second Wind due to how many champions can easily proc Bone Plating other than Wukong, Jax, Sett, Irelia. These champions are all in champions where Bone Plating absolutely destroys these champions damage but for the most part you want to take Second Wind due to the sheer sustain and survivability ornn gets. Conditioning can ONLY be used in tank matchups such or free scaling and safe matchups like Darius, Nasus where you wont really interact with the enemy.
Take Overgrowth into comps where they dont have a lot of cc and slows and you will never EVER need Revitalize because you have zero shields or healing. However if they do have slows like Ashe or stuns like Leona, Nautilus, Gnar, Renekton take Unflinching as it is a very underrated and solid rune.
Take Magical Footwear into matchups wwhere you dont need early tabi rush and Biscuit Delivery for the sustain and mana. You can opt for the Cosmic Insight into only these champions Irelia Fiora for the early tabi rush with bramble because hp does nothing and you need auto attack damage reduction and mobility to outplay their trades


Ranged Runes


Inspiration Is one of the trees that synergizes with Ornn the best vs ranged matchups and Glacial Augment allows for very nice trades while also providing peel for your team . Unsealed Spellbookis also a really good but hard to use rune and needs practice to be used well. You can take this rune into very mobile ranged champions that can dash out of your Glacial Augment where your level 6 all in with ignite will secure the lane for you. Until further changes to Glacial Augment I will continue to take it over Unsealed Spellbook just because it is stronger and more universal on Ornn

Magical Footwear is the best rune to take the rest suck. Boots give you free 300 gold and +10 movement speed its free stats.
For the most par you go Biscuit Delivery for the mana and hp sustain also increase your max mana capacity which makes you able to clear more waves and spam your abilities more. Minion Dematerializer isn't worth losing the biscuits and ornn doesn't need more waveclear and Future's Market is only good for rushing an early Bramble Vest vs champions like Fiora or Aatrox but personally I would just go for the Biscuit Delivery and relax in lane.
Take Cosmic Insight for the reduced cooldown on items like randuins and the summoner spell cooldown reduction for the extra utility. Its a really solid rune and very worth taking. Approach Velocity is also a good but selfish choice on Ornnand I do not prefer it but it is not bad like Time Warp Tonic, especially when youre taking Glacial Augment or Unsealed Spellbook.
ALWAYS Take Second Wind since youre taking the rune page for range matchups and Bone Plating is grief with this rune page. Conditioning is a good choice when youre comfortable in a matchup or you just dont proc it a lot like vs Darius where you will just AFK farm and outscale.
Runes into Ranged that have High Mobility And A Lot of dashes where they just get away from glacial augment


Inspiration Is one of the trees that synergizes with Ornn the best vs ranged matchups and Unsealed Spellbook allows Ornn to scale harderr and provide more utility with summoners like Heal, Exhaust but while also providing a really hard level 6 ALL IN with Ignite summoner spell swap. I personally prefer the new Glacial Augment but Unsealed Spellbook is a really good choice too.

Magical Footwear is the best rune to take the rest suck. Boots give you free 300 gold and +10 movement speed its free stats.
For the most par you go Biscuit Delivery for the mana and hp sustain also increase your max mana capacity which makes you able to clear more waves and spam your abilities more. Minion Dematerializer isn't worth losing the biscuits and ornn doesn't need more waveclear and Future's Market is only good for rushing an early Bramble Vest vs champions like Fiora or Aatrox but personally I would just go for the Biscuit Delivery and relax in lane.
Take Cosmic Insight for the reduced cooldown on items like randuins and the summoner spell cooldown reduction for the extra utility. Its a really solid rune and very worth taking. Approach Velocity is also a good but selfish choice on Ornnand I do not prefer it but it is not bad like Time Warp Tonic, especially when youre taking Glacial Augment or Unsealed Spellbook.
ALWAYS Take Second Wind since youre taking the rune page for range matchups and Bone Plating is grief with this rune page. Conditioning is a good choice when youre comfortable in a matchup or you just dont proc it a lot like vs Dariuswhere you will just AFK farm and outscale.
Runes Into Scaling Matchups


Resolve Is one of the trees that synergizes with Ornn the best and Grasp of the Undying allows for very nice trades and damage while also providing sustain into melee matchups and 5 HP scaling for each proc. Grasp of the Undying is the rune to take into 90% of melee matchup Grasp of the Undying

There is no debate or question over which one is the best here. The other runes don’t work and Demolish is honestly the most powerful rune in the game if you don’t count keystones for tanks to gain gold and tempo and pressure in league.
In tank matchups you go Conditioning for the pure scaling because you dont need Second Wind for sustain since you will be both perma farming and ignoring eachother but you can still go it since Second Wind is the best laning rune to take.
Take Overgrowth into comps where they dont have a lot of cc and slows and you will never EVER need Revitalize because you have zero shields or healing. However if they do have slows like Ashe or stuns like Leona, Nautilus, Gnar, Renekton take Unflinching as it is a very underrated and solid rune.
Take Transcendence for the CDR reduction its stronger then Celerity since Ornn has ZERO needs for movement speed and Absolute Focus is never good since Ornn is a BIG BEEFY Tank not a full hp squishy that oneshots so Absolute Focus never works.Always take Transcendence and you will get FREE ELO from the cooldown refunds on kills and the base ability haste you get from it.
Always always take Manaflow Band into tank matchups like Maokai Malphite
or Dr. Mundo because you will be perma-nuking waves and your mana pool will get destroyed and Manaflow Band really has a lot of value. Nullifying Orb can work only into full 4 ap enemy comps but you shouldn't really use it because full ap enemy team is the ideal scenario that doesn't happen that much. Nimbus Cloakcan work if youre being very very aggressive and have Ignite but Manaflow Band is still the superior rune choice
Usual Core Builds

In this chapter I'll introduce you to my recommended build path for Ornn which will be the most optimal into most teamcomps but you will have to think on your own and adapt. Ornn's upgrade priority goes like this Lethality Items, Magic Penetration Items, Bruise r Items, AP Enchanter Supp Items, Adc Items, Tank Supp items. Infinty Edge uprade on Jhin gives him 30 ad because he converts attack speed to ad which is really strong.

Sunfire Aegis


Kaenic Rookern

Frozen Heart
This build path is the most universal one on Ornn


Frozen Heart

Kaenic Rookern

This build path is the highest dps on Ornn vs range comps

Core Items
Jak'Sho, The Protean is a really solid mythic into most comps because it offers a lot of tankiness for Ornn
Sunfire Aegis
Sunfire Aegis is a good item to build second when they have a lot of champs that fight for a long time like and in melee good rush in lane vs champs like Darius,Kled,Illaoi,Aatrox etc.
Frozen Heart
Frozen Heart l is very op vs auto attackers like Yone Yasuo Tryndamere Trundle etc.
Kaenic Rookern
Kaenic Rookern OP VS ANY AP CHAMP
Hollow Radiance
Hollow Radiance is very good vs melee ap champs.
Build Locket of the Iron Solari into Katarina, Ziggs just very heavy aoe burst teams where you need to peel and only keep your team alive.

Plated Steelcaps
Plated Steelcaps are boots you build when your enemy has 3 or more ad users that auto attack a lot.
Mercury's Treads
Mercury's Treads are the boots to build into 3 ap users or very heavy CC Comps that you can't play around and dodge like Leona, Maokai, Nautilus, Veigar and Everfrost users.
Sorcerer's Shoes
Sorcerer's Shoes are boots to build vs heavy tanky comps but it's not needed if your team has enough damage.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Ionian Boots of Lucidity you build these when you don't need resistances and are the only one left to carry the game.
Boots of Swiftness
Boots of Swiftness can be built into champs with a lot of slow resist like Ashe, Nasus, Anivia.

Thornmail is the best 2nd item to build vs bruisers and very heal heavy comps it gives really good stats for Ornn and makes him super tanky. Really good choice into Aatrox, Fiora, Irelia, Darius, Jax
Force of Nature
Force of Nature is the best magic resist item in the game right now and it is REALLY STRONG because it gives so much resists it's insane
Anathema's Chains
Anathema's ChainsReally good item to build when there is one fed hypercarry that if you focus you win the game.
Knight's Vow
Knight's Vow is an item you build where your role is to single handedly peel and ONLY peel for your adc. You only build it when you have a Vayne or Aphelios that needs protecting from assassins like Talon, Qiyana.
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Gargoyle Stoneplate is a very strong tank item on Ornn the resists stack with his passive %amplification Living Forge and it's very good vs true damage users.
Spirit Visage
Spirit Visage is a good magic resist item to build when you have Lulu, Soraka, Karma and you need more magic resist on top of Force of Nature . So you only build it when you need more magic resist and have those types of champions in your game
Redemption is a very good peel item and if you've already built Knight's Vow you might as well go full support and get Redemption it's really cheap and good but ONLY if your team doesn't need more tankiness just more hp for themselves.
Warmog's Armor
Warmog's Armor is a very strong item on Ornn I prefer to rush it 1st vs only Gnar Kennen because it makes laning vs them so much easier its also a good 3rd item vs heavy poke comps like Lux, Xerath, Jhin, Ezreal.
Frozen Heart
Frozen Heart is a good item to build second vs heavy attack speed stackers like Kayle Vayne Kog'Maw, Yone, Yasuo and pretty much anyone that takes Lethal Tempo. Never ever build Frozen Heart as a counter to Master Yi. There are 2 reasons for this:
Master Yi's ultimate ignores all slows. This includes attack speed slows:
Recommendation: Build Randuin's Omen vs Crit Yi and thornmail vs On-hit as your go-tos vs Master Yi. An Anathema's Chains helps too.
Randuin's Omen
Randuin's Omen is a very good item to buy vs heavy ad and crit stackers like Aphelios, Graves, Jinx, Jhin
Winter's Approach
Winter's Approach is a mediocre second item you can buy in comps where you are mostly peel and only need to tank. Shields work really well vs true damage users like Gwen, Camille and Vayne but you need to buy tear very early so its stacked when you buy it second. But to be frank this item is really risky and not worth to buy on Ornn because he doesn't need mana or Hp he needs defenses like armor and magic resist to have value.
Sunfire Aegis
Sunfire Aegis is a good first item vs heavy ad teams like Darius, Aatrox, Olaf and general bruisers that dont really get countered by crit reducers or attack speed reducers.
Sunfire Aegis
Turbo Chemtank is a good first item vs heavy ap teams when you require just a little extra engage.
Trading Patterns
Most of early game youre going to focus on short trading like this so you take minimum damage while dealing the most. Trading with Ornn is one of the most important concepts and easiest to learn. Most of Ornn's trades are short and very damaging and full of cc so you will alawys have time to dissengage in between trades. Your first trade combo to learn is a regular Q, W and Searing Charge away.
Q R Auto E Auto R Auto W Auto MAX DAMAGE COMBO
This combo gets easier and easier to do the higher attack speed you have it lets you weave in an extra grasp proc and auto which is about 100-200 damage extra you can only do this if you start in melee range
Early Game
Ornn's early game is really simple and it relies around your Volcanic Rupture. You want to use this spell to farm first 3 melee minions and if your opponent comes to trade simply kite with the minions while auto attack. If the enemy champion has a really strong level 1 you just give priority completely and dont trade with them like a Sett() or Darius. The items you buy early depends on matchup but usually a Ruby Crystal is solid enough. If you're low on hp the helth from hp items you build have less value because it will give less and less the lower your healthpool is so build armor or magic resist or boots if you are low and need an item FAST. Keep your trades short and smart with as little risk. Go to the trade pattern section to learn more about trading styles. Use your Volcanic Rupture to poke the enemy ONLY when he's taking farm because that's when your Volcanic Rupture has highest chances of hitting. Searing Charge is a spell that's really good for disengage not by dashing away but by Crowd Controling them into a wall and THEN running because if they can interrupt it or have a dash they will catch up instantly and your Searing Dash leaves Ornn stuck in an animation so it isn't as fast as other champion dashes like Riven where she cancels the animation out. Your Bellows Breath should be used with your Volcanic Rupture because it combos really well and is really safe. Do not play aggressive if your cooldowns are not up you will get punished severely and Ornn can't match an enemy with auto attacks even with Grasp of the Undying.
As Ornn youre looking to mirror pressure clear waves and rotate and get a pick with Call of the Forge God. You want to be on the blue or red side depending on what team you are and NOT overextened because Ornn isn't a 1v9 champion with a lot of mobility like Camille he can't afford to pass this line or he gets rotated on and dies focus on clearing waves and getting a teamfight or securing baron nashor or dragon because that is your WINCON. Always alawys teamfight and buy sweeper for your team since you are the frontline and are gonna be facechecking bushes a LOT.
Teamfighting styles
Front to Back
Your main goal in a front to back teamfight is really simple all you have to do is soak up damage and CC as efficently as you can while your backline does damage and supports help you tank or keep asassins away.
The key is holding your spells especially if they can be interrupted by enemy CC.
Like if you have Searing Charge but have no knockups nearby just hold it until you get near a wall or terrain for knockup.
If you brittle somebody but dont need the damage on them just wait for your teammates to proc the brittle with a cc of their own. Because if youre all 5v5 and really close you don't need to proc brittles because a Jhin or Morgana or Lux or Syndra will one shot if they proc a brittle on their won. You just burn them with immolate passive and wait until your allies proc brittle.

Poking Comps
Into poking comps you either tank the poke and let your team out poke the enemy and you sustain with Warmog's Armor but if your team is not a poke comp you HAVE to use your ultimate Call of the Forge God to pick somebody immobile and vurnerable out or you lose the fight because they will poke you down until you lose.

Assassin Comps

Your goal against these types of comps is build in a defensive way so your ad carries can survive and you have to stick really close to them and be ready to Searing Charge into a knockup at any time because if your adc dies your comp falls appart. Knight's Vow helps a lot vs these kinds of comps. Your role is basically that of a Braum. Protect your carry at all costs and peel.

Dive Comps

Against these types of comps like Hecarim, Yone, Riven, Camille,
Irelia you want to make sure they do not reach your backline and if they do CC them to the best of your ability. Focus on always kiting backwards and never forwards and ulting defensively so your carries don't get oneshot.
Ornn is a very solid and good champion to learn and play and I personally find him to be the best champion out of all because well BONK. Bonking people is fun as **** and so is playing this big guy. This guide took me a long time to make but I did it because I love Ornn and he is very unpopular and underplayed and I wanted to remind you what a good Ornn brings to the table and I want to see him picked and played properly again. Follow me on my twitch and join my discord if you wanna learn more about the champion and have as much fun with GIGACHAD TANK GAMING!!!

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