Build Guide by CupGin
[14.11] [S12-14 GM] SEASON 14 Ultimate In-Depth Mid Diana Guide ダイアナのミッドガイド

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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Standard (take almost always) 大体これを
Threats & Synergies
Read about all matchups in the mid matchup section (^^)/. すべてのマッチアップについては、ミッドマッチアップのセクションをお読みください(^^)/。
Champion Build Guide
About Me 自己紹介
Hey, welcome to my guide! I am CupGin this will be my Sixth season one tricking Diana. I am currently 21 years old. I am a student in Japan and have achieved rank 1 Diana and grandmaster on the Japanese server during season 13 and the current season 14. Around May until July in Season 13 I went back to NA and got masters during split 1 with a few hundred LP until I left to go back to Japan but I have achieved grandmaster during season 12 in the NA servers. In my Diana journey, I have one tricked her from silver all the way onto Grandmaster. If you are interested in checking my OP.GG account it is Here
I have around almost 4 million mastery points on my main account, 嫁探し中#GinXD, however when adding all my side accounts together, the number exceeds 6 million. Noticing that there was a slight lack of Diana mid players, I wanted to write this guide to give some info to aspiring Diana mid players or to give out more information to informed players!
I have recently starting streaming so if you are ever interested please feel free to come and watch Here. Feel free to come and ask me anything or just say hello, the stream will be in both Japanese and English :D! I will start streaming again possibly on May 11th and onwards.
Side note: In the guide it says to play safe level 1-2 against many of the ranged champions, however, even in these matchups you can trade level 2 depending on the circumstances so you can always try to see how that works for you! :D
やほー!我はCUPGIN!今翻訳機を使っていないけど残りのガイドは翻訳機を使う!これ翻訳機しせずに書いたら絶対に死ぬww。多分変な日本語多いかもしれないからすまぬ。まぁそれより我はアメリカ人なのじゃ!今二十一歳の留学しているダイアナONE TRICK。NAのサーバseason 12にプレイしてた時に、グランドマスターまで行ってた。NAサーバやってた時にシーズン12の時にグラマスいったことある。JPサーバのグランドマスターも到着してた、シーズン13と今のシーズン14。我のダイアナランク旅はシルバーからグランドマスターになったまで、全部その旅の勉強ことや覚えたことここに書く!このシーズンは我の6目のDIANA ONE TRICKしてるシーズン。我のアカウント気になってる人達 ここをクリックして!
最近TWITChで配信してるから良ければここで みてくれ!あと質問とかあったら配信やこのサイトのコメントをしてもよいぞ!配信をする時に英語と日本語で両方を使う!5月11日から配信やろうと思ってる、よければこい!
サイドノート:サイドノートしゃーぶ=SHOVE=押し込む あと たくさんのレージ高いチャンピオン相手戦い方はレベル1-2はセーフプレイ言ってるけど、時々レベル2でもトレードできる。それを覚えて!間違った日本語や意味わからない日本語あったら教えてくれ!!!じゃそれではガイド始めよう!
I have around almost 4 million mastery points on my main account, 嫁探し中#GinXD, however when adding all my side accounts together, the number exceeds 6 million. Noticing that there was a slight lack of Diana mid players, I wanted to write this guide to give some info to aspiring Diana mid players or to give out more information to informed players!
I have recently starting streaming so if you are ever interested please feel free to come and watch Here. Feel free to come and ask me anything or just say hello, the stream will be in both Japanese and English :D! I will start streaming again possibly on May 11th and onwards.
Side note: In the guide it says to play safe level 1-2 against many of the ranged champions, however, even in these matchups you can trade level 2 depending on the circumstances so you can always try to see how that works for you! :D
やほー!我はCUPGIN!今翻訳機を使っていないけど残りのガイドは翻訳機を使う!これ翻訳機しせずに書いたら絶対に死ぬww。多分変な日本語多いかもしれないからすまぬ。まぁそれより我はアメリカ人なのじゃ!今二十一歳の留学しているダイアナONE TRICK。NAのサーバseason 12にプレイしてた時に、グランドマスターまで行ってた。NAサーバやってた時にシーズン12の時にグラマスいったことある。JPサーバのグランドマスターも到着してた、シーズン13と今のシーズン14。我のダイアナランク旅はシルバーからグランドマスターになったまで、全部その旅の勉強ことや覚えたことここに書く!このシーズンは我の6目のDIANA ONE TRICKしてるシーズン。我のアカウント気になってる人達 ここをクリックして!
最近TWITChで配信してるから良ければここで みてくれ!あと質問とかあったら配信やこのサイトのコメントをしてもよいぞ!配信をする時に英語と日本語で両方を使う!5月11日から配信やろうと思ってる、よければこい!
サイドノート:サイドノートしゃーぶ=SHOVE=押し込む あと たくさんのレージ高いチャンピオン相手戦い方はレベル1-2はセーフプレイ言ってるけど、時々レベル2でもトレードできる。それを覚えて!間違った日本語や意味わからない日本語あったら教えてくれ!!!じゃそれではガイド始めよう!
Why Diana Mid なんでダイアナミッド
Diana is a great midlane champion. In addition to her fun one-shots, she has great wave clear early game compared to many mid laners which allows her to create tempo recalls.
Diana also has great flexibility such as splitting and team fighting. Her splitting is excellent, especially with her passive
which destroys turrets much faster than many people expect. Combine this with
and her side skirmishing and turret destruction speed are very strong. If the game needs, you can also decide to team fight instead of split push, Diana's ult allows for her team fighting and skirmishing to excel when compared with many other champions. Being able to shove waves and destroy turrets quickly places Diana in an advantageous spot when comparing her with other assassins.
Diana is also a great dive champion, being able to
onto the enemy backline one-shotting them when you are really fed, or even playing peel for your ADC with your ult when you are behind. Diana's flexibility gives lots of creativity when playing her. Most of all Diana is a really fun champion that's easy to pick up!
on the backline one-shotting them when you are really fed, or even playing peel for your ADC when you are behind. Dianaの柔軟性は彼女をプレイする際に多くの創造性を与えてくれる。そして何より、Dianaは本当に楽しいチャンピオンで、簡単に手に入れることができるんだ!
Diana also has great flexibility such as splitting and team fighting. Her splitting is excellent, especially with her passive

Diana is also a great dive champion, being able to



Abilities アビリティ
This ability allows for Diana's insane damage on turrets and speed when taking them. Make sure to utilize this passive before taking trades by auto attacking a minion twice before using
to maximize damage. Punish laners that roam by shoving mid and taking 2-3 turret platings. Makes sure when taking turrets you are using
to maximize attack speed when taking turrets.
This is Diana's main ability. Use this to poke in lane, preferably last hitting minions and the enemy champion at the same time. Continue to poke them and when they are low enough, go in with
for the kill. Keep in mind if you miss
will be on CD if you decide to use it. Be sure not to spam this ability as Diana's is very mana hungry.
This ability allows Diana to come out in trades many of the times when jumping in with
, while also minimizing damage when grabbing CS.
Diana's gap closer which allows for diving the backline during team fights to be possible especially when combined with
. When you get level 2 first, use
to kill the first minion of the second wave and level up
instantly to use it and auto attack once to proc electrocute and back up. If possible auto attack a minion two times before doing this trade for the extra damage on
Diana's ultimate team fighting ability. The more opponents that you manage to use
on, the more the damage. In team fights, try to find openings in the enemy team when they are grouped together during objectives and reposition yourself with
to quickly take the opportunity.


This is Diana's main ability. Use this to poke in lane, preferably last hitting minions and the enemy champion at the same time. Continue to poke them and when they are low enough, go in with


This ability allows Diana to come out in trades many of the times when jumping in with


Diana's gap closer which allows for diving the backline during team fights to be possible especially when combined with


Diana's ultimate team fighting ability. The more opponents that you manage to use


Combos コンボ
Level 2 Trade
Use this when you get level 2 first, try to get passive auto if possible to maximize damage
+ AA
Level 3 Short Trade
Try to get passive auto attack if possible to maximize damage
Extended All In Trade
After poking the enemy champion enough and they are in kill range,
use this trade to all in.
Level 6 All In Trade
Use this at level 6 if the enemy mid laner is in kill range
Level 6 オールイントレード。
Hextech Rocketbelt Trade
This is the general trading pattern without ultimate
ヘクステック ロケットベルト トレード
Engage Combo When The Enemy Is Grouped
When you see 3-5 of them grouped up, you want to quickly do this combo to catch them off guard during team fights.

Level 3 Short Trade
Try to get passive auto attack if possible to maximize damage
Extended All In Trade
After poking the enemy champion enough and they are in kill range,
use this trade to all in.
Level 6 All In Trade
Use this at level 6 if the enemy mid laner is in kill range
Level 6 オールイントレード。
Hextech Rocketbelt Trade
This is the general trading pattern without ultimate
ヘクステック ロケットベルト トレード
Engage Combo When The Enemy Is Grouped
When you see 3-5 of them grouped up, you want to quickly do this combo to catch them off guard during team fights.

Extended All In Trade
After poking the enemy champion enough and they are in kill range,
use this trade to all in.
Level 6 All In Trade
Use this at level 6 if the enemy mid laner is in kill range
Level 6 オールイントレード。
Hextech Rocketbelt Trade
This is the general trading pattern without ultimate
ヘクステック ロケットベルト トレード
Engage Combo When The Enemy Is Grouped
When you see 3-5 of them grouped up, you want to quickly do this combo to catch them off guard during team fights.
Use this at level 6 if the enemy mid laner is in kill range
This is the general trading pattern without ultimate
When you see 3-5 of them grouped up, you want to quickly do this combo to catch them off guard during team fights.
Pros/Cons りがいとくしつ
- Great 1v9 Potential when snowballed -
- Can split push if team is behind to create pressure -
- Has great team fight and split push -
- Can punish enemy mid laners roams by taking turret platings very fast -
- Easy to pick up and really fun -
- 雪だるま式に1vs9の可能性が高い -
- スプリットプッシュでプレッシャーを与えることができる -
- チームファイトとスプリットプッシュが素晴らしい -
- タレットを素早く取って敵のMid lanersのRoamsを罰することができる -
- 簡単に習得できて楽しくプレイできる -
- Struggles when behind -
- Almost always useless against tanky team comps -
- Vulnerable to ganks -
- Mana hungry -
- Useless when E isn't up -
- Hexdrinker/Maw of Malmortius -
- 後ろにいると苦戦する -
- タンキーなチームに対してはほとんど役に立たない -
- ギャンクに弱い -
- マナを消費する -
- Eが出てない時は役に立たない -
- Hexdrinker/Maw of Malmortius -
Main Runes メインルーン

This rune is run almost every game due to how well it works with Diana's kit. Your main objective as Diana in most games is to one shot the enemy squishes in team fights (The AD carries and Support). This rune helps quickly eliminate high threat champions from team fights. It also allows heavy burst trades in lanes that can grab you kills, especially at level 6.

Sudden Impact
The extra magic penetration from this rune combined with your items will be cutting through most champions magic resist allowing for you to better one shot the enemy. You can opt to take


Eyeball Collection
Diana tends to roam and skirmish a lot, which allows for the eyeball collections to be stacked fairly fast, allowing for your ap to increase for better one shots.

Ultimate Hunter
You can also take



Phase Rush
Take this when versing champions that rely solely on major skill shots to deal damage such as

Manaflow Band
Due to Diana's major mana problems, taking this rune will allow you to have great access to mana later in the game. You want to make sure to poke down the enemy mid laner with



This rune is wonderful in the early game, When you are laning because when you land your Q's it allows you to get in that extra damage to set up for your potential future all ins. This rune is mainly for early game, so you want to make sure that you are hitting as much Q's as you can during the early stages of the game to get max use of this rune.
Secondary Runes セカンダリルーン
For secondary runes you have the choice of Either taking


manaflow band
This rune provides you with the mana that you need on Diana in the mid game. Although unlike biscuit delivery, which I used to take before, you won't get the mana instantly back during the laning phase, however after your first reset you will feel the benefits of this rune. Early game, do your best to lane your first or second Q so you can start maximizing the mana that you get from this rune and over regenerate the mana that you got because of this to start spamming more Q's.

this rune is wonderful in the early game, When you are laning because when you land your Q's it allows you to get in that extra damage to set up for your potential future all ins. This rune is mainly for early game, so you want to make sure that you are hitting as much Q's as you can during the early stages of the game to get max use of this rune.

Shield Bash
This rune fits Diana's style perfectly. When jumping onto enemies with


Bone Plating
Usually against assassin mirror matchups, you want to be taking this rune in order to tank burst trades from the enemy. This will allow you to come out on top in trades, especially when combined with the tankiness from



Second Wind
If you are against a heavy poke matchup that you think will give you a really rough time such as

Summoner Spells サモナースペル

This rune, for obvious reasons is a must for Diana. It allows Diana to play both aggressively and defensively. During teamfights you can reposition yourself with fash in order to get a good


You will be taking this rune almost always as it fits Diana's kit perfectly. Ignite will allow you to cheese many early kills level 3-4 and will almost always give you kill pressure at level 6. The extra damage on


Take this when your top lane doesn't run tp and you feel like you win both the side lane matchups in top and mid lane. This will allow you to split side lane on the other side of the major objective (so splitting botside when baron is up) so your team can look to get baron when you force 2-3 players in your lane. You can also take this summoner spell if you think you will get poked out too hard early against a champ such as


Items アイテム

Doran's Ring
This item is a great item early that gives both health, AP, and mana regeneration with your poke. This item will help you survive lane and get to your level 6 power spike with


Dark Seal
If you didn't start this item make sure to always get this on your first back. The gold value it gives you from getting kills allows you to snowball out of control. The base AP and health without any stacks is already really decent and combined with other AP items, your damage on enemy champions and turrets should deal a great amount. You can start this item if you feel like you can get away with this greedy start (either you are against a weak laner such as


Lich Bane
This is the new first item rush on Diana. Besides the excellent damage early that the item gives, it in addition provides you with ability haste and even the 8 percent movement speed which helps with moving around the map greatly. You are able to go around the map. This item allows you to make plays with your jungle and get more fed from going to the side lane, which really helps with Diana's champion identity. In addition to this, you are able to damage turrets with the passive damage, so keep that in mind when you are side laning.

Nashor's Tooth
I do not use this item too much anymore, however if you do build the item, then you will usually only build this item when you are against a lot of tanks and bruisers and you plan to be in the side lane most of the game or you are building conqueror Diana and and trying to shred tanks this way.

This item helps to give you a more burst feeling that also helps get through some of the enemies magic resist. You want to be building this item second when you are ahead and don't need to engage for the team so that you will be able to deal much more damage to the enemy team in both the side lane and in teamfights. The magic resist shred on this item also compliments greatly when you are building void staff and Sorc Boots.

Zhonya's hourglass
This item is what I usually build second in many games. This item compliments Diana's



Rabadon's Deathcap
This item allows for Diana's burst to increase with the raw AP that it provides, which in turn allows for your turret damage and teamfight damage to overall increase. This item is a great purchase that I usually build third when the enemy team doesn't build magic resist. If they build magic resist after you finish your second item, you want to start building


Void Staff
I usually build this item 4th or 5th depending on if they build magic resist, however, if they start building magic resist early due to your team being heavy AP, then you should build this third. This item paired with



Banshee's Veil
If the enemy has some AP champions and has hook champions such as


Oblivion Orb
Make sure to build this item after completing your mythic item if the enemy team has lots of healing champions such as


Early Game (Before Lanes Swaps) 序盤戦
Against ranged champions or champions that have a stronger early game
LVL 1-2
Let the wave shove to you, while using

Conserve HP and give up CS if you have to. Staying healthy is the key in these lanes.
Never use

You want to freeze the wave right outside of the turret on your side or let a small wave crash into your turret so the third wave is on your side when it comes.
Make sure you pay attention to where the enemy jg started level 1.

HPを節約し、必要ならCSをあきらめる。. 健康でいることがこのレーンでは重要である。

LVL 3-4
You should have the wave on your side of the lane in these matchups by now as the third wave is coming. If the wave allows you to, you want to grab a ward around 2:30 on the opposite side the jungler started (if he started top side get a ward bot side on the raptor or if the raptors aren't there then get a ward on the brush next to scuttle spawn and vice versa if he started bot side).
You want to grab level 3 before the enemy laner if possible and use that power spike in level to hard trade onto the enemy.
Make sure to auto two times on a minion to get


Remember if you weren't able to get a ward around this time then it's dangerous for you to do this so keep in mind where the jungler started and know it is likely he will gank you from the other side if he does decide to gank.
After taking a good trade, or if the enemy doesn't allow you to trade, you now want to shove that third wave and fourth wave together. During this time you have some options do choose:
1)Dive the enemy laner since you will likely have

2)Go for a tempo reset while the enemy is clearing the wave and buy an early

3) If it looks like your jungler and the enemy jungler will meet each other (the enemy JG will likely be on the opposite side he started) so if your JG is on the side where the enemy JG should be, then you can stay and back up your jungler on scuttle or if he is invading.



3) 自分のジャングラーと敵のジャングラーが出会いそうな場合(敵のJGは自分がスタートした側と反対側にいる可能性が高い)、自分のJGが敵のJGがいるべき側にいるなら、スカットル時や敵が侵攻してきた時に残って自分のジャングラーをバックアップすることができる。
Against assassin mirror or melee that have less threat on you early
LVL 1-2
Slow push the first two waves making sure to crash in the second wave before the third arrives.
Make sure to grab level 2 first, and if the oppurtunity presents itself where you are able to last hit the first minion on the second wave with

The trick in these types of lanes is to take aggresive early trades and poke them down with

Make sure not to use abilities on the wave and to save them for the enemy mid laner, unless its hitting the wave and the enemy laner in order to start the push.
Also remember to throw in auto attacks so the enemy mid laner doesn't get the push on you.
After you shove the second wave into the turret, you want to ward the opposite side the jungle started, if he started bot, ward top side (raptors if its on that side or river brush near the scuttle if not) and if he started top then ward bot side(raptors if its on that side or river brush near scuttle if not).


第2ウェーブをタワーに押し込んだら、反対側のジャングルを警戒したい。もし彼がボットを始めたなら、トップ側をウォード (その側面ならラプター、そうでないならスカットルの近くの川のブラシ) と もし彼がトップでスタートしたなら、ウォード・ボットサイド (その側面ならラプター、そうでなければスカットルの近くの川のブラシ)。と、タレットに第2ウェーブを突っ込んだら、ジャングルが始まった反対側をワードにしたいところである。
LVL 3-4
You should have an health advantage during this part, however the third wave should be meeting near the enemy mid laner side, if you crashed the second wave too late and the third wave is near the enemy mid laners turret, you want to play patient and poke them with

If you crashed the second wave a bit early, the third wave should meet near the middle and you want to either try getting level 3 first and taking a trade with your full rotations of spells while they are level 2, or if your JG is a ganking jungler, then let the wave shove into you and allow for a gank oppurtunity from your JG.
This part of the game many laners make big mistakes like randomly throwing abilities randomly, when they do thise you want to take the chance to take a trade and even using

Make sure you are leaning on the side that you have your vison on when playing with Diana. You don't want to lose all the pressure you have created to die to a JG gank.


[ディアナでプレイするときはヴィジョンがある側に傾いていることを確認しよう。 JGのギャンクで死ぬために作ったプレッシャーを失いたくない。
Level 5-6
During this part of the game forward, it doesn't matter as much if you are against range or melee, so I will group them up together.
You should have gone for a reset sometime during lvl 4, if you haven't then you should be looking for a reset as soon as possible with Diana's amazing early waveclear.
When resetting you want to either slowpush two waves into the enemy, or hard shove the wave before the cannon wave so you can come back to most of the CS. You want to make sure to drop a ward on the enemy JG raptors when you come back to lane, and hopefully you had enough gold to buy a

When deciding on what you want to do with the wave look at the map, if you're JG is looking to invade or do an objective/gank a lane, then its probably a good idea to shove the wave, however if there is little action happening on the map, it's better to leave the wave in the middle of the lane or on your side so that you can take an extended trade. Once you hit level 6, you either want to all in your opponent or roam with this power spike.

LEVEL 6-10
During this last part of the early game, you want to identify your win condition. Is your bot lane ahead? Is your top lane ahead? Is your JG ahead? Find out which one of your teammates is ahead and play towards that side.
Place down a

A good trick is to know that the enemy JG at around 6:50 is on the buff that he started on as that is the respawn time for the buff. If you are unsure who your win condition is then it's always safe to just gank the lane that your jungler goes to.
At level 9, you want to switch to



Mid-Late Game 中盤戦・後半戦
Diana is a very versatile champ and you can play this stage of the game in many ways. You can either decide to split push or play for the shove on side lanes and move towards mid lane. A general rule to decide what to do is...
This isn't the worst situation, however, you have to navigate this game carefully or you can end up being the reason your team lost. Make sure to grab the side waves that are near your turret safely while shoving it out as much as possible without being at risk of dying.
Be sure to be on the side lane that is near the objective that both teams plan to contest (bot if dragon is up or top if dragon is down) If your JG or Support is nearby, you can play more aggressive and shove in more waves, however if not, then you might only be able to shove in one wave.
Once you shove in one wave, you want to go to mid lane to look for teamfights with your team around objectives/mid turret. With


This can be a tricky situation, first assess whether or not your team wins teamfights. If you win teamfights with your team even if they are behind, you generally want to shove side lanes near the objective that people will be going to and go mid or to spawning objectives in order to force winning teamfights.
However, if you're team doesn't win teamfights, which is likely the case when they are behind, you want to split push and get pressure on the map. You will likely have

Split the opposite side from dragons and give a few dragons to the enemy team while your team scales up into a position where you guys can start contesting them again. Try to grab a few turrets while your teammates will likely dance around dragon against the other team.
You may get pinged for this, so try to spam ping your team to give dragon.
In lower elos especially, everyone will be going towards the dragon, so you will be able to accumulate a huge level lead and gold lead especially if you manage to get the tier 2 turret as it gives out 600 gold.
Make sure to be on the same side as baron however as this is not an objective you should give up, since enemy stats become lowered when they do baron, that is a chance for you and your team to take a fight to turn the game around.
Make sure you are not splitting against someone that you can't beat in a 1v1.
Eventually, the enemy team will send 2-3 after you and your team will be able to do objectives like this and slowly find picks. Once you think your team can win teamfights, try to take fights with them around objectives.
しかし、もしあなたのチームがチームファイトに勝てない場合、つまりチームが遅れている場合は、プッシュを分割してマップに圧力をかけたいところです。icon=nashor's tooth size=24]を持つ可能性が高いので、サイドレーンでのデュエルは少なくとも敵のミッドレーナーより強くなければならない。
このためにpingを打たれるかもしれないので、チームにspam pingを打ってドラゴンを与えるようにしましょう。
特に低ELOの場合、全員がドラゴンに向かっていくので、特に600ゴールドが出るTier 2タレットを手に入れることができれば、膨大なレベルリードとゴールドリードを蓄積することができます。
This is one of the worst situations, however, there still might be hope especially if your team is a teamfight composition or one that scales well.
You want to shove out side lanes to a safe degree while going back mid lane and trying to find a pick with your team while the enemy team is down numbers.
You also want to try going to objectives 1 minute-30 seconds in advance and set up

Never take a straight 5v5 on against the enemy team and remember to collect side lane farm that gets in the area of your turret.

Usually, you want to take teamfights if your team wins them, if you don't win them you want to get as much pressure as you can in side lanes. If you also don't win side lane matchup then you will have to shove to the safest degree and try to grab picks with your team.
Play to your stregnths and never do something the enemy team would want in that situation such as a 5v5.
Keep in mind that Diana deals an immense amount of damage to turrets with

You generally always want to be on the same side of the objective that is spawning as Diana and pushing that side (so if dragon is spawning soon you want to be pushing bot lane) so that you can get there in time for the fight as you likely won't have

When shoving out side waves, call for your jungler to hover you in the side lane so you can get a quick pick on the side laner. If your jungler is making a play on the opposite side of the map from you, and you don't know where the enemy jungler is, play respectfully as the enemy jungler will likely make a cross map play on you.

For teamfighting as Diana, you want to make sure you look to one shot priority targets.
Usually, look to kill the ADC, however, there are times when the mid laner would be more of a priority. If possible, always come in from the flank, especially after shoving a side wave and going to the objective fight.
If possible, you want to use


Tips ダイアナのコツ
- When Chasing people, or an enemy is low health nearby, you can gap close really fast if minions are nearby by using
on a minion and instantly using
to that minion into using
and using
one more time towards the enemy champion. You can also surpise an ADC that is alone in mid lane farming by additionally using
on them to one shot.
- You can get two uses of
with one
by quickly using
on an enemy champion or minion/camp before it hits the next target.
- You can extend the range of
by flashing to the left when you throw it out.
- Remember to use
on enemy champions when they go for last hits on minions.
- When walking in the river, use your
on side brushes to reveal hidden control wards as the tip of
gives vision.
- Make sure to use
instantly after casting
for a more fluid and fast animation as you will still get the reset as long as
hits the enemy you are using it on.
- Remember to be on the left side of the lane if you are trying to shove fast with
. If you are on the right side, the angle of
won't be able to hit all of the minions. (This is top side of lane when you start blue and bot side of lane when you start red side)
- If possible buy
on almost every other back as vision is extremely important to Diana. (Buy one almost always if you don't have one set up already)
- Make sure you are not over grouping mid with team and you shove in side lanes first (as safe as possible) before grouping with your team. Sometimes you can even just continue pushing instead of grouping and take turrets fast if you win side or no one shows up.) Levels and gold are very valuable on Diana!
- 人を追いかけるときや敵のヘルスが低いとき、ミニオンが近くにいれば
- 敵チャンピオンがミニオンにラストヒットを狙いに行くときに
- 川を歩くときは、
- また、
- また、
- Dianaは視界が非常に重要なので、可能であれば
- チームと中盤でグループ化しすぎないように、チームとグループ化する前にまずサイドレーンに押し込む(なるべく安全に)ようにしましょう。時にはグループ化する代わりにプッシュを続け、サイドに勝つか誰も現れなければタレットを素早く取ることもできる)。Dianaではレベルやゴールドがとても貴重です。
- If possible buy
on almost every other back as vision is extremely important to Diana. (Buy one almost always if you don't have one set up already)
- Make sure you are not over grouping mid with team and you shove in side lanes first (as safe as possible) before grouping with your team. Sometimes you can even just continue pushing instead of grouping and take turrets fast if you win side or no one shows up.) Levels and gold are very valuable on Diana!
- 人を追いかけるときや敵のヘルスが低いとき、ミニオンが近くにいれば
- 敵チャンピオンがミニオンにラストヒットを狙いに行くときに
- 川を歩くときは、
- また、
- また、
- Dianaは視界が非常に重要なので、可能であれば
- チームと中盤でグループ化しすぎないように、チームとグループ化する前にまずサイドレーンに押し込む(なるべく安全に)ようにしましょう。時にはグループ化する代わりにプッシュを続け、サイドに勝つか誰も現れなければタレットを素早く取ることもできる)。Dianaではレベルやゴールドがとても貴重です。
- Make sure you are not over grouping mid with team and you shove in side lanes first (as safe as possible) before grouping with your team. Sometimes you can even just continue pushing instead of grouping and take turrets fast if you win side or no one shows up.) Levels and gold are very valuable on Diana!
- 人を追いかけるときや敵のヘルスが低いとき、ミニオンが近くにいれば
- 敵チャンピオンがミニオンにラストヒットを狙いに行くときに
- 川を歩くときは、
- また、
- また、
- Dianaは視界が非常に重要なので、可能であれば
- チームと中盤でグループ化しすぎないように、チームとグループ化する前にまずサイドレーンに押し込む(なるべく安全に)ようにしましょう。時にはグループ化する代わりにプッシュを続け、サイドに勝つか誰も現れなければタレットを素早く取ることもできる)。Dianaではレベルやゴールドがとても貴重です。
- 人を追いかけるときや敵のヘルスが低いとき、ミニオンが近くにいれば



- 敵チャンピオンがミニオンにラストヒットを狙いに行くときに

- 川を歩くときは、

- また、

- また、

- Dianaは視界が非常に重要なので、可能であれば

- チームと中盤でグループ化しすぎないように、チームとグループ化する前にまずサイドレーンに押し込む(なるべく安全に)ようにしましょう。時にはグループ化する代わりにプッシュを続け、サイドに勝つか誰も現れなければタレットを素早く取ることもできる)。Dianaではレベルやゴールドがとても貴重です。
Every Mid Lane Match Up 全部のマッチアップ
You want to start
this matchup and keep the wave in the middle for the most part early while poking
level 1. You want to try and get level 2 first, however, if the
contests you and punishes you with auto attacks, don't try to aa minions. If you manage to get level 2 first, take a
aa trade and back off after your
to really extend your lead, or if it's fairly even build
second and wait until he uses his
on you to cancel his ultimate damage with the active. Play with your JG around the map and skirmishes as you win them hard against

Generally a free lane. During Levels 1-2 you want to play safe (refer to the early game section against range champions) let the wave shove while poking
when she last hits and take a trade at level 3 when she uses an ability on the wave or if you poked her enough with a few
. Try to bait out her
before going for a trade, however, you can take a trade and use your second
to go behind her to dodge her
. Lux will likely take barrier to be careful when you try to dive her early. Once you hit level 6 you will have kill threat on
almost all the time. At that point you can just
while throwing in auto attacks between and using
one more time to dodge her
or if she uses
. Try to force plays and ganks with your JG if the
plays too safe, making sure to shove in waves before doing this. You can freely get prio generally in this lane and move around the map.
一般的にフリーレーンである。レベル1〜2の間は安全策を取りたい(対レンジチャンピオン戦の序盤のセクションを参照) 彼女が最後にヒットした時に

. Let the first 2 waves shove into you while throwing high value
to poke down the
. In this matchup you can take a level 2
trade with an auto attack from your
doesn't have many ways to trade back. Level 3 and above you want to be trading when your
Is off CD while getting shove on the wave. You can take free resets any time you want as your wave clear is strong and he can't contest you. Post level 6, make sure to track the enemy jungler, however, you have kill threat at all times during this point. If the
plays too safe, make sure to move around the map to make plays with your JG and gank your winning lane. Building
second is good in this matchup especially if you got an early lead. Make sure to use
during the mid game to break his passive shield.

Give up as much CS as you need early game in order to stay healthy. Last hit minions the first 2 levels with
while also trying to hit
if you get the chance. Take short trades with
and use
in order to get behind him to dodge his
. If you can bait out his
you should always take an extended trade, however even without trading with him early, at level 6 you should always win against him. You win side lane so make sure to pressure side lane and roam a lot during this lane as you will likely get wave prio.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in, and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with Q. Take trades at level 3 when your
is off CD especially after she uses abilities on the wave. You will always have kill threat on her level 6, so make sure to get the free one shot kill if she over steps and disrespects you. Her CC can be annoying especially for JG ganks, so make sure to track JG. Get priority in this lane and roam to your winning side and grab objectives.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. You want to take
trades at level 3, however when you
on top of him, make sure to side step the
that he will likely throw on you, so move to the side and then continue the trade to extend it slightly if the wave is on your side. Preferably trade after he uses an ability. Get prio in this lane and play for ganking your winning side and grabbing objectives.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Trade with brand only after he uses an ability on the wave, and when you
on top of him, make sure you side step to dodge
and you can decide if you want to continue the trade or go back and wait for your
. You will have kill threat all past level 6 so if he steps up then claim your free kill. As long as you don't constantly get hit by
this matchup should be free.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Trade with brand only after he uses an ability on the wave, and when you
on top of him, make sure you side step to dodge
and you can decide if you want to continue the trade or go back and wait for your
. You will have kill threat all past level 6 so if he steps up then claim your free kill. As long as you don't constantly get hit by
this matchup should be free.


You will likely be trading a lot in this matchup, shove the first 2 waves fully into the turret, and get a ward opposite to where the enemy JG started. You want to be playing really aggressive and using your
as much as you can possibly off CD, however make sure not to get hooked under his turret as that is a trap that many players tend to fall in. You can freeze the wave outside of your turret after shoving the first 2, since
has no wave clear he won't be able to contest or shove in the wave, you can take extended trades when he steps up too far and kill him with
. He will likely roam a lot so make sure to
one side and spam ping his ganks. Make sure to take as much turret plates as you can when he does roam.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Trade with
only after you got a few
on her or when she uses her
. Make sure to particularly track the JG this game as
gank setups are scary. Try to keep the wave on your side and all in her at level 6. As long as you are careful about her
then you should be fine this matchup.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to bait out
before trading, or if you are close enough you can
one more time behind him in order to dodge his stun. You mainly want the wave on your side of the wave since with his passive even if you kill him, he will likely chunk you out and he will resurrect with most of his health. Trade with him when you have
up and wait for JG ganks to break his

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. You can take burst trades potentially at level 2 if he throws his
on the wave. Trade when your
is off CD. Once both of you hit 6, it is likely that getting a solo kill will be hard because of
so get prio and roam to your winning side and get objectives or go for dives.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with Q. This is a fairly easy matchup, once you hit level 3 you want to be trading onto the Naafiri. You win trades against her for most of the game, however when she starts building magic resist, you should be more careful of how much damage you deal to her. Her wolfs that are spawned usually is not a big problem since you dont have abilities that can be blocked, however, when you are playing against her be mindful to never get hit by two q's if possible. Her main damage comes from hitting both of these q's on you. If you dodge at least one of them, then it should be very easy to win trades against her. Naafiri w can be blocked by you, so if you see her aiming her w for your high priority adc, you might want to look to block the w.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. At level 3 go for burst trades with
making sure to use your
. Make sure to be careful when going in with
as she can use
in order to deal burst damage onto you, so predict this if possible and dodge when you go in on her. Make sure not to use your
when her
placed as you will take too much damage and you will be stunned, leaving you to be easily killed. Level 6 you should be able to kill her almost anytime especially with
. She will likely be roaming a lot so make sure to keep one side warded well and ping her roams. You should get prio this lane so make sure to use it to roam and grab objectives or go for dives.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to get her down to around 60 percent health before going in with
as she can quickly turn around your burst trade and kill you. However, if you get her low, she is fairly easy to kill with
and a full rotation of spells. Keep in mind at level 6, your
can cancel
so make sure when you
into her, you wait a second or two and then use
to bring her back down. If she uses
You can
to get into range of her and go back onto her using
can easily run you down early with
into him to proc passive on
and run around him dodging his
. You want to only trade with him when you have
up. At level 6 you can cancel
so make sure to do that if he tries using it on your team. You will likely be playing with your JG this game for the map instead of 1v1 kills on
icon=karthus size=24]は
you can also take
in this matchup if you think you will be hard poked early. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. At level 3 you can take a good trade against him and potentially kill him if he steps up too far. You will have prio all lane so you can move around the map. Trade with your
off CD. You have major kill threat on him at level 6, so make sure to kill him if he oversteps up.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Level 3, try Tethering (moving back and forth) in your minion wave to bait out her
, if you manage to get it out, then you can take an extended trade. However, if you poke her with enough
then you can take an
trade onto her and
one more time to go behind her to dodge her
. At level 6 when she uses her ult on you, use
to get out of the range of
and go back into the fight with
and finish her off if she doesn't have
. Make sure to be careful of JG ganks with
as it can lead to you throwing your lead. You should get prio this lane so make sure to use it to roam and grab objectives or go for dives.
You can shove the first two levels into warding the opposite side the enemy JG started. You want to take
trades as often as possible and poke with
when you do, taking
will help sustain your mana pool for doing this. At level 6, if he ults away, you can
to get back into his range, however its likely that the enemy JG will be nearby mid to camp during those times so make sure to be careful of the enemy jg. Diana has lots of kill pressure and prio this lane.
最初の2ウエーブはシャブして、敵のジャングラーがスタートした反対側をワーディングすることができます。icon=electrocute size=24]のトレードをできるだけ頻繁に行い、その際に
so that you are able to leave the range of
. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to bait out her
before going in otherwise continue poking her with
. When she throws her
you can take the chance to take a short burst trade and run with your
in order to avoid getting rooted by her
. At level 6 you might not be able to kill her because of her shield, however you should win skirmishes depending on your JGler, so look to force out fights in the river or roam with your JG.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. While the wave is on your side and she uses her
you can look to take a level 3 trade onto her with your spell rotations. You want to be trading as much as possible with
off CD. You have kill threat level 6 so you can look to kill her if she mispositions or if she plays safe get prio and play to your winning side.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Take a level 3 trade onto him while the wave is on your side. Make sure to poke him with
enough before going in as
can quickly turn around an engage. At level 6,
can cancel
so make sure when you get on him with
you wait half a second and then use
to cancel his
and get a kill or blow his flash. He starts to become a threat when he builds
so be careful if you see him building that item and play around it carefully or try not to worry about killing him as much when he finishes the item.
Twisted Fate
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Take a level 3 trade onto him while the wave is on your side. Make sure to be careful when he takes out his gold card as his jungler might be nearby, track the jungler in this matchup as it's especially important against
. he will likely be roaming so placing a ward in the middle of the lane at level 6 will allow you to see which side he roams to try to ult to. You have prio and kill threat on him so make sure to either get a free kill on him if he disrespects you or move around the map towards your winning lanes. building
second is completely fine in this matchup for the extra snowball.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Be especially careful when going for last hits as Lucian punishes them hard. You want to make sure that you get good poke with
before taking an
as otherwise it could be risky going in. Once you get
to around 60-70 percent and you can got for an all in
, however if he ran
make sure this is down when you go for the all in. If
then you need to get him lower around 40-50 percent before going all in while making sure you are healthy. However, if no chances present themselves early, at level 6 you should be able to one shot
with your full combo and
. Remember you can cancel both Lucan
with your
so try to get an efficient ultimate if possible. Once he builds
you won't have as much kill threat so you want to mainly look plays around the map, or wait for JG ganks. If he doesn't build this item, he is a fairly free matchup post 6, especially when you have
で突いたり、最後に打ったりします。特にラストヒットを狙う場合はルシアンから激しい制裁を受けるので注意が必要です。icon=crescent strike size=24]でしっかり突きを入れてから
を使っている場合は、オールインするときにこれがダウンしていることを確認します。icon=lucian size=24]が
を一撃できるはずです。icon=Relentless Pursuit size=24]と
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. If the
didn't bring
then this lane is pretty free, just wait until level 3 and for
to waste a random
by baiting it or just him throwing it out and go for a random all in when you poke him down with
. Post level 6 you want to use
and use
in the direction that you think he will use
in in order to get the damage of your ult. Building
second is a really good way to snowball if you got a solo kill early.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. If the
took exhaust you want to look to mainly trade with
and go for short quick burst trades when the wave is near your turret with
and backing up to your minions soon after negating some of the return damage with
. You should do this a few times until you can one shot her even if she uses
on you. Be careful not to take a risky 1v1, as there is no need to die in this matchup and wait for level 6 when you can burst her down with your
. You win side lane so use that to your advantage this game and shove extra waves out before roaming mid to teamfight with team.
で突いたり、最後に打ったりします。 icon=Kai'Sa size=24]で排気した場合は、

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. At level 3 go for burst trades with
making sure to use your
. Make sure to be careful when going in with
as she can use
in order to deal burst damage onto you, so predict this if possible and dodge when you go in on her. Make sure not to use your
when her
placed as you will take too much damage and you will be stunned, leaving you to be easily killed. Level 6 you should be able to kill her almost anytime especially with
. She will likely be roaming a lot so make sure to keep one side warded well and ping her roams. You should get prio this lane so make sure to use it to roam and grab objectives or go for dives.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to get her down to around 60 percent health before going in with
as she can quickly turn around your burst trade and kill you. However, if you get her low, she is fairly easy to kill with
and a full rotation of spells. Keep in mind at level 6, your
can cancel
so make sure when you
into her, you wait a second or two and then use
to bring her back down. If she uses
You can
to get into range of her and go back onto her using

can easily run you down early with
into him to proc passive on
and run around him dodging his
. You want to only trade with him when you have
up. At level 6 you can cancel
so make sure to do that if he tries using it on your team. You will likely be playing with your JG this game for the map instead of 1v1 kills on
icon=karthus size=24]は

you can also take
in this matchup if you think you will be hard poked early. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. At level 3 you can take a good trade against him and potentially kill him if he steps up too far. You will have prio all lane so you can move around the map. Trade with your
off CD. You have major kill threat on him at level 6, so make sure to kill him if he oversteps up.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Level 3, try Tethering (moving back and forth) in your minion wave to bait out her
, if you manage to get it out, then you can take an extended trade. However, if you poke her with enough
then you can take an
trade onto her and
one more time to go behind her to dodge her
. At level 6 when she uses her ult on you, use
to get out of the range of
and go back into the fight with
and finish her off if she doesn't have
. Make sure to be careful of JG ganks with
as it can lead to you throwing your lead. You should get prio this lane so make sure to use it to roam and grab objectives or go for dives.

You can shove the first two levels into warding the opposite side the enemy JG started. You want to take
trades as often as possible and poke with
when you do, taking
will help sustain your mana pool for doing this. At level 6, if he ults away, you can
to get back into his range, however its likely that the enemy JG will be nearby mid to camp during those times so make sure to be careful of the enemy jg. Diana has lots of kill pressure and prio this lane.
最初の2ウエーブはシャブして、敵のジャングラーがスタートした反対側をワーディングすることができます。icon=electrocute size=24]のトレードをできるだけ頻繁に行い、その際に

so that you are able to leave the range of
. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to bait out her
before going in otherwise continue poking her with
. When she throws her
you can take the chance to take a short burst trade and run with your
in order to avoid getting rooted by her
. At level 6 you might not be able to kill her because of her shield, however you should win skirmishes depending on your JGler, so look to force out fights in the river or roam with your JG.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. While the wave is on your side and she uses her
you can look to take a level 3 trade onto her with your spell rotations. You want to be trading as much as possible with
off CD. You have kill threat level 6 so you can look to kill her if she mispositions or if she plays safe get prio and play to your winning side.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Take a level 3 trade onto him while the wave is on your side. Make sure to poke him with
enough before going in as
can quickly turn around an engage. At level 6,
can cancel
so make sure when you get on him with
you wait half a second and then use
to cancel his
and get a kill or blow his flash. He starts to become a threat when he builds
so be careful if you see him building that item and play around it carefully or try not to worry about killing him as much when he finishes the item.

Twisted Fate
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Take a level 3 trade onto him while the wave is on your side. Make sure to be careful when he takes out his gold card as his jungler might be nearby, track the jungler in this matchup as it's especially important against
. he will likely be roaming so placing a ward in the middle of the lane at level 6 will allow you to see which side he roams to try to ult to. You have prio and kill threat on him so make sure to either get a free kill on him if he disrespects you or move around the map towards your winning lanes. building
second is completely fine in this matchup for the extra snowball.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Be especially careful when going for last hits as Lucian punishes them hard. You want to make sure that you get good poke with
before taking an
as otherwise it could be risky going in. Once you get
to around 60-70 percent and you can got for an all in
, however if he ran
make sure this is down when you go for the all in. If
then you need to get him lower around 40-50 percent before going all in while making sure you are healthy. However, if no chances present themselves early, at level 6 you should be able to one shot
with your full combo and
. Remember you can cancel both Lucan
with your
so try to get an efficient ultimate if possible. Once he builds
you won't have as much kill threat so you want to mainly look plays around the map, or wait for JG ganks. If he doesn't build this item, he is a fairly free matchup post 6, especially when you have

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. If the
didn't bring
then this lane is pretty free, just wait until level 3 and for
to waste a random
by baiting it or just him throwing it out and go for a random all in when you poke him down with
. Post level 6 you want to use
and use
in the direction that you think he will use
in in order to get the damage of your ult. Building
second is a really good way to snowball if you got a solo kill early.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. If the
took exhaust you want to look to mainly trade with
and go for short quick burst trades when the wave is near your turret with
and backing up to your minions soon after negating some of the return damage with
. You should do this a few times until you can one shot her even if she uses
on you. Be careful not to take a risky 1v1, as there is no need to die in this matchup and wait for level 6 when you can burst her down with your
. You win side lane so use that to your advantage this game and shove extra waves out before roaming mid to teamfight with team.


Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. This matchup should be essentially an easy matchup for Diana, but I only put this under "even" as if you are against a good
player, they will tether your abilities while poking you down hard. If he didn't take
you want to take aggressive trades with your
. Make sure to survive until level 6 as you should be able to one shot him when you have your

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. You can look to take trades with him with
as long as you baited out his
first or you poked him down to 60 percent HP with
. Because of the new change on Swain, he is less tanky now and you can actually kill him fairly easily if you dodge his CC. Try to keep the wave on your side of the lane and wait for ganks or all in him if he uses his CC and he took enough poke. Remember to use
to dodge his
or use your second
to dash behind him when going for trades.

This matchup is slightly tricky since he hurts in the early game, you want to let the wave be slightly on your side but near the middle to discourage
for going for roam plays and skirmishes, as this is where he excels. Hold your
for when he uses
to go on top of you, and trade back with
to proc
. When fighting him and he uses
you can use your
to reposition yourself behind him so you can deal damage. Try to keep the
in lane as much as you can while proving support for your winning side this matchup. If you play off the
mistakes, you can potentially score a few solo kills. If he builds MR you wont have much threat onto him, in those situations just play with team in teamfights and go for another target.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
hard out pokes you early game so you want to give up as much CS needed in order to take a good trade level 3-4. Make sure you poked him enough with
can easily turn around your engage and kill you. If you do want to take burst trades against him and go back, make sure you wait until he uses an ability and quickly go in and out. If you manage to go even during lane phase with him, you should try to find good dives onto the enemy backline during teamfights. In side lanes, wait in the brushes for when
comes to clear the side lane, and once he uses an ability you should try all inning him. Try dodging his

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Some
will try hard shoving you in constantly, in these situations make sure you
the entire wave along with him so that it thins it out. This matchup is fairly easy and you can score a lot of kills early, however when he builds
he starts to become hard to engage on. In this situation try to look for 2v2s with your JG if he is ahead and roam with him after making sure to shove in mid lane. If Graves doesn't build
then you likely can kill him every time you have
up. Also keep in mind that Diana's
can cancel

Aurelion Sol
Follow the general rules for ranged vs melee, don't push level 1-2, and trade against him when you hit level 3 when the wave is on your side. You should take phase rush into this matchup. When you think you can win a long trade into him, you want to E into him and then run around his Q so you are able to avoid some of the damage, however only do this when you are sure that you can win an extended fight. You can use your ULT to cancel his E. This will give him no escapes and allow for you to easily kill him. You can almost always kill at level 6, however, make sure to ping him missing as he will likely be moving around the map a lot, although maybe less likely now with the new changes. You win the side lane, so make sure to pressure the side lane during mid game.

In this matchup you want to get level 2 first. Auto Attack Minions, just 2 auto attacks on one of the melees and match the damage that
does without shoving in too fast. You want to poke the
constantly and when you get level 2, you want to ideally level up
to and take a
trade. If possible make sure to get your
damage when you take this trade.
will likely use
to dodge your
however your
is on a much shorter CD so just use it when it is off CD. When
on top of you, you want to absorb some damage with
while also trading back onto him. Once you shove in 2 minion waves, you want to grab a ward on the opposite side of the enemy JG. Look to have the lane on your side of the wave to encourage JG ganks and take extended trades. Use
to try to dodge his
and build
second in order to negate his ultimate damage. If you are winning hard, you can also take
second to extend your lead in side lane and win most fights against
. This matchup is extremely volatile so try not to die if possible.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. It's hard to take level 3-4 trades against LB as she will likely win them when you
onto her, so instead wait for her to use
on you and use your
to absorb the damage while throwing
to trade back. Try to angle your
in a way that hits both where her
image is left and where she currently is, that way you are sure to hit the
. Only when she does this you can go for
onto her, but make sure to dodge her
. Try to poke her with enough
and take tempo resets on her when you are able to, or at least shove the wave before the cannon wave and reset to minimize losses of CS. Try to scale up and get 2 items before trying to all in solo kill without any poke.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Before going for a short burst trade with
at level 3-4, you want to make sure his
won't be up during that time. There is no reason to force anything in this lane early, especially if he has
since at level 6 you will be able to kill him and have better skirmishing for 2v2s. Build
second if you get ahead early. You can cancel his
with your
so keep that in mind if he tries to go for a short-medium ranged ult to finish you off.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Because of how
works, it cancels your
while you are dashing, so in this lane you want to make sure to bait out her
or at least wait for her to use
on the wave and step up to pressure her with your own
or to take a trade. Don't give her unneeded pressure for free make sure you are using
on her while she last hits, and to step up and pressure her after she uses
on the minions. Because of her
she is tricky to kill at level 6, however if you poke her enough first, you can
into her and use
to cancel her first dash of
and one shot her before she can use another one to get away.

if you aren't confident in not taking too much poke. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Make sure you aren't going in without first baiting her
, however if you poked her down with
enough you can pretend to use
by stepping up and baiting her
or actually using it and using it another time on top of her to get behind her, and take a good trade or kill her. At level 6, you should win this lane hard as long as you dodge her
. You should win side lane matchup against her, so pressuring side lane in these games are typically how you want to play as she will be looking to group. Shove side lane waves in, and if she goes to collect them, go mid lane to group with your team and force a numbers up fight.
icon=doran's ring size=24]+

Talon generally beats you pre level 6, however try your best to let the wave stay in the middle early. Try to thin out the wave if talon uses his
to start shoving by throwing your
on him and on the wave. Never go in on talon unless you poked him enough or he used his
on the wave first pre 6. Once you are level 6 you can start to look to trade with him more often, try to make the most out of your
by using it to go behind him and dodging his
. If talon is near a wall, your
will cancel his dash through the other side, allowing you to kill him. Build
second this matchup as you will likely need the armor and passive against talon.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Vex is really annoying to play against as Diana since you won't be able to go in with your
especially if she has her fear up. However, Diana does not necessarily need to take
so make sure to poke her down from a safe distance while tethering (going in and out of her ability range) her abilities. Only after she uses her fear can you go in for a short burst trade. Once you hit level 6, you will have a lot of kill threat on her, so look to go in anytime she uses her fear to 80-0 her, make sure you track enemy JG when going for an all in play. You should win side lane if you were even in lane, use this time to get pressure in the side lane with the objective that both teams are planning to contest and flank enemy from the side after shoving.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with Q. Take PHASE RUSH this lane as it is really useful for all the skill shots and slows that Hwei has. Throughout laning phase, you want to poke him with Q from a distance and try to bait out his W, (which include any of the 3 parts to it he has as it puts all of the cc abilities on cd if he uses one) once he uses his cc ability, you are able to take a big trade onto him and potentially kill him. Play around his w and keep in mind that once he uses one of the cc abilities he will not be able to use the others so you are able to go in for the kill.
このレーンではPHASE RUSHを取ると、Hweiのスキルショットやスロウにとても役立つ。レーニングフェイズ中は、離れた位置からQで突いたり、相手のWを囮にしたりすることだ。(相手がWを使うと、3つのCCアビリティのどれかを使ってしまい、すべてのCCアビリティをCD状態にしてしまう。彼のWの周りをプレイし、彼がCCアビリティの1つを使ったら、他のアビリティを使えなくなることに留意して、キルを狙いに行くことができる。
If the enemy JG and
have a lot of threat on you, you can opt to take
this matchup. Otherwise take
for early trading and kills while also taking
on either of those runes secondary. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Before going in with
, try your best to bait out her
, however if you have enough poke done on her, you want to go in with
after she uses
to take a nice trade while she is low. If she uses
but doesn't get the stun off, you can quickly
back onto her and finish her off for the kill. There is no need to make risky plays this matchup as at level 6, you have massive kill threat on her. Try to pressure her when you hit level 6 by keeping the wave near your side but standing up in the lane and threatening to use
onto her. Make sure you don't take needless
damage when doing this.
second buy is solid as it should allow for you to counter
. You should win side lane matchup so you want to shove in side waves and pressure turrets if no one contests, or force man up fights if someone goes to contest you.
で突いたり最後に打ったりします。icon=lunar rush size=24]で突入する前に、彼女の
で突入したいですし、彼女が低い状態で良い取引をすることができるはずです。icon=SCATTER THE WEAK size=24]を使ってきてもスタンを取れなかった場合は、
. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. You want to make sure that you poke
enough before going for an
trade as he will likely chunk most of your health when you are trying to escape from the trade. Make sure he is at least around 60 percent health before going for an
trade. Try to survive the lane until level 6, this is where you can start taking much more aggressive trades. When you engage with
he will likely use
to push you off, you can
back onto him or use
to reposition yourself to where you can
if you have no range. You want to pressure side lanes against
and force number up fights when someone goes to contest you.
You want to poke
as much as you can early while getting level 2 first. Make sure you slow shove and the wave is near the middle when you get level 2 so you can get a burst trade right away against him when you hit level 2. Aim your
so that it hits the first minion in the second wave to kill it and
at the same time so you can surprise them with a burst trade. You then want to shove the second wave fully and get a ward on the opposite side the JG started. For laning phase you generally want to have the minion wave on your side of the wave to take extended trades unless you are needed for a dive/gank or objective play. The key to winning this matchup is to dodge
combo, and trading when his
is down. Getting early (Cloth armor is viable if you feel like you might take some combos from him. Get
second to counter his ult and try to play with your JG for ganks on zed if possible to ensure that you snowball as this lane is super volatile. When using your
on him, you want to use
in the direction his shadow is, while also trying to use
on it so that you can instantly dash to him to get your damage on your ultimate.
You want to poke
as much as you can early while getting level 2 first. Trade with your level 2 advantage by using
onto her, and preferably get your
before doing this for maximum damage. Shove in 2 waves and get vision opposite to where the enemy JG started. Keep the wave on your side for the most part and avoid standing on her daggers unless you are trying to bait her into taking a bad trade. Utilize your
and take trades into an early reset to get
. Make sure to save your
for when she uses her
to cancel her (
and deal damage. This matchup is Diana favored, however I put it in even as even one death against Katarina could spiral her out of control and lose you the game.
You want to poke
as much as you can early while getting level 2 first. Trade with your level 2 advantage by using
onto her, and preferably get your
before doing this for maximum damage. Shove in 2 waves and get vision opposite to where the enemy JG started. Keep the wave on your side for the most part when the wave shoves back into you so you can go for extended trades. Solo kills or at least a good reset on
can happen almost all the time if you play it right and punish her mistakes. At level 6, you want to
when she throws it at you, if you time this properly you can completely avoid her
. You should win the side lane matchup, push your limits in the side lane and force people to contest you, if not then grab free turrets.
This matchup is favored towards (Jayce), especially when he builds
. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. At level 3, you can look to do a short burst trade with
as long as he uses an ability on the wave, but make sure you have poked him enough. You mainly want to wait to become level 6 in this matchup, and look to burst him before he finishes building
. If he doesn't build
then you can easily one shot him with 2 items. Call of JG help when you are side laning as trying to take him on even in the side lane can be risky. Try to group of for teamfights as this is how you will shine against
を構築した(Jayce)に有利である。 レベル1〜2の標準的なプレイで、押し込まれながらHPを節約し、
このレーンではPHASE RUSHを取ると、Hweiのスキルショットやスロウにとても役立つ。レーニングフェイズ中は、離れた位置からQで突いたり、相手のWを囮にしたりすることだ。(相手がWを使うと、3つのCCアビリティのどれかを使ってしまい、すべてのCCアビリティをCD状態にしてしまう。彼のWの周りをプレイし、彼がCCアビリティの1つを使ったら、他のアビリティを使えなくなることに留意して、キルを狙いに行くことができる。

If the enemy JG and
have a lot of threat on you, you can opt to take
this matchup. Otherwise take
for early trading and kills while also taking
on either of those runes secondary. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Before going in with
, try your best to bait out her
, however if you have enough poke done on her, you want to go in with
after she uses
to take a nice trade while she is low. If she uses
but doesn't get the stun off, you can quickly
back onto her and finish her off for the kill. There is no need to make risky plays this matchup as at level 6, you have massive kill threat on her. Try to pressure her when you hit level 6 by keeping the wave near your side but standing up in the lane and threatening to use
onto her. Make sure you don't take needless
damage when doing this.
second buy is solid as it should allow for you to counter
. You should win side lane matchup so you want to shove in side waves and pressure turrets if no one contests, or force man up fights if someone goes to contest you.

. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. You want to make sure that you poke
enough before going for an
trade as he will likely chunk most of your health when you are trying to escape from the trade. Make sure he is at least around 60 percent health before going for an
trade. Try to survive the lane until level 6, this is where you can start taking much more aggressive trades. When you engage with
he will likely use
to push you off, you can
back onto him or use
to reposition yourself to where you can
if you have no range. You want to pressure side lanes against
and force number up fights when someone goes to contest you.

You want to poke
as much as you can early while getting level 2 first. Make sure you slow shove and the wave is near the middle when you get level 2 so you can get a burst trade right away against him when you hit level 2. Aim your
so that it hits the first minion in the second wave to kill it and
at the same time so you can surprise them with a burst trade. You then want to shove the second wave fully and get a ward on the opposite side the JG started. For laning phase you generally want to have the minion wave on your side of the wave to take extended trades unless you are needed for a dive/gank or objective play. The key to winning this matchup is to dodge
combo, and trading when his
is down. Getting early (Cloth armor is viable if you feel like you might take some combos from him. Get
second to counter his ult and try to play with your JG for ganks on zed if possible to ensure that you snowball as this lane is super volatile. When using your
on him, you want to use
in the direction his shadow is, while also trying to use
on it so that you can instantly dash to him to get your damage on your ultimate.

You want to poke
as much as you can early while getting level 2 first. Trade with your level 2 advantage by using
onto her, and preferably get your
before doing this for maximum damage. Shove in 2 waves and get vision opposite to where the enemy JG started. Keep the wave on your side for the most part and avoid standing on her daggers unless you are trying to bait her into taking a bad trade. Utilize your
and take trades into an early reset to get
. Make sure to save your
for when she uses her
to cancel her (
and deal damage. This matchup is Diana favored, however I put it in even as even one death against Katarina could spiral her out of control and lose you the game.

You want to poke
as much as you can early while getting level 2 first. Trade with your level 2 advantage by using
onto her, and preferably get your
before doing this for maximum damage. Shove in 2 waves and get vision opposite to where the enemy JG started. Keep the wave on your side for the most part when the wave shoves back into you so you can go for extended trades. Solo kills or at least a good reset on
can happen almost all the time if you play it right and punish her mistakes. At level 6, you want to
when she throws it at you, if you time this properly you can completely avoid her
. You should win the side lane matchup, push your limits in the side lane and force people to contest you, if not then grab free turrets.

This matchup is favored towards (Jayce), especially when he builds
. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. At level 3, you can look to do a short burst trade with
as long as he uses an ability on the wave, but make sure you have poked him enough. You mainly want to wait to become level 6 in this matchup, and look to burst him before he finishes building
. If he doesn't build
then you can easily one shot him with 2 items. Call of JG help when you are side laning as trying to take him on even in the side lane can be risky. Try to group of for teamfights as this is how you will shine against


Try to contest the wave so that it doesn't hard shove into you. Use
on the whole wave while also hitting
to thin it out. Make sure when you go for a level 3 trade you dodge his second
as this will make him win most trades. When going for early all ins if the chance presents itself, you want to use
as you go in so he grievous wounds will apply and reduce his
healing. On your first base make sure to have at least 800 gold and get
. This will help your 1v1s against him. Unless you are ahead, you will likely not win side lane matchup against
so make sure to be on the side with the objective and farm side lanes that are shoved in safely while regrouping with your team to control vision and take teamfights. Call for JG help in the side lane against
to shut him down.

. This matchup is really bad for Diana since a
will likely afk farm under the turret and try not to interact until she hard outscales you. You want to shove in the first 2 waves while grabbing a ward around 2:30. Poke with
and take
trade at level 2. Make sure you let the wave shove into your side when the wave bounces back, and try to keep it frozen to encourage JG ganks to shut the
down. If it looks like action will happen on the map with the two JGs or a dive can be made, you want to get lane priority by shoving and going to the side to influence the map, otherwise keep the wave to your side to give
a hard time. Constantly trade with her when possible but try not to shove the wave when doing so. Around level 11 you will be useless against her because of her
, so try not to solo fight her unless you have help from another team member or you are far ahead.

. You can potentially kill the
before he starts building tanky on his first or second back, however once he hits 6 and builds magic resist, there is almost no way you can kill him. You want to try to keep the wave in the middle as much as possible and take short burst trades whenever your
is up. Poke with
as much as possible and keep in mind that you can
behind his
. You want to be playing with your team, try to roam as much as possible and force JG fights and gank/dive when the opportunity presents itself. Remember to never ditch a wave unless it is for something important (always shove.) You will not win side lane against him, so push as far as safely possible and group mid to force a number up fight or continue shoving if no one contests you. You can stop his
by using
on top of him if you are close enough if your team is chasing him.
があることを意識してください。チームと一緒にプレイしたいので、出来る限りローミングしてJGの戦いを強制し、チャンスがあればギャンク/ダイブするようにしよう。 サイドレーンでは勝てないだろうから、安全に可能な限りプッシュして、中盤でグループ分けして数合わせをするか、誰にも邪魔されなければプッシュし続けよう。もしあなたのチームが彼を追いかけている場合、十分に近くにいれば
This matchup is
favored as he pokes you down hard early and once he builds
you will have little threat onto him. Take
. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. You want to take short burst trades with him after he uses his
and keep in mind that you can auto attack the
when it has only 1 health left to cancel the damage. Try to time the auto attack to hit exactly when it becomes 1 health as this is very important. Keep the wave on your side for the most part unless you are looking to roam/dive or just help your JG with an invade or to invade. At level 6, if he does not have any magic resist items, you can look to all in him, however, be careful of the enemy JG location. You lose the side lane against him so make sure to grab side lane farm safely and group with your team on objectives, or call for JG assistance to kill him. If he is not in the side lane then you want to push as far as possible and even take turrets.
Rumble has more threat onto you early so you will have to let the wave shove to your side, however try to thin it out as much as possible with auto attacks and high value
that lands on both the wave and him. Try to go back for an early
and take quick burst trades with
when he uses his abilities on the wave. Try to set up vision as
will likely be roaming a lot, placing a ward in the middle of the lane helps know which side he goes to. You can punish his roams by taking many turret plates. Make sure to save
to reposition yourself around his
or just
onto him if you have kill threat on him and he uses
Try to keep the wave in a neutral spot in the middle as much as possible, however early levels 1-2 you can try shoving the first 2 waves. When he uses
On the wave, try to match it by using your
on him and the wave. You will likely take
in this matchup at level 2 as many ekkos will look to (EKKO E) into you. Make sure not to be afraid and trade back with
and use of your auto attacks. Grab a ward at 2:30 if possible on the opposite side enemy JG started. You can get a solo kill pre 6 on
if he takes many bad trades, so look out for that, however past 6 you are unlikely to get a solo kill so try to make plays around the map or wait for JG ganks. He should win in the side lane so make sure you ping assistance or grab side waves safely while going mid to take fights with your team. His
can be used when you use
so he will likely come out on top in many fights 1v1.
を使うことが多いようですが、これは多くのエーコが(EKKO E)を狙ってくるからです。
This lane is really hard but not impossible. Take
if you feel like the enemy JG and
has a lot of threat on you, otherwise take
. You can opt to build
if enemy JG is also AP. Make sure to constantly use your
on him during early game to make sure he doesn't get his
Shield up. You want to let the wave stay in a natural spot in the lane near the middle or your side. Try to go for trades only after he uses his abilities on the wave or you poke him enough with
early. He will likely be roaming a lot especially at level 6, so make sure to ward the middle of the lane to see which side he is going towards, and control ward your winning side. Punish his roams by going for turret plates. Try to make plays around your team this game as it's unlikely you will be solo killing
unless he messes up really bad.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. only look to take trades with
after she uses abilities on the wave or you poked her enough. You can take
if the enemy team has a few AP or CC. At level 6, she will have great gank setup, so it be likely that you will be ganked, track the enemy JG and make sure to take calculated trades so you don't die. It's risky to go for solo kills in this lane, however if you know that you are in an isolated 1v1, then there is a chance to kill her. Try to play for the map rather than for lane. You should win side lane if you went even in lane so you can look to pressure turrets and force man up fights when someone comes to contest you. Make sure to save your second
for when she uses her
to escape.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. only look to take trades with
after she uses her
by baiting it. Neeko will likely shove you in and poke you constantly, but give up CS to try to stay healthy and look for opportunities to take burst trades against her. You want to make sure the wave is on your side so that you can encourage JG ganks. When she has
you want to use
to get out of range of this ability or
onto a minion behind you or away from her. You should win side lane if you go even in this lane, so make sure to pressure the side lane on the side of the objective and force number up fights if someone goes to contest you.
を使った後にトレードをするようにします。Neekoは、おそらくあなたを押し込んで、絶えずあなたを突いてきますが、健康でいるためにCSをあきらめ、彼女に対してバーストトレードをする機会を探してみてください。 JGのギャンクを促すために、ウエーブが自分の側にあることを確認したい。
if you feel like you won't get away with the greedy start of
. This matchup there isn't too much you can do for trading, however make sure to use your
on the entire wave at level 1, as he will likely be hard shoving into you with his H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRET. Try to poke him down and stay healthy. You won't be able to go for much trades onto him unless for some reason he tanked a lot of your
in which case just know that if you go in with
it will likely mean you are committing to it since his H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRET will be nearby. You can take a burst trade with
and use
instantly into a minion further away from him, however this is really risky and wastes a lot of mana, so only do this when you know you will be setting up for a kill or resetting anyway. Look to pressure side lane in mid game one the side with the objective that both teams plan to contest and come in from a flank in teamfights.
を使用するようにしてください。H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRETを使って突っ込んでくるので、レベル1のミニオンのウエーブ全体に
で突っ込めば、H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRETが近くにあるので、おそらくそれをコミットすることを意味することを知っていれば、あなたは彼に多くの貿易に行くことができません。
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Ideally if you have nothing to do on the map, you want to keep the wave on your side and take extended trades, or shove the wave with your superior wave clear and go for dives/roams on side lanes or back up your JG If he goes for an invade. You have low solo kill pressure on (VLAD) due to his
and he heals most of your
poke with his
. Try to play for shove and move or keep wave frozen in this matchup. Hold onto your
and wait until after he uses
or else he can negate this ult.
icon=dark seal size=24] 標準的なレベル1~2をプレイし、押し込まれてHPを温存しつつ、
のpokeもほとんど回復してくれます。この対戦では、シャブとムーブ、またはウェーブフローズンを使うようにしよう。icon=moonfall size=24]を持ち、彼が
This matchup is generally even early game, however later in the game he out scales you. Make sure to slow shove the first 2 waves while getting level 2 first to take a
auto attack trade onto the enemy
. You want to shove 2 waves and ward opposite side from where JG started. Let the third and fourth wave shove into you and try to keep a freeze outside of your turret. This will encourage JG ganks to shut down the
early. You can look to take extended trades with the long lane and potentially get an early solo kill. When you have
you want to predict where he is going to
in the direction of and use your
while using the active on
in that direction.
second item is really good into this matchup, and lets you pressure side lane really well.
starts building MR, you will have no chance to 1v1, however early game you can take
trades onto him when you have
up. Try to keep the wave in the middle and more towards your side while going for trades. You want your JG to ideally gank the
however if you took good trades you should be able to solo kill him pre first base if he tanked lots of your poke. You lose in the side lane so make sure you get side lane farm safely while calling for JG help to get a pick on
or collect safely and go mid lane after to start a teamfight. Keep in mind that when you use
on the
the mark will disappear if he uses (WUKONG W). Use this to know if he is trying to fake a
or if he actually used it. Taking
can also help you see which direction he runs in when you are trading with him.
を使用すると、相手が(WUKONG W)を使用した場合にマークが消えることを覚えておいてください。
into this matchup. Cho'Gath will get really tanky really fast, so early lane is the only real chance you have for solo killing him without help. You want to let the wave stay in the middle of the lane as much as possible and when you get level 2, use
and an auto attack to proc
and run around dodging
. You want to repeat this process a every time your
is up. Remember to keep the wave towards your side of the lane or the middle unless you are needed on the map, then you should shove. You won't win side lane against him so try shoving and moving around the map when you go for side lanes. Remember to stack
as much as you can by poking him with
during lane.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to take poke with
when he goes for last hits and hit minions with him. don't let him stack a big wave and thin as much as possible. You can potentially get a solo kill on
early, however a good
player will try to tether you. If you are even and it's early mid game, you can win the side lane and pressure it, I recommend building
second when into him. You can shove waves and wait until people come to contest you and go help your team with objectives or force a number up fight. Make sure you have a control ward on your winning side as
will likely be roaming a lot. In the mid game, he will likely have tanky items and can even beat you in a 1v1 if he tethers properly.

This matchup is
favored as he pokes you down hard early and once he builds
you will have little threat onto him. Take
. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. You want to take short burst trades with him after he uses his
and keep in mind that you can auto attack the
when it has only 1 health left to cancel the damage. Try to time the auto attack to hit exactly when it becomes 1 health as this is very important. Keep the wave on your side for the most part unless you are looking to roam/dive or just help your JG with an invade or to invade. At level 6, if he does not have any magic resist items, you can look to all in him, however, be careful of the enemy JG location. You lose the side lane against him so make sure to grab side lane farm safely and group with your team on objectives, or call for JG assistance to kill him. If he is not in the side lane then you want to push as far as possible and even take turrets.
Rumble has more threat onto you early so you will have to let the wave shove to your side, however try to thin it out as much as possible with auto attacks and high value
that lands on both the wave and him. Try to go back for an early
and take quick burst trades with
when he uses his abilities on the wave. Try to set up vision as
will likely be roaming a lot, placing a ward in the middle of the lane helps know which side he goes to. You can punish his roams by taking many turret plates. Make sure to save
to reposition yourself around his
or just
onto him if you have kill threat on him and he uses
Try to keep the wave in a neutral spot in the middle as much as possible, however early levels 1-2 you can try shoving the first 2 waves. When he uses
On the wave, try to match it by using your
on him and the wave. You will likely take
in this matchup at level 2 as many ekkos will look to (EKKO E) into you. Make sure not to be afraid and trade back with
and use of your auto attacks. Grab a ward at 2:30 if possible on the opposite side enemy JG started. You can get a solo kill pre 6 on
if he takes many bad trades, so look out for that, however past 6 you are unlikely to get a solo kill so try to make plays around the map or wait for JG ganks. He should win in the side lane so make sure you ping assistance or grab side waves safely while going mid to take fights with your team. His
can be used when you use
so he will likely come out on top in many fights 1v1.
を使うことが多いようですが、これは多くのエーコが(EKKO E)を狙ってくるからです。
This lane is really hard but not impossible. Take
if you feel like the enemy JG and
has a lot of threat on you, otherwise take
. You can opt to build
if enemy JG is also AP. Make sure to constantly use your
on him during early game to make sure he doesn't get his
Shield up. You want to let the wave stay in a natural spot in the lane near the middle or your side. Try to go for trades only after he uses his abilities on the wave or you poke him enough with
early. He will likely be roaming a lot especially at level 6, so make sure to ward the middle of the lane to see which side he is going towards, and control ward your winning side. Punish his roams by going for turret plates. Try to make plays around your team this game as it's unlikely you will be solo killing
unless he messes up really bad.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. only look to take trades with
after she uses abilities on the wave or you poked her enough. You can take
if the enemy team has a few AP or CC. At level 6, she will have great gank setup, so it be likely that you will be ganked, track the enemy JG and make sure to take calculated trades so you don't die. It's risky to go for solo kills in this lane, however if you know that you are in an isolated 1v1, then there is a chance to kill her. Try to play for the map rather than for lane. You should win side lane if you went even in lane so you can look to pressure turrets and force man up fights when someone comes to contest you. Make sure to save your second
for when she uses her
to escape.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. only look to take trades with
after she uses her
by baiting it. Neeko will likely shove you in and poke you constantly, but give up CS to try to stay healthy and look for opportunities to take burst trades against her. You want to make sure the wave is on your side so that you can encourage JG ganks. When she has
you want to use
to get out of range of this ability or
onto a minion behind you or away from her. You should win side lane if you go even in this lane, so make sure to pressure the side lane on the side of the objective and force number up fights if someone goes to contest you.
を使った後にトレードをするようにします。Neekoは、おそらくあなたを押し込んで、絶えずあなたを突いてきますが、健康でいるためにCSをあきらめ、彼女に対してバーストトレードをする機会を探してみてください。 JGのギャンクを促すために、ウエーブが自分の側にあることを確認したい。
if you feel like you won't get away with the greedy start of
. This matchup there isn't too much you can do for trading, however make sure to use your
on the entire wave at level 1, as he will likely be hard shoving into you with his H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRET. Try to poke him down and stay healthy. You won't be able to go for much trades onto him unless for some reason he tanked a lot of your
in which case just know that if you go in with
it will likely mean you are committing to it since his H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRET will be nearby. You can take a burst trade with
and use
instantly into a minion further away from him, however this is really risky and wastes a lot of mana, so only do this when you know you will be setting up for a kill or resetting anyway. Look to pressure side lane in mid game one the side with the objective that both teams plan to contest and come in from a flank in teamfights.
を使用するようにしてください。H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRETを使って突っ込んでくるので、レベル1のミニオンのウエーブ全体に
で突っ込めば、H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRETが近くにあるので、おそらくそれをコミットすることを意味することを知っていれば、あなたは彼に多くの貿易に行くことができません。
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Ideally if you have nothing to do on the map, you want to keep the wave on your side and take extended trades, or shove the wave with your superior wave clear and go for dives/roams on side lanes or back up your JG If he goes for an invade. You have low solo kill pressure on (VLAD) due to his
and he heals most of your
poke with his
. Try to play for shove and move or keep wave frozen in this matchup. Hold onto your
and wait until after he uses
or else he can negate this ult.
icon=dark seal size=24] 標準的なレベル1~2をプレイし、押し込まれてHPを温存しつつ、
のpokeもほとんど回復してくれます。この対戦では、シャブとムーブ、またはウェーブフローズンを使うようにしよう。icon=moonfall size=24]を持ち、彼が
This matchup is generally even early game, however later in the game he out scales you. Make sure to slow shove the first 2 waves while getting level 2 first to take a
auto attack trade onto the enemy
. You want to shove 2 waves and ward opposite side from where JG started. Let the third and fourth wave shove into you and try to keep a freeze outside of your turret. This will encourage JG ganks to shut down the
early. You can look to take extended trades with the long lane and potentially get an early solo kill. When you have
you want to predict where he is going to
in the direction of and use your
while using the active on
in that direction.
second item is really good into this matchup, and lets you pressure side lane really well.
starts building MR, you will have no chance to 1v1, however early game you can take
trades onto him when you have
up. Try to keep the wave in the middle and more towards your side while going for trades. You want your JG to ideally gank the
however if you took good trades you should be able to solo kill him pre first base if he tanked lots of your poke. You lose in the side lane so make sure you get side lane farm safely while calling for JG help to get a pick on
or collect safely and go mid lane after to start a teamfight. Keep in mind that when you use
on the
the mark will disappear if he uses (WUKONG W). Use this to know if he is trying to fake a
or if he actually used it. Taking
can also help you see which direction he runs in when you are trading with him.
を使用すると、相手が(WUKONG W)を使用した場合にマークが消えることを覚えておいてください。
into this matchup. Cho'Gath will get really tanky really fast, so early lane is the only real chance you have for solo killing him without help. You want to let the wave stay in the middle of the lane as much as possible and when you get level 2, use
and an auto attack to proc
and run around dodging
. You want to repeat this process a every time your
is up. Remember to keep the wave towards your side of the lane or the middle unless you are needed on the map, then you should shove. You won't win side lane against him so try shoving and moving around the map when you go for side lanes. Remember to stack
as much as you can by poking him with
during lane.
Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to take poke with
when he goes for last hits and hit minions with him. don't let him stack a big wave and thin as much as possible. You can potentially get a solo kill on
early, however a good
player will try to tether you. If you are even and it's early mid game, you can win the side lane and pressure it, I recommend building
second when into him. You can shove waves and wait until people come to contest you and go help your team with objectives or force a number up fight. Make sure you have a control ward on your winning side as
will likely be roaming a lot. In the mid game, he will likely have tanky items and can even beat you in a 1v1 if he tethers properly.

Rumble has more threat onto you early so you will have to let the wave shove to your side, however try to thin it out as much as possible with auto attacks and high value
that lands on both the wave and him. Try to go back for an early
and take quick burst trades with
when he uses his abilities on the wave. Try to set up vision as
will likely be roaming a lot, placing a ward in the middle of the lane helps know which side he goes to. You can punish his roams by taking many turret plates. Make sure to save
to reposition yourself around his
or just
onto him if you have kill threat on him and he uses

Try to keep the wave in a neutral spot in the middle as much as possible, however early levels 1-2 you can try shoving the first 2 waves. When he uses
On the wave, try to match it by using your
on him and the wave. You will likely take
in this matchup at level 2 as many ekkos will look to (EKKO E) into you. Make sure not to be afraid and trade back with
and use of your auto attacks. Grab a ward at 2:30 if possible on the opposite side enemy JG started. You can get a solo kill pre 6 on
if he takes many bad trades, so look out for that, however past 6 you are unlikely to get a solo kill so try to make plays around the map or wait for JG ganks. He should win in the side lane so make sure you ping assistance or grab side waves safely while going mid to take fights with your team. His
can be used when you use
so he will likely come out on top in many fights 1v1.

This lane is really hard but not impossible. Take
if you feel like the enemy JG and
has a lot of threat on you, otherwise take
. You can opt to build
if enemy JG is also AP. Make sure to constantly use your
on him during early game to make sure he doesn't get his
Shield up. You want to let the wave stay in a natural spot in the lane near the middle or your side. Try to go for trades only after he uses his abilities on the wave or you poke him enough with
early. He will likely be roaming a lot especially at level 6, so make sure to ward the middle of the lane to see which side he is going towards, and control ward your winning side. Punish his roams by going for turret plates. Try to make plays around your team this game as it's unlikely you will be solo killing
unless he messes up really bad.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. only look to take trades with
after she uses abilities on the wave or you poked her enough. You can take
if the enemy team has a few AP or CC. At level 6, she will have great gank setup, so it be likely that you will be ganked, track the enemy JG and make sure to take calculated trades so you don't die. It's risky to go for solo kills in this lane, however if you know that you are in an isolated 1v1, then there is a chance to kill her. Try to play for the map rather than for lane. You should win side lane if you went even in lane so you can look to pressure turrets and force man up fights when someone comes to contest you. Make sure to save your second
for when she uses her
to escape.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. only look to take trades with
after she uses her
by baiting it. Neeko will likely shove you in and poke you constantly, but give up CS to try to stay healthy and look for opportunities to take burst trades against her. You want to make sure the wave is on your side so that you can encourage JG ganks. When she has
you want to use
to get out of range of this ability or
onto a minion behind you or away from her. You should win side lane if you go even in this lane, so make sure to pressure the side lane on the side of the objective and force number up fights if someone goes to contest you.

if you feel like you won't get away with the greedy start of
. This matchup there isn't too much you can do for trading, however make sure to use your
on the entire wave at level 1, as he will likely be hard shoving into you with his H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRET. Try to poke him down and stay healthy. You won't be able to go for much trades onto him unless for some reason he tanked a lot of your
in which case just know that if you go in with
it will likely mean you are committing to it since his H-28 G EVOLUTION TURRET will be nearby. You can take a burst trade with
and use
instantly into a minion further away from him, however this is really risky and wastes a lot of mana, so only do this when you know you will be setting up for a kill or resetting anyway. Look to pressure side lane in mid game one the side with the objective that both teams plan to contest and come in from a flank in teamfights.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Ideally if you have nothing to do on the map, you want to keep the wave on your side and take extended trades, or shove the wave with your superior wave clear and go for dives/roams on side lanes or back up your JG If he goes for an invade. You have low solo kill pressure on (VLAD) due to his
and he heals most of your
poke with his
. Try to play for shove and move or keep wave frozen in this matchup. Hold onto your
and wait until after he uses
or else he can negate this ult.
icon=dark seal size=24] 標準的なレベル1~2をプレイし、押し込まれてHPを温存しつつ、

This matchup is generally even early game, however later in the game he out scales you. Make sure to slow shove the first 2 waves while getting level 2 first to take a
auto attack trade onto the enemy
. You want to shove 2 waves and ward opposite side from where JG started. Let the third and fourth wave shove into you and try to keep a freeze outside of your turret. This will encourage JG ganks to shut down the
early. You can look to take extended trades with the long lane and potentially get an early solo kill. When you have
you want to predict where he is going to
in the direction of and use your
while using the active on
in that direction.
second item is really good into this matchup, and lets you pressure side lane really well.

starts building MR, you will have no chance to 1v1, however early game you can take
trades onto him when you have
up. Try to keep the wave in the middle and more towards your side while going for trades. You want your JG to ideally gank the
however if you took good trades you should be able to solo kill him pre first base if he tanked lots of your poke. You lose in the side lane so make sure you get side lane farm safely while calling for JG help to get a pick on
or collect safely and go mid lane after to start a teamfight. Keep in mind that when you use
on the
the mark will disappear if he uses (WUKONG W). Use this to know if he is trying to fake a
or if he actually used it. Taking
can also help you see which direction he runs in when you are trading with him.

into this matchup. Cho'Gath will get really tanky really fast, so early lane is the only real chance you have for solo killing him without help. You want to let the wave stay in the middle of the lane as much as possible and when you get level 2, use
and an auto attack to proc
and run around dodging
. You want to repeat this process a every time your
is up. Remember to keep the wave towards your side of the lane or the middle unless you are needed on the map, then you should shove. You won't win side lane against him so try shoving and moving around the map when you go for side lanes. Remember to stack
as much as you can by poking him with
during lane.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to take poke with
when he goes for last hits and hit minions with him. don't let him stack a big wave and thin as much as possible. You can potentially get a solo kill on
early, however a good
player will try to tether you. If you are even and it's early mid game, you can win the side lane and pressure it, I recommend building
second when into him. You can shove waves and wait until people come to contest you and go help your team with objectives or force a number up fight. Make sure you have a control ward on your winning side as
will likely be roaming a lot. In the mid game, he will likely have tanky items and can even beat you in a 1v1 if he tethers properly.


. This lane is almost impossible to play, as
can out sustain you easily with his
and by having no mana problems. He is also really tanky, so going for solo kills are really hard. In this matchup you want to have the wave in the middle of the lane and towards your side while waiting for JG ganks. Take small short trades when your electrocute is up, by do not go for extended trades as you will heavily lose them. Try to play around the map and shove in waves at around lvl 7 and up. Try to roam to a winning side lane and make them your wincon this game as you likely won't be able to do much into a
mid. You lose side lane so collect side farm carefully and group with team for teamfights. Make sure you focus down the enemy ADC in teamfights and come in from a flank.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to thin the minion wave as much as you can during this time, and do not over step up as it can easily lead to
and running you down with auto attacks. try to go for short
trades and play around that. Wait for JG ganks and play around the map when you have the chance. You don't win side lane so I recommend grouping up with your team after collecting side lane farm safely. If you somehow get ahead, I recommend building
to extend your lead. Keep in mind that you can (E) behind
to dodge her
which will surprise many
players, and when you have
use this to dodge
. If you play really well mechanically you have a chance to even solo kill her.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to thin the minion wave as much as you can during this time, and make sure to trade around your
will win almost all extended trades. Keep the wave near your turret as
usually wants to have a long lane in order to all in his enemy. Wait for JG ganks while continuously using your
off CD. Remember that you can
to dodge his
tornado. If you somehow get slightly ahead, then build
to really push your lead. Make sure to utilize the active on
as well to dodge his
. Group up with your team and try to only grab sidelane farm safely, unless no one is contesting the side lane.

Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. Try to thin the minion wave as much as you can during this time, and make sure to trade around your
. You want to have the wave near your turret and make sure before taking a short burst trade that you proc his
if he took it. Try to wait for JG ganks or get an early solo if they take too much poke. Utilize
passive to dodge his
3. If you get ahead, taking
second can help push your lead. You won't win side lane (unless you are really far ahead) so make sure to shove and move to the safest extent you can do so, however if no one is contesting you then you can continue to shove.

This lane is almost impossible for Diana. Try to keep the wave on your side as much as possible and go for quick electrocute trades when the opportunity presents itself. You want to wait for JG ganks, or create roam timers and move out of the lane whenever possible. You can almost never kill him, especially post 6, so there is no reason to try to all in him, instead playing with your winning side lane or JG and group up as much as you can for teamfights around objectives while making sure to shove side lanes first.

. This lane is honestly one of Diana's worst nightmares and dodging here would be fine. If the enemy doesn't have too much AP, I rush
first item to survive dive attempts made by the enemy
. You want to use your
as much as possible. You have to wait for JG ganks or influence the map as much as you can, make sure not to die to the
as getting behind in this lane will leave you useless. Collect side waves safely in mid game and group with team around objectives for teamfights.

You want to try to contest the wave and keep it in the middle as much as possible or slightly towards your side of the lane. Try not to take extended fights and use your
off CD. You can potentially get a pre 6 kill if you play really well, however post 6, it will almost be impossible to kill him. Remember to use
to get behind him in order to dodge his key abilities such as
. Build
second only if ahead, however build
otherwise second as it will allow you to stall time inside of his
for your team to bail you out. Try to shove side waves and group around objectives to teamfight with your team as you don't win the side lane matchup.

and play around the CD of your
. Play standard level 1-2, get shoved in and conserve HP while poking and last hitting with
. At level 3 or even sometimes even at level 2 if she misses her
, look to
in and auto attack to proc (phase rush and run around her
. You want the wave to be one your side of the lane as much as possible so that the (cass) has less chances of running you down with
. Remember when you are going in, you use your (phase rush) to run around the abilities and to use your
to go behind her in some cases to dodge her
, however make sure your
is up while doing this or else you will have no way to escape if she holds her
. Try to shove side lanes and grab turrets or force number up fights if people try to contest you.

Almost an impossible matchup to kill, however like most bruisers, if they play bad early then you have a chance to kill them before they start building tanky. Try to keep the wave in the middle as much as possible or towards your side. Try to take
trades while it is off CD and wait for JG ganks. Remember you can use
to move behind sett to dodge his
damage. Move around the map whenever you think you can make a dive/gank play, but make sure to shove the wave first. You almost will never win the side lane, unless you are far ahead, so push as far as you safely can and go roam mid to take a teamfight. Remember to keep pushing if the enemy decides to ARAM.

This is another good ban as this lane just seems impossible sometimes when you are playing against an akali that knows how to press random keys. You want to let the wave shove in early as you won't be able to contest
especially because of her
damage and
. You can look to take burst
trades as soon as she uses her
on the wave, otherwise I wouldn't recommend going in, and just conserve HP while waiting for a potential fight in the river between the JG to move to, or a gank from your JG. Make sure when you trade that you don't get hit with
as this will potentially kill you or force you to take a bad recall. In this lane, you have the shove advantage, so you want to make sure to slow push in 2-3 waves and using the time
takes to clear it under her turret to roam or to take a tempo reset with an item advantage over her. Otherwise, if you aren't looking to roam or take a base, you can just let the wave freeze outside of your turret. Keep in mind that
dash can be stopped/canceled with
this can be really hard to time, however if you feel confident to try it, then it is something that can turn a lot of fights around. You don't win the side lane unless you got a lead, so make sure to shove as much as you safely can and move with your team to objectives or take a fight mid.

(you can also look to take
if the enemy team is squishy and just play to one shot them.) You want to shove the first two waves in while making sure to trade at level 2 with your advantage. After you shove the first 2 waves, look to grab a ward at 2:30 on the opposite side the enemy JG started. You want to make try to freeze the wave as much as possible outside of your turret in order to shut down nasus early with ganks and short trades, that make it harder for him to farm. Remember to use your
if you took and use it off CD as you his slow will not be a problem when you have this up. You have the wave clear advantage, so whenever you want to reset, you can look to slow shove 2 waves, or you can use that time to go for a dive or gank. You will never be able to match him in the side lane, so try to ping your team for assistance in order to collapse on him, or group up with your team after catching side lane farm.
icon=dark seal size=24]と

Conclusion 結末文
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