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Renekton Build Guide by Feedaboi



Updated on June 7, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Feedaboi Build Guide By Feedaboi 215 17 790,702 Views 12 Comments
215 17 790,702 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Feedaboi Renekton Build Guide By Feedaboi Updated on June 7, 2024
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Runes: Scaling Page

1 2
Legend: Haste
Last Stand

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
Standard top summoners
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Feedaboi
What is up guys, my name is Feedaboi and i'm a CHALLENGER Top main on the North American server bringing you this guide!

I Have Peaked 843LPChallenger in S12 with Kled/Renekton! I am known for my aggressive playstyle, and I will do what ever it takes to hit top 100 on the ladder this season!
-High base damage

-Great sustain in kit

-High burst damage with good extended trades

-Has a strong ultimate that can turn around fights

-Has good stickiness in lane with his double e dash

-Has a shield break mechanic on his empowered w

-Matches up well into most of the meta toplaners

-Has good scaling

-Can get kited easily in team fights

-Has a very simple kit that is easily telegraphed to the enemy team

-Can die very quickly if he doesn't get on his desired target in a team fight

-Has high cooldowns during laning phase

-Is heavily reliant on enemy's over extending / making mistakes

-If you don't snowball you may feel useless later on in teamfights
Summoner Spells
Flash is one of the most essential summoner spell on Renekton. It allows you to hard engages in team fights along with getting you out of sticky situations. You should always take this summoner spell.

Teleport is the best summoner spell for having impact both in lane and around the map throughout the whole game. Teleport also recently got a buff where you get move speed after you finish your teleport which can help you secure a kill. It is also a very safe option and good in lanes where you know you aren't going to be snowball in easily.

Ignite is a very aggressive early game summoner that can allow you to snowball your lead rapidly. It is a very greedy summoner though because if you don't get ahead with it early it falls off super hard compared to Teleport

Ghost is a very strong summoner to stick on enemies. It gives a lot of move speed which is nice on Renekton to be able to stick on champs. Ghost also has a reset on it during takedowns so you can end up having the move speed for 15+ sec in a team fight which will allow you to finish off kills easily with your team.

Best Rune Page

The best choice of rune for currently is Conqueror. PASSIVE: Basic attacks on-hit against enemy champions grant stacks of Conqueror. Abilities and spells that deal damage to an enemy champion always grant 2 stacks.
Each stack of Conqueror grants 1.2 − 3 (based on level) bonus Attack Damage or 2 − 5 (based on level) Ability Power (Adaptive) for 6 seconds, stacking up to 12 times, for a maximum of 14.4 − 36 (based on level) bonus Attack Damage or 24 − 60 (based on level) Ability Power (Adaptive). When fully stacked, heals for the post-mitigation damage dealt to enemy champions. The buffs refresh upon dealing damage to enemy champions with attacks or abilities. You're strong early game, and have a decent scaling rune in late game.

can help you get a clutch kill, or a quick escape from an enemy thinking he's secured the kill on you in a 2v1. It works in teamfights very well and allows you to be the primary engage.

allows you to stick on enemies easier due to the fact that you reduce cc duration. This will also help you be able to go in and out of fights without the threat of being perma cc.

Allows you to be able to turn around close fights due to the fact that it will give you bonus damage when you are below 40% which will allow you to heal more on your q along with doing more burst damage which can catch the enemy off-guard.

is really good for laning phase since it will allow you in mitigate damage from enemies combos along with giving you a more sustainable early game.

gives tenacity based on missing health which is really nice in team fights since you are going to be diving onto their backline and getting pretty low quickly. This will allow you to stick on carries easier along with it synergizing well with last stand to have more mobility and damage output.

Other Options

is a decent keystone into squishy matchups/comps but falls off super hard out of laning phase. I would only recommend taking it if they have 3 or more squishy targets: [marksmen/mages].

good sustain option in lane. Can help you hard pressure early on along with being able to go for short trades and coming out ahead.

gives you omnivamp on autos + abilities which will help you turn around close fights later on in the game. It gives good sustain also for early laning phase along with split pushing later on.

is good for getting early plates and applying pressure in side lane on turrets later on in the game.

is good against poke champs such as , this allows you to be able to walk up in lane to farm without getting perma poked out of lane.
This Section Is a work in progess, Will hopefully have it complete asap

Best Mythic Options

Goredrinker Goredrinker Is the best mythic on Renekton due to the fact that it gives you very good base stats ( Attack Damage, Ability Haste, Health ) alongside giving you bonus ad and healing based off missing health. This can help you turn around very close fights and will allow you enough time to stall for your cooldowns to come back up. The mythic passive on goredrinker is also very nice on renekton since it gives a bonus 5 ability haste per legendary item which will lead to more cooldown reduction and outplay potential in the mid-late game. I would recommend taking this item every game as you first item on Renekton.

Eclipse Eclipse is a good option on Renekton into squishy comps along with going any sort of assassin/full damage build paths. The item gives solid base stats ( Attack Damage, Omnivamp , Lethality ) alongside having a very nice mythic passive giving you 4% bonus armor penetration per legendary item. The item also has a passive when whenever you use two separate attacks or abilities within 1.5 seconds, the item deals 6% of the target's maximum health as bonus physical damage and grants you 15% bonus movement speed along with a shield. This will allow you to burst out carries/squishy members alongside having great stickiness in fights. I would recommend building Eclipse as a first item if you are going an assassin build path.

Best Legendary Options

Ravenous Hydra Ravenous Hydra is a really strong item on Renekton due to the fact that it has really high base stats which synergize well with Renekton's kit along side bonus wave clear that will allow Renekton to pressure your leads more effectively along with a nice portion of sustain which can help in close fights. Ravenous Hydraalso gives aoe damage on abilities which is something that Renekton lacks in team fights, so it can allow you to do more work when diving into multiple members of the enemy team. I would recommend building this item either as a second item on Renekton in most games.

Black Cleaver Black Cleacer is a really strong item on Renekton due to the fact that it gives him good base stats ( health, attack damage, ability haste ) alongside the passive armour penetration which is essential for Renekton. This is due to the fact that Renekton doesn't have a lot of armour penetration in his kit besides his empowered e Slice and Dice and needs the penetration in order to be effective later on in team fights, the added true damage/max health damage when cleaver is full stacked on an enemy is also a nice touch for Renekton.

Serylda's Grudge Serylda's Grudge is a really strong item on Renekton due to the fact that the item has good base stats ( attack damage, ability haste, flat armour penetration ) along with a slow when using abilities. I usually like taking this item into comps that don't tend to have to many tanky options one or less or when the enemy has a lot of tanks three or more as a third or fourth item instead of going black cleaver.

Gargoyle Stoneplate Gargoyle Stoneplate is a really strong item on Renekton due to the fact that it gives you a ton of flat resistances ( armor/magic resist ) along with the added resistances when you get attacked by unique champions during a fight. The item active which is a shield scales insane well with Renekton due to the fact that it scales with bonus health which for Renekton is pretty strong since you are usually going to be building bruiser type items that tend to give you a decent amount of bonus health, this allows you to have a massive shield in team fights which can help you stall for your cooldowns to come back up and turn around very close exchanges along with allowing you to become a primary engage option. I would recommend building this item as a fourth or fifth option on Renekton.

Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage is a pretty strong item on Renekton due to the fact that it gives decent base stats ( attack damage, health ) alongside having a shield when you drop below 30% health which scales on maximum health which is very good on Renekton due to his brusier builds giving him high health values, on top of this the item also has Phage passive where when you deal damage you heal for 2% of you maximum health over 6 seconds. This item can come in handy for stalling for your cooldowns in close one versus one's and can help turn around close team fights. I would recommend building this as a fourth or fifth item on Renekton.

Situational Items

Death's Dance Death's Dance is a good option for Renekton when facing heavily attack damage focused comps, the item gives decent base stats ( attack damage ,armour ,ability haste ) along side a bleed passive where you soak up some of the initial burst from champions and have a bleed effect of the remaining damage over time which can allow you to stall enough time to sustain back the damage taken. The item also has a passive where if u get a takedown the bleed effect goes away which can be very helpful when trying to turn around close fights/scenarios. I would recommend building this item as a third or fourth option on Renekton when a good scenario presents itself.

Maw of Malmortius Maw of Malmortius is a decent option for Renekton into heavily focused magic damage comps and has decent base stats ( attack damage, magic resistance, ability haste ) alongside this the item also has a passive shield where when you get below 30% health you gain a magic shield based on you max health which scales really well with Renekton due to his high health brusier builds, which can come in handy when trying to stall out for your cooldowns and turning around fights. I would recommend building this item as a third or fourth option on Renekton when a good scenario presents itself.

Chempunk Chainsword Chempunk Chainsword is a decent option on Renekton against comps that have a ton of healing in their kits alongside having pretty decent base stats ( attack damage, health, ability haste, healing reduction ) the item applies grevious wounds on enemies when you apply physical damage to them. This item is very handy into comps that have healers/enchanters along with champions that build ominvamp/life steal items. I would recommend building this as a fourth/fifth item if needed.


Plated Steelcaps Plated Steelcaps is a good option on Renekton into heavy attack damage / auto attack based comps, this is due to the fact that the base stats are really strong against attack damage characters and the passive reduces the damage taken by auto attacks by 12% which can come in handy in close one versus one's or in close team fights.

Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads is a good option on Renekton into heavy magic damage / heavy crowd control comps, this is due to the fact that the base stats are really strong against magic damage characters and the passive reduces the duration of crowd control actions which can come in handy in close one versus one's or in close team fights, also when you are looking to engage for your team during team fights.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity Ionian Boots of Lucidity is a decent option to go on Renekton when you are hard snowballing early game and are looking to further pressure your early lead, the ability haste given to you from the item is very nice on Renekton early on since he has high base cool downs, this will allow you to be more aggressive in the early / mid game and be able to pressure your leads more effectively.
Item Set
{"title":"Renekton Builds","associatedMaps":[],"associatedChampions":[],"blocks":[{"items":[{"id":"1055","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":1},{"id":"3340","count":1},{"id":"1054","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":1},{"id":"3340","count":1},{"id":"1036","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":3},{"id":"3340","count":1}],"type":"Starting Items"},{"items":[{"id":"6029","count":1},{"id":"3044","count":1},{"id":"1083","count":1},{"id":"2031","count":1},{"id":"1001","count":1}],"type":"First Back Options"},{"items":[{"id":"6630","count":1},{"id":"3111","count":1},{"id":"3074","count":1},{"id":"3071","count":1},{"id":"3193","count":1},{"id":"3053","count":1}],"type":"Best Build ( Brusier Build )"},{"items":[{"id":"6692","count":1},{"id":"3111","count":1},{"id":"3074","count":1},{"id":"3142","count":1},{"id":"6694","count":1},{"id":"3053","count":1}],"type":"Assassin Build ( Good Into Squishy Comps )"},{"items":[{"id":"6630","count":1},{"id":"3047","count":1},{"id":"3074","count":1},{"id":"6333","count":1},{"id":"3071","count":1},{"id":"3053","count":1}],"type":"Into Full Attack Damage Comps"},{"items":[{"id":"6630","count":1},{"id":"3111","count":1},{"id":"3074","count":1},{"id":"3156","count":1},{"id":"3071","count":1},{"id":"3193","count":1}],"type":"Into Heavy AP Comps"},{"items":[{"id":"6609","count":1},{"id":"6333","count":1},{"id":"3156","count":1}],"type":"Situational Items"}]}
Thank you for reading this guide :] hopefully it gave you the information you were looking for! Let me know in the comments on what I can add / work on to further improve this guide! Have a great day :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Feedaboi
Feedaboi Renekton Guide
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