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Neeko Build Guide by lol Wero

Top [14.12] AD Neeko Top Guide Season 14

Top [14.12] AD Neeko Top Guide Season 14

Updated on June 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lol Wero Build Guide By lol Wero 872 57 1,463,903 Views 32 Comments
872 57 1,463,903 Views 32 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lol Wero Neeko Build Guide By lol Wero Updated on June 14, 2024
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Runes: Overgrowth Conditioning

1 2 3
Press the Attack
Absorb Life
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down


+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Runes (Main)
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Hello Neeko mains and/or Cheesers that want to try my Neeko guide. I am a Grandmasters Neeko Main in the NA server named lol_Wero and I stream AD Top Neeko on twitch. I've been playing League of Legends since Season 2. I've been playing AD Neeko since her PBE release and I'm happy to finally share it to everyone who is interested on it.

Why AD Build On Neeko?
Think of AD Neeko playstyle as Vayne top. Only with Neeko, she has a more kill potential with Tangle-Barbs . Neekos Shapesplitter passive has decent damage while auto attacking and movement speed helps a lot with the kiting. Neeko also has good synergies with a lot of junglers for a very good early 2v2. This play style is pretty cheesey but most laners will not expect AD Neeko's damage in the early game and Ignite will help more for the easy first blood.

What Is The Build Path For AD Neeko?
First item will be Blade of the Ruined King, 2nd will be Guinsoo's Rageblade, 3rd Terminus, 4th Kraken Slayer or Runaan's Hurricane, and 5th item can be something defensive like Guardian Angel, Immortal Shieldbow.

Does AD Neeko Scale?
Yes it definitely scales into the mid/late game. You're able to 1v1 almost everybody in side lane.

What's The Play Style With This Build?
Getting as much Turret plates, and Zoning the Laner from CS and Experience. After the laning phase is over. You should be focusing on split pushing, taking objectives, and creating a lot of pressure on the map. Neeko has good clear in the jungle so take enemy jungle camps whenever you can.
Cheese Example
Click the image to see the cheese example video
Pros / Cons


→ Lane Bully
→ Great CC (Crowd Control)
→ Great Flex Pick
→ Great Movement Speed
→ Great Scaling
→ Great Split Pusher


→ Lacks For A Tank
→ Squishy
→ Hard To Play From Behind
→ Base Damage Can be Hard To CS
→ Team Mates Can Flame In Champ Select
Summoner Spells

FLASH: Flash is always necessary for every game.
IGNITE: Neeko can cheese easy on the opponents with her range advantage. Starting Shapesplitter for the empowered passive autos does a lot of damage at level 1. 70% of the time Your opponent will not expect the damage for the free kill. Think of this play style like Quinn or Tryndamere. Neeko can also get to Lane pretty quick without Teleport with the Shapesplitter active.
TELEPORT: I rarely take Teleport but if you're not comfortable with a match up; you can take Teleport.

Press the Attack - AD Neeko is able to Proc Press the Attack easy in lane which makes her lane bully dominance absolutely great. After Procing Press the Attack, Neeko is able to continue autoing the enemy for more

Fleet Footwork - Helps vs hard match ups that can poke you down. It's also very helpful into range champions that are hard to trade.

What's Better? Press the Attack? or Fleet Footwork? Press the Attack is your common rune to take and Fleet Footwork is your rune to take for hard match ups.
Absorb Life helps Neeko have a healthy sustain during laning phase.
More attack speed means more damage.
Cut Down helps you get your opponent to low HP quicker. This will also help you create faster pressure.

Gathering Storm
✦ Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm will help Neeko become more viable in the mid/late game. She has the advantage to get through laning phase easily so you get free scaling AD.

✦ Overgrowth
Taking Overgrowth helps you scale into the mid and late game to be more tankier since Neeko is a squishy champion.

✦ Conditioning
Conditioning plus Overgrowth makes you more tankier in the mid late game as Neeko. very Strong combo runes.

✦ Celerity Shapesplitter active and passive is always going to proc Celerity.
Abilities As AD
Inherent Glamour (Passive)
When taking towers, switch to an ally melee champion for bonus extra tower damage (this is only viable when taking first tower pre 14 minutes.)
Blooming Burst (Q)
Not a useful spell for AD Neeko but it's worth using if you want to use it for little damage to your laner during laning phase.
Shapesplitter (W)
Shapesplitter passive empowered autos is one of the reasons why AD Neeko can be viable. This is similiar to Vaynes Silver Bolts. Use Shapesplitter active when running back to lane or when you're about to get gank. This will be the first spell to max.
Tangle-Barbs (E)
This will be the 2nd spell to max as AD Neeko. During laning phase, make sure to use Tangle-Barbs for the kill. (NOTE: Watch the Cheese Example video to see how it should look like during laning phase).
Pop Blossom (R)
Pop Blossom Decent CC. Pop Blossom is mostly used for setting up a kill.
Blade of the Ruined King
This will be your first item to rush. Blade of the Ruined King does more DPS than Guinsoo's Rageblade as your first item. 6% of the targets current health does a lot to help out Neeko's early low base AD. Blade of the Ruined King will also scale very well into the mid/late game.

Guinsoo's Rageblade
Guinsoo's Rageblade will be the 2nd item to get due to how well this item synergizes with Neeko. So much attack speed, gives AD AP, attack speed stats, and Guinsoo's Rageblade passive allows Neeko to empower auto in 2 autos when fully stacked on Guinsoo's Rageblade's passive.

Terminus Is the new item for season 14 and Neeko synergizes really well with it. Neeko auto attacks a lot and is able to proc the light and dark passive fast. Terminus makes Neeko Tanky, gets free arm pen stats, great attack speed and AD, and good on hit damage.

Runaan's Hurricane
With Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane can empower Shapesplitter passive in one auto.
(Click here to see the interaction of Neekos empower autos with hurricane).

Guardian Angel Helps for big team fights over objectives and makes you a little more tankier with decent AD.

Kraken Slayer One of the best synergy items for AD Neeko. Great stats and helps to kite better with the movement speed stat.

Bloodthirster Gives a lot of AD and lifesteal.

Zhonya's Hourglass can be purchased into enemies that try to burst you down. Also gives great stats even for AD Neeko.

Mortal Reminder Executioner's Calling could be purchase early on in the game if needed for laning phase or during the early game for the healing reduction.

Jak'Sho, The Protean Jak'Sho, The Protean can only be build if you're doing Terminus Jak'Sho, The Protean rush for the tank combo. the armour and magic stacking on Terminus passive can synergize with Jak'Sho, The Protean passive and stats. Try it out to see how great this build can be.

Wit's End Great attack speed, Scales well into the late game, Gives Tenacity vs heavy CC opponents, and gives you Magic Resist to be more tankier.

Mercurial Scimitar purchase if the enemy has a lot of CC (Crowd Control)

Berserker's Greaves

Plated Steelcaps

Mercury's Treads
Berserker's Greaves Attack speed is very must need for AD Neeko.

Plated Steelcaps comes in as a defensive boots against enemy team comps that have a lot of auto attackers.

Mercury's Treads comes in handy if the enemy team has a lot of CC (Crowd Control). Buy it too if the enemy has high AP.
Early Game
Early Game is all about Bully Lane Dominance. Focus mainly on zoning your opponent from CSing and gaining experience. Keep your distance and don't over extend with your auto attacks due to minion aggro that can deal a lot of damage to you. Minion aggro can lead to bad trades in laning phase and your opponent can punish your mistake for it. Remember that Neeko wins in a lot of match ups in the top lane so focus also on getting plate golds. Ward whenever you get the chance since Top Neeko is very easy to gank.
(Note: Always remember that Neeko can win in most 2v2s with Ignite so dont be afraid of 2v2ing with your jungler for the first blood or free kills.)
Mid/Late Game
After Laning phase is over we head to the mid game where things get a little spicy with the damage. Just remember that AD Neeko does scale into the late game. Focus on split pushing to create a lot of map pressure which helps your team get objectives and farm safely. while split pushing, try to focus on also taking the enemies jungle camps. AD Neeko is able to take jungle camps pretty fast with her damage. Place Vision around the enemy jungle while your split pushing to help your team with vision. Do not focus much on team fighting since AD Neeko is more better off split pushing. Split push yourself to victory and remember to not get caught!
Thank you everyone who took the time to read my guide. I would really appreciate if you can check out my Twitch Channel anytime if you want to learn more about AD Neeko. Please also remember that this is not a troll pick and can legitimately help you climb to the Goal Rank you're looking forward to.

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