Lane can be cruel as AD Neeko. Hard to trade vs Akali in lane. Building defensive will not help vs Akali. Lane is winnable if you can spam your w passive on her.
Recommand to rush an executioner calling to fiora. Bad side about this match up is Fiora is able to parry your e or Ultimate pretty easy.
Only annoying threat about this match up is his E (Dodging the auto attacks). Not to big but easy to deal with in lane if you can keep your distance when he tries to jump on you.
Kennen has a very similiar playstyle as AD neeko.
Similiar to Irelia. unplayable.
Trade with your W passive only to teemo. No point of autos when Teemo can blind you. (Recommended taking grasp or just go AP)
Lucian is able to win the trades vs Neeko but its winnable. Make sure to watch out for his Rentless Pursuit (E Dash) Piercing Light (Q) combo during the laning phase.
i recommend rushing Ninja Tabi vs wukong. Similiar to the irelia style where he can all in with his combo for the easy kill. Keep your distance and poke/auto when his abilities are on cooldown.
Aatrox is good into range top laners.
Vladimir will not do much during the laning phase. But its difficult to kill the vladimir. Push all game during the laning phase, take plate golds, deny him CS while hes under his tower, and Ward to avoid ganks.
Very Similiar to the lucian laning phase.
Gnar isn't able to trade well vs AD Neeko. Keep your distance when he's about to transform.
Riven is one of those champs where she can all in you but its actually a close match up compare to Irelia or Wukong. Watch for her Abilities
One of the hardest match up there is. Very Difficult to trade vs Gangplank from his Parrrley (Q). Powder Keg (E) and his Remove Scurvy (W) makes it even worse to trade vs GangPlank.
It really depends if you're able to dodge his abilities (of course not his ult). if you can dodge his abilties, the lane should be on your favor.
An All In champ but a winnable lane. Rush Ninja Tabi and poke him out to dismount him (His Passive). Once he's dismounted, avoid his Pocket Pistol (Q) so he cannot get mounted back to Skaarl. Make sure to get Cut Down Runes for this match up
Free Lane: Dodge his Abilities
Free Lane: Keep your distance and poke him out to death.
Dr. Mundo
Free Lane: Rush Executioner Calling.
Free Lane: Similiar to Darius
Free Lane: at Pre 6, make sure to Root her with your Tangled - Barbs (E) when shes about to hit a CS to cause a lot of damage on her.
Free Lane: Build Executioner Calling and use your Shapesplitter (W) on the bushes when he throws his Sapling Toss (E).
His Seismic Shard (Q) Damage may be annoying but building Lifesteal will fix the damage. If Malphite is building full AP, i recommend buying a Hexdrinker or Wits End during the laning phase.
Nasus players will just focus on csing. Poke him to death and build an Executioner Calling.
Down side is Nasus scales way better than Neeko later on in the game.
Free Lane: Keep your distance.
Very similiar to the riven laning phase.
Free Lane: Avoid his Q and E combo.
keep your distance from his Shadow Dash (E).
AP Neeko makes this match up even more easier.
Rush Berserker boots and this lane shouldn't be a problem.
Dodge his Abilties and Keep your distance. Rush Berserker Greaves Boots.
Free Lane: Keep your distance and watch out for his Pillar of Ice (E)
Free Lane: Keep your distance.
Lane should be consider a free lane but sion can be quite annoying with his abilities. Build early lifesteal to have sustain.
Similiar to the Riven lane.
if i had to be honest for this match up, AD Neeko isn't worth versus the pantheon match up, AP Neeko does way better into this match up. The trading is very poor for AD Neeko. But if you want to give it a try, build early lifesteal and try to poke him down with your Shapesplitter (W) empowered autos. Avoid his Shield Vault (E).
Avoid the walls so Poppy cannot stun you with her Heroic Charge (E) and lane should be fine for you.
Could go either way. Build lifesteal early. You can even build a Wit ends in this match up.
depending on the yasuo player if he's used to the range match ups. (If yasuo is able to correctly use Windwall and his dashes versus the AD Neeko).
Don't be scared to trade vs ryze. Similiar to the vladimir style, push all game and deny him cs under his tower.
Similiar to the lucian lane but a little weaker.
Free Lane: You will barely see this pick but a few people will play nocturne top. Keep your distance.
Free Lane: Avoid his Abilities
stay behind minions to not get hit by her E. Neeko is able to kill the tentacles with her range advantage.
Early strong junglers like reksai are always the best for Neeko to win the 2v2 in the top lane.
Elise can help with the easy tower dives on the enemy if they're low.
Not the best for 2v2 but Ivern and Neeko can scale into the late game to have an unkillable Neeko machine gun carry. Think of it like a Lulu KogMaw Synergy.
Lee Sin
Strong Early Junglers always work well with Neeko. Lee sin can shield to neeko for easy kill potentials.
Volibear has a good CC (Crowd Control) set up for Neeko. With this set up, it's an easy kill.
Not the best but if Ekko lands his W, (the stun) it can be an easy kill for Neeko.
it lacks Damage for the but Zac has good CC (Crowd Control) for the 2v2.
Xin Zhao
Similiar to Volibear. More Damage but less Tanky.
Lacks CC (Crowd Control) but good 2v2 Kill Potential.
I don't see Amumu much in higher elos but Amumu can have good synergy 2v2 in the lower elo.
No CC (Crowd Control) to set up a kill and you wouldn't want to set up the kill as Neeko. Really depends on the match up with the 2v2 but the Odds are low.
Evelynn can be a good jungler for Neeko but not until level 6. Once Evelynn reaches Level 6, the ganks are really easy for the kills.
Karthus will power farm all game. Only thing he can do for you is killing the top laner with his ultimate.
Good CC (Crowd Control) but lacks damage in the early levels.
Similiar to the Trundle Synergy.
Early game kayn can be a little rough for the 2v2, But once has Kayn has Blue or Red it should be easier to fight/synergize with Neeko.
Hecarim is a strong champ early game. Ganks can be really easy to kill with Neeko.
Note: Dont (E) root so early since hecarim will knock them back a bit with his (E) engaging charge attack.
Not the best synergize champ to gank for neeko but it can work out.
With warwick's abilities fear and Ult, it can be really strong for CC lock with Neeko.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan is a strong 2v2 with Neeko due to Jarvan's flag (E) giving attack speed. Plus Jarvan is meant to be an early jungle ganking champion so it can help Neeko get ahead with the CC and attack speed synergize.
2v2 Pre 6 can be rough but its still okay once Vi gets her R.. it should be really easy kills.
Dr. Mundo
CC lacks
Similiar to Vi but a little bit stronger with the synergize due to Wukong lowering opponents armour.
Once Wukong gets his R, should be easy ganks for easy kills.
Gragas Ultimate can sometimes really troll Neeko's abilities since it pushes them away.
Really strong 2v2 for the early game. Both Sett and Neeko's abilities synergizes well. Sett also wins a lot of the jungle match ups in the early game and scales nice.
2v2 can be okay if Neeko and Jax can use their Abilities correctly. Wait for Jax to Engage and stun with his E then use your abilities (root or/and Ultimate) for the easy kill.
Both Neeko and Kindred are really squishy and no CC to synergize.
Master Yi
No CC to Synergize. Can lose the 2v2 pretty easy.
Neeko's twin (nice meme) is not the best but can still win the 2v2s in the early if both play it correctly.
CC lacks.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu and Neeko both have a really powerful CC Synergy in the early game or just in the game in general. Nunu also gives great attack speed to Neeko for when he ganks.
Very strong early game for the 2v2 like the xin zhao synergy. Olaf can also Slow the opponent for an easy Neeko root.
Somewhat strong 2v2 early game with Neeko and can also give Neeko attack speed with her healing.
I really do love having a sejuani on the team with how much it synergizes with Neeko in the early game or just in general. she may lack damage but ganking an opponent with Neeko is mostly an easy kill.
Sejuani has the most CC combination you can find with Neeko.
Really great damage with Neeko for the 2v2 but it lacks CC if Rengar cant root his opponent.
Nice CC and Damage in the early game where it can lead to very easy kills with his ganks.
Poppy's E can sometimes mis synergize with Neeko's Roots which leads to bad ganks.
Similiar to Vi and Wukong where the ganks are easy kills once he hits Level 6.
Scuffed Nunu honestly (Lol) but the ganks can still be strong with Neeko since they both have a lot of CC.
No Synergize whatsoever. 2v2's can also be rough.
No Synergy.
Early strong junglers like reksai are always the best for Neeko to win the 2v2 in the top lane.
Elise can help with the easy tower dives on the enemy if they're low.
Not the best for 2v2 but Ivern and Neeko can scale into the late game to have an unkillable Neeko machine gun carry. Think of it like a Lulu KogMaw Synergy.
Lee Sin
Strong Early Junglers always work well with Neeko. Lee sin can shield to neeko for easy kill potentials.
Volibear has a good CC (Crowd Control) set up for Neeko. With this set up, it's an easy kill.
Not the best but if Ekko lands his W, (the stun) it can be an easy kill for Neeko.
it lacks Damage for the but Zac has good CC (Crowd Control) for the 2v2.
Xin Zhao
Similiar to Volibear. More Damage but less Tanky.
Lacks CC (Crowd Control) but good 2v2 Kill Potential.
I don't see Amumu much in higher elos but Amumu can have good synergy 2v2 in the lower elo.
No CC (Crowd Control) to set up a kill and you wouldn't want to set up the kill as Neeko. Really depends on the match up with the 2v2 but the Odds are low.
Evelynn can be a good jungler for Neeko but not until level 6. Once Evelynn reaches Level 6, the ganks are really easy for the kills.
Karthus will power farm all game. Only thing he can do for you is killing the top laner with his ultimate.
Good CC (Crowd Control) but lacks damage in the early levels.
Similiar to the Trundle Synergy.
Early game kayn can be a little rough for the 2v2, But once has Kayn has Blue or Red it should be easier to fight/synergize with Neeko.
Hecarim is a strong champ early game. Ganks can be really easy to kill with Neeko.
Note: Dont (E) root so early since hecarim will knock them back a bit with his (E) engaging charge attack.
Not the best synergize champ to gank for neeko but it can work out.
With warwick's abilities fear and Ult, it can be really strong for CC lock with Neeko.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan is a strong 2v2 with Neeko due to Jarvan's flag (E) giving attack speed. Plus Jarvan is meant to be an early jungle ganking champion so it can help Neeko get ahead with the CC and attack speed synergize.
2v2 Pre 6 can be rough but its still okay once Vi gets her R.. it should be really easy kills.
Dr. Mundo
CC lacks
Similiar to Vi but a little bit stronger with the synergize due to Wukong lowering opponents armour.
Once Wukong gets his R, should be easy ganks for easy kills.
Gragas Ultimate can sometimes really troll Neeko's abilities since it pushes them away.
Really strong 2v2 for the early game. Both Sett and Neeko's abilities synergizes well. Sett also wins a lot of the jungle match ups in the early game and scales nice.
2v2 can be okay if Neeko and Jax can use their Abilities correctly. Wait for Jax to Engage and stun with his E then use your abilities (root or/and Ultimate) for the easy kill.
Both Neeko and Kindred are really squishy and no CC to synergize.
Master Yi
No CC to Synergize. Can lose the 2v2 pretty easy.
Neeko's twin (nice meme) is not the best but can still win the 2v2s in the early if both play it correctly.
CC lacks.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu and Neeko both have a really powerful CC Synergy in the early game or just in the game in general. Nunu also gives great attack speed to Neeko for when he ganks.
Very strong early game for the 2v2 like the xin zhao synergy. Olaf can also Slow the opponent for an easy Neeko root.
Somewhat strong 2v2 early game with Neeko and can also give Neeko attack speed with her healing.
I really do love having a sejuani on the team with how much it synergizes with Neeko in the early game or just in general. she may lack damage but ganking an opponent with Neeko is mostly an easy kill.
Sejuani has the most CC combination you can find with Neeko.
Really great damage with Neeko for the 2v2 but it lacks CC if Rengar cant root his opponent.
Nice CC and Damage in the early game where it can lead to very easy kills with his ganks.
Poppy's E can sometimes mis synergize with Neeko's Roots which leads to bad ganks.
Similiar to Vi and Wukong where the ganks are easy kills once he hits Level 6.
Scuffed Nunu honestly (Lol) but the ganks can still be strong with Neeko since they both have a lot of CC.
Hello Neeko mains and/or Cheesers that want to try my Neeko guide. I am a Grandmasters Neeko Main in the NA server named lol_Wero and I stream AD Top Neeko on twitch. I've been playing League of Legends since Season 2. I've been playing AD Neeko since her PBE release and I'm happy to finally share it to everyone who is interested on it. Why AD Build On Neeko?
Think of AD Neeko playstyle as Vayne top. Only with Neeko, she has a more kill potential with Tangle-Barbs . Neekos Shapesplitter passive has decent damage while auto attacking and movement speed helps a lot with the kiting. Neeko also has good synergies with a lot of junglers for a very good early 2v2. This play style is pretty cheesey but most laners will not expect AD Neeko's damage in the early game and Ignite will help more for the easy first blood.
Does AD Neeko Scale?
Yes it definitely scales into the mid/late game. You're able to 1v1 almost everybody in side lane.
What's The Play Style With This Build?
Getting as much Turret plates, and Zoning the Laner from CS and Experience. After the laning phase is over. You should be focusing on split pushing, taking objectives, and creating a lot of pressure on the map. Neeko has good clear in the jungle so take enemy jungle camps whenever you can.
Cheese Example
Click the image to see the cheese example video
Pros / Cons
→ Lane Bully → Great CC (Crowd Control) → Great Flex Pick → Great Movement Speed → Great Scaling → Great Split Pusher
→ Lacks For A Tank → Squishy → Hard To Play From Behind → Base Damage Can be Hard To CS → Team Mates Can Flame In Champ Select
IGNITE: Neeko can cheese easy on the opponents with her range advantage. Starting Shapesplitter for the empowered passive autos does a lot of damage at level 1. 70% of the time Your opponent will not expect the damage for the free kill. Think of this play style like Quinn or Tryndamere. Neeko can also get to Lane pretty quick without Teleport with the Shapesplitter active.
TELEPORT: I rarely take Teleport but if you're not comfortable with a match up; you can take Teleport.
Cut Down helps you get your opponent to low HP quicker. This will also help you create faster pressure.
Gathering Storm
✦ Gathering Storm Gathering Storm will help Neeko become more viable in the mid/late game. She has the advantage to get through laning phase easily so you get free scaling AD.
✦ Overgrowth
Taking Overgrowth helps you scale into the mid and late game to be more tankier since Neeko is a squishy champion.
Inherent Glamour (Passive)
When taking towers, switch to an ally melee champion for bonus extra tower damage (this is only viable when taking first tower pre 14 minutes.)
Blooming Burst (Q)
Not a useful spell for AD Neeko but it's worth using if you want to use it for little damage to your laner during laning phase.
Shapesplitter (W)
Shapesplitter passive empowered autos is one of the reasons why AD Neeko can be viable. This is similiar to Vaynes Silver Bolts. Use Shapesplitter active when running back to lane or when you're about to get gank. This will be the first spell to max.
Tangle-Barbs (E)
This will be the 2nd spell to max as AD Neeko. During laning phase, make sure to use Tangle-Barbs for the kill. (NOTE: Watch the Cheese Example video to see how it should look like during laning phase).
Terminus Terminus Is the new item for season 14 and Neeko synergizes really well with it. Neeko auto attacks a lot and is able to proc the light and dark passive fast. Terminus makes Neeko Tanky, gets free arm pen stats, great attack speed and AD, and good on hit damage.
Zhonya's Hourglass can be purchased into enemies that try to burst you down. Also gives great stats even for AD Neeko.
Mortal Reminder Executioner's Calling could be purchase early on in the game if needed for laning phase or during the early game for the healing reduction.
Plated Steelcaps comes in as a defensive boots against enemy team comps that have a lot of auto attackers.
Mercury's Treads comes in handy if the enemy team has a lot of CC (Crowd Control). Buy it too if the enemy has high AP.
Early Game
Early Game is all about Bully Lane Dominance. Focus mainly on zoning your opponent from CSing and gaining experience. Keep your distance and don't over extend with your auto attacks due to minion aggro that can deal a lot of damage to you. Minion aggro can lead to bad trades in laning phase and your opponent can punish your mistake for it. Remember that Neeko wins in a lot of match ups in the top lane so focus also on getting plate golds. Ward whenever you get the chance since Top Neeko is very easy to gank.
(Note: Always remember that Neeko can win in most 2v2s with Ignite so dont be afraid of 2v2ing with your jungler for the first blood or free kills.)
Mid/Late Game
After Laning phase is over we head to the mid game where things get a little spicy with the damage. Just remember that AD Neeko does scale into the late game. Focus on split pushing to create a lot of map pressure which helps your team get objectives and farm safely. while split pushing, try to focus on also taking the enemies jungle camps. AD Neeko is able to take jungle camps pretty fast with her damage. Place Vision around the enemy jungle while your split pushing to help your team with vision. Do not focus much on team fighting since AD Neeko is more better off split pushing. Split push yourself to victory and remember to not get caught!
Thank you everyone who took the time to read my guide. I would really appreciate if you can check out my Twitch Channel anytime if you want to learn more about AD Neeko. Please also remember that this is not a troll pick and can legitimately help you climb to the Goal Rank you're looking forward to.
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