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Recommended Items
Runes: Cho'God #1 standard (mid lane)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
His sustain makes him a champion that Cho'gath doesn't like. Ban Darius! (he is Balori's ban too!) Otherwise, use your pokes Q-W till he is 40% hp and after that just go with a full combo to kill him. "The biggest threat to a Darius player is to get CC. Poke him, avoid the outer range of his Q or fight him right after he uses his Q, after that everything becomes easy."
Perfect combo on your Q.
Perfect combo on your Q.
Champion Build Guide

"Remember that you got the power to overpower them all. As long as you play with focus and to try to play as good as you can, you are going to always be victorious in the end." - Balori

MP - magic penetration.
===> Balori's Guide <===
Note: I got Balori's permissions to create this guide.
"Just by using the information, the fog of war and overall the better gameplay, you're going to make sure that they are going to be absolutely useless."
Which build then?
It depends mostly on your team comp and enemy champions and on what you feel like playing with.
Cho'God :
* Good Against low-mobility champions and not tricky ones (f.e.
* When you have at least one tank in your team
* When you feel like doing tons of damage!
Cho'Tank :
* Good Against 4+ ad/ap enemy champions
* When you lack tank/frontline in your team
* When you feel like doing a lot of crowd control!
"You want me to play Immortal build on Cho that is not designed to use it at all and most importantly its FAR FAR FAR WEAKER than our Max Pen Cho that either way making us Immortal with 6000+ hp.
I don't know about you, but I prefer 1000+Dmg Q, 800+Dmg W, 500+Dmg per E and 1400 Dmg R while having 6000hp, instead of 50Dmg Q/W, 20 Dmg E and 1000 Dmg R while having the very same 6000 HP and literally 3 seconds more sustain if they focus you.
Cho doesn't have defensive mechanisms, only HP, no armor/mr bonuses, no shields, no heals, not even HP ratios except your R, yet people keep asking for the most weak way to play this champion."
+ usually easier matchups (f.e. less mobility champs like Leblanc/Yasuo and champs hard to reach like Xerath/Anivia on mid)
+ Easier Q hits thanks to bushes' fog of war hiding your animation and sound
- possible lack of tank in team (unless jungler or support takes it)
? more likely to get abused by toxic players, "troll build" etc (shouldn't be a problem)
Mid lane:
+ good control of Void Grubs, Dragons and Herold with feast

- low mobility to roam compared to other mid laners and a bit vulnerable to ganks
Bot lane:
- You will most likely not have a lot of stacks, because there is always another enemy champ that makes it difficult to stack.
"We need to always focus on farming. No matter what, no matter against who you are playing, you're always going to focus on farming."

Later on it usually gets more tough for Cho, because you will be vulnerable to many carries, kiters, mobile champs etc. (f.e. Vayne, Jhin, Kayle) that's why with Cho you want to finish the game around 20-30 min.
"It is up to you to focus on doing your job, poke and kill as many targets as possible, with 3 sec CD on your Q even if you cannot kill them with one combo you will do it with two or three."
+ Can be more fun and influential in the right hands than tank Cho.
+ Acts fine as top/mid/jungle/adc build however I wouldn't recommend playing apc cho on ranked :) Also in my experience MP is not a great base for support build, as you lack damage due to no farm and "leaving" kills.
+ Fights 1v2 pretty well - useful f.e. when getting ganked from enemy (especially on top lane with bushes) (example videos below).
+ Extremely effective around your jungler - your Q and W makes wonders for junglers when they need YOUR help and want to get some kill participation :D
+ Great AoE damage with Q and W with potential team fight group damage.
+ Great wave control (great way to full push is to pass the minions to stack them, video example below).
+ One shots carries and champions with < 3000 hp.
+ Good poke with Q and W.
+ Great sustain with passive.
+ A lot of health for a mage which kinda negates your mistakes if you get hit f.e.
+ A lot of mana allows you to farm safely with Q while keeping distance if the enemy is too fed or dangerous to get closer.
- Can be harder than standard tank Cho because you need to care about where you move when trying to hit Q.
- Being squishy. Even if you have around 5000 HP don't fall for the illusion of tankiness.
- Depending a lot on your Q accuracy / predictions. Missed Q will often bring you a sore penalty, whether it's during laning phase or late game team fights. You're not a fighter like Aatrox, you rely on each used Q and so do your team mates.
- Low mobility makes you an easy target to hit especially with your growing size and hit box (video below).
- Relying on Q and W cooldowns in late game team fights - often with cds on Q and W you are useless in team fight.
"If you can't handle the toxicity from your teammates, just mute them and focus on playing. If you can sustain their toxicity just leave this like that and try to calm them down."
These enemies can cancel/dodge Cho's Q with their kit.


"And of course we're not going to be able to use our W fast enough... If I could hit my W before his R, I could kill him there."
All here comes with careful strategy, focusing on farming, using passive to sustain, hitting Rupture

Lvl 2 - now you get your first blood potential with Q and E. The damage of E is underestimated so get your ignite ready
Lvl 3 - not changing much since level 2 - W costs a lot of mana, so if it isn't required to guarantee you safety against tricky champion - you can pretty much omit W and take Q again just for the sake of more poke damage / better farming
Lvl 6 - another power spike after lvl 2, around 360 true damage on your ult is a money-maker
Around 2 full items, which should always be first: Luden's Companion

Around 4-5 full item, Cho'God becomes a poking mage. I like to compare Cho here to Brand

Tanks/Fighters usually have too much hp at this point for Cho'God to one-shot them obviously and between each combo you have about 4-5 sec cd (f.e.

On the other hand, carries will now have too much mobility so hitting your Q on them becomes almost impossible. They can just kite you down to this point, that Flash > R might be the only solution here (f.e. champs like


Another great way during laning phase is to full push the wave, so the enemy needs to cs minions under his turret. This way he's under the pressure to kill all the minions before turret does so, not to lose any gold and this is the perfect way to punish your enemy. Especially when it comes to Cannon around which players often become sweaty!
"How did I miss that?"
Now let's follow Balori's strategies. Try to reach top lane bushes before your enemy. Get to the bush closer to your base and try to use Q to last hit the first 3 minions and hit enemy champion at the same time.
If those 3 minions seperate (bcs enemy full pushed them) - you might use your Q on enemy champion and as many minions as possible at the same time, then try to aa the rest of the minions instantly, while he's still on slow.
Your Rupture

Level 2 Vorpal Spikes

You can push waves faster by moving through minions to group them in one spot to hit all at the same time. Here's an example of full push to immediately take free plates.
"We need to always focus on farming. No matter what, no matter against who you are playing, you're always going to focus on farming."
Optimal combo, example video:
When you ambush enemy who is at long distance you can try:
Q > W (can be as prolonged as possible) > E > R or Q > W (can be as prolonged as possible) > Aa > E > R when you have enough time or you know that your enemy can't escape you.
"Right now he thinks he's more powerful because I'm playing passive and right now I am going to kill him because of that."
You are gonna need Oracle Lens
on Bot lane!
Enemy support will take care of good vision in bushes etc. for the next time after this:
=== IT WORKS 99% OF THE TIME! ===
Don't let your enemies know what is coming! When you are swaping with your bot lane, try to sneak into the bot lane bushes making sure any vision wasn't on you. You have now an easy ambush, you just need to focus the right one and hit Q on your opponent!

Video of fighting bot lane 1v2 (especially first time on lane) example below.
Whom to focus depends on champions. It's not always adc in this scenario! (f.e. when it comes to champions like Morgana

"I can't believe that I died 1 against 2. I need to practise more then."
Even if you have 6000 hp, you are still fragile to any damage, because you don't have armor or magic resist.
Stay behind, poke and cc the most important enemies.
Going all-in is usually worth only if you can hit multiple targets or remove enemy carries from the team fight (f.e. eat adc with Flash

When enemies are poked down enough, you can go in and use your Feast

"I made one mistake and right now our teammates will make sure that it's going to be impossible to get carried."

S14 you should still get as many Void Grubs as you can before level 6.
At lvl 6 you can invade enemy jungler etc.
At level 6 you can 1v1 almost anyone and eat jungle monsters before recalling / objectives a lot.

- Don't hesitate to eat as kill stealing. The stacks make it double-gold so it is worth.
- Use your Feast

- Stack gives you size, damage (on E and R) and 120 hp PERMAMENTLY, which makes it worth around additional 400 gold so it is similar to getting double kill!
- Eat creeps before recalling. There will pass about 30 seconds before you return and you will have your Ultimate almost fully back and ready to use.
- Use your Ultimate on any creep nearby when you are going to die and your team can't help you. It's an impasse, but mistakes happen to everyone.
- Remember that Cho'Gath's Ultimate Feast

- Remember that on 6th level you will deal about 1050 damage to monsters and on 16th level you will deal about 1500 damage with your Feast

"Before we go back - always full push. You need to force them to lose as much gold as possible. So before you go back to your base to get your items full push the lane, force the tower to kill all the creeps and you're going to be just fine."









- Killing someone while one's

- Killing Anivia while she turns into an

- Killing someone with

- Killing

"Just relax guys, just relax."
- You can abuse bushes to get easier Q hits - without any vision on you, the enemy doesn't see your Q animation + he doesn't hear the "ground" sound. It makes Q almost impossible to dodge. Hiding inside a bush without getting spotted can often be a very effective way to make enemy feel safe, get free Q hit or even free kill.
- Try to hit enemy champions and kill low hp minions at the same time in one Q
- During laning phase you can use Q on enemy champion instead of low hp minion so he gets knocked-up and slowed and you can last-hit minion with aa. (enemy gets dmg as well and you get the minion)
- When you are in the base waiting for hp and mana regen, if you have 2 Doran rings already, you can leave base as soon as you have about 80% hp or 50% mana. Rings will recover your mana really fast, regen and passive will recover your hp back fast - every second counts!
- There are a lot of champions who will outscale you and kill easily in late game (f.e.

- While trying to catch your food - don't use your Q right on it, but slightly behind the enemy champion. He might dodge that, however he'll be forced to go backwards to you.
- Your E ability resets your auto-attack. Useful in a fight, while pushing tower, destroying enemy's vision etc.
- Cho's E ability gives him 50 range for next 3 AA. This means you can use this to reach enemies sometimes with your auto-attacks even through narrow walls when you are big enough.
- Before going back to get your items try to full push the minions, so enemy will lose creeps under his turret.
- Beware that Cho's W and R have about 0.3 sec delay (animation). and there is also a way to cancel Cho's Ultimate - if enemy flashes away at the same time you use your Ultimate, it will cancel and you won't get the stack.
- When full pushing the lane, you can move through coming minions to bait them into your single Q circle and hit whole wave at once (example video in "First levels / laning phase" chapter above)
- Sometimes you can use just your IGNITE for escape if with Nimbus Cloak due to the additional extra speed and you can also use it to catch enemy champion.
"This mistake will cost us a lot of creeps. Not the death, don't worry about that. Just worry about the farm."

- At early levels save Feast

- Every suicide for stack I consider worth on ARAM (because stack is about additional 400 gold value and you scale).
- I would usually go for minion stacks only at the late game, because ultimate cooldown is only about 30 seconds then (but not when it's before team fight).
- Go for the Warmog 99% of the time as 5/6th item.
- Playing against champs like Zilean/Renata/Kayle on ARAM is terrible, because you will miss out on many stacks.
- Playing against champs like Le'Blanc/Shaco/Wukong is a free stack factory on ARAM!

More mid-late-game related:

"He's going to play with Tiamat. The worst mistake ever and we're going to just destroy him because of that."
You can use fog of war to survive in a hard situtation with your Q, example;
Sometimes when you are low hp look for nearby low minions to heal yourself, example;
Using fog of war anywhere with walls (no bushes), example;
Try to use your aa reset on E when fighting, taking a turret or vision, example;
Optimal dealing with enemy bot lane 1v2 after top-bot swap, example; (if they are seperated try to focus and instantly delete only one player - adc or supp - depends on champs)
Using bushes for easy Q hit + double kill example;
Another example of using fog of war - but in enemy's perspective;
Time your level up 6 to surprise your enemy when possible;
An example of combo with Alistar (one of you has to initiate);
Using Q slightly in front of your enemy and forcing him to go backwards where you want him if he dodges that;
Example of bullying your enemy by preventing him from farming etc;
Care about your huge hit box! You think growing bigger with stacks is only fun? Then watch this video what might happen;
Pushing the wave into enemy's turret is a great way of making pressure on the enemy, punishing him for farming with Q/W or even getting the kill - especially around Cannons!
I'll be adding more soon!
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