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Recommended Items
Runes: Primary Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Skill Order
Get Excited! (PASSIVE)
Jinx Passive Ability

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I'm I Keep It Taco, a Grand Master ADC player
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I'm also known as Jordanian Sniper, Jhindiana Jones, Jhingle Bells, and other names. Fun fact a lot of people don’t know this, but Jinx is my 2nd most played ADC champion because she’s the ADC I played the most before Jhin even came out! Riot has been doing their best to buff Jinx to be more and more playable in all types of ELO ranges so that’s what got me to start playing her more in Season 11 and they recently buffed her a week ago. I hope this Jinx guide will be able to help you get excited! Haha, get it? Yeah…. |


After the recent conqueror nerfs, Jinx only has 1 optimal rune page and it starts with Lethal Tempo! This may or may not change once the pre-season arrives which will introduce a ton of changes. |
Lethal Tempo
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This rune is amazing for Jinx because she’s an attack speed steroid champion which means the more attack speed she gets the more she benefits from it across her entire kit! How this rune works is after you damage an enemy champion 1.5 seconds later you gain 40-110% (based on level) bonus attack speed and your attack speed cap is increased for 3 seconds. Attacking a champion while the effect is active extends the duration to 6 seconds. This extra boost of attack speed can help you poke the enemy in lane, push the wave faster, have better kill potential, more dps in teamfights, etc.
Presence Of Mind
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Out of the runes in this row Presence Of Mind is the best as you’ll get the most use out of it! When you damage an enemy you increase your mana regen by 1.2-8.8 (based on level) mana per second for 4 seconds and also restore 15% of your maximum mana off champion takedowns. This is very nice for your laning phase because you’ll be using your long range auto attacks as often as possible to trade if the enemy is caught out, but the rockets cost a decent chunk of mana so Presence of Mind helps alleviate this mana issue.
Legend: Bloodline
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While Alacrity sounds good for someone like Jinx, at this point she already has more attack speed than she can handle and is lacking survivability so this is where Bloodline comes in. It gives you 9% lifesteal at full stacks and that lifesteal will help keep your health bar full if you ever get poked and patch it up in the middle of teamfights to continue popping off.
Cut Down
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Around 95% of all champions in the game will have more max health than Jinx to the point this rune will always be activated. It allows you to deal 5% to 15% increased damage to champions depending on how much more maximum health they have. It scales linearly against enemies with 10% to 100% more maximum health than you. This is perfect for Jinx as she doesn’t buy HP items or take them in runes. This rune is a free damage booster.
Taste Of Blood
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Jinx’s weakest point of the game is her laning phase so this rune is here to help her sustain better to make it through the laning phase. Damage an enemy heals you for 18-35 (based on level) (+20% Bonus AD).
Ravenous Hunter
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This rune is similar to that of bloodline. It gives you omnivamp which is a form of lifesteal. Omnivamp means you heal from any damage you do whether it’s through auto attacks, abilities, physical, or magical damage, etc… You can get up to 6% at 5 stacks and you get 1 stack for each unique champion you kill! It’s going to help keep your survivability.

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It will be mandatory. It is valuable as a tool to make plays, chase down, kite away, escape, ruin a gank, etc.... + Heal: You should be taking heal as it'll be great for 2v2s, movement speed for clutch plays or escaping, as well as being able to save allies..
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You’ll be taking heal most of the time as it'll be great for 2v2s, movement speed for clutch plays or escaping, as well as being able to save allies..
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This is a valuable tool under the right circumstances. It removes all disables except Suppression or Knockups. It also gives you 65% tenacity for the next 3 seconds. Cleanse is a hard counter for champions like Leona, Cassiopeia, Veigar, etc. People are playing Mages more often in the botlane. Once their CC is removed from the equation then you can proceed to kill them. Only take this if the enemy botlaner's combo relies too much on CC. It can also be used to counter the enemy botlane if you think they’re going to take Exhaust + Ignite and skip their heal since Cleanse removes Exhaust + Ignite if it is applied onto you since they count as “debuffs”.
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This will reduce the target’s damage dealt by 40% and movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds. If you’re playing against a team full of assassins then this is a great summoner spell to take and use to save yourself when the laning phase is over which is when assassins become more of a problem when the map starts to open up!

Get Excited!
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Jinx Passive Ability
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Flame Chompers!
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Super Mega Death Rocket!
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Get Excited!
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![]() TOGGLE: Jinx switches between Pow-Pow, her minigun, and Fishbones, her rocket launcher. | |||||||||||||||
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Flame Chompers!
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Super Mega Death Rocket!
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Doran's Blade + Health Potion
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Doran's blade is the default starting item for Jinx as it provides a lot of HP for you early at 80 hp, 8 AD, and 2.5% omnivamp. This item will make it harder for people to all-in you too early and give you nice combat stats to play aggressive or just trying to stay alive!
Long Sword + 3x Health Potion
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You'll have 10 AD here, but missing out on the 80 hp + 2.5% omnivamp from Doran's blade. The benefit to this build is that you have 2 extra health potions and this will allow you to outsustain the enemy or soak up lots of poke. I generally take this starting build vs botlanes with low all-in and high poke.
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You won't be buying this as a starting item exactly, but it fits here as Cull will be an item you buy if you end up recalling fairly early in the laning phase and want to focus on scaling with Jinx and getting your gold up. It also restores health per auto so on top of it being a scaling item it will also give you a tad boost in lane with the healing + AD.
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Kraken Slayer
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This is the most popular Mythic on Jinx right now and for good reason! Her attack speed has gotten buffed through her Q Switcheroo! and now her passive as well with Get Excited! Her current rune is also, you guessed it! More attack speed with Lethal Tempo! And why am I mentioning all of this? It's because of the way Kraken Slayer's passive works which is every 3 auto attacks you will deal 60 (+45% bonus AD) bonus true damage on-hit. So, Jinx generally ends up shredding people with Kraken Slayer as she procs it a lot in single target focusing or AoE focusing. The downside with Kraken Slayer is that it's a raw damage mythic and gives you no protection or mobility so you have to position smartly!
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This is the second and last optimal choice if you feel you need some survivability. You might feel you already have enough damage for the enemy team, but you are too immobile and the enemy has many gap closers to catch you with then Galeforce is the perfect item to save you! The dash will follow your cursor and it does damage after the dash ends which prioritizes the enemy champion with the lowest hp since on top of it being a dash tool it's also a burst tool! It has a decently long cooldown at 90 seconds so don't use it left and right. Save it for protection or finishing off kills to get a reset for Get Excited!
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Phantom Dancer
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This is the most used attack speed item currently for Jinx. It gives you AD, Attack speed, Crit, and movement speed! It's passive gives you even more movement speed, attack speed, and grants you ghost which means you will ignore unit collision. The best way to look at this is it is the highest damage attack speed item and it's best for single target shredding. My personal favorite!
Runaan's Hurricane
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The Hurricane used to be Jinx's #1 attack speed item but has fallen out of favor over the years especially with the item re-work from last year. However, it's still very good and a core at times. After you auto attack it will fire up to 2 additional enemies in front of you each dealing 40%. You generally want to buy it if the enemy has a lot of melee champions who clump up/group up often so you can utilize the passive.
Rapid Firecannon
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This item increases your range by 150 and gives you 120 magic damage on-hit for 1 singular auto attack when fully recharged. When you combine it with your max range rocket Switcheroo! you end up with 875 range and that will allow you to poke a target then you recharge it by walking around and do it again. Not only this, but when you get resets in teamfights you will be able to recharge it extremely fast and if the enemy is grouped together for that long range auto then the splash damage will stack up over-time. This is the least damaging item to choose from so pick this if you really value range, safety, and poking.
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Infinity Edge
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This is the final part of the 3 item core build. Infinity Edge packs a punch with its 70 AD and 20% Crit chance but also will grant you 35% bonus critical strike damage since once you complete this you will have a total of 60% Crit Chance and you need at least 60% Crit Chance to activate Infinity Edge's passive! Not much more to say other than BIG DAMAGE!
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Lord Dominik's Regards
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This is the only armor pen item in the game for a Crit ADC so you will almost always buy this at some point in your game. This is usually bought as your 5th or 6th item if the enemy buys armor that late. Sometimes if the enemy is buying lots of armor very early then you can buy the first part of it “Last Whisper” for the simple armor pen then finish it into Lord Dominik's Regards after Infinity Edge is finished!
Mortal Reminder
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This item is designed for one thing and one thing alone and that is healing reduction! The combat stats of this item are very underwhelming so the only times you want to actually buy Mortal Reminder is if no one else on your team is buying some form of anti-heal reduction. ADC is the worst role in the game to buy anti-healing reduction on so, again. Only buy this if absolutely no one else on your team will buy anti-healing.
Guardian Angel
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This item will bring you back to life with 50% HP and 30% mana after 4 seconds. It gives you 40 AD and 40 Armor. This means it's ideal against AD assassins and teams. This should only be bought if no matter what you do the enemy has too many ways to kill you. This should be bought as a 5th or 6th item. Keep in mind this is a last resort item if you're dying a lot to assassins in-general then that's a positioning error and buying this item will not only not fix the problem, but set you behind even more because now you lack damage. Also be sure to buy an early stopwatch beforehand so you're able to make a play with it.
Mercurial Scimitar
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For when you need crit, magic resist, and a way to get yourself out of CC. Also, it gives a nice 50% movement speed buff four 1 second. You won't be able to outplay every CC ability in the game by dodging. Sometimes, it's going to hit you no matter what OR you want to run straight into them and need to remove the CC to kill them fast. Buy Quicksilver Sash first as it'll provide the most utility. You don't have to finish Mercurial Scimitar first if you still need other more important items. You can also keep Quicksilver Sash the way it is and upgrade later.
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If you end up needing neither Mercurial Scimitar or Guardian Angel then Bloodthirster is the item you want to fill in the slot. It's a high damage item with a whopping 55 AD, 20% Crit, and 20% lifesteal with an overheal shield absorbing up to 50-350 damage (based on level). Since you get this around the late game when you're hitting hard and super often the lifesteal stacks up quickly to make you unkillable even if they do a lot of damage to you; you'll end up healing a lot of it right back through doing basic damage.
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Berserker's Greaves
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This is the primary choice of boots for Jinx! It gives you 35% attack speed and 45 movement speed. It's great to get this early because not only does it allow you to kite, dodge, and position better but the attack speed will allow you to do more damage and make a difference in getting some kills or not!
Plated Steelcaps
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It provides 20 Armor and reduces damage from auto attacks by 12% making it the perfect item to build if you're playing against a full AD team or a few AD assassins and you feel they might kill you very easily. Defensive option.
Mercury's Treads
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It gives 25 Magic Resistance with 30 Tenacity and it has the same goal as Plated Steelcaps except instead of Full AD Comps or assassins this will be towards Full Magic comps or multiple AP assassins! Defensive option.

So the laning phase for Jinx is pretty straightforward because Jinx is a scaling late game hyper carry which means it's not expected of you to do too much in the laning phase. You kinda just want to chill out, farm, and scale so you can start blowing people up and killing everyone! Your general focus for laning should be to in the very least go even in lane and safety scale. You don't need to play overly aggressive and risk getting you or your support killed because if you're playing against a snowballing enemy botlane and they get a small lead then they will make your life hell on earth.
With that being said, it doesn't mean you HAVE to play safe all the time. Your trading pattern in lane will mostly consist of sneaking in long range rocket autos with Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher. When the enemy walks up to farm you can quickly switch to your rocket and shoot a few autos then go back to farming safely at a distance and just repeat this over and over again as you poke them and eventually get them low enough to engage and kill! |
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Simple Rocket Poking!
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Here's an example of me poking Lucian under tower using the max rocket auto attack range!
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When the laning phase ends and the mid game begins you'll need to understand a few things to transition into it properly. First off, the lane you want to farm and be safe is now the middle lane since the side lanes (bot/top) will be very long and isolated so you will most likely get killed for farming them alone. The reason this happens is because in the mid game is when a lot of the towers begin to die so the strong mid and top laners begin to split push leaving mid lane to be the shortest, safest, and most accessible alone as an ADC!
The next thing to keep in mind is to be paying attention to the map and vision because you'll want to start thinking where the enemy can flank you from so you don't get caught since ADCs are the easiest type of people to murder and dive! You're also encouraged to buy pink wards to get vision for yourself and the team. Objectives are fought for alot during the mid game too so be sure you're not too far away from your teammates because action can break out at any given moment and you want to be there to provide backup and assistance! Generally in teamfights you'll be wanting to maximize the distance between you and the enemy when kiting, but at the same time always being within range to do damage. The clip is a good example of this. Play teamfights front to back as Jinx and be sure to place traps to stop the enemy in their tracks so it's even easier for you to mow them all down. |
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The important detail to take from this is that I know the enemy tower is at 1 hp and if I kill it I can proc Get Excited and jump on ezreal to kill him. So, I use my W
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More Footage Examples coming soon!

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If you made it this far congrats! I hope this guide was able to help you out! I had always planned on making a Jinx guide for awhile, but it did felt overwhelming and I was super busy with all sorts of things. I'm glad I was finally able to find time to work on this project and I'll do my best to try to keep updating the guide alongside my other ADC guides!
Special thanks to Hopper for banners and coding as always! |
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