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Azir Build Guide by ShokLoL

Middle [14.12] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Azir Guide

Middle [14.12] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Azir Guide

Updated on June 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShokLoL Build Guide By ShokLoL 14 2 40,713 Views 1 Comments
14 2 40,713 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ShokLoL Azir Build Guide By ShokLoL Updated on June 17, 2024
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Runes: Fleet

1 2 3 4
Fleet Footwork
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.12] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Azir Guide

By ShokLoL
Hey guys I'm Shok, multi Rank 1 Challenger mid laner and content creator! I played league professionally from 2017-2021 and have been rank 1 in multiple seasons, as well as rank 13 on the NA ladder in season 9.

I upload regularly on YouTube, and stream everyday on Twitch so feel free to follow me on either of those platforms :)

Season 10Season 9
Season 9 NA
Laning Phase
In the laning phase you should be looking to play very aggressively as Azir. Generally, you will find yourself able to get priority easily since you can push very easily with your soldiers and if you place them well, zone your opponent at the same time.

Against ranged champions, you will mainly be looking to poke with the WQ auto combo, it's very hard for your opponent to trade back against this because of your range, just make sure to play a little safer when it's down. As you get more points in W you will find it easier and easier to push your opponent in and get even more opportunities to harass them.

Against melee champions, you want to place your soldiers slightly ahead of the CS they want to last hit, this should allow you get 1 or 2 autos onto your opponent everytime they come up to last hit, and you can poke them with Q on the way out as well. Be careful because some melee champions will try just ran past or around the soldier in order to trade with you, so it can be good to save one soldier charge in reserve.

At level 6, Azir has insane gank setup so if your opponent is too far up in the lane, you can look to gank them by going for WEQR or WEQ + flash then R and try to push them towards your jungle. Especially if your opponent has no flash, this should pretty much be a guaranteed kill. Alternatively, you can look to hold your ult defensively and just push the wave knowing that with E and your ult you are pretty much ungankable. You won't be looking for roams that often unless people are very low on health, so for the most part just look to bully you lane in the 1v1.
Mid Game
In the mid game as Azir you will want to do your best to continue to keep up your gold/xp while also being at all the major objective fights. The best way to do this is try shove the side wave as far as you can without dying. If you don't have TP up, it can be a good idea to group with your team instead and just catch sidewaves when they are going to crash on your tower until your TP comes back up. If your sidelane matchup is really easy + your team is winning and you have vision then sidelaning should be very easy, if the opposite of these things are true then you will need to be a lot safer on side.

For objective fights, it's a good rule to try and base around 1 minute before dragon spawns, that way you can spend all your gold and get all your hp and mana back to full. This will give you the best possible chance of grouping up and winning a dragon fight.

Azir is also very good at taking jungle camps or side lane towers, so if you do manage to push the wave in you will have some time to do either of these things. If your opponent doesn't respond to you in the side lane you should be able to take a tower as long as you have the vision setup beforehand. Taking jungle camps away from the enemy jungler is also very valuable, and sometimes it can be worth taking your own jungler's camps if they are on the other side of the map.
Teamfighting and Skirmishing
For teamfighting and skirmishing as Azir, you will most likely just be looking to play a simple front to back teamfight. Try and position behind your tanks and hit whoever is in front of you. Use your soldiers to zone areas and be careful moving them too far forward with Q because you don't want to move them forward and then have to move back because you can't actually hold the position. In these fights you will most likely want to save ult in order to self peel or to get people off your ADC instead.

There are some fights where you may want to try find an engage instead. If you know at least one of the enemy carries has no flash then you can look to shuffle into their backline. It's very important you either have Zhonya or can scoop enough people to make yourself safe afterwards. It's very common from people new to Azir that they will try and shuffle every fight whereas oftentimes it's better to just play for front to back DPS. Recognizing the opportunities to make a pick or win a fight with an engage is a key skill to learn while playing Azir. A good way to practice this is just to watch an Azir montage and try figure out what triggers them to look for an engage, it could be that flashes are down, cooldowns are wasted or maybe they have a way to get to safety afterwards.

Finally you will want to think about various threats to you and your target priority. Normally as Azir you will be stuck hitting whoever is in front of you, but if an enemy squishy mispositions they should take priority and you should aim your abilities on them first. Threats are also important, think about specific abilities (for example Blitzcrank hook) that might threaten you and how you can position around them.
More Azir Content
That's all for this guide, but if you want to see more of my Azir content there is a video guide and several gameplay videos on my YouTube channel, and if you want to ask me questions about Azir feel free to drop by my Twitch or send me a message on discord (shokoce)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShokLoL
ShokLoL Azir Guide
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[14.12] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Azir Guide

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