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Ekko Build Guide by CrazyBene

Middle [14.1b] CrazyBene's Ekko Build for Season 14 + Item Set

Middle [14.1b] CrazyBene's Ekko Build for Season 14 + Item Set

Updated on January 23, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CrazyBene Build Guide By CrazyBene 11 1 66,277 Views 2 Comments
11 1 66,277 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CrazyBene Ekko Build Guide By CrazyBene Updated on January 23, 2024
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Runes: HoB + Sorcery

Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Absolute Focus

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
Offensive (default)
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

[14.1b] CrazyBene's Ekko Build for Season 14 + Item Set

By CrazyBene
In this guide I wanna show you what I build and why I build it.
This is not the only way to play Ekko, but this is my way to play him.
I will mostly focus on the Items and Builds for Mid Lane Ekko.

If you have any questions, just ask in the comments.
About Me
Hello Guys, I am CrazyBene.

I am playing League of Legends since the end of Season 2 and started playing Ekko since his release. Since then he was always my most played champion per season and often the only one i played in SoloQ to climb.

In Season 12 I peaked with Ekko in Master Elo at 73 LP almost exclusivly playing Ekko in the Mid Lane.

Item Set
Here is the item set, if you want to import it into your client.
just copy the whole block, open the client, navigate to Prfolie -> Items and click on the import button.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author CrazyBene
CrazyBene Ekko Guide
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[14.1b] CrazyBene's Ekko Build for Season 14 + Item Set

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