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Hecarim Build Guide by hotcomedumpster



Updated on February 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hotcomedumpster Build Guide By hotcomedumpster 3,153 Views 0 Comments
3,153 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hotcomedumpster Hecarim Build Guide By hotcomedumpster Updated on February 18, 2024
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Runes: Always Run

Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Legend: Tenacity

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health


Always Pick
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By hotcomedumpster
Starts of Games
Always go Blue jungle pet with no Health Potion. You need a lead with Hecarim and that 50Gold will help. Also you will only Gank before first back IF a ally lane is shoved into their Tower. Main goal is to full Clear quickly and grabbing 1 and if possible both River Crabs. Then look for Gankable Lanes.
Blue Or Red Buff ?
95% of games you will Start at Blue Buff. Unless their is a vulnerable lane to gank early.

Example: Lets say you Start Top side of map. Your bot lane is VS a Jhin and a Xerath (A deadly combo) you would want to start on Red Buff and path downward toward botlane. Since jhin and Xerath are quite Gankly with little CC. Quite killable if they miss position.

Now keep in mind this only works IF your Laners understand your pathing and dont just keep pushing their waves to the middle or enemy side.
Main Goal in game.
The Main Goal for you as Hecarim is to as bad as it sounds, Grab every possible Kill and Advantage as you can. You cant rely on random teammates doing the right thing or reading your mind. This means taking kills taking minions after ganks especially if the Gank fails.

Some people may think this is Toxic but you are here to win games not make your random internet teammate happy.
Why is Hecarim in a bad spot?
Hecarim is Currently the 9th worst WinRate Jungler out of 43 at Plat. Elo or higher. WinRate gets worse when you down in Elo.

I Personally dont think he is bad but instead people are playing the Champ wrong. Either with wrong runs and/or wrong Items.
Guideline to Win
There are FOUR steps to do in order to win during mid/late game.

The Top Priority: Shove minion waves/split push when able. Hecarim can travel around the map quickly use it to your advantage.

Second Priority: Objectives. They win games. Always try to be getting Drakes when you can especially when Enemy Jungler location is known.

Third Priority: Ganking. If no objectives are avavible and lanes are filled, look for ganking opportunities. Since Hecarim is an Engage Champ you will find alot of games where your team is waiting for you to make the Right Calls and start the fights. Sadly this means they will also Flame you when the fight fails.

Last Priority: Farming Jungle camps. If no Objectives and Ganks are avaiable just power farm. You get stronger with Items and Levels in League of Legends. You dont need to get kills to get gold. Farming is a way too. 13CS on average is worth 1 kill. Dont underestimate the power of being 50+ CS ahead of your opponent.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hotcomedumpster
hotcomedumpster Hecarim Guide
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