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Renekton Build Guide by TopDiffed

Top [14.3] TopDiffed's Renekton Guide | Carry as Renekton! ✅✅

Top [14.3] TopDiffed's Renekton Guide | Carry as Renekton! ✅✅

Updated on February 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TopDiffed Build Guide By TopDiffed 19 0 51,729 Views 0 Comments
19 0 51,729 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TopDiffed Renekton Build Guide By TopDiffed Updated on February 18, 2024
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Runes: Standard Runes

Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Standard Summs
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

[14.3] TopDiffed's Renekton Guide | Carry as Renekton! ✅✅

By TopDiffed
Hi guys. I'm TopDiffed, a top laner who has been playing since S6 and I have climbed all the way to master tier in Solo Queue. I wanted to make some guides to show you tips and tricks for my favorite champions before getting into streaming. I hope my guides are helpful to let you hone your skills and give you some tips you have not seen elsewhere before. Renekton has been one of my favorite champions since I first started playing LoL and he is a great pick top lane right now.

Solid blind pick
Very good 2v1 potential
Very strong early game
Nice combination of strong in sidelane + team fighting. Versatile


Falls off hard later in the game
If you lose lane you are not very useful
Susceptible to ganks if you misuse E

Reign of Anger (Passive)

INNATE: Renekton's basic attacks generate Fury resource 5 Fury. After 12 seconds of being out of combat, he loses 1 Fury every 0.25 seconds.

While Renekton has at least 50 Fury, his next basic ability consumes 50 Fury to become empowered with an additional effect. Empowered abilities do not generate Fury.

Renekton generates 50% bonus Fury from all sources while below 50% of his maximum health.

Renekton is all about how you use your fury bar, his passives generates fury which empowers all of his basic abilities in different ways when he reaches 50 fury out of 100.

Cull the Meek

ACTIVE: Renekton cleaves around himself, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies and Heal power icon healing himself for each enemy hit, up to a cap.

60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 100% bonus AD)
50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 (+ 2% bonus AD)
Against Champion icon champions, the healing is increased.

12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 (+ 15% bonus AD)
Renekton generates Fury resource 2.5 Fury for each non-champion hit and 10 Fury for each champion hit, with the Fury generated per cast capped at 30.

Reign of Anger REIGN OF ANGER BONUS: Cull the Meek has increased damage, tripled total healing, and a quadrupled healing cap.

Renekton cannot basic attack nor cast Slice Slice, Dice Dice, or Dominus Dominus for 0.25 seconds after Cull the Meek's activation.

Renekton's core ability. Amazing for wave clearing fast and trading on your opponent. In most situations, your Q is what you are going to want to use your Fury on in lane (50+ for the bonus effect). E>Q at level 2 and E back out is a great trade. This gives Renekton a ton of staying power in lane and makes him a big threat.

Ruthless Predator

ACTIVE: Renekton empowers his next basic attack within 7 seconds to have a 0.2-second cast time, gain Range icon 50 bonus range and strike the target twice, dealing modified physical damage and Stun icon stunning them for 0.75 seconds. Each strike applies On-hit icon on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness and generates Fury resource Fury. Hitting an enemy Champion icon champion generates 10 bonus Fury.

10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 (+ 150% AD)
Reign of Anger REIGN OF ANGER BONUS: Renekton instead strikes 3 times, completely destroying damage-mitigating Hybrid resistances icon shields on the target upon the first strike, as well as increasing the Stun icon stun duration to 1.5 seconds.

15 / 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 (+ 225% AD)
Ruthless Predator Bladework resets Renekton's basic attack timer. After Ruthless Predator's standard and empowered attack cast time, Renekton cannot move nor cast Cull the Meek Cull the Meek, Slice Slice, nor Dice Dice for 0.528 seconds.

Renekton's W is incredibly strong, especially when empowered with fury. This ability let's us trade very hard on our opponent and get out unscathed. E>W>Q>E out is super strong and gives us nice kill pressure in lane. When empowered we get a 1.5 stun and additional damage. Use this when you have wittled them down with empowered Q's in lane and they are below 50%~ HP or so. From this HP range Renekton can 1 shot most champs top.

Slice and Dice

ACTIVE: Renekton Dash dashes a fixed distance in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies he passes through.

40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 90% bonus AD)
If Renekton hits an enemy, he can cast Dice within the next 4 seconds.
ACTIVE: Renekton Dash dashes a fixed distance in the target direction, dealing the same physical damage to enemies he passes through.

80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 (+ 180% bonus AD)
Both Slice and Dice generate Fury resource 2 Fury for each non-champion hit, and 10 Fury for each champion hit, with the Fury generated per dash capped at 30.

REIGN OF ANGER BONUS: Dice deals bonus physical damage and inflicts Armor penetration icon armor reduction to enemies hit for 4 seconds.

This is our mobility spell on Renekton. We typically won't ever want to use empowered E as it simply is not nearly as strong as our other two spells. Save the fury for Q and W. Remember you can use this twice if you hit an enemy, so it is nice for escaping ganks through minions or engaging on an enemy champ and leaving after a trade.


ACTIVE: Renekton empowers himself for 15 seconds, gaining Health icon bonus health, 20% increased size, Range icon 25 bonus attack range, and Fury resource 20 Fury, as well as increasing Cull the Meek's Cull the Meek's effect radius.

250 / 400 / 550
During this time, he deals magic damage every 0.5 seconds to nearby enemies and generates 5 Fury per second, up to a maximum of 75 Fury.

Excellent ult for our kit, very similar to Nasus if you recognize it. Use this before you all in or engage in a team fight. Keep in mind this makes our Q area of effect larger, so you can reach farther with your abilities with ult active. 25 bonus attack range also let's your W go a bit further too.

This rune gives us a ton of healing and extra AD both very good stats on Renekton. We can proc it fast with our trade combo E>Q>W>E. Best rune for Renekton by far.


Extra HP, self explanatory for Renekton. We have no mana so presence is useless and overheal just isn't that good compared to Triumph.

Legend: Alacrity

Extra attack speed to get our autos in more often, very good for Renekton. This is stronger in lane than tenacity and my favorite to take for faster and cleaner combos and last hitting.

Last Stand

Renekton is very good at staying low HP in team fights and healing back up with his kit. Last Stand is the best choice for this reason, we're going to be low HP pretty often when going in.

Bone Plating

I find resolve secondary too good not to take on Renekton. We are going to be trading A LOT in lane and bone plating reduces a lot of damage from this.


Free health is great for us. Synergizes nicely with all of the healing we have in our kit especially our Q.

Best summoner on Renekton in most situations. Great for splitting, getting back to lane if you get camped pre-6, and getting to team fights later.


Nice option for Renekton if you want to play aggressively in lane and push a lead. He has surprising burst damage and if you're playing to win lane this is not a bad choice. I prefer TP for the utility though, but in lower ELOs ignite can be great since you mostly want to win lane hard.

Best first item to take on Renekton. The stats it gives are great for us and the passive synergizes so well with our full combo. It's basically extra damage + shielding which is amazing for our all-in.

The Black Cleaver

Great stats for us and the passive is great for Renekton because it is damage amp for our skill rotation. We already want to trade a lot on Renekton, so bonus damage, CDR and HP are three of the best stats we can have. Renekton plays like an AD spell caster so the armor shred goes a long way for us.
Renekton has a few combos to note in lane.

Level 2 combo. E>Q>E out. This is our quick trade combo early in lane. We E in and Q and E out before the enemy can react to our trade.

Level 3 and onward combo. E>W>Q>E out. This is the same except we weave in our W into the combo for extra damage and disruption. I recommend using this when you have fury for W or Q. What you want will depend on the situation. W for all-in kill pressure when they are low, Q when not.

All in combo. R>E>W>Q>E onto them instead of away. This is our all-in combo when we want to kill an enemy post 6. Same ideas apply.

Will add more details with indepth videos on my guides soon! Stay tuned
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TopDiffed
TopDiffed Renekton Guide
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[14.3] TopDiffed's Renekton Guide | Carry as Renekton! ✅✅

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