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Brand Build Guide by daudr9

[14.4] Brand build to climb easily (support)

[14.4] Brand build to climb easily (support)

Updated on February 23, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author daudr9 Build Guide By daudr9 6 1 47,667 Views 2 Comments
6 1 47,667 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author daudr9 Brand Build Guide By daudr9 Updated on February 23, 2024
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Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Manaflow Band


1 2
Against usual matchups
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

[14.4] Brand build to climb easily (support)

By daudr9
About me

Hello, Im daudr - adc main with EUW rank 100 peak, the most stoic and composed league player you'll see.

Here i've included only what i considered most important while keeping it brief and short so you can quickly navigate and find what you need on the go.

For a lot, lot more game and bot lane related info feel free to visit my socials and i'll be glad to help you out :)
Summoner spells
Exhaust is most optimal for defence since when you miss your q or it's on cd you can't do anything.

Take Ignite if you're willing to play more risky for more burst to e.g. gain early advantage.
Liandry's Anguish is an item created for Brand by riot.

Rylai's Scepter works great on this champion because of the burn that prolongs slows. Once you hit any spell it becomes far easier to land others leading to full combo + as a support you provide some more control in a teamfight beside you'r stun from Q.

Get Zhonya's Hourglass to be able to survive assasin's engages. When there are 3-4 AP champions in the enemy team get Banshee instead.

Oblivion Orb into Morellonomicon when enemies have many healing champs. It's argubly the best champion in the game to build it on. Heal reduction is applied from magic damage that your spells deal, then comes the burn from your passive, after which comes the burn from Liandry's to in the end last 3 more seconds from Orb itself..

Get Rabadon and Void Staff in an order that depends how much MR enemy team has. A lot of MR = void first.

Consider Dark Seal into Mejai's Soulstealer only if you're confident in your ability to not die often, otherwise you lose value and are better buying something else.
E -> Q -> W is the most basic combo.

You can often surprise enemies and get kills if you actually cast Q and then E someone last second so that they don't have time to react, then follow with W and R.

Once you get your Liandry easy way to poke normally out of range unexpecting enemies is to W minions closest to them into E (which then has far greater range).

Once you hit Rylai E or W the enemy and wait a second before casting you'r Q. It will be easier to hit since slow will apply.
Dark Harvest is brainless to execute due to multiple burns that get you stacks once enemy hp ticks by 1 point under 50%.

Taste of Blood for a little sustain over prolonged trades and laning phases where you really want to stay in the lane.

Eyeball Collection for more AP.

Treasure Hunter if u want core items quicker. But Ultimate Hunter is viable as well considering how strong is Brand's ultimate.

Manaflow Band to replenish mana.

Scorch to get more early game poke and pressure/kill enemies faster.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author daudr9
daudr9 Brand Guide
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[14.4] Brand build to climb easily (support)

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