You read my guide, you shall be the better ezreal. (Get out of this horrible place called quick play.)
Poke her down, be careful with her headshots, only try to trade when she doesn't have it available. She is much more of a early game ADC but if she goes full crit she can be a threat in the late game. If she goes lethality then you can build frozen heart and bye bye to her damage.
You have a better early game than her try to trade with her and most of the times you will win, be careful to not let her proc her passive.
(HOB KAISA) kai'sa with HOB has a way better trading power compared to lethal tempo, she can proc her passive much easier. You can still trade against her but be careful.
No matter what you can't solo kill a Draven in the early game. He does not scale well without winning the laning phase, you can either poke him down and try to all in, or farm safely and outscale.
Samira is broken, her W stops all your abilities, if her support lands any CC you are dead. You really need a support to help poke her down or a good disengage. If Samira's support does not have any CC its WAY easier.
She can dodge your skill shots pretty easily and she is faster than you with her dashes, her ultimate can really change the fight with throwing a tank towards you or saving a enchanter you engaged on. Try to trade with her because its quite hard to poke her down
Miss Fortune
She not only can stay behind minions to counter you but that's what she wants. Its hard to poke her so try to get some trades. If she goes lethality she becomes very dangerous, building frozen heart is recommended.
Her early game is pretty bad, if she is alone you can easily kill her from full HP. DO NOT feed her because she scales incredibly well.
Early game you can poke him down, try to engage after he used his fourth bullet. Late game he is more of a threat but mid game you are stronger. Jhin struggles against tanks so building frozen heart really helps.
He has long cooldowns early, try to dodge his poke and stay out of his AA range. Be careful with his ultimate, if you do not guarantee being able to dodge it I recommend taking cleanse. Poke him down and try to trade without letting he proc his W passive.
He has a stronger early game than you, similar to draven he needs to get fed early to scale, poke him down, only trade when he does not have his skills available.
The hard part is knowing tf he does, but when you do it gets way easier, I'm not going go teach you what he does, but abuse his weak early game. Similar to jinx DO NOT feed him because he scales very well.
Her slow is really annoying, if you can poke her she can poke you back, try to bait her poke. She does well in long fights so try to keep trades short. If she goes HOB try to do long fights instead of trades. Be careful with her ultimate.
She has two dashes. If you E away from her she can dash again. She is not that strong early tho, just poke her down and try to bait her W, after it ends you can all in.
Simply stay out of his attack range, you can easily win trades if he misses his Q, so try to bait it or dodge it, if he hits it try to disengage because you are going to take a lot of damage. if he doesn't have his Q and W available you can easily all win.
She has a weak early game other than her poke, se is so squishy you can get her low with just some Qs. Try to all in her when you see an opportunity, be careful with trades since she has good trading power.
Pre 6 you beat her easily, after that she aways beats you and scales better than you. Try to get an advantage pre 6, because after that you are screwed.
He has a weak early game, be careful with his W poke and try to trade and all in to get any advantage possible, later in the game when he has more stacks try to stay out of his range.
Poke and be careful with her feathers, pay attention to where her feathers are placed, only E towards her if she doesn't have ult. Your trades gonna depend if you got hit by his feathers or not.
She is much more of a threat to your support than you. You don't really have to worry about her spell shield but it can screw a engage from your support. Unlike Ezreal, Sivir can control the wave very easily, try to bait her Qs and engage when she has no mana.
Her early game is horrible, you can duel her pretty easily and even poke with aa since her aa don't go through minions. She scales really well however, later in the game you can kinda duel her if she misses her autos, if she ults in the late game get away from her.
She can easily jump onto you and burst you down. Poke her down and save your E for when she jumps on you, if she goes Lethal Tempo or PTA you have a chance against her in trades, if she goes HOB you can't trade against her at all, so play safe and outscale.
Twitch is has a quite weak early game and is squishy, try to trade against him but try not to all in unless he is low, try to get any advantage against him in the early game, because after 6 he gets quite strong and scales better than you, in the late game its hard to poke him because he can get invisible and one shot you. I highly recommend frozen heart if he scales.
Bard forces the enemy team to stay away from minions, making it easier for Ezreal to poke. Not only that but Ezreal can survive alone in lane, making it easier for bard to roam.
Ezreal and Blitzcrank forces the enemies to stay behind minions, however if he hits his grab you can burst the enemy adc.
Two Marksman where neither of you want to be in the frontline, and you don't benefit much from the slow. Ezreal and Ashe forces the enemies to stay behind minions. IDEAL RUNES - PTA
He has good burst and he is probably going to steal some kills, he is good against tank supports but bad against peel supports. If he lands his full combo you can jump on the enemy with E.
IDEAL RUNES - PTA if you can follow up his combo, otherwise I recommend First Strike
His synergy with Ezreal depends on the enemy comp, but in general he is really good, since Ezreal Q procs on hit effects you can proc his passive really fast.
Amazing against engage supports, if she hits her root Ezreal can easily hit a W/Q combo, if your enemies get behind minions she uses her pool.
IDEAL RUNES - PTA in easier lanes, First Strike otherwise
He has a strong engage and sustain, but Ezreal does not have a good follow up.
If Nami hits her Q bubble, you can burst your enemy, also since Ezreal Q procs on hit effects you can proc Nami's E bubbles really fast.
Similar case to morgana, amazing against engage supports, her root helps Ezreal to hit his W/Q combo, Lux E does not necessarily encourage your enemies to stay away from minions but she can poke through them.
IDEAL RUNES - PTA in easier lanes, First Strike otherwise
Similar case compared to Alistar, Leona has a good engage but Ezreal does not have a good follow up.
With rakan's engage you can easily proc PTA, also he can easily disengage with his E and helps with sustain with his Q. IDEAL RUNES - PTA
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench has decent lockdown and poke, his ultimate is very usefull, but Ezreal prefers to play safe and poke. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
If your enemies stay away from minions Ezreal can poke, if they are behind minions senna can poke, her root can let you hit a W/Q combo. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, FIRST STIKE
Karma has good poke, peel, protection and is quite tanky for an enchanter. She is a jack of all trades, master of none type of support, you can play aggressive or passive with karma depending on the enemy comp. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR, FIRST STRIKE
Amazing peel, but lacks lockdown. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, FIRST STRIKE
Thresh has good engage and disengage, but he forces the enemy to stay behind minions, something Ezreal don't want. Ezreal can follow up his engage with E, but other than that Thresh is not good with Ezreal. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
Sona has good poke, sustain and buffs ezreal poke with her E. In an all in she has the lockdown from her ultimate AND can reduce the damage from your enemies. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
He has an amazing engage, if he goes PTA you can abuse first strike for a ton of damage, when he lands his empowered W he instantly procs PTA, making the enemy take 8% more damage from all sources, with first strike you can get a lot of gold. However if the enemy has a good peel support Pantheon is kinda meh. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA (if he goes conqueror for some reason), CONQUEROR
Good poke that goes through minons but it screws your wave control, if he lands a long range E stun, you both wombo combo the enemy to death. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
He got a bit of poke and a blind, after 6 he gets a good map control with his shrooms and support wards, but he doesn't really help ezreal. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE
Amazing poke and lockdown, her ultimate confirms your W/R combo, most of the time that's a guaranteed kill. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
He has an amazing engage but both Ezreal and nautilus gets countered if the enemies stand behind minions. His ultimate can guarantee an W/R combo. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
She only heals and has a meh lockdown, you can take advantage of that by playing aggressive but that's it.
Similar to nautilus he has an amazing engage but your enemies can just stay behind minions, he does help with damage in the early game however. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
If your enemies are away from minions ezreal can poke, if they stand behind minions neeko can root and poke, when neeko ults you can almost aways guarantee a kill with W/R combo. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
To me he is just xerath with a "worse" lockdown, he has good poke and burst. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
little poke and peel, with decent lockdown with her ultimate, she is better endgame but in lane she has a decent peel. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
(AP SHACO) he has good lane control with his traps, try to play around them, he helps to execute low hp enemies since his E slows and does extra damage to low hp enemies. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
(LETHALITY SHACO) he can either be amazing or barely help, if he is able to burst the enemy and disengage easily he is amazing, if he doesn't then he is useless, he can help with traps tho. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, FIRST STRIKE
Ezreal want to poke, Taric wants to engage. What you can do is combo your E with his E stun, but that's it. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
His passive is literary free exp, ezreal really wants levels since sheen damage is of base AD. He has good lockdown, he helps you kite with movespeed and his ultimate can be a lifesaver. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
She has amazing disengage. No matter what, poke how much you want janna keeps you safe. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
Maokai has amazing engage, sustain and poke. If he goes Comet he helps you poke then all win when they get low hp. If he goes Aftershock try to do some trades. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA, CONQUEROR
He can poke through minions and has an amazing all win with his ultimate, to me swain is more of a solo laner than a support, use him as a meat shield and try to all in when his ultimate is up. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR.
Milio helps you poke and trade, his passive increases your AD in which increases your poke, his Q can confirm a W/Q combo, his W heals and increases your range which is amazing for trades. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA, CONQUEROR
I rarely find Hwei supports but I like it, he is a jack of all trades master of none, he got the poke and utility for any situation, he does not necessarily synergize with Ezreal itself but helps with whatever you need. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
Bard forces the enemy team to stay away from minions, making it easier for Ezreal to poke. Not only that but Ezreal can survive alone in lane, making it easier for bard to roam.
Ezreal and Blitzcrank forces the enemies to stay behind minions, however if he hits his grab you can burst the enemy adc.
Two Marksman where neither of you want to be in the frontline, and you don't benefit much from the slow. Ezreal and Ashe forces the enemies to stay behind minions. IDEAL RUNES - PTA
He has good burst and he is probably going to steal some kills, he is good against tank supports but bad against peel supports. If he lands his full combo you can jump on the enemy with E.
IDEAL RUNES - PTA if you can follow up his combo, otherwise I recommend First Strike
His synergy with Ezreal depends on the enemy comp, but in general he is really good, since Ezreal Q procs on hit effects you can proc his passive really fast.
Amazing against engage supports, if she hits her root Ezreal can easily hit a W/Q combo, if your enemies get behind minions she uses her pool.
IDEAL RUNES - PTA in easier lanes, First Strike otherwise
He has a strong engage and sustain, but Ezreal does not have a good follow up.
If Nami hits her Q bubble, you can burst your enemy, also since Ezreal Q procs on hit effects you can proc Nami's E bubbles really fast.
Similar case to morgana, amazing against engage supports, her root helps Ezreal to hit his W/Q combo, Lux E does not necessarily encourage your enemies to stay away from minions but she can poke through them.
IDEAL RUNES - PTA in easier lanes, First Strike otherwise
Similar case compared to Alistar, Leona has a good engage but Ezreal does not have a good follow up.
With rakan's engage you can easily proc PTA, also he can easily disengage with his E and helps with sustain with his Q. IDEAL RUNES - PTA
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench has decent lockdown and poke, his ultimate is very usefull, but Ezreal prefers to play safe and poke. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
If your enemies stay away from minions Ezreal can poke, if they are behind minions senna can poke, her root can let you hit a W/Q combo. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, FIRST STIKE
Karma has good poke, peel, protection and is quite tanky for an enchanter. She is a jack of all trades, master of none type of support, you can play aggressive or passive with karma depending on the enemy comp. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR, FIRST STRIKE
Amazing peel, but lacks lockdown. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, FIRST STRIKE
Thresh has good engage and disengage, but he forces the enemy to stay behind minions, something Ezreal don't want. Ezreal can follow up his engage with E, but other than that Thresh is not good with Ezreal. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
Sona has good poke, sustain and buffs ezreal poke with her E. In an all in she has the lockdown from her ultimate AND can reduce the damage from your enemies. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
He has an amazing engage, if he goes PTA you can abuse first strike for a ton of damage, when he lands his empowered W he instantly procs PTA, making the enemy take 8% more damage from all sources, with first strike you can get a lot of gold. However if the enemy has a good peel support Pantheon is kinda meh. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA (if he goes conqueror for some reason), CONQUEROR
Good poke that goes through minons but it screws your wave control, if he lands a long range E stun, you both wombo combo the enemy to death. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
He got a bit of poke and a blind, after 6 he gets a good map control with his shrooms and support wards, but he doesn't really help ezreal. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE
Amazing poke and lockdown, her ultimate confirms your W/R combo, most of the time that's a guaranteed kill. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
He has an amazing engage but both Ezreal and nautilus gets countered if the enemies stand behind minions. His ultimate can guarantee an W/R combo. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
She only heals and has a meh lockdown, you can take advantage of that by playing aggressive but that's it.
Similar to nautilus he has an amazing engage but your enemies can just stay behind minions, he does help with damage in the early game however. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
If your enemies are away from minions ezreal can poke, if they stand behind minions neeko can root and poke, when neeko ults you can almost aways guarantee a kill with W/R combo. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
To me he is just xerath with a "worse" lockdown, he has good poke and burst. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
little poke and peel, with decent lockdown with her ultimate, she is better endgame but in lane she has a decent peel. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
(AP SHACO) he has good lane control with his traps, try to play around them, he helps to execute low hp enemies since his E slows and does extra damage to low hp enemies. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
(LETHALITY SHACO) he can either be amazing or barely help, if he is able to burst the enemy and disengage easily he is amazing, if he doesn't then he is useless, he can help with traps tho. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, FIRST STRIKE
Ezreal want to poke, Taric wants to engage. What you can do is combo your E with his E stun, but that's it. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
His passive is literary free exp, ezreal really wants levels since sheen damage is of base AD. He has good lockdown, he helps you kite with movespeed and his ultimate can be a lifesaver. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR
She has amazing disengage. No matter what, poke how much you want janna keeps you safe. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
Maokai has amazing engage, sustain and poke. If he goes Comet he helps you poke then all win when they get low hp. If he goes Aftershock try to do some trades. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA, CONQUEROR
He can poke through minions and has an amazing all win with his ultimate, to me swain is more of a solo laner than a support, use him as a meat shield and try to all in when his ultimate is up. IDEAL RUNES - PTA, CONQUEROR.
Milio helps you poke and trade, his passive increases your AD in which increases your poke, his Q can confirm a W/Q combo, his W heals and increases your range which is amazing for trades. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA, CONQUEROR
I rarely find Hwei supports but I like it, he is a jack of all trades master of none, he got the poke and utility for any situation, he does not necessarily synergize with Ezreal itself but helps with whatever you need. IDEAL RUNES - FIRST STRIKE, PTA
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