from EUNE and I love all marksmen + gnar <3. I'm playing league since 2012 but I still learn about this game. I'll give you some tips/advices about Gnar. Maybe he is really hard to master, but after seeing this guide you should know what you're doing. Please give me your feedback to improve my guides :D.
First kit - Conqueror
9 Adaptive (5.4 AD Or 9 AP)
- 10% Attack Speed - (can also be additional 5.4 Attack Damage) but I prefer attack speed due to
Hyper and
Wit's End
- 5.4 Attack Damage - it gives you early game flat damage that helps you farm and poke.
- 8 Magic Resist or 6 Armor - depends on enemy top laner and jungler.
Conqueror is back cause ranged champions have same amount of time to proc. You don't have true damage since 9.23 but healing and bonus AD is amazing.
Triumph - I think it's best option out of these three.
Legend: Alacrity gives you attack speed - this is what you need as attack speed carry gnar. Also if you won't team fight too much and farm hard you can take
Legend: Bloodline.
Last Stand - it gives higher profit (5 to 11%) than
Coup de Grace (7%) - because
Gnar is tanky you can have 30% health and still fight with others.
Cut Down is just bad cause you'll have probably most health in the game.
Second Runes:
Bone Plating helps you especially against poke champs, but generally it's good rune cause it 'tanks' for you a bit of damage.
Overgrowth is best of these 3 - it gives a bit health so you can live a bit longer. Also you don't have to last hit mionions to get health so it's good especially against match ups that harras you hard.
Second kit - Grasp of the Undying
- 10% Attack Speed - (can also be additional 5.4 Attack Damage) but I prefer attack speed due to
- 5.4 Attack Damage - it gives you early game flat damage that helps you farm and poke.
- 8 Magic Resist or 6 Armor - depends on enemy top laner and jungler.
Grasp of the Undying - solid rune that makes
Gnar more tanky. You don't need to choose +15-90 health and you can go for armor or magic resist. It's also easy to stack against melee champions. In mid/late game it can deal so much damage because Mega Gnar has got so much health with this item set,
Overgrowth and this rune itself.
Demolish after turret changes you can earn a lot of gold with this.
Font of Life isn't bad idea but in aggressive match-up because you won't be able to push him back to his turret and as mega gnar you can heal yourself and teammates a bit while trading.
Shield Bash is kinda bad because
Gnar doesn't have any shield from abilities.
Bone Plating helps you especially against poke champs, but generally it's good rune cause it 'tanks' for you a bit of damage.
Overgrowth is best of these 3 - gives a lot of health (works pretty well with
Grasp of the Undying).
Revitalize - you don't have shields or even lifesteal (except
Doran's Blade/
Cull) but it's not enough.
Unflinching - I didn't acknowledge it as good for me.
Second Runes:
Legend: Alacrity - I think it gives you better duel potential due to
Hyper with more attack speed you can proc it faster. Also it's not that hard to stack as
Legend: Bloodline
Last Stand - it gives higher profit (5 to 11%) than
Coup de Grace (7%) - because
Gnar is tanky you can have 30% health and still fight with others.
Cut Down is just bad cause you'll have probably most health in the game.
Teleport in my opinion is good spell for every toper but since it's nerf, it's harder to use properly. It give you more mobility but you can't cancel it. For example you are pushing top lane and there is teamfight on bottom. You have no time for walk through river and mid so you should use Teleport and help your teammates. In elo up to low platinum almost noone do that so you can surprise opponents but don't use it brainless cause you can die easily. I mean if there is 2v5 and 2 of your teammates are almost dead don't use it cause you can't cancel it anymore.
It gives you chance to take lead in early game but you cannot split push that easy as before. I recommend it generally against high heal/sustain compositions.
Ability Sequence |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
We want to max out Boomerang Throw because it's our main damage dealer. Then Hyper as it allows you to harras HP tanks. We level up Hop last because it scales damage from HP not from attack damage. More than half players max Q then W and E at last, because it's just good combination.
Map is a mirror
Green Line - Easy Hop (not hard to do)
Yellow Line - Creep Hop (there must be monster)
Red Line - Hard Hop (have to be really close to the wall)
Blue Point - Creep
*still getting database
build changes:
1. You can escape the gank by using
Hop on minon because you'll bounce twice.
2. Use Q
Boomerang Throw to poke enemy champions, especially melee.
More about TOP role
1. Use wards. Your support isn't the only person in team that should buy
Control Wards. Don't be scare to spend 75 gold, it's about 3 melee minions - it can save you from enemy jungler or roaming midlaner. It's better to spend 75 gold than give 300 gold to enemy and lose farm.
2. Don't use
Teleport without a brain. Since you cannot cancel teleporting you've to use it in good spot and good moment. Try it on normal games and you'll learn how to use it by time.

Change Log
18-06-2015 Guide has been added.
Season 5
25-06-2015 Update for Patch 5.12.
20-07-2015 Update for Patch 5.13.
22-07-2015 Update for Patch 5.14.
12-08-2015 Update for Patch 5.15.
20-08-2015 Update for Patch 5.16.
02-09-2015 Update for Patch 5.17.
16-09-2015 Update for Patch 5.18.
30-09-2015 Update for Patch 5.19.
20-10-2015 Update for Patch 5.20.
01-11-2015 Update for Patch 5.21.
11-11-2015 Update for Patch 5.22.
23-11-2015 Update for Patch 5.23.
09-12-2015 Update for Patch 5.24.
Season 6
09-12-2015 Update for Patch 6.1.
28-01-2016 Update for Patch 6.2.
10-02-2016 Update for Patch 6.3.
25-02-2016 Update for Patch 6.4.
08-03-2016 Update for Patch 6.5.
23-03-2016 Update for Patch 6.6.
06-04-2016 Update for Patch 6.7.
23-04-2016 Update for Patch 6.8.
14-05-2016 Update for Patch 6.9.
18-05-2016 Update for Patch 6.10.
06-06-2016 Update for Patch 6.11.
15-06-2016 Update for Patch 6.12.
15-07-2016 Update for Patch 6.14.
31-07-2016 Update for Patch 6.15.
15-08-2016 Update for Patch 6.16.
24-08-2016 Update for Patch 6.17.
08-09-2016 Update for Patch 6.18.
21-09-2016 Update for Patch 6.19.
05-10-2016 Update for Patch 6.20.
18-10-2016 Update for Patch 6.21.
09-11-2016 Update for Patch 6.22.
25-11-2016 Update for Patch 6.23.
09-12-2016 Update for Patch 6.24.
Season 7
10-01-2017 Update for Patch 7.1.
25-01-2017 Update for Patch 7.2.
10-02-2017 Update for Patch 7.3.
05-03-2017 Update for Patch 7.4.
14-03-2017 Update for Patch 7.5.
22-03-2017 Update for Patch 7.6.
05-04-2017 Update for Patch 7.7.
28-04-2017 Update for Patch 7.8.
04-05-2017 Update for Patch 7.9.
21-05-2017 Update for Patch 7.10.
04-06-2017 Update for Patch 7.11.
19-06-2017 Update for Patch 7.12.
05-07-2017 Update for Patch 7.13.
19-07-2017 Update for Patch 7.14.
06-08-2017 Update for Patch 7.15.
08-08-2017 Update for Patch 7.16.
23-08-2017 Update for Patch 7.17.
13-09-2017 Update for Patch 7.18.
01-10-2017 Update for Patch 7.19.
12-10-2017 Update for Patch 7.20.
26-10-2017 Update for Patch 7.21.
09-11-2017 Update for Patch 7.22.
23-11-2017 Update for Patch 7.23.
06-12-2017 Update for Patch 7.24.
Season 8
14-01-2018 Update for Patch 8.1.
23-01-2018 Update for Patch 8.2.
08-02-2018 Update for Patch 8.3.
26-02-2018 Update for Patch 8.4.
10-03-2018 Update for Patch 8.5.
24-03-2018 Update for Patch 8.6.
04-04-2018 Update for Patch 8.7.
18-04-2018 Update for Patch 8.8.
02-05-2018 Update for Patch 8.9.
16-05-2018 Update for Patch 8.10.
31-05-2018 Update for Patch 8.11.
14-06-2018 Update for Patch 8.12.
27-06-2018 Update for Patch 8.13.
23-07-2018 Update for Patch 8.14.
01-08-2018 Update for Patch 8.15.
15-08-2018 Update for Patch 8.16.
29-08-2018 Update for Patch 8.17.
12-09-2018 Update for Patch 8.18.
27-09-2018 Update for Patch 8.19.
15-10-2018 Update for Patch 8.20.
27-10-2018 Update for Patch 8.21.
08-11-2018 Update for Patch 8.22.
20-11-2018 Update for Patch 8.23.
05-12-2018 Update for Patch 8.24.
Season 9
10-01-2019 Update for Patch 9.1.
24-01-2019 Update for Patch 9.2.
06-02-2019 Update for Patch 9.3.
20-02-2019 Update for Patch 9.4.
06-03-2019 Update for Patch 9.5.
20-03-2019 Update for Patch 9.6.
03-04-2019 Update for Patch 9.7.
17-04-2019 Update for Patch 9.8.
01-05-2019 Update for Patch 9.9.
14-05-2019 Update for Patch 9.10.
30-05-2019 Update for Patch 9.11.
12-06-2019 Update for Patch 9.12.
27-06-2019 Update for Patch 9.13.
18-07-2019 Update for Patch 9.14.
05-08-2019 Update for Patch 9.15.
15-08-2019 Update for Patch 9.16.
28-08-2019 Update for Patch 9.17.
23-10-2019 Update for Patch 9.21.
06-11-2019 Update for Patch 9.22.
20-11-2019 Update for Patch 9.23.
22-12-2019 Update for Patch 9.24b.
Season 10
21-01-2020 Update for Patch 10.1.
25-01-2020 Update for Patch 10.2.
13-02-2020 Update for Patch 10.3.
19-02-2020 Update for Patch 10.4.
04-03-2020 Update for Patch 10.5.
17-03-2020 Update for Patch 10.6.
03-04-2020 Update for Patch 10.7.
17-04-2020 Update for Patch 10.8.
29-04-2020 Update for Patch 10.9.
20-05-2020 Update for Patch 10.10.
30-05-2020 Update for Patch 10.11.
11-06-2020 Update for Patch 10.12.
28-06-2020 Update for Patch 10.13.
08-07-2020 Update for Patch 10.14.
06-08-2020 Update for Patch 10.16.
22-08-2020 Update for Patch 10.17.
04-09-2020 Update for Patch 10.18.
16-09-2020 Update for Patch 10.19.
01-10-2020 Update for Patch 10.20.
14-10-2020 Update for Patch 10.21.
01-11-2020 Update for Patch 10.22.
11-11-2020 Update for Patch 10.23.
29-11-2020 Update for Patch 10.24.
09-12-2020 Update for Patch 10.25.
Season 11
06-01-2021 Update for Patch 11.1.
20-01-2021 Update for Patch 11.2.
03-02-2021 Update for Patch 11.3.
19-02-2021 Update for Patch 11.4.
03-03-2021 Update for Patch 11.5.
19-03-2021 Update for Patch 11.6.
01-04-2021 Update for Patch 11.7.
01-05-2021 Update for Patch 11.9.
12-05-2021 Update for Patch 11.10.
26-05-2021 Update for Patch 11.11.
21-06-2021 Update for Patch 11.12.
25-06-2021 Update for Patch 11.13.
13-07-2021 Update for Patch 11.14.
12-08-2021 Update for Patch 11.16.
26-08-2021 Update for Patch 11.17.
23-09-2021 Update for Patch 11.19.
09-10-2021 Update for Patch 11.20.
23-10-2021 Update for Patch 11.21.
19-11-2021 Update for Patch 11.23.
Season 12
05-01-2022 Update for Patch 12.1.
22-01-2022 Update for Patch 12.2.
06-02-2022 Update for Patch 12.3.
05-03-2022 Update for Patch 12.5.
31-03-2022 Update for Patch 12.6.
16-04-2022 Update for Patch 12.7.
26-05-2022 Update for Patch 12.10.
14-06-2022 Update for Patch 12.11.
Season 13
15-01-2023 Update for Patch 13.1.
11-02-2023 Update for Patch 13.3.
23-02-2023 Update for Patch 13.4.
11-03-2023 Update for Patch 13.5.
22-03-2023 Update for Patch 13.6.
07-04-2023 Update for Patch 13.7.
19-04-2023 Update for Patch 13.8.
05-05-2023 Update for Patch 13.9.
24-05-2023 Update for Patch 13.10.
01-06-2023 Update for Patch 13.11.
22-06-2023 Update for Patch 13.12.
29-06-2023 Update for Patch 13.13.
19-07-2023 Update for Patch 13.14.
01-09-2023 Update for Patch 13.17.
16-09-2023 Update for Patch 13.18.
02-10-2023 Update for Patch 13.19.
26-10-2023 Update for Patch 13.21.
15-12-2023 Update for Patch 13.24.
Season 14
10-01-2024 Update for Patch 14.1.
26-02-2024 Update for Patch 14.4.
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