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Aphelios Build Guide by Dove666

ADC 14.5 aphelios

ADC 14.5 aphelios

Updated on March 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dove666 Build Guide By Dove666 14 3 22,999 Views 4 Comments
14 3 22,999 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dove666 Aphelios Build Guide By Dove666 Updated on March 6, 2024
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1 2 3 4
Fleet Footwork
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Gathering Storm
Absolute Focus

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
Everytime good
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Ability Order

1 2 3 4

Attack Damage

Attack Speed


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

14.5 aphelios

By Dove666
Champ select and first minute of the game
Where to begin? Probably a smart move would be to determine how you want to play Aphelios during champion select. Considering the enemy team, you should decide which spells and runes to take. I've already described situations on which spells and runes to take; I encourage you to read the notes. Establishing the matchup will give you a rough outline of what to do to dominate the game. The initial minutes of the game are crucial; remember that. Here are a few principles you should follow: NEVER stand under the tower at level one, either cover the entrance from tribush to jungle or follow invade – don't go AFK, don't alt-tab, gather information from the game. The second rule: NEVER, in your life, leash. Every jungler can easily do a solo clear; the first thing is that you unnecessarily give information to the enemy team about where your jungler is, and the third thing is that you are late to the opposite bot lane, which already controls the entire wave and lane. Never leash; don't worry that your jungler will start to be mad– you will win many more games by playing the lane better than relying on the jungler.
Okay, now it's time for total enemy domination. Let's start with the rotation; if you're not aware of it yet, quickly get rid of Severum (red weapon) first, then Calibrum (green) > Gravitum (purple) > Infernum (blue). You should now have red and Crescendum (white). Now, use the red weapon again as the first one and go in the following order: Red > White > Green > Purple > Blue.
Laning phase
Now, onto the laning phase. You're familiar with the principles that you use the red weapon first, so you farm minions with it. The same weapon provides you with sustain in the form of lifesteal and an overheal shield. Use the green weapon for poking opponents. When playing with Fleet Footwork, which you often do in most games, wait for the fleet footwork when u land green q to get free proc from champion. Use the green weapon to proc Fleet Footwork on opponents rather than minions, as the healing is not 2-3 but 10 times greater than from minions. Even if you trade auto-attacks with an opponent, you will come out ahead if you proc Fleet Footwork
Whether you'll secure kills in the early levels largely depends on your support. Follow their engage, but if you see it doesn't make sense and both of you will die, leave them. Don't get baited; you need to rely on intuition and good decision-making. Keep an eye on your ammo; you can even make a combo using four different skills if you time the Q on the final ammo, which is potent in laning phase. For a quick push, use a combination of blue and purple weapons – start with the blue Q, then the purple one. Just don't get into rush with the blue weapon; remember that you should get rid of the purple one first.
What makes Aphelios mockingly referred to as "200 years" by many players is precisely the chakrams. They represent his biggest power spike, providing enormous damage combined with a massive attack speed. All weapons are good for chakrams except the purple one; never allow a situation where you have both the white and purple weapons simultaneously. Now, a few words about chakrams. You can obtain them in four ways: Blue Q, which gives you one chakram for each hit enemy, including minions. Red Q, which grants you 4 chakrams if you hit anyone throughout its duration. Green Q and the turret with the green weapon, which, from each proc of the sniper rifle, give you one chakram. And finally, Aphelios' ultimate used with the white weapon, which will give you 6 CHAKRAMS for each hit enemy.

If you've done it correctly, you should have at least 8 chakrams. If you're at level 6, enhance yourself with the ultimate, but remember that it's not necessary because your chakrams already deal sufficient damage, and the red ultimate is sometimes more useful in fights.
While many believe that the red and white weapons make the best combo, unfortunately, they are mistaken. Aphelios's strongest combo is the white + green, specifically with turrets. Turrets allow you to proc auto-attacks from a range of 1000. The process itself provides additional damage plus 1 chakram. Usually, enemies don't focus on the turrets, and one turret can provide at least 5 chakrams. This combo allows you to attack from a very long range, minimizing the chances of being all-inned by the enemy team. Here's a short VOD of the potential of the white and green weapons.
First and foremost, experience. Only that will make you a true god of Aphelios. This champion requires immense skill to manage ammo, rotate combos, choose the right runes, and handle chakrams. Remember that every matchup is winnable and depends on you. You won't win every game, of course, but try to play your best in lane, even in the toughest matchups like with a Shaco support...
Usefull VOD's with combos
Easiest and most common combo:
Same combo but wiht ult before
I dont think its huge difference but when u use centry and proc it from green wheapon instead of white animation seems to be a little faster.
Laning phase best combo
Short montage
Here u have some short montage of laning phase how to domiante on aphelios i dont really shadowplay much so its short in future i will maybe do some longer or vod guides
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