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Ahri Build Guide by Snow666

Middle [14.5] Snow's Ahri Guide

Middle [14.5] Snow's Ahri Guide

Updated on March 8, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Snow666 Build Guide By Snow666 66 4 101,877 Views 0 Comments
66 4 101,877 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Snow666 Ahri Build Guide By Snow666 Updated on March 8, 2024
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1 2 3
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
1 Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

[14.5] Snow's Ahri Guide

By Snow666

Yo! I'm Snow, Your friendly neighborhood Ahri onetrick^^

Been playing Ahri since her release and have been through most metas. So I thought I would share my own guide on her! Hope you can learn something and improve from it <3

Lich bane ahri has made a comeback and it is glorious!

I've waited years for this. Malignance, Lich bane is so incredibly strong if you play correctly with it. Malignance and lich bane synergizes extremely well because you have ult up every fight and can proc lich bane on basically all abilites. Matched with the burn and magic resist shredd, you have a lot of dmg even on the more tankier targets! But it doesn't fit all play styles so bear with me :) I think this builds damage early is crazy and deserves the number 1 spot on all the builds atm, however it's all situational. It is for example not very good against a matchup like brand because he will just oneshot you before you get to even think about doing dmg to him. So tear Seraph's might be a better option in those kind of matchups. But against for example ekko it is extremely good because you can just run him down and kill him even if you miss Q, E. The build gives a lot of room for mistakes as well since you have that ult cdr. It's very fun to play as well. It's good for roaming too since you get ult up faster you can basically just get your whole team ahead without losing cs. Wave clear is just as good as full damage build if not better so that is also a plus to the build. I like to build I like to skip zhonyas if I'm not against hard engage like Zed or yasuo. But I feel that Cryptbloom gives more value because of the pen and you can jump in to engage one shot one of them and then get hp back and back off and let the team take some damage then go back in for cleanup. It's proven very effective. Also always run blue trinket or sweaper. Stealing Baron, dragons, crabs, buffs, etc is also way easier now with malich. Because you can ult in Q auto them and do smite dmg, then just jump out of the pit. Anyway Ahri is really good in most picks if you can just utilize her kit and potential to the fullest. And you can easily onetrick the champion to Master+ if you just play enough. It's not as strong as previous metas but it's really not too bad!

So you wanna climb on ahri?

well try my 3 different build and see what fits your playstyle^^ Everyone plays different, Personally Im an aggressive, Lane bully type of ahri main and I use early leads to roam so malignance and lich bane gives me a lot of early to mid game preassure and I think the late game damage is more consistant than luden's stormsurge.

Flash, Charm is easy kills and with malignance you got 3 flashes on a 25 second cooldown! so don't be scared to use flash.


Or if you feel like it's not a big deal or if you're low elo, you can ban Naafiri, fizz or brand instead!

Starting W is really good because you can proc electricute really fast lvl 1.
Start with autoattack, W, Auto. Make sure ur in range for the W so all of them hit ur opponent! This way you can easily zone most matchups, so you get lvl 2 first and then poke them down with Q and W until they are low enough to flash E or just wait until they step up and hit charm and you should have first blood on most mid matchups at 3 minutes.

Try to push in the lane but beware of the jungler. If you play against a shaco, nocturne, pyke then always! always! play like they are in your lane. If you have ult you can be more aggressive but you will get camped because Ahri seems like an easy gank. If you are faker then just 1v2 4Head.

Try and always save charm until they can't dodge, especially against champs like akali or talon.

If you throw a random charm against them and miss. You're most likely getting oneshotted. So only spam E if you are laning against a champ that can't follow up on your mistakes.

And Yes! of course, everything oneshots you, even the 1/7 lux with 1 item will oneshot you! So use W and R if you are in a badspot! don't greed the ability cooldown because you think you're the incarnation of happy feet.

Focus the wave clear a lot! you need to push out the wave everytime you get the chance so you can go get vision or look for a roam, also pushing the lane in is easy against most matchups especially after you back for lost chapter. Then go help your jungler get prio on objectives and 2 man roams or invade! Ahri plays well with the team and is really good at chasing opponents! So invading and roaming is key to winning!

Teleport Is very useful for matchups that can out roam you! So for example Twisted Fate will roam as soon as he hits lvl 6 so make sure you have tp up so you can push in the wave and tp to the fight! that way you can counter his map pressure at least a little bit!

But if you like to spam abilities and play more like a high damage support

I would reccommend the tear build. It lacks damage but you can spam abilities and never die. I wouldn't build it if your team lacks damage however since you will be run over by the frontline and then lose the game ;). But teamfighting potential is crazy with a 5 second cooldown on charm with 4 items. So more of a scaling build but you sacrifice infinite early game damage.

The oneshot build Is in my opinion just not ever stronger than lich bane. Unless they have squishy long range targets and you are confident that you can get ahead early then you will just be useless. So in short the oneshot build is not at all as consistant, BUT it is very fun in normal games or against no tanks. And of course it's not bad! If you don't have good movement and game sense and just need to spam abilities, you might be preforming better with the oneshot build.
But that's what we would call a:SKILL ISSUE


and cc)

Tanks are strong this meta especially against AP because of how easy it is to build kaenic or force of nature. But there are ways around it! We got magic pen on a lot of the items for ahri, which is nice, but building a liandrys for example isn't worth it if it's lets say one full tank and a bruiser on the enemy team. Then oneshotting the 3 other champs is more important than building for 1 guy and giving up the ability to kill the rest.

Now if you're comfortable with playing poke instead of oneshotting the backline then that's a good opportunity to build for example slow burn and anti heal. But it only really works if you have a team, can't solo carry as easily as odds are you will get cc'd and killed anyway. So honestly building a lot of magic pen and CDR is just better in most cases. Especially in LOW ELO, because as you know nobody has a brain and you're probably alone trying to carry.

Vision is crucial!
Jumping over walls and oneshotting someone is really easy, if you have vision. Chasing people is really easy, waiting in a bush is REALLY easy..... IF YOU HAVE VISION!
Look at the map! always buy blue trinket or sweaper and control wards, controlling the map with vision will automatically give you more pressure and give you more win pressure. If you play ahri like an assassin and wait in brushes, you better get a sweaper or you'll have 5 bronze players decending into you.

I personally play blue trinket the most because it allows me to easily and safely check if the jungler is about to gank me right before I all in! further more the blue trinket is very useful because you're not a champion that can facecheck bushes.It also stays where you placed it until someone walks over it so that is useful for information so keep that in mind.

The meta is fun and strong in different ways, but also unforgiving. You can win against a sylas lvl 1,2 and then he backs for a tome, and then you're dead. You can be 4/0 against a brand and dodge 2 of his abilities and still lose the all in. That is why it is so important to look at the items and builds and plan games accordingly. If you don't build the right stuff you will lose and I see a lot of players who just ignore this. They don't read the items, they just follow a highest winrate build with no grounds as to why you should build that. So I'm not gonna sit here and tell you exactly how to itemize every game. Because that would take forever. But use logic, trial and error to form your own understanding of situational itemization. And don't be afraid to try every build and read every item so you know what is good synergy and not.

This is honestly my biggest tip to climb!

Try different builds!
Find the builds that fits ur playstyle the best!
Try and adapt your builds accoring to each game and matchup!
Control the map, roam, and play with your team!
Vision, blue trinket, control ward or sweaper!
Work on the movement and your mechanics!
Respect the gold you get or lose from minion waves!
Read about your items and compare them so find the best synergies and effectiveness!
If you are behind don't force fights with your matchup. FOCUS ON CS INSTEAD!
If you are ahead and you are safe in the lane, then be a bully!
Learn how and when the perfect time to back is.
Choose summoner spells according to ur playstyle and matchup!

Last but not least, just play the game! think about what you are doing and what you can do better and actively do it. And before you know it you will do it automatically.

also remember it's only a game and it's not that serious don't tell ur jungler to go rope because he's bad. If you're gonna type at all in the chat then at least give them critiqe. Tell them what they should've done instead and assure them that it okay to mess up. Because that will make them motivated to play better.

If you only use chat to flame or you can't handle getting flamed then TURN THE CHAT OFF!99 percent of the time the chat is just a negative sespool of toxic people trying to pick a fight with you or blame you for their mistakes. So it benefits noone, just turn it off!

Ahri got a buff in 14.4! Q dmg increase so Q max Is better now!

anyway this is my first guide and I'm not the greatest coach in the world so yeah take what I write with a grain of salt^^ I like doing this and will try and update this guide or make other off meta guides for Ahri in the future so stay tuned!

if you actually read the entire thing I applaud you! Thanks for ur intrest! I wish you all good luck. And remember there is help for beating your league addictions!
Just kidding, we will keep playing until we die. See you on the rift^^<3

I will be updating the guide actively so don't forget to upvote and save it uwu.

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Snow666 Ahri Guide
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