Jax is my permaban choice because you simply cannot win 1v1s, never, his E is too good against you and his scaling is pretty much equal to yours.
Winning lane against tryndamere is near impossible. I suggest to get second wind and start e to dodge and poke him as much as possible. It’s possible to kill him prior lv6 but if he has ult and you are half HP you are most likely dead.
take doran's shield for survivability. I hate seeing a Cassiopea top. Just play safe and farm near tower when possible. Use W to dodge her abilities while you try to farm, if she takes you with miasma you are most likely dead.
Level Q first and try to harass her as much as possible. At lv2 get E and use it to poke her with Q. From lv3 if she is skilled enough she can crush you in a 1v1. W as third is the way to go but if she is half HP i suggest to level up Q and use it with E to keep her away and deniyng her to crush into the tower.
Vayne outranges gwen and even has good disengage. Play for farm and do not get vayne fed. If she perma-shoves her waves ask your jungler for a gank
Take ghost and tp. Even if Gwen’s scaling is better than Varus’, you dont want to feed him so play for farm and ask jungler for a gank. After you hit lv6 use ult to engage when he is hot full hp. Be careful of his R, as he can disengage very easily, and try to time his Q with your W
Harass her with q and look for opportunities at your level spikes: 3, 5 and sometimes 6. Since you won't be able to do much against her after she reaches lv6, harass her as much as possible in the early stages of the game.
skill matchup favorable to urgot. I take second wind and sometimes corrupting potion. Play safe and don't let him hit you in the early stages of the game, note that the range of his shotguns is almost the same as you E's so use it to poke when it's safe to do so or after he uses his E(dash). If not fed he shouldn't be a problem in mid to late game just note that he can 1v1 easily if he hits his abilities so be careful and build zhonya's if needed.
This matchup can be hell if the warwick knows how to play. My advice is to rush orb then nashor's tooth. Note that you will most likely lose laning phase but your scaling is better than warwick's (unless he is hard feeded) so in late game he should not be a problem.
START E. Trundle is a pretty hard champion to play against and at many stages of the gamy you will most likely lose any 1v1. As long as the Trundle doesn't play very bad farming will be a hell. I usually build nashor and a defensive item before even having the idea to 1v1 but you can rush orb and a defensive item and pray the jungler to come and rescue you (sadly i don't think this possible anymore especially because of the map changes)
Bad matchup for me, second wind is a good choice. You can focus on farming, be careful and dodge his abilities while attacking minions for Q stacks. do not let him use his passive, do only short trades.
Teemo is a very annoying pick and if played good he can deny you from farming. After lv 6 you outscale him and if you dodge his Q with W it’s easy to kill him. I suggest to not rush nashor but to buy ruby (to riftmaker) and refillable pot for better survivability.
Skill matchup that becomes easy after lv6 if Gnar is not fed. Take second wind and unflinching. At lv1 go in the bushes and as soon as he gets close Q him and try to poke him as much as possible, dodging his Q(boomerang). From lv2 to Lv6 farm near tower and don't let him stack his passive on you, when he becomes Mega gnar just use W and don't get too close. After lv6 you can engage him easily with ult, note that he can jump away so wait for him to use his abilities.
Skill matchup. Do not fight her if she hits her E. If she's not fed, you should be able to win 1v1s pretty easily after lv 6, just be careful of her abilities. Take orb early if needed
As long as you can avoid his abilities this is not a bad matchup, you can solo kill him pretty easily at any stage of the game.
Dr. Mundo
This matchup is pretty easy. Take ignite tp and dodge his Q (which can get you low easily so be careful or just use W). remember that if he doesn't hit you he can't chase you or slow you so it would be a good time to poke him if he's close
Tahm Kench
Easy matchup, just dodge his abilities and poke with q when he tries farming. If he hits his abilities you can escape with E or/and W to not let him stack his passive.
Don't fight him lv1, just play for farm and poke him, asking the jungler to help when he's low health. Don't expect to win a 1v1 after Lv6, don't just try to fight him and play to out scale. When Voli starts roaming just ping for your team, splitpush and play for objectives. Unless he's building tank don't expect to win a 1v1 until you have 2-3 items
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