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Recommended Items
Runes: aggresive
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
You win pre lvl 6. Go Electrocute and try to punish him as hard as possible. After 6 dont use your Q before he ults or he will just dodge it and all-in you. Also be careful: his Q cancels your R.
can stun people on your wall
can stun people on your wall
Champion Build Guide
Hey, I'm FFrostbite and this guide is about my Anivia ! Im a high elo EUW streamer and player, often chilling in mid/high master since I dont play alot of soloq. I've played thousands of games as Anivia and always perform well! In this guide I'm gonna show you how to play her to climb easily in SoloQ! |
Pro and Con
| Passive - Rebirth | Upon taking fatal damage, Anivia reverts to an egg and is reborn with full health. |
| Q - Flash Frost | Anivia brings her wings together and summons a sphere of ice that flies towards her opponents, chilling and damaging anyone in its path. When the sphere explodes it does moderate damage in a radius, stunning anyone in the area. |
| W - Crystallize | Anivia condenses the moisture in the air into an impassable wall of ice to block all movement. The wall only lasts a short duration before it melts. |
| E - Frostbite | With a flap of her wings, Anivia blasts a freezing gust of wind at her target, dealing damage. If the target was recently hit by Flash Frost or damaged by a fully formed Glacial Storm, the damage they take is doubled. |
| R - Glacial Storm | Anivia summons a driving rain of ice and hail to damage her enemies and slow their advance. |
Ability Sequence
The most common levelling sequence for Anivia is the one I am using in this guide which follow E>Q>W>R. There are some variants to this skill sequence such as people putting more points in your W early, but I recommend this one.
Flash You need flash. Thats all :) No discussion |
Teleport Teleport is my standard Summoner at the moment. It helps you get back to your lane after your first back, which is helpful since youre often being pushed in early. Afterwards you can use it to help your team when they get ganked. I really like it because I love to split on the sidelane to build a CS and XP lead and with Teleport I can join fights whenever I want. |
Ignite Ignite is good if you want to play aggresive. I use it in matchups which are favoured for me, in which I have alot of solokill potential. With Ignite you can play aggresive early, even getting kills before lvl 6. This way you can snowball early to win a game. |
Exhaust Exhaust is useful against Assasins which want to solokill you. With Exhaust you basically cant be killed. Normally you dont need it but if you feel too scared just take it. |
Keystone Rune
Electrocute is the most aggresive choice and standard choice atm. As summoners you go for Ignite here, but Teleport is also fine. It's often used against immobile Enemys with no way to dodge your spells. Make sure to hit your Flash Frost and follow up with Frostbite and an autoattack for a free Electrocute proc. If you have Cheap Shot you deal bonus damage aswell. |
Phase Rush is the second standard choice. Its viable in some matchups where u want to gap close and dodge skillshots alot. As summoners you go for Ignite or Teleport here. It's often used against Enemys who rely on skillshots. Make sure to hit your Flash Frost and follow up with Frostbite and an autoattack for Phase Rush. The bonus movement speed is also helpful to dodge ganks. |
Unsealed Spellbook isn't used often but has an insane amount of potential! You have early game pressure with Ignite. At minute 6 you can free Teleport back to lane or roam top/bot. You can also pick up Ghost to roam, Exhaust to have a better 1v1 or Smite to steal baron/drake. |
Arcane Comet is the most common keystone amongst new Anivia players. You swap Ignite with Teleport if you take it. With Comet you have alot of free damage in lane thanks to it. Generally the other keystones are better and have more usage, so I dont really recommend this choice. |
Starting Items
To start of the item section, let's dive into the starting items. You always start with Doran's Ring and Health Potion. After that here are your first major buys: |
Tear of the Goddess Tear of the Goddess is the item you NEED to buy after your first back. It provides mana for your lane and buying it early helps you stack it quick. It is finished as your second item into Seraph's Embrace. |
Lost Chapter Lost Chapter is your first item after Tear of the Goddess. It is really useful in lane since it provides you AP, mana and mana sustain in lane through its passive. You also need it to build your first item. |
General Items
Season 14 brought a huge mage item overhaul. The old mythic items got removed and new items got added. Theres several new ones which can be useful, such as: Malignance, Luden’s Companion, Stormsurge or Cryptbloom. Some old items also got slightly changed. In this chapter I will talk about some important items. |
There are some items which didnt change and which are still insane on Anivia. These are Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap and Shadowflame. The only new thing is that Shadowflame now makes your spells crit if the enemy target is below 35%. Your "crit" deals 20% bonus damage. I highly recommend building these items in most games after your core items. These core items are (order matters): |
Rod of Ages Rod of Ages is still the best item on Anivia. Rush it, let it stack asap to gain a free level. It provides alot of health, mana and ap. |
Seraph's Embrace Seraph's Embrace is in my opinion atm always the second item you will finish. It helps against your biggest weakness (getting oom). The stats are perfect for you and the fully stacked passive shield is insane for your survivability. |
Malignance Malignance is also good on Anivia. It makes you less tanky than Rod of Ages, but provides you more damage. If you build it I recommend building it first, since it gives you an insant power spike. Its build path is good and the stats it provides are also super useful (AP, Ability Haste, Mana, R Ability Haste). The passive is what makes it so good on Anivia tho. Just hit your R and the ground under your enemy will burn, dealing damage to them and reducing their MR for the duration they are on the burning ground. IT ALSO HAS NO INTERAL COOLDOWN!! Its super broken, since you have lowkey 0 CD on your ult and you can stun people in your ult. |
Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment is another super good item on Anivia. It provides AP and Health, which is good since they removed Health from Seraph's Embrace. It's passive provides you a %Health damage DoT + a 2-6% damage increase. Its super easy for you to stack and use, since your R - Glacial Storm has low CD and deals damage every second in a huge area. Its useful in almost every game, especially in games vs tanks tho. |
Stormsurge Stormsurge is new mage item. It provides AP, Magic Pen and Movement Speed. The passive is also super good. If you deal 35% of a champs health within 3secs you get a movement speed buff and after 2sec you deal bonus damage on the enemy. Against squishy champs that shouldnt be a problem with your full combo. Against tankier enemys it wont work, which is why you shouldnt build it against them. Otherwise it is a super good item and can be built. |
Cosmic Drive Cosmic Drive is a good item. It provides AP, Health, Ability Haste and Movement Speed. If you damage an enemy you get bonus movement speed, which can be super useful in teamfights. I recommend going it if the enemy team has a lot of CC and you need to dodge alot of spells. |
Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil is a good item. It provides AP and MR. The bonus effect is a spell shield. Its super good against a few champs which want to open their burst combo with one spell. Examples are Annie (you would block her stun spell), Evelynn (you block her charm engage) or Karthus (you could block his ult). |
Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass is really useful in almost all games. If the enemy team has alot of engage / lockdown I recommend building it 100%. This way it gets way harder to kill you. The cool thing about Zhonya's Hourglass is: Your R - Glacial Storm doesnt get cancelled when you activate it. Its also really useful against assasins like Zed. I only recommend not building it if the enemys cant reach you and if you rather built more aggresive. |
Luden’s Companion |
Luden’s Companion Luden’s Companion is a new burst item which replaced the old Ludens. It has super good stats. The item is good if you want to go for a burst style gameplay, but only then. Malignance is too good otherwise. Only go for it against super squishy comps and when you snowball. |
Dead Man's Plate Dead Man's Plate is a sleeper item on Anivia. Of course the typical AP Items are really good on her, but if you need some bonus sustain I recommend building it. What makes the item insane is its passive. By moving you stack the item. At full stacks you gain bonus movement speed, which expires after you autoattack an enemy. This is really good because you dont need to autoattack. Just use your abilites and you will be perma-fast. With the bonus you can have 450-500 ms depending on your other items. |
Level 1-5
Flash Frost > Frostbite
Try to hit your Q when the Opponent goes for Last Hits. It's harder for him to dodge the Q when he is trying to farm. After that follow up with an empowered E. Add Autoattacks while the Opponent is stunned (also procs Electrocute)
Flash Frost > Frostbite (advanced)
Use your E shortly after using Q. This way both will land at the same time (Frostbite will still do double the damage). People often dont expect the quick burst.
Frostbite > Flash Frost > Frostbite
Start poking the enemys with autoattacks and your E. Follow up with Q and another E.
Crystallize > Flash Frost > Frostbite
place your W behind the enemy. He will either start walking left or right. Aim your Q towards where he is going and follow up with E.
Flash Frost > Crystallize > Frostbite
throw your Q at the enemy. Directly after try to place your W ontop of the enemy - ideally he will be knocked into your flying Q. Follow up with E.
Level 6 Poke
Flash Frost > Frostbite > Glacial Storm > Crystallize > Frostbite
Start with the Q -> E combo. After that place your R on the enemy, W off their escape and follow up with another E.
Glacial Storm > Crystallize > Frostbite > Flash Frost > Frostbite
Start by casting your R on the enemy. Place W behind them, so they are stuck in your R. Follow with E into an easy Q hit since they are slowed - into another E.
Flash Frost > Glacial Storm > Frostbite > Everfrost > Crystallize > Frostbite
Start by casting Q. Immediately after cast R, so they are slowed and cant dodge Q as easy. Follow up with E, into Everfrost Root, into W behind them, into another E.
Glacial Storm > Everfrost > Flash Frost > Frostbite > Crystallize > Frostbite
Start with R into Everfrost Root. This way they cant dodge the Q afterwards. Follow up with E, into W behind them, into another E.
Flash Frost > Frostbite
Try to hit your Q when the Opponent goes for Last Hits. It's harder for him to dodge the Q when he is trying to farm. After that follow up with an empowered E. Add Autoattacks while the Opponent is stunned (also procs Electrocute)
Flash Frost > Frostbite (advanced)
Use your E shortly after using Q. This way both will land at the same time (Frostbite will still do double the damage). People often dont expect the quick burst.
Frostbite > Flash Frost > Frostbite
Start poking the enemys with autoattacks and your E. Follow up with Q and another E.
Crystallize > Flash Frost > Frostbite
place your W behind the enemy. He will either start walking left or right. Aim your Q towards where he is going and follow up with E.
Flash Frost > Crystallize > Frostbite
throw your Q at the enemy. Directly after try to place your W ontop of the enemy - ideally he will be knocked into your flying Q. Follow up with E.
Level 6 Poke
Flash Frost > Frostbite > Glacial Storm > Crystallize > Frostbite
Start with the Q -> E combo. After that place your R on the enemy, W off their escape and follow up with another E.
Glacial Storm > Crystallize > Frostbite > Flash Frost > Frostbite
Start by casting your R on the enemy. Place W behind them, so they are stuck in your R. Follow with E into an easy Q hit since they are slowed - into another E.
Flash Frost > Glacial Storm > Frostbite > Everfrost > Crystallize > Frostbite
Start by casting Q. Immediately after cast R, so they are slowed and cant dodge Q as easy. Follow up with E, into Everfrost Root, into W behind them, into another E.
Glacial Storm > Everfrost > Flash Frost > Frostbite > Crystallize > Frostbite
Start with R into Everfrost Root. This way they cant dodge the Q afterwards. Follow up with E, into W behind them, into another E.
Wall Tricks
Minion Wall Block
by doing this you wont have to overextend to farm. The minions will be close to your turret, which makes it super hard to gank you.
by doing this you wont have to overextend to farm. The minions will be close to your turret, which makes it super hard to gank you.
Jump Interrupt
this works on things like Tristana W - Rocket Jump, Rek'Sai W - Furious Bite / Tunnel or Zac E - Elastic Slingshot
this works on things like Tristana W - Rocket Jump, Rek'Sai W - Furious Bite / Tunnel or Zac E - Elastic Slingshot
Blast Cone Interrupt
place the wall slightly after the cone gets hit.
place the wall slightly after the cone gets hit.
Engage Block
works against Nunu Biggest Snowball Ever! or Sion Unstoppable Onslaught - I highly recommend picking Anivia vs them - their engage will be useless!
works against Nunu Biggest Snowball Ever! or Sion Unstoppable Onslaught - I highly recommend picking Anivia vs them - their engage will be useless!
Instakill - Stuck
this works on almost every wall on summoners rift. Always keep that in mind! Most people dont even try stuff like this. They wont be able to move and will almost always die or Flash.
this works on almost every wall on summoners rift. Always keep that in mind! Most people dont even try stuff like this. They wont be able to move and will almost always die or Flash.
Level 1
Ward the enemy raptor camp at 1:20. This way you can track the enemy jungler early and avoid ganks.
In Lane
Ward at the Enemy's river entrance. This way you can see a part of the enemy jungle and a part of the river.
Control Wards
You want to either ward the brush in the river or next to your lane. This way your team can gank you easier.
General Playstyle
You will most likely fall behind early game. Try to save your mana early game and only go for simple Q > E trades when you can. Key is getting as much CS as you can while not wasting alot of mana. Try to recall at around 1k+ gold. This way you can buy boots, tear and healthpots + control ward.
Once you hit Level 6 you can clear waves easily with Glacial Storm
In Lane you can now play more aggresivly as you will win trades now. Try to push in your lane and roam Bot or Top. You can also camp in brushes and try to assasinate the enemy laner if he tries to follow you.
Once you start grouping and teamfighting it's your time to shine!
Try to Crystallize Enemys of by placing the Wall behind them. Maxing your Crystallize before maxing Flash Frost is esential here. Your Wall will be really big and once you land a good one your team can easily follow up on it and catch people!
In Teamfights try to place your Glacial Storm between the Opponents and you, so they have to enter it first to kill you. Try to stun as many people with Flash Frost or protect and peel your teammmates with those spells.
Once you reach your late game it should be really hard to kill you. You can now try to catch people with Crystallize every few seconds. You can change entire teamfights with good Walls. Also your Frostbite has now a really low Cooldown. In case anyone tries to jump on your backline you can place Glacial Storm on them and burst them with Frostbite into Flash Frost into another Frostbite.
You will most likely fall behind early game. Try to save your mana early game and only go for simple Q > E trades when you can. Key is getting as much CS as you can while not wasting alot of mana. Try to recall at around 1k+ gold. This way you can buy boots, tear and healthpots + control ward.
Once you hit Level 6 you can clear waves easily with Glacial Storm
In Lane you can now play more aggresivly as you will win trades now. Try to push in your lane and roam Bot or Top. You can also camp in brushes and try to assasinate the enemy laner if he tries to follow you.
Once you start grouping and teamfighting it's your time to shine!
Try to Crystallize Enemys of by placing the Wall behind them. Maxing your Crystallize before maxing Flash Frost is esential here. Your Wall will be really big and once you land a good one your team can easily follow up on it and catch people!
In Teamfights try to place your Glacial Storm between the Opponents and you, so they have to enter it first to kill you. Try to stun as many people with Flash Frost or protect and peel your teammmates with those spells.
Once you reach your late game it should be really hard to kill you. You can now try to catch people with Crystallize every few seconds. You can change entire teamfights with good Walls. Also your Frostbite has now a really low Cooldown. In case anyone tries to jump on your backline you can place Glacial Storm on them and burst them with Frostbite into Flash Frost into another Frostbite.
Play safe early game!
Farm efficent!
Dont overforce!
Wait for your enemy to make mistakes!
Try to catch people with your Wall Combos!
Abuse the power of your unmatched CC!
Be a backbone and major carry in teamfights!
Farm efficent!
Dont overforce!
Wait for your enemy to make mistakes!
Try to catch people with your Wall Combos!
Abuse the power of your unmatched CC!
Be a backbone and major carry in teamfights!
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