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Recommended Items
Runes: Electro + Sorcery (smurfing)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Rengar is by far one of the hardest matchups for Evelynn. He can simply heal all of your burst instantly, and he can perma invade you in the jungle. His ulti reveals you in stealth which is a huge counter as Eve plays around her stealth mechanic.
Really great champion to pair with Evelynn. Strong gank setup and good AD damage.
Really great champion to pair with Evelynn. Strong gank setup and good AD damage.
Champion Build Guide
Hello and welcome to my
Evelynn Guide!
My alias is GankYourGrandma, it began as a joke name but it ended up sticking! After multiple requests from friends and viewers of my stream, I've decided to make an

I stream nearly every day at https://www.twitch.tv/gankyourgrandma
Enjoy the guide!

You can start blue and full clear to red-side or vice versa, depending on which ever lanes are strong. If your laners are taking trades you can easily blow flashes or get early kills especially against enemies heavy trading lanes once you finish your full clear. When I path as

If a game is stale you can threaten Baron and 50/50 Baron as

If you have really weak early laners such as

Invading Early Game
Invading in season 11 is very valuable as killing your opponent stops them from farming and if you take their camps it DENIES them until the camps respawn. Due to the decreased XP of Jungle camps, it is very easy to fall behind in Jungle if one does not keep up their farming / being productive on the map, and the more you put the other Jungler behind and deny them their own camps, the harder it is for them to exert pressure and stay in the game due to lack of XP / Gold.
A list of traits that some Junglers have that would make you want to early invade vs them;
-> Tanks
-> Farm heavy
-> Slow clear
-> Weak 1v1
Generally, if the enemy Jungler is/has at least one commonality listed above then we definitely want to be invading them early and putting on the pressure. I will talk about HOW we go about invading, but for now it's important to talk about WHERE to invade.
The majory of lower elo Junglers will start at the bottom side of the map for a 2 man leash, as it helps them with clear time, so this tells you 1 of 2 things already, 1) they will be clearing towards the topside of the map, and 2) you can track them depending on what kind of champ they are, so if they can clear quickly you can assume they're finished their clear by 3:10, so meaning they should arrive at their 2nd buff around roughly 2:55, thus allowing you to invade them on their 2nd buff. Or, if they're a strong duelist early game such as champions like

If you wish to not invade or fight pre-6, a good understanding of Jungle and other Junglers pathing will help a lot to make sure everything works fluently. Generally, If your opponent starts botside then they will finish their clear at topside Scuttle. Since starting botside is the most common side in low-elo, you can start topside to make sure you get a free scuttle botside when your first full-clear is done. These are some of the things you must think ahead about when you're playing Jungle. It can also be very helpful to learn effective ward locations so you don't get invadaded while you intend to full-clear. If you show up at your opposite side to get your second buff level 3 and it's gone, that can ruin your pathing up and enable the other Jungler to bully you out of the game.
Clearing tricks for the best efficiency
One of the biggest issues I notice low-elo is that people aren't efficient with their time. At the end of the day, every single player who has the league client installed and plays the game have the same OPPORTUNITIES and CAPABILITIES as everyone else. The thing which separates a low-elo player from a high-elo player is their efficiency with their gameplay. This means that EVERY SECOND COUNTS. There are many Youtube videos which will show you the best

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If you have any questions or concerns, as mentioned before, I stream almost daily @ https://www.twitch.tv/gankyourgrandma and all questions are greatly appreciated and I'm always happy to help you out with anything! You can also join my discord to ask questions if you need, my discord server invite is https://discord.gg/ecy9V9aCXj I am happy to answer all questions. If you'd all like to see more guides from me please be sure to let me know on my stream, and I will get to making more guides ASAP!
I hope this guide helped you out, thank you so much for reading!
"The night is my veil."
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