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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Ability Order
Contempt for the Weak (PASSIVE)
Zed Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Zed can never R a good fizz when he has E up, later you can never R him cause he has hourglass as well. There are options to win like building an eclipse to live his burst and because a skill gap can be involved as well.
One of the best synergies between mid and jungle in the game. His cc and ability power makes him such good synergy with zed.
One of the best synergies between mid and jungle in the game. His cc and ability power makes him such good synergy with zed.
Champion Build Guide

Zed is my favorite classic assassin champion in LoL. He's one of the best at taking one champion out of the fight, but then loses a lot of his power once

I hope you enjoy reading the guide as much as I enjoyed writing it!
The Electrocute keystone is good in many scenarios. It enhances your single target burst and is the most reliable keystone when you expect to get ahead early. It has good power in lane against short-medium ranged matchups you're likely to trade with (think of ![]() ![]() ![]() A few downsides to taking this keystone is that it can be hard to proc on your target in large fights and other runes such as ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
This rune gives a ton of extra attack damage when you hit auto attacks or spells. This greatly increases your long trades and teamfights. It is not so effective in lane against champions that jump on you and win long trades like ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When taking the

The secondary rune sorcery is the best for zed since it allows for a lot more damage through the late game where zed power spikes in Season 11 and helps with ability haste. Ability Haste on Zed is necessary since most of his damage is from spell combos.

Simple Harass Combo: W -> E -> Q
During levels 1 and 2 you can throw Q's without trying to go pass through minions. Once you hit level 3, you unlock the full harass combo, when you feel it's safe to use your W offensively. Use

Basic Defensive Combo: W -> R -> W -> E -> Q
This is an important combo to learn. You start the combo by placing

You can definitely auto-attack before blinking back to your defensive shadow, but you will have to care that if the enemy crowd controls you, you won't be able to take the

Fast Triple Q Combo: R -> W -> E -> AA -> Q -> R
This combo is also significant when learning Zed, as the triple q combo is the biggest burst Zed has! You start the combo with

At level 1, you'll unlock

At level 2, you'll unlock

At level 3, you'll unlock your last ability to perform the simple harass combo. If the enemy is under 50% hp, you can land a simple harass combo and kill them with

Before reaching level 6, you will need to track how many minions you will need for XP to reach level 6. This is significant because you can surprise the enemy with a triple q combo as soon as you reach level 6. If the enemy doesn't allow this, you will have to look for a kill during a roam, as shoving the lane mid will be easy with level 6 pressure.
The best lane to roam to is the bot lane as the ADC and SUPPORT will be both easy to kill as they are behind in levels. This doesn't mean disregarding the top lane, if the top laner doesn't have summoner spells or ultimate, you can kill them easily. When ganking the enemy, don't open with all your abilities at once, use your

During mid-game, you usually want to switch with bot lane and split. This is important as this will help you transition into the late game with a really good build! Many champions can't side lane against a Zed as this champion has a strong potential of winning 1v1s. If you can catch side waves and kill the enemy in the side lane when appropriate, you will be really fed!
When team fighting, you need to focus and kill the carries. Watch what summoner spells they have, and look at the items, like if they have a

With crit zed, you will need to auto-attack a lot more to get the value of the build. With caster zed, you will need to play like a mage and poke them with your abilities until it's time to jump in and kill! With bruiser zed, you will still need to play like an assassin at some points. The different zed builds will make it easier to carry in different scenarios!
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