Not much to say against garen, you cant do much especially if he plays with Phase Rush, you can play ghost to have more MS for chasing him down or Corrupting Potion
start strategy with Time Warp Tonic rune, but i dont recommend trying to fight garen so much, focus on farming and outscaling him, you outscale him after your core (rift boots nashors).
Trading him in lane is pointless since he will always heal from his passive and even outrade you most of time unless its extended fights.
You should be looking for full extended fight oportunities such as leer+lvl 6 you can surprise him with big healings from leer and kill him in all in at lvl 6 if you dont kill him that point keep farming and outscaling and dont fight before lvl 11 and core.
There is not much to do against jayce, he is very hard matchup and you cant win against him in lane, you should be looking for lvl 6 all ins similar to garen matchup but with jayce you want to keep fighting all the time after leer + 6 every time when you have your ULT, since hes core outscales ours its pointless to wait for core. You still are stronger in teamfights since he is sort of poke champ.
Against urgot you never get any kills no matter what, unless your jungler gives you silver plate kill, even then it shouldnt be very helpful and mostlikelly he will still be killing you on later lvls in lane even if you get lucky 2.0 score. I recommend to farm and surely only wait for late game, you never outscale him 1v1 and he will kill you at every point of the game, only time when you will become stronger then him is when you get 5 items + zhonya and be lvl 16. Since thats pointless to wait for, you should just farm wait for core and start pushing oposide lanes of where he plays, if he is top go bot and wise versa, you will outsplitpush him every time and thats what you should focus on, if you are 1 item ahead you can probably 1v1 him at that point.
She is only pain in the ass in early lvls, hardest ranged matchup but if you manage to survive until lvl 8 without inting the lane, you should be able to kill her like minion every single fight, quinn is very fragile champ outside of lane phase and dies very easly to good allins when you have leer + boots or even full riftmaker. But most of time she will be ahead in lvls until that point which will make it hard for you to allin her. I recomend playing Flash + TP in this matchup and just try to be same lvl as her, farm doesnt matter a lot, if you get lvl 8 same time as her you will simply all in her kill her and keep farming her like a minion afterwards and get back all gold and farm you gave up pre 8.
Riven is another counter since she can simply get into your W and destroy your ass with her kit and theres nothing u can do against it, but the way you should play against her is to split push 24/7 after the lane phase is over, she cant ever splitpush as good as gwen and most good rivens will try to go in teamfights and use her good teamfight kit to make kills for their time, that time you should ignore all pings of your monkey team and keep pushing for early tier 2s, she will most likely never comeback to deffend her top cuz she will be aware that she need to make early lead before you outscale her, gwen vs riven at lvl 11+ with same items and same lvl gwen awalys win, they will be aware of that and try to make lead in midgame, use that time to take both tier 2 towers and carry the game from that point, if she gets over feed in teamfights its out of your control and in this matchup you sort of have to coinflip on your team that they will not int before you get their towers and gold you need to carry,
Olaf and warwick are 2 very same matchups, there is full gameplay guide on channel on how to win agaisnt olaf and pretty much same goes for warwick as well, those will destroy you in any extended fight both pre and post 6 and both pre and post leer, the only way of winning is getting leer and TPing back to lane before they get their buy and killing them while you have your leer against their starting items, then after that reset get ur Anti healing orb and keep trying to kill them on ults+ignite timings, thats also the only 2 matchups when you want to buy orb.
Olaf and warwick are 2 very same matchups, there is full gameplay guide on channel on how to win agaisnt olaf and pretty much same goes for warwick as well, those will destroy you in any extended fight both pre and post 6 and both pre and post leer, the only way of winning is getting leer and TPing back to lane before they get their buy and killing them while you have your leer against their starting items, then after that reset get ur Anti healing orb and keep trying to kill them on ults+ignite timings, thats also the only 2 matchups when you want to buy orb.
Dr. Mundo
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Even tho ivern is not AD champ he is still not AP either and they dont have reason to build MR just cuz of ivern, and his Q dash can be very helpful aswell as his shield enhances you a lot. Not the ideal synergy either but still strong pick for gwen.
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Jarvan IV
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Even tho ivern is not AD champ he is still not AP either and they dont have reason to build MR just cuz of ivern, and his Q dash can be very helpful aswell as his shield enhances you a lot. Not the ideal synergy either but still strong pick for gwen.
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Jarvan IV
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Mostly ad champs have good synergy with Gwen since you are AP champ and simply having AP jungler and AP mid laner is not so good since enemy team can go full MR. Aswell as AD champs on mid are good. But so far there is no perfect duo for gwen, just AD champs goes well with her.
Hi, I am Skaiy, Currently rank 1 Gwen eune and master with 65% winrate, in this In-Depth guide I tried to cover everything I know about Gwen and everything that I think is important to know for someone who wants to maybe pick up this champ and play it in ranked.
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