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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Gustwalker Smite
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
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Hello, I’m Yuzuki or YuzukiJG . I hit challenger with a 60% winrate on ![]() |
Why play Evelynn?
Well despite her weak early game, once she turns lvl 6 she’s able to impact the map and snowball to an extent where even if her teammates are feeding she can still carry. Her playstyle is very unique and consistent but once you get used to it you will be able to win consistently while carrying games. The most optimal way to carry on Evelynn is to go into the game knowing you basically aren’t a champion until you become lvl 6 and avoid dying before then. |
➼ Solo carry champion
➼ One shot potential ➼ Invisible post level 6 ➼ Good vs squishies ➼ Overall fun champion |
➼ Weak early game
➼ Hard to force plays without ult ➼ Unique playstyle ➼ Need to be able to path decently (punish enemy jungler for walking around the map wasting time by taking his camps or making him lose something in return). ➼ Bad vs bruiser comps ➼ She feels unplayable if enemy stacks magic resist or builds maw ➼ Invisibility revealed by pink wards |
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Her passive allows you to heal after 4 seconds of not being in combat and once you are lvl 6 you gain invisibility. Basically lvl 6 is her snowball point (when she becomes a champion.) |
W |
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Evelynn’s Allure can be used to zone or cc someone of your choice. You can proc Allure with Hate Spike, Whiplash or Empowered whiplash, Last Caress, and an auto. |
E |
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The empowered version of this ability is ideal for bursting targets/camps (when you aren’t in combat for 4 seconds it becomes empowered). |
Personally I wouldn’t recommend sorcery tree because you lose out on the value from the inspiration tree. Inspiration tree allows you to get free boots which saves you 300g and allows you to hit your ![]() For Evelynn’s domination tree runes, you can alternate between ![]() ![]() Relentless Hunter for more move speed + low tempo games Ultimate Hunter for lower ultimate timers + high tempo games |
You should realistically always itemize in this order for Evelynn. First recall always look to buy ![]() ![]() Note: ![]() |
If I'm ahead I build defense (Ex: Team overall is ahead and I am safe to buy banshees over rabadons rush.)
If the team is behind I want to build the most damage I can so I can carry. Pay attention to who has pinks and when they use it (Press tab constantly to see who buys pinks and where they place it) Press tab while you're farming and focus on map more than camps so you can see where they ward Always path the best way for you (meaning never skip camps or hurt yourself to gank a lane) Dont force ganks that will waste time or delay lvl 6. |
➽ Spam ping teammates enemy jungler location (so they are aware and don't die to oblivious ganks) ➽ Pay attention to minimap and how they are walking/warding ➽ Don't waste time / think about reset timer ➽ Think of your farm timer when your team is safe ➽ YOU SHOULDNT BE FARMING WHEN YOUR ULTIMATE IS UP!!! ➽ When the game is being slow and teammates have to reset just farm ➽ If the wave is in the middle then you should set up dive to deny enemy laner cs and ping top laner or bot lane to push ➽ Spam press tab to get information ➽ Remove your camps on your free time ➽ DIVE > CAMPS > 2ND HERALD |
Early Game Early game you want to full clear or reverse clear depending on the jungle matchup and your lanes. Evelynn isn't really a champion until lvl 6 so you want to avoid any deaths or bad fights that can jeopardize that. One of the most important tips as Evelynn is that you ward the opposite side of where u are starting preferably by 1:13 or 1:14 so u have vision in case enemy jungle invades you.
Mid Game Mid game Evelynn you want to make sure to use your ultimate off cooldown making picks that are useful which lead to something. Whether it's a kill that leads to a dragon, turret, shutdown it's always good to go for those types of kills. Its mostly important to recycle your camps on cooldown and look for kills after you do so.
Late Game Depending on the game state you usually want to make picks in mid or sidelines. As Evelynn its most important for them to use their important cooldowns before going in that way you dont get cc-locked and die before using your ultimate. Make sure to use your ultimate wisely that way you can have it for important fights such as baron or elder skirmishes.[/columns]
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