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Recommended Items
Runes: Press The Attack
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Hi! my name is afr0rk and im just a random bronze player on the SGP server. While learning Ezreal, I have looked around for a good written guide for a long time and haven't found anything I was quite satisfied with, so I wanted to compile the information I found through watching youtube videos and twitch streams in one place. Naturally, not everything on this guide will be 100% accurate as I have had to fill in the gaps with some of my own experiences, so please treat it as such.
Why Ezreal
Ezreal is a champion that is very simple in terms of his kit, but actually very hard to master. He's not champion like Aphelios, who takes hours of learning theory just to understand how to make the character function, he's a character you can just read ability descriptions and you know exactly what this champion does. To me, thats what make this champion so fun. Nearly infinite potential to squeeze out of the champion, while gaining mastery solely through playing him. Every skillshot you land is a hit of dopamine which no other champion even compares to. Ezreal is also one of Riot's favourite champs, so he'll never be particularly weak for more than 1 or 2 patches in a row, and you'll never have a shortage of skins to choose from.
Summoner Spells
You will be taking this 100% of the time, as Ezreal is quite mana hungry until you get Essence Reaver. Once you get Essence Reaver, mana runes become quite irrelevant, however I highly recommend taking this since Overheal and Triumph are not as useful for Ezreal. |
You will also be taking this rune 100% of the time on Ezreal, as he does not benefit much from the Attack Speed from Legend: Alacrity or the Tencacity from Legend: Tenacity. The lifesteal from this rune is pretty good for early sustain too. |
Take this rune into teams with a lot of relatively squishy targets who you want to burst down as fast as you can. |
Take this rune into relatively tanky teams, especially health stackers like Dr. Mundo or Zac. |
This is the secondary tree I take most often, as it offers the best offensive scaling.
Decent if you think you will need the mana, however for a rune that becomes almost completely irrelevant after your first item, it feels overkill to take it alongside Presence of Mind. However, unlike Presence of Mind, the alternatives on this tree are far better. |
Just a very good rune for Ezreal. The amount of haste you get from items has been reduced this season, so having this extra haste feels very nice. I always take this if I'm running Sorcery |
Ezreal has very good AD scalings across the board, so having the extra AD, from this rune really helps with his late game. I always take this if I'm running Sorcery |
I usually take this if I want to snowball heavily by getting my first item as fast as I can.
Only take this if you can afford to wait for the boots. In heavy skillshot matchups where early boots will give you a lot of value I do not recommend going this rune, as it might completely ruin your lane. However, in lanes where you don't need to rush early boots, this rune is extremely valuable, as you save on 300 gold which is really high value for a rune. |
This rune really helps in snowballing, as you can be ahead of the gold curve when you base for a very small price of 50 gold. Use it when you really wanna win the early game hard against teams that outscale you. |
Take this rune if you are going First Strike(Don't go First Strike). |

Starting Items

As of the current patch, Essence Reaver is better than Trinity Force 100% of the time as a starting item. Trinity Force simply costs too much to warranty buying it over Essence Reaver. I have seen some players sell Essence Reaver after full build for Trinity Force against teams where they need the tankiness, but you can just buy Essence Reaver 100% of the time and face no issues.
Core Build
Your first 2 items will always be

Situational Items
It is kind of a stretch to call this item situational, as you will be building it in a lot of your games. It is your best option for Armour Penetration against most teams outside of extremely tanky ones where the passive and extra Armour Penetration from Lord Dominik's Regards starts to outshine it. |
Decent damage item, good stats but the passive is not very useful unless you find yourself in a lot of duels with the enemy ADC. |
Possibly your best option for pure damage when build along side Navori Quickblades, only build it if the enemy team is ridiculously tanky and your team has no damage dealers outside of you. |
Good option into teams where you really need the lifesteal. Dont take it when the enemies have a lot of burst, as the item doesn't give you any defensive stats. |
Good option into teams where you really need the lifesteal. Take it when the enemies have a lot of burst, as the shield can save you from getting one shot quite often. |
This is Ezreal's best Armour item by far. It's a very solid item in terms of stats, and the Mana from the item synergizes well with Muramana. Build it against heavy AD teams. |
This is a very niche item, only build it if the enemy has 3 or more Crit users and you really need to mitigate their damage. The item gives very low value against champs who don't use Crit, so evaluate the game accordingly. It also does not give you haste like Frozen Heart, so it does not particularly synergise with Ezreal. |
This item is not in a very good state right now, but you can build it if you need a bit of damage alongside the armour. Personally I never build this item, I would rather go a tank item or a damage item. |
Really good item into heavy AP teams against which you also need damage. Nothing much else to say in particular about this item. |
This item can be really effective against very heavy AP teams, especially champs like Karthus. Really helps against a lot of AP burst, but you need to make sure you have enough damage before building this. |
The value you can get from this item in the situations it is good in is second to none. Build it if you think there is only one threat on the enemy team who can kill you. Also great into teams with a solo AP or solo AD damage dealer who is extremely fed. |
This item is almost never optimal, however your burst with this item feels really good, since your W proc is considered as independant damage and will Crit if the the ability procs it brings the enemy's hp to below the threshold. |
Also usually not optimal, however it performs quite good into mixed damage teams because of the HP it provides. The slow is also very nice, since it helps you land subsequent skillshots. |
One of the main reasons I made this guide was to learn myself. So please, if there is anything I got wrong, make sure to leave a comment so I can correct it. Thanks!
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