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Runes: Fleet vs poke
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Thats it. Period
Shurima's Legacy (PASSIVE)
Azir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Be cautious of Aatrox's all-in potential and sustain in the early game. Focus on farming and scaling safely, as Azir's strength lies in the late game. Utilize your soldiers to poke from a distance and avoid getting caught in Aatrox's Q ability (The Darkin Blade). Maintain good positioning to dodge his Q and E abilities, minimizing his trading potential. Consider building Seeker's Armguard early on for armor and survivability against Aatrox's physical damage. Coordinate with your jungler for ganks to shut down Aatrox's early game power and deny him kills. Once you reach your power spikes, such as Nashor's Tooth and Liandry's Anguish, focus on wearing down Aatrox with sustained damage rather than engaging in prolonged trades. In teamfights, position yourself safely and utilize your soldiers to attack from a distance, making it harder for Aatrox to engage and reach your backline. Note: Azir's range advantage and scaling potential can make this matchup more manageable, but Aatrox's early game strength and sustain require cautious play and careful positioning to overcome.
Keep your distance from Ahri to avoid getting hit by her charm (Charm/Enchanting Crystal Arrow), which can set up for an all-in. Utilize your soldiers to poke and zone Ahri, making it harder for her to engage. Be mindful of her mobility with Spirit Rush (Ultimate) and try to track its cooldown. Consider taking Cleanse as a summoner spell to remove her charm and mitigate her all-in potential. Be aware of her roaming potential and communicate with your team to prevent her from getting kills in other lanes. Build some magic resist to reduce her burst damage and survivability against her abilities. When she uses her ultimate aggressively, use your ultimate (Emperor's Divide) to create distance and deny her all-ins. Punish Ahri when her abilities are on cooldown, as she becomes more vulnerable during those moments. Note: Azir's range and poke can give you an advantage in this matchup. However, be mindful of Ahri's charm and her ability to roam. By maintaining good positioning and tracking her cooldowns, you can control the lane and make it difficult for Ahri to find openings to engage.
Respect Akali's all-in potential and her ability to burst you down quickly. Avoid standing near her Twilight Shroud (W) as it grants her invisibility and makes it difficult to trade effectively. Utilize your soldiers to poke and harass Akali from a safe distance, forcing her to farm under turret. Consider taking Barrier or Exhaust as summoner spells to mitigate her burst damage. Build some early magic resistance, such as a Null-Magic Mantle or Mercury's Treads, to reduce her damage output. Place control wards in key areas to deny her vision and limit her roaming potential. When Akali uses her ultimate (Perfect Execution) aggressively, use your ultimate (Emperor's Divide) to create distance and disengage. Coordinate with your team and communicate when Akali leaves the lane, as she is a strong roamer. Be mindful of her energy resource and look for opportunities to punish her when her abilities are on cooldown. Note: Akali's high mobility and burst damage can make this matchup challenging. Focus on farming safely and utilizing your range advantage to poke her down. By denying her kills and maintaining good vision control, you can limit her impact on the game.
Be cautious of Akshan's early game damage and trading potential. Utilize your soldiers to poke and harass him from a safe distance, as Akshan is melee. Keep an eye on his Heroic Swing (Q) ability, as it can apply on-hit effects and deal significant damage. Respect his mobility with his grappling hook (W), which can allow him to close the gap or escape from engages. When Akshan uses his Heroic Swing (Q) on minions, it presents an opportunity to poke him while his main damaging ability is on cooldown. Consider building Zhonya's Hourglass to negate his burst damage and buy time for your team to respond. Utilize your ultimate (Emperor's Divide) to create separation and disrupt his engages or attempts to assassinate your carries. Be aware of Akshan's passive (Dirty Fighting) and his ability to revive allies. Focus on killing them quickly or denying him the opportunity to do so. Coordinate with your team to punish Akshan when his mobility spells are on cooldown, as he becomes more vulnerable during those moments. Note: As Azir, you have the advantage of range and sustained damage against Akshan. However, be mindful of his burst potential and mobility. By poking him down, controlling his engages, and utilizing your range advantage, you can gain the upper hand in this matchup.
Respect Anivia's strong waveclear and zoning potential with her ultimate (Glacial Storm) and Crystallize (W). Use your soldiers to poke and zone her, as Anivia is immobile and relies heavily on skillshots. Be cautious of her Q ability (Flash Frost), as it can stun you and set up for a follow-up combo. Consider taking Cleanse as a summoner spell to remove her stun and mitigate her crowd control. Coordinate with your jungler to apply pressure and deny her farming and scaling. Build some magic resistance early on, such as a Null-Magic Mantle or Mercury's Treads, to reduce her burst damage. Utilize your shuffle combo (E-Q-R) to create distance and disengage if Anivia tries to all-in you. Destroy her passive (Rebirth) egg form quickly if you can, as it grants her a second chance in fights. Roam and impact other lanes to create advantages for your team, as Anivia's mobility is limited. Note: Anivia is a resilient and high-damage mage, but her lack of mobility makes her vulnerable to poke and zoning. By utilizing your range advantage and avoiding her skillshots, you can control the lane and prevent her from scaling too quickly. Coordinate with your team to deny her objectives and roam to create advantages elsewhere on the map.
Play safe in the early levels as Annie has strong burst damage. Respect her stun (Pyromania) and avoid getting caught by it. Poke from a safe distance with your soldiers and maintain good positioning. Consider building some magic resist to mitigate her burst potential. Utilize your range advantage to farm safely and deny her opportunities to engage. Keep track of her passive (Pyromania) stacks to anticipate when she can stun you. Be cautious when engaging or trading, as her burst damage can quickly turn the tide. Coordinate with your jungler for ganks to shut down Annie's early game power. In teamfights, position yourself safely and focus on DPSing from a distance while keeping an eye on Annie's Flash + Tibbers combo. Note: Azir's range advantage can give you an edge in the Annie matchup. Respect her burst potential and play safely in the early game. By poking from a distance and maintaining good positioning, you can wear her down and limit her engage opportunities. However, be cautious of her stun and burst damage, as a well-timed Flash + Tibbers combo can turn the tables.
Aurelion Sol
Be cautious of Aurelion Sol's passive, Cosmic Creator, which augments his abilities based on his Stardust stacks. Avoid getting hit by Aurelion Sol's Q ability, Breath of Light, as it can deal significant magic damage over time and generate Stardust if you are a champion. Watch out for Aurelion Sol's W ability, Astral Flight, as it allows him to dash in a target direction and reset the cooldown of Breath of Light. Be prepared for his increased damage during this time. Be mindful of Aurelion Sol's E ability, Singularity, which creates a black hole that pulls enemies toward the center. Try to avoid being caught in it, as it can lead to execution damage if you drop below a certain health threshold. When Aurelion Sol reaches level 6, be aware of his ultimate ability, Falling Star. It deals magic damage and can stun you for 1 second. If he has enough Stardust, it can transform into The Skies Descend, which deals increased damage and knocks up enemies. Consider building magic resistance items to mitigate Aurelion Sol's burst damage. Look for opportunities to engage when his abilities are on cooldown or when he has used Astral Flight. Coordinate with your team to shut down his roaming potential and prevent him from impacting other lanes. Maintain good vision control to track his movements and ping missing when he disappears from the lane. Note: Aurelion Sol's updated abilities provide him with additional damage and crowd control potential. Be cautious of his enhanced abilities and try to avoid getting caught in his crowd control effects. Utilize your range advantage and poke him from a distance to chip away at his health. Communication and vision control are key in tracking his movements and preventing him from exerting pressure on other areas of the map.
Respect Camille's early game strength and her ability to engage on you with her Hookshot (E) ability. Maintain a safe distance and avoid unnecessary trades. Be cautious of her Precision Protocol (Q) ability, as it grants her enhanced auto-attacks and true damage on the second strike. Avoid extended trades and try to disengage if she activates this ability. Watch out for Camille's Hookshot (E), which allows her to dash to a wall or enemy champion and stun them. Be aware of your positioning and try to stay out of range of this ability. Camille's Hextech Ultimatum (R) ability is a powerful engage tool that locks you in an arena with her. Try to save your mobility spells or crowd control abilities to escape or turn the fight. Consider building armor items to mitigate Camille's physical damage, such as Seeker's Armguard or Ninja Tabi. Utilize your range advantage to poke Camille from a safe distance and whittle down her health before committing to an all-in. Coordinate with your jungler to set up ganks and shut down Camille's early game aggression. Keep an eye on the map and be prepared to follow her roams, as Camille can quickly move around the map with her Hookshot (E). In teamfights, focus on positioning yourself well and using your range to deal damage from a safe distance. Avoid getting caught in Camille's engage attempts and try to peel for your carries. Note: Camille is a strong duelist with high mobility and engage potential. Playing defensively and avoiding extended trades can help mitigate her early game strength. Utilize your range advantage and poke her down before committing to fights. Communicate with your team and be aware of her roams to prevent her from snowballing in other lanes.
Cassiopeia's main damage comes from her Twin Fang (E) ability, which deals bonus damage to poisoned targets. Avoid getting hit by her Noxious Blast (Q) ability, as it applies poison and sets up her Twin Fang for additional damage. Be cautious of Cassiopeia's Miasma (W) ability, which creates a zone that grounds you, preventing the use of mobility spells. Try to sidestep or flash out of the zone to maintain your mobility. Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze (R) is a powerful crowd control ability that can stun you if you face her. Be aware of her ultimate cooldown and position yourself in a way that makes it difficult for her to land a successful stun. Consider building magic resistance items to mitigate Cassiopeia's sustained magic damage. Be cautious when approaching Cassiopeia, as she can kite and chase you down with her Twin Fang and movement speed from her passive, Aspect of the Serpent. Try to disrupt Cassiopeia's positioning in teamfights to limit her damage output. Champions with crowd control or gap-closing abilities can be effective against her. Avoid standing too close to your minions, as Cassiopeia can use her Twin Fang to harass you while also farming. Ward the river and keep an eye on the enemy jungler, as Cassiopeia is vulnerable to ganks due to her lack of mobility. Coordinate with your team to focus Cassiopeia in teamfights and burst her down quickly before she can unleash her sustained damage. Consider taking Cleanse as a summoner spell to remove Cassiopeia's Miasma or her Petrifying Gaze if necessary. Note: Cassiopeia excels at dealing sustained damage and can be challenging to deal with if you get caught in her poison and crowd control. Avoid her skillshots, disrupt her positioning, and coordinate with your team to take her down.
Cho'Gath's main threat comes from his Rupture (Q) ability, which can knock you up and set up his other abilities for damage. Be mindful of the indicator on the ground and try to dodge it to avoid getting caught. Cho'Gath's Vorpal Spikes (E) ability allows him to deal area-of-effect damage with his basic attacks. Be cautious when trading with him, as he can quickly stack his passive, Carnivore, by killing minions and regenerating health. His Feast (R) ability is a true damage nuke that deals massive damage and can execute targets if they are low enough. Keep an eye on Cho'Gath's ultimate stacks and avoid getting too low on health to minimize the risk of being eliminated. Cho'Gath is a tanky champion with a lot of sustain. Building Grievous Wounds items can help reduce his health regeneration and make it easier to deal with him in extended trades or all-ins. Try to kite Cho'Gath and keep your distance, as he lacks strong gap-closing abilities. Champions with mobility or crowd control can make it harder for him to reach and engage on you. Cho'Gath's sustain and tankiness make it difficult to burst him down quickly. Focus on wearing him down over time and chip away at his health before committing to an all-in. Ward the river and keep an eye on the enemy jungler, as Cho'Gath can be vulnerable to ganks early on due to his limited mobility. Consider taking champions that can out-sustain or poke him from a distance. Ranged champions can make it harder for him to engage and stack his passive. Cho'Gath's Rupture has a significant cooldown early on. Take advantage of its downtime to be more aggressive and trade with him while it's on cooldown. Communicate with your team to coordinate crowd control and burst damage to take down Cho'Gath in teamfights before he can disrupt your backline. Note: Cho'Gath is a tanky champion with strong sustain and crowd control. Play defensively, avoid his skillshots, and focus on wearing him down over time. Coordinate with your team to burst him down and take advantage of his cooldowns.
Corki primarily deals mixed damage, with a strong emphasis on magic damage. Consider building magic resistance items to mitigate his damage output. Be cautious of Corki's package, which he receives at certain intervals in the game. When he has the package, he gains increased mobility and can make powerful engages. Keep track of when he obtains it and play more defensively during that time. Corki's Phosphorus Bomb (Q) can reveal hidden units, so be mindful of positioning in bushes or while attempting to set up ganks. Valkyrie (W) allows Corki to dash to a targeted location. Keep an eye on the cooldown of this ability, as it's his main escape tool. Coordinate with your team to punish him when it's on cooldown. Corki's Gatling Gun (E) shreds armor and magic resist, making him particularly effective against champions with low resistances. Consider building defensive items or seeking help from your team to counteract this armor reduction. Watch out for Corki's Missile Barrage (R), as it deals significant damage in a line. Stay aware of his level 6 power spike, as he gains access to this long-range ultimate. Be prepared to dodge or mitigate the damage. Corki excels at sieging and poke damage. Avoid clumping up with your team, as his missiles can deal significant area-of-effect damage. Corki's early game is relatively weak compared to his mid and late game. Capitalize on this by being aggressive and denying him farm and kills in the early stages of the game. Corki's damage output heavily relies on his ability to hit skillshots. Utilize mobility and positioning to make it difficult for him to land his rockets and Phosphorus Bomb. Communicate with your team to coordinate crowd control and burst damage to take down Corki in teamfights. His mobility can make him elusive, so focus on locking him down and taking him out quickly. Note: Corki deals mixed damage and excels in the mid and late game. Be mindful of his package and play defensively during that time. Build magic resistance to mitigate his damage and coordinate with your team to punish him when his escape tools are on cooldown. Deny him farm and kills early on to limit his scaling potential.
When laning against Darius, it's crucial to respect his early game strength and his ability to trade effectively. Avoid extended trades and be cautious when going for last-hits, as he can punish you with his Decimate (Q) and auto-attacks. Darius thrives on bleeding his opponents with his passive, Hemorrhage. Be mindful of the number of stacks on you, as Darius gains increased damage and healing when he applies his ultimate, Noxian Guillotine (R). Keep an eye on Darius' apprehend (E) ability. It can pull you in and set up his combo, allowing him to unleash his full damage potential. Try to stay positioned in a way that makes it harder for him to land a successful apprehend. Darius is susceptible to kiting and crowd control. If you have a champion with mobility or crowd control, use it to your advantage to prevent him from reaching and sticking to his targets. Be mindful of Darius' passive, as it applies a slow. This can make it difficult to escape his range or engage onto him. Consider building movement speed items or champions with mobility to counteract this. Executioner's Calling or other healing reduction items can be effective against Darius, as he relies on his Decimate and his Q's healing to sustain in fights. Apply healing reduction to limit his sustain. In teamfights, be aware of Darius' ability to clean up fights with his Noxian Guillotine. Make sure to focus him down quickly or utilize crowd control to prevent him from resetting his ultimate and dealing massive damage. Darius can struggle against ranged champions who can poke and kite him effectively. If possible, pick a champion with range advantage to harass him and keep him at a distance. Communicate with your team to coordinate ganks and shut down Darius early in the game. Denying him kills and farm will delay his power spikes and limit his impact in teamfights. Finally, be mindful of Darius' passive bleed damage when engaging or retreating from trades. It can often be the difference between a successful engage or a fatal mistake. Note: Respect Darius' early game strength and avoid extended trades. Be mindful of his apprehend and passive stacks. Utilize crowd control and kiting to counter him. Apply healing reduction to limit his sustain. Focus him down in teamfights and coordinate with your team to shut him down early in the game.
When facing Diana, be cautious of her burst damage potential. She excels at engaging and quickly eliminating squishy targets. Position yourself carefully and be mindful of her abilities. Diana's Q ability, Crescent Strike, is her primary poke and wave-clear tool. Stay mobile and try to dodge this skillshot to avoid taking unnecessary damage. Be especially cautious if she manages to hit you with the outer part of the crescent, as it deals increased damage and applies a Moonlight debuff. The Moonlight debuff is a key aspect of Diana's kit. Her other abilities gain additional effects when used on targets affected by Moonlight. Try to play defensively and avoid trading with her when the debuff is active, as it enhances her burst potential. Diana's W ability, Pale Cascade, grants her a shield and deals damage in an area around her. Be cautious when trading with her while the shield is active, as it can absorb a significant amount of damage. Look for opportunities to engage her after the shield has expired or been broken. Diana's ultimate ability, Lunar Rush, allows her to dash to an enemy champion marked with Moonlight. This ability provides her with high mobility and burst damage. Be aware of her level 6 power spike and the potential for an all-in engage with her ultimate. Respect her ability to quickly burst you down if you're low on health. Building defensive items like Zhonya's Hourglass can be effective against Diana. It provides armor and an active ability that can negate her burst damage for a short duration. Timing the active ability correctly can turn the tides of a fight and give you an opportunity to counter-engage. Crowd control can be effective against Diana, as it interrupts her combos and prevents her from unleashing her full burst. Coordinate with your team to lock her down and focus her in teamfights, especially if she has already used her ultimate. In the laning phase, be mindful of Diana's level 3 power spike. She gains access to all her basic abilities and can quickly burst you down if you're caught off guard. Play defensively and try to farm safely until you have enough items or assistance from your jungler to trade effectively. Vision control is important when playing against Diana. Her ability to engage and assassinate targets makes her a threat in roaming situations. Warding key areas and communicating with your team can help prevent her from snowballing by picking off unsuspecting allies. Finally, keep track of Diana's ultimate cooldown. It has a relatively short cooldown, especially when she hits multiple targets with her Q ability. Avoid extended fights if her ultimate is available, as she can repeatedly engage and burst you down. Note: Be cautious of Diana's burst damage potential. Dodge her Q ability to avoid unnecessary damage. Respect her abilities when the Moonlight debuff is active. Engage her after her shield has expired or been broken. Be mindful of her level 6 power spike. Consider building defensive items like Zhonya's Hourglass. Utilize crowd control to interrupt her combos. Be cautious of her level 3 power spike. Maintain vision control to prevent her from roaming. Keep track of her ultimate cooldown.
Dr. Mundo
Dealing with Dr. Mundo requires careful consideration of his sustain and tankiness. His passive, Adrenaline Rush, allows him to regenerate a significant amount of health over time. Be prepared for prolonged trades and keep in mind that his health can quickly regenerate if left unchecked. Dr. Mundo relies heavily on his cleaver, Infected Cleaver (Q), for poke and damage. Dodge his cleavers as much as possible to avoid taking unnecessary damage and being slowed by the ability. Grievous Wounds is crucial when facing Dr. Mundo, as it reduces his healing from his ultimate, Sadism (R), and his passive. Consider buying items like Executioner's Calling or Bramble Vest to apply healing reduction, or coordinate with your team to focus him down during teamfights. Be cautious of engaging Dr. Mundo when his ultimate, Sadism, is active. It grants him a significant amount of bonus health regeneration and can make him extremely difficult to kill. If possible, try to bait out his ultimate before committing to an all-in fight. Dr. Mundo's Burning Agony (W) ability deals damage to nearby enemies and reduces crowd control effects on him. Avoid engaging him when his W is active, as he can turn the fight in his favor with increased damage and reduced crowd control duration. Building Armor and Magic Resist can help mitigate Dr. Mundo's damage. Since he deals a mix of magic and physical damage, having a balanced defensive build can make it harder for him to burst you down. Communication and coordination with your team are important when facing Dr. Mundo. Inform your team about his ultimate cooldown and coordinate focused burst damage to take him down quickly, especially when his ultimate is on cooldown. Dr. Mundo lacks reliable crowd control, so champions with crowd control abilities can be effective against him. Use stuns, roots, or silences to interrupt his health regeneration and prevent him from escaping or engaging in fights. In teamfights, try to focus Dr. Mundo's backline carries and squishy targets. While he is a tanky champion, his damage output is relatively low compared to other champions. By eliminating his team's damage dealers, you can make it easier to take down Dr. Mundo afterward. Finally, be aware of Dr. Mundo's itemization choices. He often builds Spirit Visage, which amplifies his healing. Adjust your strategy accordingly and make sure to apply healing reduction effects to mitigate his sustain. Note: Respect Dr. Mundo's sustain and tankiness. Dodge his cleavers to avoid unnecessary damage. Apply healing reduction to limit his sustain. Bait out his ultimate before committing to an all-in fight. Avoid engaging when his W is active. Build balanced defenses against his mixed damage. Coordinate burst damage and focus his backline in teamfights. Utilize crowd control to interrupt his regeneration. Be aware of his itemization choices, particularly Spirit Visage.
Dealing with Ekko requires careful positioning and awareness of his burst potential. Here are some tips for handling the matchup: When facing Ekko: Dodge his skillshots, especially his Q ability, Timewinder. Stay behind minions to minimize the chances of getting hit by it. Be cautious of Ekko's W ability, Parallel Convergence, which creates a stun zone. Avoid the center of the zone to prevent getting stunned and taking additional damage. Watch out for Ekko's passive, Z-Drive Resonance, which applies a mark that detonates for bonus damage. Be mindful when the mark is on you and avoid extended trades. Track Ekko's ultimate cooldown, as it allows him to rewind time, heal, and deal damage. Try to bait out his ultimate before committing to an all-in. Consider building defensive items like Zhonya's Hourglass to negate his burst damage and buy time for your team to react. Utilize crowd control effectively to interrupt Ekko's combos and prevent him from utilizing his mobility. Maintain vision control to avoid getting caught off guard by Ekko's roams or split-pushing attempts. Coordinate with your team to punish Ekko when his summoner spells, especially Flash, are down. Respect Ekko's early game power spikes and play defensively until you have the necessary items or assistance from your team.
Dealing with Fiora can be challenging, as she excels in duels and can quickly take down squishy targets. Here's how to handle the matchup: When facing Fiora: Be aware of her passive ability, Duelist's Dance, which grants her bonus damage from hitting Vitals. Position yourself to minimize her access to the Vitals on you. Avoid extended trades with Fiora, as she can outduel you with her true damage and sustain. Focus on short trades and poke with your soldiers (W + Q combo). Be mindful of Fiora's W, Riposte, which can block your Emperor's Divide (R) and turn the tide of a fight. Try to bait it out before committing to an all-in. Coordinate with your jungler for early pressure and ganks to deny Fiora's scaling and put her behind. Consider building armor items like Seeker's Armguard and Ninja Tabi to mitigate Fiora's physical damage.
Dealing with Fizz requires caution and anticipation, as he is a highly mobile assassin with burst damage. Here are some tips for handling the matchup: When facing Fizz: Avoid standing near low-health minions, as Fizz can use his Q ability, Urchin Strike, to dash onto you and deal significant damage. Position yourself away from his engage range. Be mindful of Fizz's W ability, Seastone Trident, which enhances his basic attacks and applies bonus magic damage over time. Try to trade with him when his W is on cooldown. Fizz's E ability, Playful/Trickster, allows him to become untargetable and dodge incoming abilities. Wait for him to use it before committing to your full combo. Watch out for Fizz's ultimate, Chum the Waters. It has a long range and can deal massive damage while also applying a knock-up. Keep an eye on his level 6 and respect his kill potential. Consider taking Cleanse or Barrier as summoner spells to mitigate Fizz's burst damage and his ability to apply crowd control. Build defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Mercury's Treads to reduce Fizz's damage and survive his all-ins. Utilize crowd control and skillshots predictively to catch Fizz during his playful moments and prevent him from escaping. Maintain vision control to track Fizz's roaming potential. Ping missing when he leaves the lane to alert your team. Coordinate with your jungler for ganks, as Fizz is vulnerable to early pressure before he reaches his power spikes. Note: Stay away from low-health minions to avoid Fizz's engage. Trade when his W is on cooldown and wait for him to use E before committing. Watch out for his ultimate and respect his level 6 kill potential. Consider defensive summoner spells and items. Use crowd control effectively and maintain vision control. Coordinate with your jungler for early pressure.
When facing Galio, keep in mind his tankiness and crowd control capabilities. Here are some strategies to deal with him effectively: Galio's passive, Colossal Smash, empowers his next basic attack after using an ability, dealing bonus damage based on his magic resistance. Be cautious of his empowered auto-attacks, especially in the early game. Galio's Q ability, Winds of War, is his main poke tool. Stay behind minions to minimize the damage taken from it. Avoid grouping up with your team in a straight line, as it makes it easier for Galio to hit multiple targets with his Q. Be mindful of Galio's W ability, Shield of Durand, which is his primary defensive tool. When he starts channeling it, refrain from using crowd control on him, as it reduces the channel duration and grants him damage reduction. Instead, try to disengage or focus on other targets until the shield expires. Galio's E ability, Justice Punch, is a long-range dash that allows him to engage or escape. Keep an eye on his positioning and be prepared to dodge his dash. If he uses it to engage, try to sidestep it or use mobility spells to create distance. Galio's ultimate, Hero's Entrance, can turn the tides of team fights. It allows him to dash to an ally's location and taunt nearby enemies. Pay attention to the minimap and communicate with your team when Galio is missing, as he may be looking for a game-changing ultimate in another lane. Galio is relatively mana-hungry in the early game. Consider picking a champion that can push the wave and force him to use his abilities to farm, putting him at risk of running out of mana. Building magic penetration items can be effective against Galio, as he tends to stack magic resistance. Look to itemize accordingly to maximize your damage output. Coordinate ganks with your jungler to apply pressure on Galio in the laning phase. While he is durable, his mobility is limited, making him susceptible to well-executed ganks. Galio is a strong team fighter and excels in skirmishes. Try to avoid prolonged engagements and focus on objective control and map rotations to minimize his impact. Note: Be cautious of Galio's empowered auto-attacks from his passive. Stay behind minions to reduce damage from his Q. Avoid using crowd control on Galio during his W. Dodge his E dash and be aware of his global ultimate. Consider champions that can push the wave and force him to use mana. Build magic penetration items against his magic resistance. Coordinate ganks to pressure him. Focus on objective control and map rotations to minimize his impact in team fights.
In the laning phase, focus on farming and scaling as Azir. Gangplank's early game can be challenging to deal with, so it's crucial to prioritize safely farming and reaching your core items. Use Azir's long-range poke to harass Gangplank whenever he goes for last-hits. Utilize your soldiers to poke him from a safe distance, but be mindful of his ability to trade back with his Q and passive. Be cautious of Gangplank's barrels. They can be used to zone and control the lane. Try to position your soldiers near the barrels to destroy them and deny Gangplank's ability to chain them together for increased damage. Gangplank's W ability, Remove Scurvy, cleanses crowd control effects and heals him. When engaging Gangplank, look for opportunities to bait out his W before using your crowd control abilities or committing to an all-in. Consider building the Morellonomicon item to apply Grievous Wounds to Gangplank, reducing his healing from his W ability. This can be effective in trades and all-ins against him. Be mindful of Gangplank's ultimate, Cannon Barrage. It has a global range and can impact team fights and skirmishes across the map. Pay attention to the minimap and communicate with your team to avoid unfavorable engagements when his ultimate is available. Azir's mobility with his E ability, Shifting Sands, can help you dodge Gangplank's barrels and skillshots. Use it to quickly reposition and avoid damage when necessary. Proper vision control is crucial against Gangplank. Ward key areas of the map, including river entrances and the jungle, to spot potential ganks or roams from Gangplank. Communicate with your team if Gangplank leaves the lane to ensure they are aware of his movements. Coordinate with your jungler to apply pressure and potentially secure kills on Gangplank. Gangplank is vulnerable to ganks, especially if he overextends or lacks proper vision. As the game progresses, Azir's scaling and team fight presence become stronger. Focus on positioning yourself correctly in team fights to maximize your damage output and provide utility with your ultimate, Emperor's Divide. Be patient and avoid unnecessary risks against Gangplank. He scales well into the late game, so prioritize farm, map control, and objective control to deny him the opportunity to reach his full potential. Note: Safely farm and prioritize scaling as Azir. Utilize long-range poke to harass Gangplank. Destroy barrels with soldiers to deny his damage. Bait out Gangplank's W before committing to all-ins. Consider building Morellonomicon for Grievous Wounds. Pay attention to Gangplank's global ultimate. Use mobility to dodge barrels and skillshots. Maintain vision control to avoid ganks. Coordinate with the jungler for pressure. Position correctly in team fights. Prioritize farm and deny Gangplank's scaling opportunities.
This matchup tends to favor Azir. Garen relies heavily on his melee abilities and close-range engagements, which Azir can exploit with his long-range poke and superior zoning capabilities. Azir's soldiers can keep Garen at bay, making it challenging for him to reach and engage Azir effectively. However, Garen can be a threat if he manages to close the gap and silence Azir, so maintaining proper positioning and utilizing Azir's mobility is crucial. With careful play and skillful utilization of range advantage, Azir should have the upper hand against Garen in this matchup.
The matchup between Gnar and Azir can be moderately challenging for both champions. Gnar's ability to transform between his Mini Gnar and Mega Gnar forms provides him with a versatile toolkit, including range, crowd control, and mobility. Azir, on the other hand, excels in long-range poke and zone control. In the Mini Gnar form, Gnar has a shorter range and limited crowd control options. This is an opportune time for Azir to utilize his soldiers and poke Gnar from a distance. However, Gnar can still look for trades and engage when his abilities are available. Azir needs to be cautious of Gnar's boomerang and his ability to close the gap with his hop. When Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar, he gains increased range, crowd control, and burst damage. This can be a more challenging phase for Azir, as Mega Gnar can engage and all-in with his ultimate ability, stunning Azir and potentially turning the tide of the fight. Azir needs to maintain good positioning and utilize his range to avoid being caught by Mega Gnar's engage. Overall, Azir has an advantage in the laning phase with his poke and range, but Gnar's ability to engage and trade can pose a threat. Proper positioning, timing, and awareness of Gnar's form and abilities are crucial for Azir to come out ahead in this matchup.
The matchup between Gwen and Azir can be moderately challenging for both champions. Gwen, as a melee AP bruiser, relies on her sustain, mobility, and burst damage to trade with opponents. Azir, on the other hand, excels in long-range poke and zone control. In the laning phase, Gwen will look to close the gap and engage on Azir to unleash her combo. Azir needs to be mindful of Gwen's range and abilities, as she can quickly burst him down if he mispositions. Utilizing Azir's soldiers to keep Gwen at bay and poke her down from a distance can be effective. Gwen's passive, Thousand Cuts, deals bonus magic damage based on the enemy's maximum health. Azir, being a squishy mage, needs to avoid extended trades with Gwen, especially if she can proc her passive multiple times. Instead, Azir should focus on poking and harassing Gwen from range to whittle down her health and limit her all-in potential. Gwen's W, Hallowed Mist, grants her a defensive shield and camouflage when entering it. This ability can make it challenging for Azir to land his poke consistently. Azir should be patient and wait for opportunities when Gwen is vulnerable or her W is on cooldown before attempting to engage or go for extended trades. Gwen's E, Skip 'n Slash, provides her with mobility and a gap-closing tool. Azir needs to be wary of Gwen's ability to quickly close the distance and engage on him. Proper positioning and maintaining a safe distance are key to avoiding Gwen's all-ins. Azir can take advantage of his range and wave-clear potential to push Gwen under the tower, limiting her roaming opportunities. Coordinating with the jungler for ganks can also put Gwen at a disadvantage and allow Azir to gain an advantage in the lane. Overall, the matchup between Gwen and Azir requires careful positioning, smart trading, and effective use of abilities. Azir's range advantage can be a significant factor, but Gwen's burst damage and mobility should not be underestimated. Playing defensively when necessary and capitalizing on opportunities to poke and harass will give Azir the best chance of success in this matchup.
The matchup between Illaoi and Azir can be quite challenging for Azir. Illaoi is a juggernaut champion known for her high damage output and ability to dominate the laning phase. Azir, being a ranged mage, will need to play carefully and utilize his range advantage to avoid falling victim to Illaoi's all-ins. In the laning phase, Illaoi will look to land her E ability, Test of Spirit, on Azir and then follow up with her devastating combo. Azir needs to constantly move and avoid getting hit by Illaoi's E, as it can lead to significant damage and potentially losing control of the lane. Positioning behind minions to block the E tentacle slam can help mitigate the threat. Illaoi's passive, Prophet of an Elder God, allows her tentacles to spawn and attack nearby enemies. Azir needs to be cautious of the tentacles' range and try to avoid their slams. Staying mobile and positioning himself away from the tentacles will help Azir avoid unnecessary damage and harassment. Illaoi's ultimate, Leap of Faith, is a game-changer in team fights. It summons multiple tentacles and increases her damage output dramatically. Azir needs to be aware of Illaoi's ultimate cooldown and play more aggressively when it's down, as it significantly reduces her threat level. Azir should focus on poking and harassing Illaoi from a distance, utilizing his soldiers to chip away at her health. It's important to maintain a safe distance and not get caught in Illaoi's engage range. Azir's range advantage allows him to farm safely and poke Illaoi down, but he should avoid extended trades where Illaoi can utilize her sustain and out-damage him. Building defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Ninja Tabi can help Azir survive Illaoi's burst damage and sustain. Seeker's Armguard provides armor and AP, while Ninja Tabi reduces incoming basic attack damage. These items can give Azir some survivability and allow him to trade more effectively with Illaoi. Coordinating with the jungler for ganks can also be beneficial. Illaoi lacks mobility, and ganks can put her in a vulnerable position. Azir should communicate with his jungler to set up ganks and take advantage of Illaoi's lack of escape tools. Overall, the matchup between Illaoi and Azir heavily favors Illaoi due to her high damage and ability to dominate the laning phase. Azir needs to play defensively, utilize his range advantage, and avoid prolonged trades with Illaoi. Proper positioning and effective poke will be crucial for Azir to survive the laning phase and contribute to team fights later in the game.
The matchup between Irelia and Azir can be moderately challenging for Azir. Irelia is a versatile champion with strong mobility and the ability to burst down targets. Azir will need to play strategically and position himself effectively to outmaneuver Irelia and mitigate her threat. In the laning phase, Irelia will look to engage on Azir and capitalize on her mobility to close the gap. Azir should focus on farming safely and harassing Irelia with his ranged attacks. It's crucial to keep a safe distance and avoid getting hit by Irelia's Bladesurge (Q), as it can lead to further trades or an all-in from Irelia. Irelia's passive, Ionian Fervor, grants her bonus attack speed based on the number of enemy champions nearby. Azir should be mindful of this and avoid prolonged trades when Irelia has stacked her passive. Instead, he should utilize his range advantage to poke and whittle down Irelia's health without committing to extended engagements. Irelia's ultimate, Vanguard's Edge, is a powerful tool for engaging and bursting down targets. Azir needs to be aware of Irelia's ultimate cooldown and play more cautiously when it's available. Getting caught by Irelia's ultimate can result in significant damage and potentially being taken down. Proper positioning and keeping track of Irelia's ultimate will be crucial. Azir can benefit from building defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Zhonya's Hourglass. Seeker's Armguard provides armor and AP, while Zhonya's Hourglass can be used to negate Irelia's burst damage and buy time for teammates to react. These items can give Azir some survivability and allow him to sustain Irelia's engages. Coordinating with the jungler for ganks can also be effective in this matchup. Irelia is vulnerable to crowd control, and a well-timed gank can catch her off guard and give Azir an advantage in lane. Azir should communicate with his jungler to set up ganks and capitalize on Irelia's lack of escape tools. In team fights, Azir should position himself safely and make use of his soldiers' range to deal damage from a distance. Irelia will try to dive onto Azir's backline, so Azir should stay vigilant and peel for himself and his carries with his ultimate ability, Emperor's Divide. Overall, the matchup between Irelia and Azir falls on the moderately challenging side. Azir needs to play carefully, utilize his range advantage, and avoid extended trades with Irelia. Proper positioning, effective poke, and coordination with the jungler will be key to outmaneuver Irelia and come out on top in this matchup.
The matchup between Jax and Azir can be quite challenging for Azir. Jax is a scaling melee champion with strong dueling and split-pushing capabilities. Azir will need to play strategically and rely on his range advantage to poke and control the lane against Jax. In the laning phase, Jax will look to close the gap and engage on Azir. Azir should focus on harassing Jax with his ranged attacks while maintaining a safe distance. It's crucial to avoid Jax's Counter Strike (E), as it can stun Azir and allow Jax to follow up with his combo. Azir should prioritize farming and using his soldiers' range to poke Jax down without putting himself at risk. Jax's passive, Relentless Assault, allows him to deal bonus damage on every third attack. Azir should be cautious when Jax's passive is fully stacked, as it significantly increases his damage output. Azir should try to poke Jax down without allowing him to get his passive fully activated. Jax's ultimate, Grandmaster's Might, grants him additional resistances and an empowered basic attack that deals damage based on his attack damage and ability power. This can make Jax more durable and threatening in all-ins. Azir needs to be mindful of Jax's ultimate cooldown and play more defensively when it's available. Building defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Zhonya's Hourglass can be beneficial for Azir. Seeker's Armguard provides armor and AP, which can help Azir withstand Jax's all-ins. Zhonya's Hourglass can also be a useful tool to avoid Jax's burst damage and buy time for teammates to react. Proper positioning and vision control are essential when facing Jax. Jax is a strong split-pusher, and Azir needs to be aware of his potential to roam and take objectives. Azir should maintain vision control in key areas and communicate with his team to prevent Jax from freely pushing and taking objectives. In team fights, Azir should position himself carefully and make use of his soldiers' range to deal damage from a safe distance. Jax will try to dive onto Azir's backline, so Azir should stay vigilant and peel for himself and his carries with his ultimate ability, Emperor's Divide. Coordinating with the jungler can also be effective in this matchup. Jax is susceptible to crowd control, and a well-timed gank can shut him down and give Azir an advantage in lane. Azir should communicate with his jungler to set up ganks and deny Jax's scaling potential. Overall, the matchup between Jax and Azir falls on the challenging side. Azir needs to play carefully, rely on his range advantage, and avoid prolonged trades with Jax. Proper positioning, effective poke, vision control, and coordination with the team will be key to overcoming Jax's dueling strength and securing victory in this matchup.
The matchup between Jayce and Azir can be moderately challenging for Azir. Jayce is a versatile ranged/melee champion with strong poke and burst potential. Azir will need to play smartly and utilize his range advantage to control the lane against Jayce. In the laning phase, Jayce will aim to poke and harass Azir with his ranged attacks and abilities. Azir should focus on farming safely and using his soldiers' range to poke Jayce from a distance. Be mindful of Jayce's empowered Shock Blast (Q+E) combo, as it can deal significant damage if it connects. Azir should position himself behind minions to minimize the chances of getting hit by Jayce's poke. Jayce's melee form, Hammer Stance, provides him with enhanced dueling potential. Azir should be cautious when Jayce switches to melee form and attempts to engage. Try to maintain distance and use your soldiers' range to chip away at Jayce's health while avoiding prolonged trades. Azir's passive, Shurima's Legacy, allows him to summon a soldier after casting spells. Use this passive to zone Jayce and control the minion wave. By positioning soldiers between you and Jayce, you can discourage him from engaging or poking you effectively. Building defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Zhonya's Hourglass can help Azir withstand Jayce's burst damage. Seeker's Armguard provides armor and AP, while Zhonya's Hourglass can be used to negate Jayce's burst and buy time for your team to react. Vision control is crucial when playing against Jayce. He can roam and make plays in other lanes with his mobility. Ward key areas and keep an eye on the minimap to avoid getting caught off guard by Jayce's rotations or ganks. In team fights, Azir's sustained damage can be valuable. Position yourself carefully and use your soldiers to control space and dish out damage. Be cautious of Jayce's burst potential and try to avoid clumping up, as Jayce can utilize his Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate combo to deal massive damage to grouped targets. Communicating with your team and coordinating engages or disengages can be beneficial in this matchup. Jayce is susceptible to crowd control, and a well-timed engage with Azir's ultimate, Emperor's Divide, can isolate and lock down Jayce for your team to follow up. Overall, the matchup between Jayce and Azir falls on the moderate side of difficulty. Azir needs to use his range advantage to poke and control the lane against Jayce, while also being mindful of Jayce's burst potential. Proper positioning, effective poke, vision control, and coordination with the team will be key to overcoming Jayce's versatility and securing victory in this matchup.
The matchup between Katarina and Azir can be quite challenging for Azir. Katarina is an assassin with high burst damage and mobility, making it difficult for Azir to control the lane and prevent her from all-inning him. In the laning phase, Katarina will look to engage and burst down Azir whenever possible. Azir should prioritize farming and poke Katarina from a safe distance with his soldiers. Use your soldiers to zone her and prevent her from freely engaging onto you. It's important to be mindful of Katarina's Shunpo (E) ability, as she can use it to quickly close the gap and dodge your abilities. Katarina's passive, Voracity, allows her to reset her abilities upon getting a kill or assist. This makes her extremely dangerous in extended fights or skirmishes. Azir should avoid trading for too long and focus on short trades with his soldiers' poke, trying to whittle down Katarina's health without giving her an opportunity to all-in. Building defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Zhonya's Hourglass can be beneficial against Katarina. Seeker's Armguard provides armor and AP, reducing Katarina's burst damage, while Zhonya's Hourglass can be used to negate her all-in burst and buy time for your team to react. Vision control is crucial in this matchup. Katarina is highly mobile and can roam to other lanes to pick up kills. Ward key areas and communicate with your team to prevent her from snowballing and impacting other parts of the map. In team fights, Azir's range and sustained damage can be valuable. Position yourself carefully and use your soldiers to zone Katarina and prevent her from reaching your backline. Save your ultimate, Emperor's Divide, to disrupt her resets and combo potential, potentially separating her from her team and making her vulnerable. It's important to communicate with your team and coordinate crowd control abilities to lock down Katarina and burst her down quickly. If you can shut her down and prevent her from snowballing, it will significantly reduce her threat in team fights. Overall, the matchup between Katarina and Azir falls on the challenging side. Azir needs to play defensively, poke from a distance, and avoid extended trades with Katarina. Building defensive items, maintaining vision control, and coordinating with the team will be crucial to survive the laning phase and prevent Katarina from taking over the game.
The matchup between Kassadin and Azir can be moderately challenging for Azir. Kassadin is a scaling AP assassin with high mobility and the ability to nullify magic damage. Azir will need to establish lane dominance early on and prevent Kassadin from reaching his late-game power spike. In the early levels, Azir has the advantage over Kassadin. Take advantage of your range and poke Kassadin with your soldiers. Harass him whenever he tries to farm and deny him as much gold and experience as possible. Keep in mind that Kassadin's Null Sphere (Q) can block your abilities and nullify magic damage, so try to bait it out before going for an all-in or using your ultimate. Azir's passive, Shurima's Legacy, allows him to summon a soldier after casting spells. Utilize this to zone Kassadin and control the minion wave. By positioning soldiers between you and Kassadin, you can discourage him from engaging or poking you effectively. Be cautious of Kassadin's Riftwalk (R), as it provides him with immense mobility and allows him to close the gap quickly. Avoid prolonged trades with Kassadin, as he can quickly burst you down with his abilities. Instead, focus on short trades and poking from a safe distance. Building defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Zhonya's Hourglass can be beneficial against Kassadin. Seeker's Armguard provides armor and AP, reducing Kassadin's burst damage, while Zhonya's Hourglass can be used to negate his burst and buy time for your team to react. Vision control is crucial in this matchup. Kassadin's mobility makes him a strong roamer. Ward key areas and communicate with your team to prevent him from picking up kills in other lanes and snowballing. In team fights, Azir's sustained damage and crowd control can be valuable. Position yourself carefully and use your soldiers to control space and dish out damage. Save your ultimate, Emperor's Divide, to disengage or peel for your team if Kassadin tries to dive your backline. Coordinate with your team to focus Kassadin in team fights. Burst him down quickly or use crowd control to lock him down and prevent him from using his mobility to escape or reposition. Overall, the matchup between Kassadin and Azir falls on the moderate side of difficulty. Azir needs to establish lane dominance early on and deny Kassadin as much farm and experience as possible. Building defensive items, maintaining vision control, and coordinating with the team will be crucial to prevent Kassadin from scaling and taking over the game.
I like to run electrocute and go night harvester vs her if the enemy team comp isnt tanky enough. If she Qs you put a soldier in front of her and use E as she tries to W you. Sometimes if the enemy is really bursty i like going bone plating on secondary runes. IF you do this build you will need blue buff.
No games vs her. Sorry
Respect his Q range and hitbox. Its a tough lane but it gets better the later the game goes. Late game you are more usefull than he is so use it to your advantage. Ask for ganks or try to roam.
As long as you can press right click and move your mouse properly you are good. If not practice.
He is way easier than you might think. His spells have the shortest range of all so if he wants to Q you, just walk back and use soldiers to poke. If he is ap, react and flash his R and kill him. If not its ok to get hit by it and then try to all in his team.
Pre 6 keep his shield on cooldown and ask for ganks while keeping the wave on a neutral state. After 6 do the same but respecting his Ult cause its a killer. Exhaust might help
Same principle with ahri. Stay away from your minions so she cant use her root efficiently. If you get rooter immidietly place a soldier max range on her so if she tries to throw her spell you poke her too. if she uses her blooming press E away. If she uses her R throw her to your tower.
Very few games against her. try to poke a lot. and push a lot
Dodge. If the enemy seraphine is good you cant lane vs her. Disgusting wave clear that neutralize you. If her team is even going into mid-late game her ult wins every fight.
Try to poke but respect him at the same time. Stay away from his E-W thing as he can heal a lot of the hp you poke from him. After 6 dont play close to his tower as he can shuffle you in as well.
Borefest. Try to farm better than him and poke every now and then. Keep your distance
Ask for ganks. If he uses his spells start poking him. push the wave as much as you can but stay away from your minions. If he hits you then he loses cs to the tower.
Tough lane. They can always stay away from your soldiers if they have a brain so try to respect that. Yasuo Can wind wall your Ult and stop it completely so be carefull about it. Exhaust might be a good idea if you arent comfortable vs him. Push early levels as much as possible and put some deep wards.
Hard to deal with. get advantage early. Once he gets attack speed he becomes harder to deal with. Once he gets lifesteal too he becomes impossible to deal with
Push the wave early levels. If he uses W go agressive once his shadow disappears. Try to dodge is WQE poke. after 6 play under your tower, and try to time your ult with his ult. If you ult just at the right moment you hit him when he comes out of you.
Same principle with lux only a bit harder. If you get hit by sleep youre most likely dead.
Her attack speed buff can make you a machine gun.
Pogger Ult combo
Her attack speed buff can make you a machine gun.
Pogger Ult combo
Champion Build Guide
[14.9]Ascend to Glory - Azir Guide.
By mrsuitsHigh Damage Output
Strong Zone Control
Versatile Scaling
Great Siege Potential
Playmaking Potential
Cons of Playing Azir:
Mechanically Intensive
Fragile and Vulnerable especially early game.
Mana Reliant
Early Game Vulnerability
Dependent on Proper Setup
Ever since azir Base HP regen went down, every time you get poked in lane, you cant regen it back up. It is really low. And thats why we go fleet now. As explained if you play vs a heavy poke laner, lets say for example xerath, id go for Second wind and overgrowth so you have more hp and can regen faster.
If you are playing vs a squishy comp, my usual build is:
Nashors, Sorcs, Shadowflame, Zhonyas, Deathcap, and maybe lichbane or Mejais.
Vs tanky comp, its, Nashors, Sorcs, Liandrys, Zhonyas,Void, Deathcap.
Order of the buildpath after boots could change and you could throw in situational items such as Banshees or morello, depending enemy comp
Also, Ignite, is no longer an option for me personally. Laning sustain is not that great and there will be more times when you will needd to get back to lane fast than when you have killed an opponent. Also after you complete your nashors and boots, you could be looking for potential teleports to side lanes for kills.
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