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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Crimson Curse (PASSIVE)
Briar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You need good vision to counter this champ and your teammates will not give you good vision. Try to get ahead with early invades pre-6 and make sure to track him if you can.
Champion Build Guide
About Me
I play Briar. A lot. 300k mastery points worth. I don't have friends. Only Briar.
I post videos on tiktok, instagram, and youtube (@maxywaxy.xd). :D
I post videos on tiktok, instagram, and youtube (@maxywaxy.xd). :D
Briar Combos & Abilities
Ideal combo:
Late game combo:
When you hit R, use W1 as a dash when you need it.
Profane deals more damage if they have less than 30% health, so using it after W2 is better (since W2 still does bonus damage from missing health if above 30% health)
Late game combo:
When you hit R, use W1 as a dash when you need it.
Profane deals more damage if they have less than 30% health, so using it after W2 is better (since W2 still does bonus damage from missing health if above 30% health)
IT DOES NOT SAY THIS IN GAME, BUT Briar's W reveals nearby enemies within a small radius. I have no clue why they wouldn't mention that. Kind of important.
You can W over walls, but it doesn't really work when trying to escape because you get vision of then and will just run back around the wall UNLESS the path involves you moving far enough away to cancel the W. (For example, if you are in baron pit and W out when they are in baron pit, you will run along the wall towards them but the W will cancel before you get back to them).
Briar has two kinds of frenzies: W frenzy and R frenzy.
W frenzy happens when you cast W, lasts 5 seconds, and ends prematurely only if there are no targets nearby. You can redirect priority of targets by Q'ing a minion or monster, then you will target minions/monsters first instead of champions.
R frenzy happens when you hit R. Casting W during this acts as a dash and doesn't convert it to a W frenzy. You will only target the champ you hit until they die. However, if the target zhonyas or goes invisible, then you will target the next nearest champion until they return. R frenzy will always end when the target dies, even if you cast W during the R frenzy.
Both frenzies can be ended by E.
You can W over walls, but it doesn't really work when trying to escape because you get vision of then and will just run back around the wall UNLESS the path involves you moving far enough away to cancel the W. (For example, if you are in baron pit and W out when they are in baron pit, you will run along the wall towards them but the W will cancel before you get back to them).
Briar has two kinds of frenzies: W frenzy and R frenzy.
W frenzy happens when you cast W, lasts 5 seconds, and ends prematurely only if there are no targets nearby. You can redirect priority of targets by Q'ing a minion or monster, then you will target minions/monsters first instead of champions.
R frenzy happens when you hit R. Casting W during this acts as a dash and doesn't convert it to a W frenzy. You will only target the champ you hit until they die. However, if the target zhonyas or goes invisible, then you will target the next nearest champion until they return. R frenzy will always end when the target dies, even if you cast W during the R frenzy.
Both frenzies can be ended by E.
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