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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard conq setup
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard path
Thousand Cuts (PASSIVE)
Gwen Passive Ability
Thousand Cuts (PASSIVE)
Gwen Passive Ability
Thousand Cuts (PASSIVE)
Gwen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
I hate this champion but as far as late game goes he's okay, more so if you have healing reduction. Lane is just a matter of outspacing him and going for the all in, if you can avoid fighting him and getting poked out that's even better.
I despise her. Too much mobility, stealth, damage and general bs. Avoid fighting her at all costs, especially after 6.
Any ranged top can be ridiculous to lane into for Gwen, Akshan is no different. Although you can all in a bad Akshan player, a good one will just never let you touch them and will constantly squeeze out every advantage he can til you eventually come out as a sack of potatoes vs him.
I faced this recently and by GOD is it unfun. Post 6 all ins are impossible if you don't outplay the wall and even touching him when his flash is up is out of the question. Call for jungle help if possible otherwise just farm under tower with w and pray that ghost all in works.
Not a matchup but by God does this champ destroy you, if she's even mildly ahead she will straight up kill you with 0 counterplay, only way to survive is to ghost and pray.
Another hard to deal with jungler, but if she's not extremely ahead you can deal with her easier than others, I recommend rushing hourglass into a fed one and just praying your team has the damage to kill her.
If she reaches her powerspikes while being even and knows how to space 1v1ing becomes extremely hard, more so if she's running ignite. But before tri-force she lacks damage and without her jungler if you find the right angles and dodge her e you can kill her easily and snowball off her.
I won't even sugarcoat it, if she rushes the correct items you need your jg or you're just dead in every all in.
I am putting this as even since if he decides to go for ap you have a problem. However most Cho'Gath players run for tank so he's not the worst matchup if you can dodge his abilities and find a good all in angle.
Unplayable if he knows what he's doing. If not he will start q and you can start q, get an advantage and possibly find a way to beat him. If he wastes q on a wave and is low, you can all in, though watch out for his flash q. Call for jungle help only if you think you can kill him, rush your items and you can outscale.
Dr. Mundo
Easiest matchup in the game, even with the new items he poses next to 0 threat and can be killed no matter how much poke you take. Hard shove a wave into a bounce back freeze and watch him cry.
Another ap champion that is almost impossible to 1v1 if played correctly. I recommend avoiding trying to all in him if you're not ridiculously ahead.
If you're not banning anything for top lane, I would recommend banning this champ. She can one-shot you easily, makes it impossible to sidelane by just not showing on the map and can shut you down at any stage of the game, ridiculously hard to deal with.
Similar to eve sidelaning into this champ is impossible, he just alters the game so much that playing is night impossible if he's good.
I don't know how to beat this champ, I have come upon good Fioras and bad ones, seen any build, runes and summoner combos. I just don't know how to do anything into it. Would be my permaban if she was any more popular. Just try to stick to walls if she all ins you, protect your vitals and stay calm, if you come out of lane even you might not get dove on side lane and could even win a teamfight.
If the gp isn't good this matchup is trivial, just all in with ghost and kill. If however they can land their barrels and build properly, they can even 1v1 you late game which is insane. Try to shut him down early if possible and dodge at least one barrel combo with your w.
I love that this champ isn't played as much anymore. Phase rush garen is the most unexpected counter in existence. But if the garen sucks at spacing you can just w his q spin combo and then dps him to death. His ult still shuts you down late game however.
If played properly this matchup can suck a lot, but who plays gnar lmao. Try to find all in windows when he's wasted his mega and dodge the rest of his abilities when possible. Do not limit test too much or he will run away with the game.
Ap gragor can just poke you under tower, cancel your all ins and if you ult just disengage and do it all over again. Call for help or try to dodge his body slam into w for his ult into an all in (yes it's hard but it's the only way I've ever been able to beat that matchup.)
If fed this champion can run you over, anything hyper mobile does but hecarim is special for how hard he is to shutdown if he just wants to save ult for you.
Only call for help if you're sure you can 2v1 him. If not suck it up and try to scale. It's almost impossible to find all ins into him.
A good illaoi can win this but if you can just bait out her e with your w and run her down it's over. Do keep in mind that if she ever hits e though she will kill you even if you're 8/0 so try to run away if she tags you with it.
Wits end sucks but all in all this matchup is manageable. Dodge her e in any way possible and it should be possible to just kill her, just remember not to combo your q and ult since she's very mobile and missing too many spells your demise.
My personal permaban. You can't autoattack into him to reset e or stack q, he will jump on you and he can dive you. He also outscales if he builds well! Personally just ban this champ or call for jungle help and pray you can scale harder.
I have yet to face this matchup this season but I can tell you it's not the best. However if the jayce player isn't good they will waste hammer form then switch to cannon setting their ult on cd, which is when you can all in.
I wish beating this champ was as telegraphed as it seems. Pre 6 you can beat him though you should watch out since he has too much mobility. Post 6 I would recommend freezing a wave under tower and just farming to scale. If he ults you just try to kite away and keep calm.
He doesn't straight up outscale you, but it's comparable and I've seen it as a counterpick since it's hard to kill him. If you want to just pray he gets cocky and overextends with his ults.
She might be the only top laner to reliably outscale you but beating her is possible. Remember that her ult cd is always higher early game so not matter how the last all in went, try to ult her off cooldown on the next one. Although she can beat you late, kiting her in her ult is always possible and can give you unexpected wins.
Rush merc treads, only all in if he has wasted his e. In late game be weary of him since he can oneshot you in teamfights.
Try to poke him when his w is on cooldown (his weapon won't be glowing). If he gets his remount don't panic and try to reposition, if you can poke him out of it again he's dead.
Impossible to catch, high damage and a hard cc ult... what's not to love about Lillia.
If he's running comet you should still go doran's ring just for mana to w it. Sustain properly in lane and try to set up all ins with freezes, if not don't panic and try to gain advantages through side lane.
Easy to deal with, a little hard to kill but that doesn't mean you don't outscale him. If he wastes his q and is low you can look for an all in. If you get a good freeze and his jungle doesn't break it he's stuck for the rest of the game.
Master Yi
Buy hourglass and pray your team has cc.
This used to be easier last season... but now that there are better mr options and liandry's and riftmakes are perfect on him, you gotta pray he doesn't just build mr and ult you every fight. If you're all inning him do not w until the death realm is up and when it is, do not panic, try to dodge his q while landing yours.
Setup freezes and try to take advantage of being better than him early. If you're struggling with 1v1s don't be afraid to rush healing reduction.
If she's playing on hit neeko top... then welcome to hell! You can't all in her and if she has braincells to use her w properly you will never touch her. Your best bet is her falling off late game and you winning teamfights.
Joke of a matchup from what I've experienced. Dodge her q and if she uses w forward just kill her.
If played well he can straight up dive you and 2v1 you and your jg. If not however you can kite him to infinity and just kill him. Try to dodge his q in lane and only take trades when your q is fully stacked or he can't reach for e.
Due to the new mr items this matchup can go wrong very quickly but if you are patient and wait for him to waste his e, you can always all in and kill him. Just pray he doesn't know what kaenic rush is...
Avoid interacting at all costs. If he's good he will just tap q and never die to you with good e usage. Do not combo your abilities when all inning and pray he doesn't rush mr. You beat him later.
I am so glad this champion isn't played anymore. Her poke is out of this world for a straight up tank. try avoiding sticking next to walls and poke back with melee q into using e to dodge her own. Late game is you're even you beat her.
If she uses e try all inning and hoping she doesn't just outspeed. Her e places her out of your w. Perma ping if she's missing so she doesn't snowball from your lanes.
He rushes healing reduction but is easy to deal with for you. Just pray your teammates are that lucky when you have to side or you're stuck looking at him proxying for the rest of the game...
Rush boots, fight him early if his rage is low since you can win pre 6 if he's not running ignite. After 6 try to not interact with him til you have your spikes. You hard outscale.
Rush boots if possible and healing reduction if you're struggling. A good all in can always kill him no matter how behind you are.
Rush defensive boots and pray she sucks. After 6 avoid interacting and pray she wastes ult for some dumb all in. You can outscale her, but she can win in many scenarios since that champ is just overbuffed...
Tons of damage, hard to deal with shield and runs ignite... what's not to love. Frankly I haven't faced a good enough rumbled but with the new items he's definitely dangerous. If ahead you statcheck him but if not he can just kite and kill you.
Avoid interacting with him early lane. If he wastes w you can all in, if he wastes e you can poke. If you can w his own w you should win out. Rush defensive boots and always be weary of him since his w can oneshot you late.
If he's not running ignite you can always kill him. Try to bait out his e, if you can dodge it you should win. If you're ahead perma shove to stop him from ulting other lanes.
Dodge her e and all in when possible, set up a good freeze and it should be free.
This champion with the new items is exodia. I have yet to figure out a way to outscale him... Just pray he doesn't choose to fight you and stick under tower. Poke as much as possible and try to combo your abilities after he uses his flip.
Impossible for him to kill you without jungle as long as you dodge his q. Annoying to deal with in side but if you can bait him out a little you can just run him down.
Have yet to play this matchup this season but it's generally easy to run him down if you dodge his e. If you're struggling rush healing reduction.
Tahm Kench
Try to stay away from him if you're close to his tower. You outscale hard later.
Very hard to deal with in lane, but if you freeze and poke him enough you can all in. Just extremely broken late at the moment.
Poke him with melee q, then dash away. If he ults try to kite it out, though you can usually face tank him early. Be weary of him on side.
Rush boots. Kite as much as possible and try to get him to shove in all the time. If he ults to dive you keep calm and try to kite. You win in teamfights.
Fight him early you win if he's not ad with q start. You generally outscale and outpoke him so it's easy to win.
Start e if you're struggling with this. Respect him early and save your e for his. If you dodge it you should win. You can win on teamfights but if you get hit by e on side you always lose.
Play back. If she wastes her e then all in, especially pre 6. Do not combo your abilities since she's pretty mobile.
Let him hard shove in and avoid interacting. If you find the opportunity to poke then go ahead, but never let him w you twice. You outscale later.
Hardest matchup to lane into. You never win fights and he always out-sustains you in the long run. Try to play out of range and if you get an advantage don't be afraid to rush healing reduction. Never ever extend fights vs him. You outscale him 1v1.
Monke has strong all in but that's it. Rush boots if needed and try not to combo your abilities since he's mobile. You outscale him in all aspects.
Hard to 1v1 early and snowballs a lot. Rush boots and try not to get all your ults windwalled. Respect his level 2 spike. and general mobility.
Counters you at all stages of the game and is impossible to side into. Rush boots and be calm when he uses e and try to fight back. You can win all ins early if you space well.
If he's rushing lethality he might be rough but all you have to do is dodge his e. If you can also save your e for his cage or just wait for late when you can just perma dash in and out you can just all in and kill him at any stage.
Step on blobs and dodge his e. You outscale hard on side but can always be oneshot so be weary.
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