The Fatman Nuke.
The embodiment of arsenic and bullshittery for any fiddlesticks player. Ban or pray that your not against one. Two bumps that cancel ult channels and siphons and as of late, broken ap burst damage. EVADE AT ALL COSTS ! and if unavoidable, authorisation for the Racist Build is granted.
The Empress of Nothing (litteraly).
Hard to fight early, with a bump and healing that over classes the damage than can be dealt. Fear and run. Unless with a teammate, and even then, you are squishy.
The Bull(shitter).
Masses of cc and bumps, unfightable unless he's on full cooldowns.
The lesbian edgyness.
Try and dodge the Q. Don't engage on full health as she will burst you down, even early. He ult takes you out of siphon and ult channels.
The ' I want my Mummy ' stereotype. A lot of cc and tankiness. Evade early and mid. Though you might roll over him in certain situations very early or end of mid game, entry into late game.
The Feet Pic mistress.
Even unless she lands ult. Her healing outclasses yours and lethality is obviously funny when played on her. Bait or fear and if she used her cc, it should be pretty straightforward.
The poster boy.
High Damage, a bump, and movespeed to chasse you down when your almost dead. Fear and run, or engage when he is low on hp or when your with a teammate.
The suffix of that one chinese phone brand.
Pokes you to death. Avoid.
Fear and run. Take trades at your peril. A fear, a 'bump'.
The Sand Bird.
A bump with his ult and burst ap damage. Add to that the fact that he can run away pretty efficiently, and you get a problem.
Engage when low on hp or when your with a teamate. Fear and run if evenly matched.
The Robot Milf.
High Damage, a stun/bump, and an isolation in the form of her ult.
A pain if not low on health. Straightforward with teammates.
Fear and run in any other situation or trade at your peril.
The ice archer. Squishy and slow. Break her.
Beware of the slow though, it can impede you more than you think. The Ult stuns. Time your siphons well.
The flame boy.
Burn damage, a stun if already under dot effect and one of the most balanced ults I have ever seen in my life. Evade or Trade at your own peril.
Fear and run.
The Chocolate Enthusiast.
A tank, so low damage. high cc. three bumps, one slow. Dangerous at all times. Trade at your peril.
Fear and run.
The ice cream bird.
A stun, a wall and a slow. High AP damage. A danger. Low HP though. Capitalize on it.
The Sasugay Stereotype (really rito ?)
A bump in red kayn and speed in blue kayn. With the new meta, this one (who used to be clapable with your eyes closed) now breaks your neck at all stages of the game unless he's 0/6 and even then... If competent and in red kayn, he will bump you out of ult and siphon. When he ults, zhonya is the greatest item in the universe. Only a question of timing now. But, officially, an anoyance beyond words now.
The ghost man.
Surpringly, now a real danger (wow rito !), the Karthussy has : a q which does more damage when your alone, and a barrier that slows and reduces your magic resist. A veritable danger. Fear and run and trade at your own peril are more than definit.
the Rock Hard aNgEl.
Anti-mage. A bump, a cc. Need I say more ?
The Cock ROACH!
If isolated, an emmediate burst down. Fear and run or trade at your own peril are appliable. If in a group or you whole team, HUNT AND SQUASH.
The Jacula (also known as Epstein's Best Friend...)
A cc, high damage and a kidnaping attempt every 10 seconds. Evade if alone. Fear and run or trade at your own peril. If in team, HUNT AND ARREST.
The Only Decent Vilain in League (lol) :
A cc, and an isolation in his ult. Never fight head on. In a team, attempt to, but beware of ult. Fear and Run and Trade at your own peril.
The Fish man.
Extremely High ap burst, one evade and a bump in his ult. A pain the ass when ganking and absolutely unbalanced damage scaling.
Fear and run (if you can) and Trade at your own peril.
The Biggest Heart and C- shield...shield, in Runeterra.
A slow and a passive which can cc, his ult bumps... beware when he's with his adc, unless you managed to land a perfect ult. Trade at your own peril.
The Horse.
An interupt with his charge and ult. Can screw up your ult and siphon. He runs fast as well... (obviously...)
Fear and Run and Trade at your own peril.
The Heimerdonger.
Cc with the grenade and the turrets... my god. So many.
Evade at all costs.
Hit your ult fully or die.
Trade at your own peril and Fear and run.
The Brownskin PAWG.
A pain. Cc in ult and tether. High ap burst damage. Don't get caught off guard by the movespeed on her shield.
Jarvan IV
The Dragon Fucker.
A bump with his charge and his ult isolates. Can be tanky and do a lot of damage so be careful. Fear and run or trade at your own peril.
The Lesbian Duelitst.
A pain. High damage and tanky. Her parry tanks the fear and her ult can floor you. Beware of the dashes. Fear and run (time it well...)
The eater of STONK.
A bump (interrupts ult channel and siphon), a silence and a slow.
Really funny to play against unless you bring liandry's. Fear and Run.
The Stereotype of Seduction.
Her charm interupts ult channel and siphon. Be warned. High Damage burst. Fear and Run or surprise with ult.
The counterfit scary champ.
His fear interupts. High Damage and high attack speed. fighting him early is unwise and he can tank your fear with his spellshield.
Fear and run (if possible).
Rito's attempt at representing the hood.
Very high damage, a stun (interupts) and focused damage with a slow.
Fear and run or trade at your own peril.
The flower fanatic.
beware of the movespeed. Evade his rifle shot as it ccs.
Squishy, but he may heal or just kill you. Make it quick.
The middle man (or machine in this case).
A silence with his ult and a grab that can put an end to you if his teamates are nearby. His bump is also deadly for any siphons and ult channels.
Trade at your own peril.
The demon stereotype.
His Qs bump... all of them. A PAIN ! His cage interupts also. An impossibility to fight.
Fear and RUN !
Viego's Sex Doll.
Her Q hurts a lot. No bumps or stuns but very high ap damage.
Fear and Run or Trade at your own peril.
The thicc ninja stereotype.
No stuns, but an extraordinarily high damage potential at all stages of the game.
Fear and run or Trade at your own peril.
Aurelion Sol
The most arrogant MF I have ever seen.
High ap damage, a cc ult. A pain. If low hp, hunt to kill.
Fear and run or trade at your own peril.
The Roach's unofficial main.
High Burst AD Damage, will not give you a siphon opportunity because " BARRELS ! " and he has an anti fear.
Just run. or engage with team.
The hard, armored... whatever.
A pull in which cc's (interrupts siphon and ult channel. The bleed can be countered if you heal fast eough. High AD damage.
Fear and run or trade at your own peril.
Third Q stack bumps (interrupts ult channel and siphon, ult does the same as it sends you all the way to Ethiopia.
Fear and run.
Off budget Kurama.
A charm (interrupts), and high movespeed coupled with damage.
A pain.
Dr. Mundo
A tank with a lot of hp and with a Q that scales off hp.
Hard to fight 1v1 + an anti cc passive.
Fear and run (if passive used) or trade at your own peril.
The Snake Maiden.
A kit centered around poking. Low health, and a lot of slows, silences, ects...
Avoid fighting head on.
Fear and run or trade at your own risk.
The Lesbian Sniper.
A poke machine. Same as cass. Cc and an ult that now almost one shots you at half hp. But, low hp.
Try and not fight head on.
Fear and run or trade at your own risk.
Welcome to your resident Fiddlesticks mains guide for : A Psycopath's Guide to Sprinkledicks Jungle.
In this guide you will find tips, tricks and information regarding the scarecrow and his kit.
Please enjoy and read thoroughly to understand every nook and crany of intel proposed.
You will also find creations from the depths of insanity and back (but who work in some situation) and exotic as well as traditional builds alike. I don't discriminate (even though I find that the recent aditions have soured fiddles time in game greatly...)
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