League of Legends (LoL) Question: After Tear what should I build?
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Tear of the Goddess

After Tear what should I build?
Streamers have said wonders about the Tear and it actually fits a lot into Taric needs but
a) shall I upgrade it to Manamune for more hitting power
b) may I go Archangel's (even though the cost) for more healing power
c) or just sell it after I get the rest of my build?
a) shall I upgrade it to Manamune for more hitting power
b) may I go Archangel's (even though the cost) for more healing power
c) or just sell it after I get the rest of my build?
I think Taric have problems with mana only ealry-mid game. you should not upgrade your tear until it the last item you can improve.
I recommend to finish the build with one more utility support item or tank item such as frozen heart.
late game it feels like Taric have enough mana and you can recall after each fight to restore it. But remember it better to have a full item then nothing so i upgrade to