Master Yi Ability (LoL): Alpha Strike
Alpha Strike Master Yi

Range: 600
Cooldown: 20
/ 19.5
/ 19
/ 18.5
/ 18
Cost: 50
/ 55
/ 60
/ 65
/ 70
This ability can strike the same enemy repeatedly if there are no other targets, dealing 7.5 / 15 / 22.5 / 30 / 37.5 (+0.125 per attack damage) damage for subsequent hits, for a maximum single target total of 52.5 / 105 / 157.5 / 210 / 262.5 (+0.875 per attack damage) physical damage.
This move is, on its own, probably OP, and a good reason why an AP Master Yi is viable
Annoyingly hard to dodge if used well
This move is, on its own, probably OP, and a good reason why an AP Master Yi is viable
Annoyingly hard to dodge if used well
Motherfcking amen to that!
Combining this skill with Alpha Strike, targeting a champ and double-hitting them, is a superb way of harassing, but for those casters/ranged with heavy damage its not always easy doing it this way without taking too much damage yourself. In fact these heroes makes your life pretty hard as you are squishy, and it might be risky just to land on their mobs. If this is the chase, try targeting mobs JUST before they die, as if they die while you are in Alpha Strike you will not land on the dead mob, but on the spot from where you cast Alpha Strike!
Mid/late-game you also want to not cast it instantly, but try to cast it JUST as the other players use skills for getting away, like Rocket Jump, Tryndas spin, or even flash. Master this and you will be an unbeatable chaser.
Last if you got a summoner spell slot you dont know what to use for, you can combine Alpha Strike with Clearvoiance to use it as an escaping-tool in jungle, lizard and golem are great gateways for escape as your speed does the rest.
Annoyingly hard to dodge if used well