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League of Legends (LoL) Question: amm how do i place barrels?!

Posted in Champions | Tags: Gangplank 3,714

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    amm how do i place barrels?!

    i have some issues with the gang combo, placing a barrel in like same time with the Q blowing other barrel u know, how should i place thoose things?
  • Answers (2)

    unownreality (2) | December 30, 2018 12:22pm
    place two barrels and while they are ticking down to 1, pop the q and place the third barrel at whatever location you want to blow up.
    GameTheory345 (2) | January 4, 2019 7:24pm
    When you place a barrel, it has 3 health. It only explodes when either it ticks down to one health or you hit it 3 times. Ideally, you'll want to drop a barrel and auto it once to reset your passive and bring it down to 1 health. You'll also notice that the barrels have a radius (the transparent circle around the barrel). Your barrels' radius must intersect in order for them to chain together when they explode.
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